Explorer-Cadet Fire Fighting Weekend Code of Conduct

Explorer-Cadet Fire Fighting Weekend Code of Conduct

As a participant in the Illinois Fire Service Institute Explorer-Cadet Firefighting School, I have fulfilled all requirements as indicated in the Class Brochure and Registration form including the University of Illinois, Fire Service Institute Fire Training acknowledgement of conditions. As stated, training is potentially hazardous, certainly strenuous, and that it is impossible to eliminate all of the potential hazards.

Fully accepting this statement, I recognize that I may be able to minimize the potential for injury and maximize my training experience by maintaining healthy habits while participating in this practical, hands-on class by doing the following:

Maintaining a team approach with my fellow firefighters, Explorers, Cadets, chaperones and advisory – REMEMBER “I am my brother’s and sister’s keeper” when it comes to firefighting, EMS, rescue and hazardous materials.

Wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment while participating in the drills. All interior drills require full turn out gear and SCBA. Unless otherwise told all exterior drills will require a minimum of helmets, gloves and steel toe boots.

Wearing a helmet when going for breathing air, rehab, water, or restroom breaks and passing near a building where drills are being conducted.

Wearing my turn out gear appropriately. Once I have left the live fire environment and my crew is out and accounted for I shall open up my gear and remove the coat, open up the bunker pants, remove hood, gloves and helmet (if far enough away from the building), keeping track of all and consume water.

Seek help if I begin to feel ill. Any change of health should be treated as a dangerous condition.

Consume water constantly. Drills will not start until my water bottle is filled to ¾ minimum from a drinking fountain, faucet, or water cooler…NOT FROM FIRE HOSE!

I understand that nourishment is required since I will be expending a large amount of energy and will consume breakfast and lunch as required. I will consume a snack whenever possible.

I understand that adequate rest is required also. I agree to be in my dorm or motel room by 10:30 p.m. each evening with lights out by 11:00 p.m. Room checks will be conducted by chaperones, advisors and spot checks by IFSI staff. I further agree to be at my assigned station ready to train by 1:15 p.m. Thursday, 8:15 a.m. Friday, Saturday & Sunday.

I understand that I represent the fire department that has sponsored me and the University of Illinois Fire Service Institute while attending and will not bring discredit to either by:

Consuming alcoholic beverages, illicit drugs or any controlled substances, theft or destruction of property not belonging to me or my department, any violation of city ordinances, University of Illinois Rules, or conduct unbecoming an Explorer, Cadet, Firefighter, or sworn officer as deemed by the Illinois Fire Service Institute Staff.

Supervision while participating in drills shall be IFSI staff and Advisors and chaperones responsibility. Supervision in the dormitory and motels shall be the adult advisors and chaperones responsibility.

No unauthorized cameras are allowed at IFSI training or IFSI sponsored training events. The unauthorized use of cameras may lead to confiscation of the camera.

It is understood that any violation of the underlined rules above or any overt action deemed detrimental to the health or safety of self or others will result in immediate removal from the program, a call to the sponsoring fire department chief, and no refund will be given.

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