City of Riceville

City of Riceville

Regular Session

February 9, 2009

Riceville City Council met in regular session on February 9, 2009. Mayor Fister called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Roll call was taken: present was Byrnes, Foss, Harnack, Lewis, and Patrick.

Foss made the motion, seconded by Byrnes to approve the agenda. Roll call vote 5-0.

Byrnes made the motion, seconded by Lewis to approve the minutes from the meeting held January 19, 2009. Roll call vote 5-0.

Mitchell County Supervisor was present with a request to enter into a 28E Agreement regarding a 20 year urban renewal plan to include the wind farms and bike trail for TIF purposes. Council member Byrnes introduced RESOLUTION 9-2009 entitled RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE DOCUMENTS TO ENTER INTO THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING AGREEMENT WITH MITCHELL COUNTY. Patrick was second to adopt. Roll call vote: Ayes – Byrnes, Foss, Harnack, Lewis, and Patrick. Nays: (none). Whereupon, the Mayor declared Resolution 9-2009 PASSED AND APPROVED this Ninth day of February 2009.

S/ Dana Fister, Mayor


S/ Crystal Kobliska, City Clerk

Luann Murphy presented the Council with the audit report. She went through the report and answered questions from the council. Motion by Harnack, seconded by Lewis to accept the audit report. Roll call vote 5-0.

Brenda Dryer spoke regarding the tax increment financing recommendation. Ken Paxton updated council on Howard County economic development.

Steve Christensen asked if the Rural Fire Board would be able to by-pass the City and put in matching funds to the Howard County IRP loan program.

Steve Christensen also presented the possibility of extending the community center into the old fire station. It has been an idea that was suggested and tossed around, but nothing is being investigated further and no formal request is being made at the present time.

Mayor Fister read the police report presented by Chief Krukow. Chief also addressed Council in regards to a bike rodeo to learn more about bike safety. The group is also asking for volunteers. It will be held May 22, with a rain date of May 26.

The public hearing was opened at 7:35 pm. After due consideration, Harnack moved that additional action on the lease-purchase agreement/loan agreement be adjourned to the next City Council meeting to be held at 6:00 pm on February 26, 2009 at City Hall. The motion was seconded by Byrnes. Roll call vote 5-0.

Mayor Fister made the first reading of the Pet Ordinance amendment. Foss made the motion, seconded by Lewis to approve the first reading. Roll call vote: ayes – Byrnes, Foss, Lewis, and Patrick; nays – Harnack, 4-1, motion carried.

Mayor Fister made the first reading of the No Parking Ordinance amendment. Harnack made the motion, seconded by Patrick to approve the first reading. Roll call vote, 5-0.

The public hearing was closed at 8:22 pm.

Keith Eastman was present to request a controlled burn for the fire department’s practice at 410 East Main Street. Harnack made the motion, seconded by Byrnes to approve the controlled burn, taking into consideration the rules and guidelines set forth by the City’s insurance.

Council member Foss introduced RESOLUTION 10-2009 entitled RESOLUTION APPROVING THE RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR ANDY’S MINI MART LIQUOR LICENSE. Harnack was second to adopt. Roll call vote: Ayes – Byrnes, Foss, Harnack, Lewis, and Patrick. Nays: (none). Whereupon, the Mayor declared Resolution 10-2009 PASSED AND APPROVED this Ninth day of February 2009.

S/ Dana Fister, Mayor


S/ Crystal Kobliska, City Clerk

Foss made the motion, seconded by Harnack to rescind the motion to accept the restroom bid from Pickar Plumbing and Heating for $25,951. Roll call vote 5-0. Pickar Plumbing and Heating submitted bids for just options 2 and 3, as follows. Electric bid $5,600, plumbing bid $3,700. Council member Byrnes introduced RESOLUTION 11-2009 entitled RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS FOR THE PARK RESTROOM PROJECT FROM L & S MASONRY FOR $7,967, PICKAR PLUMBING & HEATING FOR $5,600 AND $3,700. Patrick was second to adopt. Roll call vote: Ayes – Byrnes, Foss, Harnack, Lewis, and Patrick. Nays: (none). Whereupon, the Mayor declared Resolution 11-2009 PASSED AND APPROVED this Ninth day of February 2009.

S/ Dana Fister, Mayor


S/ Crystal Kobliska, City Clerk

Byrnes made the motion, seconded by Foss to accept the land donation for a farmer’s market. Roll call vote, 5-0, motion carried.

Mayor Fister established department appointments. The same appointments were made as last year.

Mayor Fister appointed Crystal Kobliska as City Clerk, Kathryn Levorson as treasurer, and Alta Faubert as deputy clerk effective through December 31, 2010.

I, Crystal Kobliska, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Iowa, and that I will faithfully and impartially, to the best of my ability, discharge all the duties of the office of city clerk of Riceville, Iowa AS NOW OR HEREAFTER REQUIRED BY LAW.


Crystal Kobliska

Term effective 1/1/09 through 12/31/10

Subscribed and sworn to before me on this Ninth day of February 2009.


Dana Fister, Mayor

City of Riceville

I, Kathryn Levorson, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Iowa, and that I will faithfully and impartially, to the best of my ability, discharge all the duties of the office of city treasurer of Riceville, Iowa AS NOW OR HEREAFTER REQUIRED BY LAW.


Kathryn Levorson

Term effective 1/1/09 through 12/31/10

Subscribed and sworn to before me on this ___ day of __________ 2009.


Crystal Kobliska, City Clerk

City of Riceville

I, Alta Jean Faubert, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Iowa, and that I will faithfully and impartially, to the best of my ability, discharge all the duties of the office of deputy city clerk of Riceville, Iowa AS NOW OR HEREAFTER REQUIRED BY LAW.


Alta Jean Faubert

Term effective 1/1/09 through 12/31/10

Subscribed and sworn to before me on this ___ day of __________ 2009.


Crystal Kobliska, City Clerk

The hazard mitigation plan was discussed. Clerk is to check for availability and set up the first meeting for the end of March 2009.

The 4 x 4 blade is still in the shop. There are no price estimates at this point.

The control at the pump house is malfunctioning. More information is to be ready for the meeting February 26.

Byrnes made the motion, seconded by Lewis to approve Chief Krukow to attend a class in Decorah. Roll call vote 5-0.

Harnack made the motion, seconded by Byrnes to approve Dave to attend a class in Manchester with a cost of $13. Roll call vote 5-0.

Councilmember Patrick introduced Resolution 8-2009 entitled, RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING SALARIES FOR FY209-2010: ARNOLD KRUKOW - $37,400/YR; RANDY KEPHART - $30,000/YR WITH ANOTHER $500 INCREASE WHEN CERTIFICATIONS ARE OBTAINED; CRYSTAL KOBLISKA - $30,500/YR; DAVID FELPER - $33,250/YR; ALTA FAUBERT - $9.27/HR; ARNOLD FELPER - $10.30/HR; KATHRYN LEVORSON - $11.33/HR and moved for adoption. Second to adopt was Lewis. Ayes – Byrnes, Foss, Harnack, Lewis, and Patrick. Nays – (none). Whereupon the Mayor declared the Resolution 2-2009 PASSED AND APPROVED by the Riceville City Council this Ninth day of February 2009.

S/ Dana Fister, Mayor


S/ Crystal Kobliska, City Clerk

The budget was discussed.

Harnack made the motion, seconded by Byrnes to approve the bills, including Howard County Economic Development. Roll call vote 5-0.

| |January 2009 Disbursements | | |

| | | | |

|Check |To Whom |Amt |Purpose |

|18486 |Craig Wolthoff |130.00 |water deposit refund |

|18487 |FSB |3572.33 |withholding |

|18488 |IPERS |1621.48 |withholding |

|18489 |Iowa Workforce Development |108.21 |unemployment tax |

|18490 |State of Iowa |1444.06 |withholding |

|18491 |Postmaster |42.00 |stamps |

|18492 |Illinois Student Assistance Commission |305.52 |scheduled payroll deduction |

|18493 |Arnold Krukow |1021.25 |1/2 Jan wages |

|18494 |Diane Brownell |218.88 |1/2 Jan wages |

|18495 |Jim Cross |498.79 |1/2 Jan wages |

|18496 |Randy Kephart |873.94 |1/2 Jan wages |

|18497 |Crystal Kobliska |786.49 |1/2 Jan wages |

|18498 |Arnold Felper |580.10 |1/2 Jan wages |

|18499 |David Felper |988.40 |1/2 Jan wages |

|18500 |State of Iowa |1531.91 |sales tax |

|ACH115 |TASC |257.66 |flex plan |

|18501 |Circle K Communications |105.00 |battery & repairs |

|18502 |Walk & Murphy |309.10 |legal advice |

|18503 |NAPA |273.06 |repairs |

|18504 |Iowa One Call |1.80 |locates |

|18505 |Omnitel |304.94 |telephone |

|18506 |Heiman |130.10 |siphon |

|18507 |Pioneer Products |225.86 |cleaners |

|18508 |Ziegler |443.34 |snow blades |

|18509 |True North |3626.68 |health insurance |

|18510 |EBS |29.00 |psf administration |

|18511 |Quill |89.99 |printer toner |

|18512 |Utility Equipment |120.76 |parts |

|18513 |Southside Truck Parts |44.74 |snow blade part |

|18514 |Hanson Tire Service |252.50 |grader tire repairs |

|18515 |NIACOG |550.00 |housing grant match |

|18516 |Howard County Economic Development |2400.00 |2009 dues |

|18517 |SA-SO Company |41.26 |name plate |

|18518 |Johnson Accounting |106.50 |computer repairs |

|18519 |Riceville BP Food Shop |1063.24 |fuel |

|18520 |Buckwheat & Sons |2535.50 |street repairs |

|18521 |Evans Printing & Publishing |73.50 |publications |

|18522 |Peachey's Family Market |6.99 |shop supplies |

|18523 |Linkenmeyer Construction |7158.75 |snow removal |

|18524 |Pat Theis |58.13 |afterschool reading |

|18525 |NCLSA |99.00 |meeting |

|18526 |Baker & Taylor Books |20.27 |books |

|18527 |Jacques Lamarche |14.95 |books |

|18528 |Iowa Office Supply |77.02 |operating supplies |

|18529 |Demco |63.26 |circulation supplies |

|18530 |FMC Solid Waste |828.06 |Dec landfill fees |

|18531 |MET |79.00 |testing |

|18532 |IMFOA |30.00 |dues |

|18533 |Riceville Lumber Company |2921.81 |fuel |

|18534 |Alliant Energy |1893.52 |electric |

|18535 |Union Public Library |11.99 |books |

|18536 |Electronic Engineering |572.00 |pager replacement |

|18537 |Heiman |57.09 |repairs |

|18538 |Riceville Rural Fire Assocation |3649.50 |1/2 half year wages |

|18539 |Winneshiek Coop |18.00 |recylcing weight tickets |

|18540 |Terry's Autobody |211.50 |4x4 wiring |

|18541 |Riceville True Value |143.54 |ice melt/shop/building |

|18542 |Riceville Insurance Agency |39.00 |block building |

|18543 |Peachey's Family Market |27.79 |supplies |

|18544 |Doubleday Book Club |124.94 |books |

|18545 |Guideposts |35.68 |books |

|18546 |Scholastic |55.93 |books |

|18547 |Iowa Outdoors |7.00 |periodicals |

|18548 |GE Capital |179.04 |lease payment |

|18549 |Columbia House |59.67 |videos |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Total |45151.32 | |

|January 2009 Receipts |

|General |9091.68 |

|Employee Benefits |121.78 |

|Option Tax |5444.05 |

|Road Use Tax |4835.55 |

|Sewer |1413.82 |

|Water |2294.48 |

|FD Bldg |50.00 |

|Totals |23251.36 |

Mayor Fister adjourned the meeting at 9:24 pm.

S/ Dana Fister, Mayor


S/ Crystal Kobliska, City Clerk


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