
Board of Education Meeting Minutes

Date: April 14, 2017

Time: 9:37 a.m.

Place: St. Charles Visitors Center, St. Charles, Illinois

APPROVED: May 19, 2017

IO 1.0 CALL TO ORDER by Member Tresa Dunbar Garrett at 9:37 a.m.

1. Roll Call

1.2. Board Members Present: Teresa Dunbar Garrett, Patrick Griffin, Dr. Heather Dalmage, and David Green

1.3 Board Members Absent: President Heidi Mueller, Candice Smith, and

Jennifer Vidis

1.4. Others present: Gloria J. Davis, Superintendent of Schools; Dr. Sophia Jones-Redmond, Assistant Superintendent of Schools; Esther Yahnig, Assistant Legal Counsel; Dr. Bambi Bethel-Leitschuh, Director of Special Education; Rachel Brady, Equip for Equality; Ms. Julissa Muniz, John Howard Association; and Maurice McAllister, Recorder


2.1 Approval of Agenda

Member Dunbar Garrett motioned to move the approval of the agenda. Member

Dalmage motioned to approve the agenda and Member Green seconded.

Voice Vote

Aye; Unanimous

Nay; None

Motion Carries

2.2 Approval of Minutes for January 20, 2017

Member Dunbar Garrett motioned to approve the January 20, 2017 minutes with

no corrections. Member Dalmage motioned to approve the minutes and Member Griffin seconded.

Voice Vote

Aye; Unanimous

Nay; None

Motion carries

IO 3.0 Public Participation

No public comments.


Superintendent Gloria Davis announced her resignation to the Board of Education effective May 31, 2017 as Superintendent of Schools. She mentioned that she has worked 48 years in the school system and her drive has always been about the kids. She commended the Executive Team, her Administrative Staff, and all other teams involved in her tenure with IDJJ and the School District. She mentioned that even though the youth are incarcerated; educating the youth is important; this is the role of the Superintendent and the School District. Thank you as board members for your commitment to the School District.

Member Dunbar Garrett read a letter to the Board of Education from President Heidi Mueller regarding the Superintendent of Schools resignation. As she mentioned in part, a special meeting will be scheduled in the next two weeks to discuss a transitional plan and timeline process for the Superintendent’s position. Dr. Jones-Redmond will be Acting Superintendent of Schools until another Superintendent is appointed by this board.


Member Dunbar Garrett moved the meeting into close session under the exceptions set forth in the Open Meeting Act of the State of Illinois as follows: Section 2 (c ) (11) Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and; Section 2 (c ) (21) Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06

The board moved into closed session at: 10:09 am. Member Green approved and Member Griffin seconded to move into closed session.

Voice Vote

Aye; Unanimous

Nay; None

Motion carries

Closed session ended at: 10:11 am. The board of education meeting resumed with open meeting session at 10:15 am.

Member Dunbar Garrett motioned that in pursuit of Section 2.06 (d) of the Open Meeting Act, the Board of education has reviewed the minutes from its January 20, 2017 session and certifies that the need for confidentiality still exists for the closed session minutes for the time period reviewed and disapproves that all verbatim and minutes not be destroyed. Member Green approved the motion to continue the confidentially of the January 20, 2017 minutes and verbatim and motioned was seconded by Member Dalmage.

Voice Vote

Aye: Unanimous

Nay: None

Motion carries

IO 6.0 School Board Policy Update

6.1 Draft Administrative Directive 04.10.103

Ms. Yahnig mentioned that changes to Administrative Directive 04.10.103 are as follows:

Section II. Procedures (G)

G. Curriculum

1. All schools in youth centers shall comply with the blended learning model of curriculum, including career and technical education, approved by the School District #428 Superintendent.

2. The Director of Career and Technical Education shall be responsible for coordinating vocational programming at all schools in youth centers.

3. All schools shall provide courses in Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, and elective courses approved by the School District #428 Superintendent.

4. All Career and Technical Education curriculum shall be approved by the Director of Career and Technical Education and the School District #428 Superintendent. All curriculums shall be reviewed on an annual basis. The curriculum shall conform to the National Career Cluster standards.

5. Subject areas not covered by the blended learning model of curriculum shall have a written curriculum approved by the Principal and the Superintendent of School District #428.

6. Post-secondary courses shall be provided to youth with high school diplomas or General Educational Development (GED) certificates through local and online colleges and universities.

H. Student to Teacher Ratios

Class ratios shall not exceed the following limits without the written approval of both the Chief Administrative Officer and the Superintendent of School District #428.

1. Ten students to one teacher for general education classrooms, GED, and post-secondary programs.

2. Six students to one teacher for special education classrooms.

I. Teacher's Class Schedules

1. Class schedules shall contain, at a minimum, five hours of instructional class time per day for GED, academic, and career and technical classes and two and a half hours of instructional time per day for post-secondary programs.

2. Class schedules shall identify, but not be limited to, the following information:

a. Length of periods in minutes;

b. Number of periods per day;

c. Subject(s) taught;

d. Planning periods; and

e. Lunch periods.

6.2 Draft Administrative Directive 04.10.118

Ms. Yahnig mentioned that changes to Administrative Directive 04.10.118 are as follows:

General Provisions

1. Educational records shall be entered in the Department’s Youth 360 database, State Board of Education Student Information System, IEP Tracking System, and in other educational files as available. Schools shall maintain individual files in the main office for all students enrolled.

2. Department staff members may access educational records if needed to further the youth’s educational or administrative interests. All staff must follow procedures for accessing student files in the main office and utilize a system designating the person who removed and returned the file.

3. Information may be released for the purpose of research, statistical reporting, and planning as long as a student’s personal data is not released. Research endeavors shall require Departmental concurrence per 20 Ill. Adm. Code 106 and Administrative Directive 01.06.101.

F. Requirements

The Principal shall ensure compliance with the following requirements.

1. A file shall be established and maintained for each student entering School District #428. Staff must request records from the youth’s previous school within three (3) business days of the youth’s commitment.

2. If an educational file has already been created by the Department, the file shall be obtained from the Master Record File. Any new educational information received or obtained by the school shall be entered in the file by the staff member designated by the Principal as responsible for maintaining school records.

3. Educational files shall include the following records, if available:

a. Permanent Records

(1) Diplomas: 8th Grade, High School, and General Education Development (GED).

(2) Identifying information, including Department youth identification number and Student Information System identification number.

(3) Transcripts including post-secondary credits.

(4) Vocational certificates.

(5) Attendance record.

b. Temporary Records

1) Reception test scores.

2) Report Cards.

3) GED and vocational assessment results.

4) Special Education records including 504 Plans, Individualized Education Programs (IEP), reports, referrals, notices, consents, and related records such as health information.

(5) Diagnostic and Psychological Reports.

4. Student attendance for all educational programs shall be entered daily and included on the student’s report card.

5. A transcript shall be prepared prior to a student being transferred to another facility or released. The transcript shall be cumulative and shall include all credits earned prior to and while in School District #428. The name of the youth center or school from where the credits were earned should be indicated on the transcript. A copy of the transcript shall be retained in the permanent educational file.

6. Educational files shall be maintained by School District #428 in accordance with the Illinois School Code and its implementing regulations.

7. Educational files shall be reviewed periodically to ensure accuracy and completeness by the Principal, School District #428 administration, or their designee.

8. Upon a student’s transfer or release on Aftercare, the educational file shall be forwarded to the Record Office for inclusion in the Master Record File.

9. The staff member designated by the Principal as responsible for maintaining educational files shall respond to all requests for educational records in accordance with the Illinois School Code and implementing regulations.


7.1 Technology Plan – Update

Superintendent Davis mentioned that the School District’s Technology Plan is moving forward into the twenty-first century. The School District is almost complete with the Hot Spot installation starting with Pere Marquette. The teachers at Pere Marquette received their laptops and related equipment March 16, 2017. The plan is to have all Hot Spots installed and technology equipment delivered to all schools by the end of the fiscal year.

Dr. Jones-Redmond mentioned that the School District is excited about this huge initiative. Warrenville is the next school to receive the Hot Spots and technology equipment. The school district is putting the tools in our teacher’s hands.

7.2 Dr. Muhammad’s Presentation – Update

Superintendent Davis mentioned that the School District’s educational and administrative staffs were invited to attend Dr. Muhammad’s Presentation in Chicago April 7, 2017. Dr. Muhammad will be presenting his final presentation to the Administrative Staff, May 5, 2017. Board members are invited to attend the final presentation at the Illinois Department of Natural Resource in Springfield. The School District will send you the address to this event.

7.3 Staffing – Update

Superintendent Davis mentioned that the overall staffing report will be available to the board at each meeting. The staffing report gives a clearer understandings were the School District is in meeting the Court’s Consent Decree staffing component.

7.4 January and February Special Education Monitoring Reports

Dr. Bambi Bethel-Leitschuh, Director of Special Education

Dr. Bethel-Leitschuh presented the Board with a current graphical view of IEP statistics. The graph will be a continual part of her report to the Board. This new format gives a better view of the 30-60-90 Individual Educational Plans that are out of compliance.

7.5 January and February Principal Data and Education Reports

Reports were presented to the Board without discussion.


No items to discuss.


Meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m.



Bruce Rauner


Heidi Mueller


1112 South Wabash Avenue, 2nd Floor

Chicago, Illinois 60605

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