ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITYDepartment of PsychologyDiversity Advocate AwardApplication Deadline: April 1Type in the required information in the boxes, which will expand as needed. Email electronic copies of the completed application electronically to the Awards Committee Chair at FORMTEXT ?????Date FORMTEXT ?????Local Street Address FORMTEXT ?????City, State, Zip Code FORMTEXT ?????University ID FORMTEXT ?????Phone FORMTEXT ?????? I am a psychology major. Classification (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior): FORMTEXT ?????? I am a graduate student in psychology. Program/sequence and year: FORMTEXT ?????? I certify that I am not on academic probation. Diversity-related ExperienceActivity DatesOrganization or activity (note any office held):From (MM/YY)Until (MM/YY) FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Provide a statement about why you believe the Department of Psychology should award you the Diversity Advocate Award. Please include details about your campus and/or community activities that demonstrate your commitment to diversity, inclusion, and/or safe environments. Please do not exceed 300 words. FORMTEXT ?????? I certify that the information on this application is factual and true to the best of my knowledge.Your Name: FORMTEXT ?????Date: FORMTEXT ?????The following document should be submitted to the department’s Awards Committee Chair at completed applicationRevised: November 2020 ................

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