State of Illinois Department of Natural Resources

[Pages:24]State of Illinois Department of Natural Resources

Identification Characteristics

NOTE: No leaf, fruit or seed in this booklet is drawn in its actual size nor shown in proportion to actual size.








even base

asymmetrical base


rounded lobes

bristle-tipped or pointed lobes

wavy edge

toothed edge

smooth edge

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Printed by the Authority of the State of Illinois ? 08/20 ? DNR-ED-210010 ? web


Using This Activity Book - For the Educator

This activity book is designed to supplement the information provided in the Illinois Trees poster from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). When using this book, students will become familiar with identification characteristics of leaves (page 2) and will be able to identify tree species by using a dichotomous key to these leaves (page 5). Students will also become familiar with traits of the tree species and key vocabulary words. Although it is not necessary to have a copy of the Illinois Trees poster to complete this activity book, if you are a teacher and would like a copy for your classroom, you may obtain one from the IDNR through the pub-lications order form at .

Using This Activity Book - For the Student

This activity book is designed to help you learn more about the tree species included on the Illinois Trees poster from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. If you study the tree identification characteristics (page 2) and follow the directions (pages 4 and 5), you'll be able to identify the 15 tree species just by looking at their leaves. There are more activities for you to complete as you progress through the book, too. Once you identify all of the species, can you find leaves from trees in your area to match them?

Forest Facts

? The white oak, Quercus alba, is the State Tree of Illinois. Found throughout the state, the white oak is an excellent shade tree, and its wood is used for lumber, barrels, flooring, furniture and construction.

? Known for its strength, white oak wood was used in the construction of the U.S.S. Constitution. During a naval battle in the War of 1812, soldiers reported that cannon balls bounced off the hull of this ship, leading to its nickname of "Old Ironsides."

? More than 250 species of trees (native and introduced) have been found growing in Illinois.

? More than 75 percent of the wildlife habitat in Illinois is in the forests. More than 420 vertebrate species use forest habitats. About 120 bird species nest in Illinois forests.

? Ninety-eight percent of Illinois forests are composed of hardwood species, and 43 percent of the hardwood species are white and red oak.

? In 1820, forests covered 13.8 million acres of Illinois (38 percent of the state). The United States Forest Service 1998 inventory estimated that 4.33 million acres of forests (12 percent of the state) exist in the state.


Leaf Identification

A tree can often be identified just by looking at one of its leaves, if you know what to look for. On this page are drawings of leaves from 15 different tree species. Use the "Key" on the next page to help you identify each species. Then find the matching leaf in the booklet and fill in the tree's "Common Name." The "Identification Characteristics" on page two should help you understand some of the terms. Start with number 1 at the top of the Key for each leaf. You have two choices, 1a and 1b. Select the one that describes this leaf. Your choice will tell you which number to go to next. Again, you have a choice of a or b. When you have made your choice, you will find the name of the tree or be directed to another number. Answers can be found on page 23.

page 6 page 9 page 12 page 15 page 18

page 7 page 10 page 13 page 16 page 19


page 8 page 11 page 14 page 17 page 20


Please note: This key was developed only for the illustrations used on the previous page. It will not accurately identify all tree species and may not identify these 15 species from the wild, since only selected characteristics were used in its development.

1a) compound leaf 1b) simple leaf

Go to 2 Go to 5

2a) five leaflets present 2b) more than five leaflets present

shagbark hickory Go to 3

3a) nine leaflets present 3b) more than nine leaflets present

mockernut hickory Go to 4

4a) 11 leaflets present 4b) more than 11 leaflets present

pecan black walnut

5a) leaf without lobes 5b) leaf with lobes

Go to 6 Go to 11

6a) leaf edge smooth 6b) leaf not as described in 6a

shingle oak Go to 7

7a) leaf base asymmetrical (not even) 7b) leaf base even on both sides

hackberry Go to 8

8a) leaf edge finely-toothed 8b) leaf not as described in 8a

wild black cherry Go to 9

9a) leaf edge with large, sharp teeth (points) 9b) leaf edge wavy

chinkapin oak Go to 10

10a) leaf wavy along all edges 10b) leaf wavy along only part of edges

swamp chestnut oak swamp white oak

11a) leaf with rounded lobes 11b) leaf with pointed tips on lobes

Go to 12 Go to 13

12a) divisions in leaf reach almost to midline of leaf 12b) divisions in leaf are shallow

bur oak white oak

13a) leaf with 11 lobes 13b) leaf not as described in 13a

northern red oak Go to 14

14a) leaf with five lobes 14b) leaf with seven lobes

pin oak black oak



dark green





Common Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Scientific Name: Quercus velutina

Illinois Habitat: This tree grows in upland forests statewide. Flowering: Flowering occurs in April and May as the leaves unfold. Male and female flowers are separate but on the same tree. Flowers do not have petals. Male flowers develop in drooping clusters, while female flowers are in groups of one to four. Uses: The wood is used in construction, for fuel and for making fence posts. General Description: This tree may grow to a height of 80 feet and a diameter of about three and one-half feet. Bark: The bark is black, with deep ridges. The inner bark is yellow or orange. Leaf: Leaves are arranged alternately on the stem. Each leaf has seven to nine shallow lobes, each lobe bristle-tipped. A leaf may be 10 inches long and eight inches wide with a five-inch leafstalk. Fruit: The acorn may be up to three-fourths inch in length. Acorns develop singly or in pairs. The acorn is not more than one-half enclosed by the cup. The cup has a ragged edge.

Fill Me In!

U__l__n__ forests are those that grow on land which is not likely to be flooded. 6






green or yellow-green


dark brown

Common Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Scientific Name: Juglans nigra

Illinois Habitat: This tree grows in rich woodlands statewide. Flowering: Flowering occurs in April and May, when the leaves are partly grown. Male and female flowers are separate but on the same tree. Male flowers develop in yellow-green catkins. Female flowers are arranged in small spikes. The flowers do not have petals. Uses: The wood of this tree is used for making furniture, cabinets and in interior finishing. The nuts are used in cooking and as food by wildlife. General Description: This tree may grow to a height of 150 feet and a trunk diameter of five feet. The pith (inside the twigs) is divided by partitions. Bark: The bark is thick and black with deep ridges. Leaf: Leaves are arranged alternately on the stem. A leaf may have from 15 to 23 leaflets. Each leaflet may be up to three and onehalf inches long and one and one-half inches wide. The leaflet is toothed along the edges and is smooth above and hairy below. Fruit: The spherical fruits develop singly or in pairs. Each fruit may be up to two inches in diameter. The husk on the fruit is thick, and the enclosed nut is hard, dark brown and deeply ridged. The seed tastes sweet.

Fill Me In!

Rich w__od__an__s are those that have many nutrients in the soil. 7


dark green


dark brown



Common Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Scientific Name: Quercus macrocarpa

Illinois Habitat: This tree may be found statewide growing almost anywhere. Flowering: Flowering occurs in April and May, as its leaves unfold. Male and female flowers are separate but on the same tree. Flowers do not have petals. Male flowers develop in drooping catkins. Female flowers are arranged in small clusters. Uses: The wood is used in making cabinets, for shipbuilding, for fenceposts and for fuel. General Description: This tree may grow to 120 feet tall with a trunk diameter of five feet. It is also known as the mossy-cup oak. Bark: The bark is dark brown or yellow-brown with deep ridges. Leaf: Leaves are arranged alternately along the stem. The leaf is broad at the upper end and coarsely round-toothed. Each leaf has five to seven lobes. The leaf is smooth or slightly hairy on the upper surface and hairy on the lower surface. A single leaf may be 14 inches long and seven inches wide with a one-inch leaf stalk. Fruit: The acorn usually grows solitary. It may be up to one and three-fourths inches long. The hairy cup covers one-half to nearly all of the acorn and has a fringe of long scales.

Fill Me In! The tiny flowers of this tree have no p__t__ls.



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