
David Icke Exposed as an illuminati Witch

Wednesday, 19 January 2011 02:20 | Last Updated on Wednesday, 22 August 2012 13:43 | Written by admin | [pic]| [pic]| [pic]

David Icke literally Exposes himself in every way!

In this ongoing article I take Mr David Icke to pieces using his own words and other evidence against him confirming that he is of the Pagan faith and a high ranking illuminati Witch and Masonic Worshipful Master

This article contains evidential video, photo's and text all confirming that David Icke is a Pagan - Pagans by their own admission worship HALIOS/Apollyon the "Sun god Beast"

| |Right: David Icke Making the Masonic one eye signal |

|[pic] |Left: David Icke's 2nd wife Pamela Leigh Richards Icke making a Masonic eye |

| |signal |

| |The Masonic "one eye" signal is part of the Pagan witchcraft religion |

| |Pagans worship Apollyon |

| |Apollyon The Beast from The Book of Revelation (9:11 & 13:11) |

| |Apollyon was also known as Alexander The Great |

| |Historical Records show that Alexander the Great has two different coloured eyes|

| |- One as dark as the night and one as blue as the sky, a harsh voice and that he|

| |was deformed - He had two horns on his head |

| |Revelation 13:11 confirms that Alexander The Great is therefore the same person |

| |as Apollyon/Halios |

|[pic] |Neil Hague - David Icke's book cover/s designer |

| |Neil Hague also like to hide one eye |

| |Snap shot taken from Neil Hague's Facebook Profile page |


The Beast

Watch this video to understand who The Beast is and why the Pagans hide one eye



|David Icke's forum confirm this is David Icke |This is an authentic nude photograph of David Ick. |

|Here is the forum link: |The photo was taken as a model for the painting on the cover of David Icke's book titled "I |

| forum/showthread |am me, I am free" |

|.php?p=1059219487 |This photograph confirms what you are about to see hidden in plain view on Mr Icke's book |

|[pic] |cover is not an accident. |

| |Before we move on: |

| |Please Note: David Icke once infamously claimed he was "the son of god" (the inference being|

| |he was Jesus Christ).. |

| |However, David Icke was not actually talking about Jesus Christ when he said that |

| |David Icke was in fact infering himself to be a son of ZEUS (Satan) |

| |Zeus is confirmed in in The Book of Revelation as being Satan himself |

| | |

| |Revelation 2:13 says: "I know where you live, where Satan has his throne" |

| |The throne (alter) of ZEUS was in Pergumum (part of Eastern Greece - Now part of modern |

| |western Turkey) |

| |(The alter still exist and is now housed in Germany at the Pergamum Museum) |

| |Zeus is the father of Apollyon (HALIOS) The Destroyer Revelation 9:11 and Revelation 13:11 |

|[pic] | |

| |Note: David Ickes Book cover is titled: "I am me, I am free" |

| |The name "I AM" is the name God calls Himself in the Holy Bible |

| |Mr David Icke's book cover name therefore implies that David Icke is god and that he also |

| |free of God. |

| | |

| |"I am me" infering "I am god" |

| |"I am free" infering David Icke is "Free of God" |

| |[pic] |

|[pic] |THE SUN OF ZEUS |

| |Aleister Crowley's Book of Lies - Features the SUN/HALIOS in the largest and most prominent |

| |Front cover position |

| |The same applies with David Icke's "I AM ME I AM FREE" cover - The entire front cover is a |

| |mass of sunlight & rays |

|[pic] |Note the SUN Rays eminating from David Icke's head just like Apollyon/Halios (The son of |

| |Zeus) |

|[pic] |David Icke the Encoder |

| |The "CENSORED" sign is an Anagram of: ENCODERS (and SECOND RE = 2nd Sun/Halios god) |

| |Encoders are people who make up secret sign languages |

| |The illuminati make up secret sign languages |

| |On the left side of David Icke there is a person with an elongated head, just like many |

| |Nephilim skulls. |

| |On the right side of the book cover there is an Indian Spirit Guide (a Demon) |

| |Demons are the cursed evil spirits (souls) of the dead Nephilim |

| | |

| |David Ickes first wife was a Necromancer/Psychic, she spoke to the dead |

| |The Indian Chief's head dress of feathers is also the same as HALIOS sun rays around his |

| |head |

|[pic] |The person with the elongated head next to David Icke on his book cover is OSIRIS |

| |Osiris is depicted on ancient wall paintings as a Green skinned giant (more about Osiris |

| |further on in the article) |

|[pic] |The Devil, his Messenger & David Icke |

| |Look at both of David Icke's hands |

| |Right hand making the "M" hand sign which is the sign made by Mercury (aka Hermes The Eagle |

| |Messenger of the gods) |

| |the left with fingers splayed out |

| |Also there are two Greco roman figures next to his head |

| |Below Icke is a painting of The Devil (ZEUS) making exactly the same signs with both hands |

| |Note: Both the painting of The Devil (Zeus) and the David Icke book cover have a SUN/Halios |

| |at the top |

|The Pope and Tony Blair make the same hand signs |The Devil (Zeus) |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|Look at the shapes made by both their hands |Look at the shapes made by both his hands |

| |The Right hands all make the sign of Mercury The False Prophet (Messenger of the gods) |

|[pic] |The False Jesus |

| |Look at the hand signs of this "jesus" depiction from a movie, the left hand is making the |

| |Masonic "M" hand sign which is the sign of Mercury who is the False prophet from the Book of|

| |Revelation. |

| |Same hand sign as David "jesus/Apollyon" Icke |

Masonic Hand Signs - The False Prophet Mercury

Watch this video to understand the meaning of the Apollyon / Zeus "M" hand sign


|[pic] |David Icke and the pose of Zeus |

| |Here is Mr David Icke, by his own admission, sitting in a Grand Master Masons Throne with his|

| |Right hand making the "M" sign of Mercury the False prophet |

| |You can see and hear Mr David Icke admitting this in the video below |

David Icke - The Encoder takes the Grand Master Masons Chair

David Icke foolishly admits that a photograph of a man sitting in a Grand Master Freemasons Throne is actually him

He can be seen in the photo, yet again, making the "ZEUS" posture with both of his arms

I also decode some more of Mr David Ickes Pagan encoding


|[pic] |Compare the finger signal to that made by Adolph Hitler with the finger signal made by David |

| |Icke (The Zeus?Halios worshiper) |

| |(Hitler was a Pagan and the Nazi Party were/are practitioners of the occult) |

| |Hitler was also a Freemason "worshipful Master" and it is a historic fact that Adolph Hitler |

| |was worshiped with prayers. |

| |Many Pagan German children were made to pray to Adolph Hitler |

| |This Pagan worship placed Adolph Hitler blasphemiously "above" God Almighty |

David Icke rips off Jesus Christ's exposure of the Reptilians

Not only has this blaspheming Pagan claimed he is Jesus Christ but he has also hijacked Jesus Christ's Parable concerning Reptilians

Yes that is correct! - Jesus Christ warned us in the Holy Bible 2000 years ago about Reptilians who look like humans

Here is Jesus Christ's Parable of the Wheat and the Tares (Humans and Reptilians)


David Icke is a thief who has stolen the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares directly from God Himself Jesus Christ, warped it, and claimed it as his own

Counterfeit humans are real but it is Jesus Christ who told us about them - Not David Icke!

Jesus Christ is The Truth!

David Icke is a liar, simple as that!

| | |

|[pic] |Here is David Icke' second Ex-wife Pamela Leigh Richards |

| |She is also making the exact same hand signs as The Devil & David Icke |

| |Right hand making the "M" Mercury hand shape |

| |Again there is that "Pose of Zeus" posture with the arms |

|[pic] |Pagan secret society devil worshipers |

|[pic] |All the people in this combo of "Great works of art" are making the same |

| |hand sign |

| |as ZEUS, Apollyon, Mercury, Adolph Hitler and Mr David Icke |

|[pic] |Apollyon the "god" of David Icke and all other Pagans |

| |This is Apollyon/Halios The Destroyer - The son of Zeus |

| |Apollyon also makes the same hand signals as Zeus, Mercury, David Icke |

| |etc |

| |The reason is because Pagans worship Apollyon and Zeus and their hand |

| |signs/signals are all formated from letters and numbers from the many |

| |names of The Destroyer |


|[pic] |1. Top there is a SUN/Halios |

|There are 3 references to the SUN/HALIOS on this book cover | |

| |2. "I AM" is the name of God Almighty |

| |(as in "I AM God & I Am Free of God) |

| | |

| |3. Sun rays from David Icke's head (Just Like Halios/Apollyon) |

| | |

| |4. Both David Icke's hands make exactly the same signals as Zeus |

| |(Zeus is the Devil himself) The RIght hand sign is the sign of Mercury |

| |the Messenger of the gods |

| | |

| |5. Left & right: 3 swirls look like 666 |

| |(666 The cryptic name of Halios in Roman numerals DCLXVI) |

| | |

| |6. Two Greco/Roman style figures stand behind David Icke |

| | |

| |7. Right an Indian spirit "guide" A Demon |

| |(Demons are the souls of dead Nephilim - Book of Enoch Chapter 15:8) |

| | |

| |8. Left a figure of Osiris, also depicted as a spirit |

| |(Osiris was a Nephilim therefore his spirit is a Demon) |

| | |

| |9. CENSORED is an anagram of "Encoders" and also "Second Re" |

| |"RE" & "RA" mean EVIL. Both are also names of the sun god Halios |

| |Second RE means: 2nd " Sun god" |

| | |

| |10. The flames behind David Icke seem to form wings of fire |

| |("Angel" wings) |

| | |

| |11. A serpent on the Earth |

| |(Mr Icke and the one on the ground between his legs) |

| | |

| |12. Icke featured as a Giant standing both on the Earth and in the sea |

| |This is clearly a depiction from The Holy Bible |

|[pic] |Icke has claimed he is an Angel |

| |By claiming he is a Angel David Icke has by his own words identified |

| |himself as a reptilian tare. |

| |A Tare is a replicant humanoid half Angel Half human perfect counterfeit |

| |of mankind |

| |The Holy Bible makes it very clear that any half man half Angel is an |

| |Abomination |

| |See the video below of the Bible reference of Jesus Christ's Parable of |

| |"The Wheat and The Tares |

| |Remember it is David Icke himself who claimed he is an "angel" |

|[pic] |Eye to Eye |

| |Here is David Icke and his 2nd ex-wife Pamela Leigh Richards Icke both |

| |making Masonic eye signals |

| |This is directly attributable to Apollyon The Destroyer aka Alexander The|

| |Great having one dark eye and one light coloured eye |

|[pic] |Pamela Leigh Richards - (David Icke's second ex-wife) |

| |She continually makes Masonic signals with her eyes, fingers, hands and |

| |arms |

| |See her manic constant Masonic signaling for yourselves on her youtube |

| |channel |

| | |

|[pic] |David Icke's son (Gareth Icke) makes all the same hand signals as David |

| |Icke and Pamela Leigh Richards |

|[pic] |Gareth Icke and Aleister Crowley make the same hand signal |

|[pic] |The Company of Witches |

| |David Icke and his ex-wives have much in common with other Media |

| |celebrities |

| |They all worship the beast |

| |They all cover one eye |

|[pic] |Pamela Leigh Richards website is headed by a quote from the infamous |

| |Pagan Satanist Aleisteir Crowley |

| |It reads: |

| |"Magic is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity |

| |with will" |

| |See it for yourselves on her website blog here: |

| | |

|[pic] |Here is another hand sign (Masonic handshake) from one of Pamela's "Pagan|

| |art" youtube Videos |

|[pic] |David Icke and ex wife Pamela Leigh Richards together |

| |Pamela makes a very familiar Masonic finger sign (666) |

| |David Icke refuses to comment on any evidence of of him or his ex-wives |

| |being a witch even though both ex-wives have clearly admitted it |

| |You can watch Pamela performing witchcraft rituals (for "peace") and her |

| |non-stop Masonic signaling on her youtube channel: |

| | |

| |David Icke's first ex-wife was a Necromancer - She spoke to the dead |

| |Pamela openly performs witchcraft rituals on youtube and uses Masonic |

| |signs |

Pamela Leigh Richard's own video of herself performing Witchcraft Magic (for peace)

She makes the clip in the middle of a thunder storm - Zeus is The "god" of thunder and lightning


Pamela Leigh Richards behaviour is obviously a constant part of her life and it is again obvious that Mr David Icke would have seen this witchcraft behaviour prior and during their marriage.

David Icke also knew full well that his first wife made a living by witchcraft because she is a professional Necromancer/Psychic

Necromancers/Psychics speak to the spirits of the dead

|[pic] |David Icke and Pamela (The Witch) Leigh Richards both make exactly the same Masonic hand and |

| |arm signals |

| |If you watch some of Pamela's videos and compare her movements to those of David Icke you |

| |will see they are a exactly the same |

David Icke The Pagan Green Man

David Icke portrays himself as GREEN on his website

Witches, Giants and "Aliens" are portrayed as Green


The GREEN Earth on Icke's website shows Green Giants and Green smaller People

The portrail of the Earth also appears as a cryptic GREEN SUN using the Green people and Giants as Sun (Halios) rays

|[pic] |The Green Witch, Green Giant & Green Man |

| |GREEN MAN symbolism is from WICCA (Pagan cult also known as "The Witchcraft") here on this link |

| | |

|[pic] |David Icke's GREEN "MAN" |

| |Osiris (a Nephilim Giant) was often depicted as GREEN |

| |The Nephilim are the "gods" of the Pagans (Pagans practice Witchcraft) |

| |Osiris is on David Icke's "I AM ME - I AM FREE" book cover |

|[pic] |The Witch Doctor's GREEN MAN |

| |Credo Matwa (The Witch Doctor) in an interview about "aliens" has an interesting backdrop |

| |A Sun above his head and a GREEN being floating in the sky |

| |The "being" could have been any colour but Credo chose the Pagan Witches favourite GREEN |

| |Green goes well with the colour of the Pagan Nephilim "god" OSIRIS |

| |You can watch the interview on this youtube link (I must warn you, the video is terribly tedious) |

| | |

|[pic] |GREEN MAN from the Pagans Imbolc festival |

| |Pagans by their own self admission practice Witchcraft and worship HALIOS (Apollyon the Destroyer) |

| |Halios (Apollyon) is adored by the Pagans who by their own self admission hold orgies in his honour |

|[pic] |GREEN MAN Crowley |

| |Pagan mural of Aleister Crowley with a GREEN face and a SUN burning behind his head |

|[pic] |The Green SUN Policeman |

| |Even the British police force have a Pagan Association and just like David Icke and Aleister |

| |crowley's followers they use the Green Man also and have openly vowed to take over the British Police|

| |force from within, using Wicca Magick |

| |See the article about the British Devil worshipng Police here: |

| |: |


| |"The Matrix": One of David Icke's favourite catch phrases - from a movie of course |

| |The Matrix movie is about a character called NEO |

| |NEO is a reversal of the word EON - EON is Greek, it means SUN/Halios |

| |The marketing theme for the movie is GREEN (Witches favourite colour) |

| |The movie was made by Pagans in honour of Apollyon |

| |Photos at Left to Right -Top to bottom |

| |1. Green theme with NEO at the top |

| |NEO is Greek it means NEW |

| |Reversed it reads EON which is Greek for SUN |

| |Meaning: "NEW SUN" or "RISING SUN" (The return of Apollyon) |

| |2. Green theme: NEO seen running with a HALO around his head |

| |HALO is a name of HALIOS |

| |3. NEO makes the XAO (HAO) hand sign |

| |This was used by American Indians and is used by Masons to this day |

| |HAO means "Do as thou will" |

| |XAO is also cryptic for "AO IO" (AO EO) |

| |4. NEO fights a man in black (and white) |

| |Their arm cross to form an "X" |

| |X is Roman numeral for IO |

| |IO is letters as well as numbers and can be read as a word: IO |

| |IO in Greek is Pronounced "EO" which is Greek and means SUN/Halios |

| |5. NEO makes towo Masonic hand signs |

| |6. NEO makes another Masonic hand sign |

| |7. Neo makes another Masonic hand sign |

| |8. Red or Blue pill - Both colour are primary in Masonry |

|[pic] |GREEN SUN RAYS engulf the GREEN David Icke |

| |Left: The Matrix movie |

| |Right: The David Icke show |

| |The Matrix movie is completely Masonic |

| |Mr David Icke's postures and signals and colours match the movie because both David Icke and the |

| |Matrix move are Pagan |

| |The open Fingers Hand Sign |

| |This hand sign is Greek |

| |It is known as the "Moutsa" |

| |It means: "GO TO HELL 5 TIMES" |

| |Double handed it means "Go to Hell IO times" |

| |IO (EO) is Greek for SUN |

| |So double handed it is telling you to: Go to hell in the name of IO/Apollyon |

|[pic] |The Green Faced Sphinx |

| |David Icke's son Gareth Icke seen here depicted as a living Sphinx with a GREEN face |

| |The Sphinx abomination was a mixture of half human half lion |

| |I believe these Abominations were breed to honour Apollyon the Destroyer because he was know as "THE |

| |LION" (Greek: LAOS) |

| |The Greek word for Lion is LAOS |

| |The Greek pronounciation of the name APPOLLYON is "ABO-LAOS" |

|[pic] |GREEN POP STAR 666 |

| |Green is a very important symbolic colour for Pagans |

| |Here is the illuminati Witch known as Lian Gallagher posing with a Green logo on his T-shirt |

| |Turn the Green logo upside down and it says 666 |


The Pagans festivals are a self admission of Halios worship, Witchcraft and sexual perversion


David Icke admits using Witchcraft

I openly accused David Icke of being a Witch

His response was to consult a Witch doctor (Mr Credo Matwa) to perform Magic, by throwing chicken bones to "prophecy" his future

David Icke continually refers to The Witch Doctor Credo Matwa as: "A great man"


|[pic] |David Icke admits using Voo Doo Witchcraft |

| |David Icke admitted on his website that he consulting a Witch Doctor (Mr Credo |

| |Matwa) to perform a "Prophetic chicken bone throwing ritual" |

| |Mr David Icke further admitted in the same article on his website that chicken bone throwing is the |

| |same as (Magical) Pagan Rune Stones |

| |Witch Doctor Credo Matwa has an Eagle on his walking staff |

| |The Eagle is a symbol of Zeus |

| |David Icke himself has said that Credo Matwa has been a Secret Society member |

| |If this is so then Credo Matwa is STILL a Secret Society member |

| |Secret Societies are as described by the Pagan band "The Eagles" in their song Hotel California "You |

| |can NEVER leave!" |

|[pic] |What Credo the Witch Matwa wears around his neck |

| |To the right - He has a SUN/Halios |

| |To the left he has a skull |

| |Beneath he has a man in a crucifixion (or Zeus) Pose, upside down like an inverted cross |

| |Beneath to the right he has the Egyptian Ankh |

| |Finally, behind the upside down man he has the following |

| |1. A Pagan Cross (Roman numeral IOOO - Greek for IOOO is HELIUS) |

| |2. The Pagan Cross has TWO smaller crosses attached to it. |

| |An "X" or "+" is a Roman numeral for IO |

| |IO pronounced "EO" - EO is Greek for SUN/Halios |

| |Credo's Pagan Cross Decodes as EO EO HELIUS |

| |Credo Matwa is a Pagan - Just like David Ick |

|Definition of Sanusi |David Icke calls Credo Matwa "The great Sanusi" |

|[pic] |Look at the definition of the word "Sanusi" at left |

| |Youtube hosted Video of David icke saying this here: |

| | (this link is external) |

| |The Senussi or Sanusi are a "Orthodox" Muslim "Brotherhood" (Masons) who use militant aggressiveness |

| |to attain political goals |

| |Credo Matwa by his own self description, uses of pagan symbolism and the words of David icke, is |

| |therefore a "Pagan Orthodox Muslim Witch Doctor who is a member of an extreme muslim |

| |"Brotherhood/Masonic" group who use militant aggressiveness in persuance of political goals" |

| |Credo Matwa now sounds like what he really is: A Pagan Politician |

| |David Icke was once in the UK's Political "Green Party" so David Icke is also a Politician |

Watch this video to understand the meaning of the Pagan Cross


|[pic] |Icke & Matwa SUN/HALIOS worship |

| |Here is Credo (The Witch Doctor) Matwa pictured with a SUN shining behind him |

| |Sun symbolism is Pagan worship of Apollyon the "Sun god" |

|[pic] |Here is David Icke with a sun/Halios effect shining behind him also |

| |This photo is no accident, it was professionally shot as you can see by the photographers |

| |copyright mark at the bottom. |

David Icke uses the Masonic Sun Disc to start a show

The "Smiley Face Sun" is a Masonic symbol and it is used on some Freemason uniforms, as shown in this video


|[pic] |Witches support David Icke with Advertising Revenue |

| |These are a couple of David Icke's advertisers from his website |

| |Both adverts are for Pagan Witchcraft related services |

| |The advert on the left is for a NUMEROLOGY service (Numerology is Pagan Witchcraft) |

| |The advert on the right is for a "Psychic" Psychics are Necromancers - Necromancers speak to the dead -|

| |Just like David Icke's first ex-wife does |


Are David Icke and John D Rockefeller Related?

There is an astonishing resemblance between the two of them


|[pic] |Project Lie a Lot |

|VIDEO TO FOLLOW |Bill and Kerry from Project Camelot |

| |Caught on video exchanging Masonic handshakes with Mr David Icke |

| |David Icke uses the "excuse" that the masonic hand shakes were somehow accidental and |

| |coincidential due to him having arthritis, but Bill and Kerry and Zeus and the figures in |

| |Geco Roman statues and great paintings do not have arthritis yet make the same signals as Mr |

| |David Icke |

| |I was contacted by Kerry on my youtube channel making excuses and I offered her and Bill a |

| |live internet debate on this and other matters |

| |Kerry and Bill have since gone completely silent |

| |Same as David Icke did after I challenged him to a live internet debate |

|[pic] |David Icke Caught Lying About his Arthritis |

|Above: the Masonic "M" with both hands |As you can see David Icke can do the following with his hands |

|[pic] | |

|Above: fingers no problem closing together |1. Make the Masonic "M" (with both hands) |

|[pic] |2. Close his fingers together |

|Notice the "incidental" windmill X on the lamp |3. Bend all fingers on both hands at the knuckle joints |

|[pic] | |

|Mr Icke splaying his fingers on his right hand |4. Splay the fingers on his left hand (from his nude photo and book cover) |

| |5. Make "accidental" Masonic hand shakes, and "incidentally" the person/s he is shaking hands|

| |with make the same Masonic hand shake/s back |

| |6. Articulate both his thumbs - (Photos in the gallery below) |

| |7. Splay open all the fingers on his right hand also |

| |Mr David Icke it appears has been "Milking" the low level of articulation disability from his|

| |arthritis in order to cover up for his Masonic signaling and Masonic hand shakes. |


| |By analysing Mr Icke's hand movement abilities it is clear to see that his left hand and |

| |fingers are not impeded in their movement in any way. |


| |Mr Icke's right hand articulation is not anywhere as near as bad as described by Mr Icke |

| |himself because he has despite the fact he has arthritis it is clear from the photos and from|

| |his many videos that he can articulate the right hand very well |

| |The only sign of obvious arthritis is the "normal" relaxed position of Mr Icke's right hand |

| |which makes 4 of his fingers slope sideways to the natural relaxed position of a normal hand |

| |- This causes a separation of those 4 fingers in relation to the forefinger (as seen in the |

| |photo of him and his 2nd ex-wife Pamela Leigh Richards - As seen below |

| |[pic] |

| |Every other finger/hand movement made by Mr Icke, with his right hand, is clearly deliberate |

| |and purposeful |

| |Just compare the difference between the photo on the left and on the right |

|[pic] |Right hand |

| |Mr Icke can make the same hand sign as Apollyon The Destroyer |

|[pic] |David Icke's Right hand and fingers - Normal position |

| |Mr David Icke made a big mistake by claiming his Masonic hand shakes with Bill & Kerry (from |

| |Project Camelote) were "accidental" because that in turn drew my attention to him moving his |

| |fingers on both hands very articulately on even his most recent videos. |

| |Mr Icke cannot possibly deny what he himself has clearly demonstrated on many different old |

| |and recent videos - He can move, shape and bend all his fingers on both hands very well |

| |indeed. |

| |The only obvious sign of arthritis is on his right hand when it is in the natural rest |

| |position |

|[pic] |Here Mr Icke is able to make the Masonic "M" and slip his two middle fingers into his pocket |

| |also |

| |He does not appear in any way uncomfortable posing for this photograph with his fingers like |

| |that |

| |The hand gesture with the two middle fingers out of view in the pocket makes the hand sign of|

| |Mercury |

| |Mercury aka Hermes is the brother of Apollyon the destroyer |

| |Mercury is the False prophet from the Book of Revelation |

| |Credit for this photo being bought to my attention goes to youtube user matrixxxbrasil |

David Icke's finger position here is the hand sign of Mercury (the brother of Apollyon the destroyer)

Mercury aka Hermes is The false prophet from the Book of Revelation


Gallery of David Icke Hand & finger Movement Abilities







In all these recent photos it is clear that David Icke has far more movement in his hands than he infers when using sympathy to cover up for his Pagan signaling

|[pic] |David Icke XXX |

| |Left is a snapshot of David Ickes website |

| |From this link: |

| | |

| |David Icke uses the infamous Masonic XXX |

| |X is the Roman Numeral IO |

| |IO is a number and a name (name pronounced "EO") |

| |EO is a name of Apollyon The Destroyer |

| |Pagans religiously use the XXX to state the name of The Destroyer 3 times |

| |XXX = IO IO IO |

|XXX (IO IO IO) The name of the Beast 3 times |The Evil bankers "XXX" |

|[pic] |David Icke moans continually about the bankers and their power |

|X is a Mark, name and number of The Beast |David Icke is a Millionaire BBC celebrity, ex-Soccer star (goalie), ex-TV football |

| |commentator, ex-"Green Party" candidate & now an International Stage Showman & Publisher |

| |Mr David Icke has never been short of opportunity or hard cash |

| |He has millions of pounds hoarded away in the banks |

| |The bankers give Mr David Icke thousands of pounds in interest on his Millions. |

| |The bankers do not mind David Icke calling them names because he deposits large sums in |

| |their banks |

| |Mr David Icke has, without a doubt, a very cordial relationship with his very happy bank |

| |manager "XXX" |


Here is the meaning of the cryptic Masonic XXX Code

It is the name of the Destroyer repeated 3 times

X is a number, a name and a Mark (of The Beast Apollyon The Destroyer)


|David Icke is featured Top Right in this photo |David Icke and the BBC worship the Sun "god" Halios |

|[pic] |This is a 1983 photo of a BBC program featuring David Icke. |

| |David Icke and the other 5 people in the photo were called "The Breakfast Team" |

| |Note the giant SUN/Halios in the background |

| |Note there are 6 people |

| |There is an ENCODED Satanic message in this BBC photograph and it reads: IOS (IOS is Greek |

| |for SUN) |

| |6 people (Greek lower case Sigma (s) is the same as a modern 6 |

| |place the two together: IO6 (remeber sigma is an "S" |

| |The cryptic message of this photo is IOS (Sun) |

| |IOS is one of the names of Apollyon the Destroyer |

David Icke's BBC Sun Worshiper Colleagues

The BBC are Grand ENCODERS just like the "Worshipful Master" Mr David Icke

In this video I expose the secret encoding of the world famous BBC logo

The BBC log is cryptic for "IOS" (Greek for SUN)


Gareth Icke wears the Mark of the Beast on his forehead and sees himself as a LION

|[pic] |All Pagans worship "The Sun" (Apollyon) |

| |Among his many names Apollyon is: LIO LIOS LEO LEOS LAO LAOS |

| |All these names are Greek for LION |

| |Here is David Icke's son Gareth Icke portraying himself as a Lion |

| |He is also pictured with a rotated X on his head (X is one of the Numbers, Marks & names of |

| |The Beast) |

| |1 Peter 5:8 |

| |Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking |

| |for someone to devour. |

|[pic] |One of Gareth Icke's album covers depicts him as a Pan figure complete with beard |

| |Pan was the half man half goat who mis-lead the children with music |

| |Gareth Icke calls himself a "Singer songwritter" and a "musician" |

|[pic] |Gareth Icke's album cover hides 666 |

| |666 is the number of The Beast |

Gareth Icke poses like Apollyon The Destroyer

|[pic] |Look at Gareth Icke's pose and look at |

| |the pose of Apollyon |

| |Gareth Icke, being a Pagan like his |

| |dad, of course cannot resist making |

| |signals and honouring Apollyon. |

David Icke's NWO Homosexual Agenda

David Icke preaches that there is a New World Order Homosexual Agenda but the trouble is it seems that David Icke's son Gareth is a homosexual.

See the video below.....

David Icke's Gay son Gareth

By all accounts it appears that David Icke's son Gareth Icke is a Homosexual

In this video I show the evidence posted on the internet by Gareth icke himself

Both David Icke and Gareth Icke will not give a straight answer about Gareth's obvious homosexual behaviour


Both David Icke and Gareth Icke only reply to the damning evidence with silence or personal attacks

You can read the "Gay Gareth" article here:

Alien Homosexuality

Credo Matwa's absurd "logic" in this immensly boring and tedious video

|[pic] |According to Credo Matwa (David Icke's Witch Doctor) |

| |"homosexuality can be caused by "alien" implants". |

| |This absurdity is supported by David Icke who says the Moon has |

| |aliens on it controlling us all with mind rays |

| |So according to Icke and Matwa's "logic" Gareth Icke must have |

| |been implanted. |

| | |

BBC caught stalking me on the internet

Report and screen shots here: :

Threats and slander from the BBC and the Millionaire Masonic hypocrite David Icke

Before I continue I need to point out that the BBC and I are at odds with each other because I exposed their Paedophile Child Sex Grooming in their "childrens programs"

You can see the videos that upset the BBC here:



I presented these videos as evidence against the BBC in a court case I was involved in

The BBC through the Prosecutor, begged and pleaded with the Judge (Judge Stephen Warner of St.Albans Crown Court) not to allow the jury to see the evidence

The BBC's plea was accepted and the jury were never shown these videos

The BBC went ballistic when they saw these videos and have slandered me mercilessly ever since, even refusing to remove the false "news report"

David Icke took this false report and made it a feature on his website in full knowledge that the case was overturned in the High Court and that the BBC with malice towards me for exposing their filthy "Children's Programs" refuse to remove it.

David Icke claims he is against child abuse but promotes the BBC's malicious lies against me, for exposing the Pagan Paedophile ring which is the BBC, in his desparate attempts to try and distract from the immense weight of evidence I have compiled proving David Icke is a Pagan, a Witch, and a high ranking Masonic Master.

By being so knowingly underhanded Mr David Icke has publicly shown his approval for the BBC stage managed "news" lies and their Pagan social brainwashing agenda.


David Icke worked for the BBC

Lets see Mr David Icke use the BBC News as a source of "News truth" again after you read this article where the Director of the BBC NEWS, Helen Boaden, admits FAKING the News in order to protect the BBC's "Reputation" - My exposure of the BBC's Paedophile childrens programs made sure I was a target of the BBC's "Reputation Protection Policy" as stated by the BBC's News Director Helen Boaden. See the article and video of Helen Boaden admitting this here: :

If David Icke was really exposing anything at all rather than misleading people surely he would have gone all out to expose the BBC (The Official mouthpiece of The British Government) but he has not uttered a single word of substantive judgement against the BBC.

This is not a normal response from anyone, especially given Mr David Icke's ability to promote himself worldwide. If he were actually really hard done by and not part of the BBC's Stage Management skills (as admitted by The BBC Director of News Helen Boaden) surely he would have laid into the BBC and exposed everything he knows - But NO!

David Icke and his supporters have earned themselves a bad internet reputation as threatening bullies

Anyone who has taken issue with Mr David Icke (myself included) have all been subjected to threats of violence and malicious slander

Mr David Icke has earned himself a reputation for making legal threats against some who challenge him

Mr David Icke's Neo Age Pagan supporters have earned themselves a reputation for making threats of violence against anyone opposing their "worshipful master" Mr David Icke

Threats can be seen on my youtube video comments sections, from David Icke fans, directed at me, along with slander and attempts at social ridicule

Here is an example of David Icke supporters threats


Here is a link from one of the many complaints about David Icke's, and his fans, behaviour on the internet

The Article is titled "A Warning about David Icke"

You can find these type of threats in the comments anywhere there is a video or article exposing David Icke as a Pagan, Witch, illuminati or Freemason

David Icke fans have been unable to disprove the evidence I have presented and they and David Icke have resorted to off topic personal attacks against me, laced with physical threats and verbal abuse

Anyone who may not believe what I am Testifying can view the comments for themselves on mine and other people's youtube David Icke videos

You could also make a video yourself and sit back and watch the foul and threatening comments come rolling in

Mr David Icke has also proven himself to be a malicious slanderer by posting the false news report about myself in a desperate effort to deflect the weight of confirmed evidence I have compiled against him

(You can read part of the story about the false BBC News report in my article entitled "Pay No Tax")

Link: "Pay No Tax" :

David Icke acts as if he is hard done by from the way he was portrayed by the BBC yet seizes one of the BBC's lying, slandering "news reports" (which is untrue and the case was overturned by the High Court - yet the BBC out of malice refuse to remove it from the internet) and attempts to socially damage my name to deflect interest in his exposure as a witch

The proof that the article is a lie is in my article "Pay No Tax" Link here: :

Mr David Icke is aware of this and yet still posts the lies of the BBC

Therefore I can say without fear of being sued: DAVID ICKE IS A LIAR AND A MALICIOUS SLANDERER!

(Mr David Icke is very welcome to sue me if he believes I have lied anywhere in this article or the videos)

The result of any legal action by the Pagan illuminati Witch Mr David Icke will only have one result - THE END of David Icke's lucrative career of manipulation and deception.

Further Evidence of David Icke Lying, slandering and using it to ask for donations.

I upset David Icke with my early videos about him and there is evidence which strongly infers that David Icke attempted to set me up with a photoshoped photograph of what apparently "looked like David Icke" wearing a masonic uniform which was sent to me via my youtube channel "Gorilla199" by a soc account pretending to befriend me (I had already seen this "photo 2 years previous to having it sent to me and I knew it was photoshoped) and decided to make a video about it where I began by questioning the photo authenticity and then to hypotheticaly analyse it (I had made it clear from the outset that I was questioning the authenticity) - David Icke and his pagan followers thought they had me cornered, because they are illiterate, and went on the attack - I then pointed out that the video title contains a Question Mark at the end "?".

Having worked in advertising for over 20 years I knew that most people do not actually understand the difference between a Question mark "?" and an Exclamation mark "!"

David Icke realising he had tripped himself up then went on to make the false claim that his website was attacked and tried to blame me by sending me further "offers" via a soc account on youtube to "Take down David Icke's website" - I refused but the David Icke show went on without me untill David Icke exposed himself as a sneaky malicious underhanded coward.

To cut a long story short and show the matter analyzed by an unconnected third party I have added this link

The link takes you to a website called "sodlikeproductions". What is posted on there is very interesting because the site owner ran a check on a claim by David Icke that his website had been "attacked" and taken down for a short time, (exactly the time my website, then called was taken down in a DOS attack) and David Icke then immediately used that false claim to ask for donations - Of course it turned out that David Icke was lying!

The site owner of sodlike productions made a check with David Icke's hosting company and found there was no evidence from the hosting company of any attack whatsoever on David Icke's website.

So David Icke's "reason" for asking for Donations was a Fake - Like he is!

David Icke was (and in my opinion still is) a BBC reporter

Problem: Book not selling

Reaction: Think of a sales gimmick

Solution: Take off your clothes and worship the Sun god Halios

Disclaimer: I found the naked David Icke photograph on the public domain - This article is in compliance with all fair use regulations

is a investigation & reporting website

David Icke is a Pagan - Pagans worship Apollyon The Destroyer - Pagans prctice witchcraft - Both of David Icke's ex-wives are witches, just like David Icke!

Investigated and Reported by Chris Constantine


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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