
UCF Site Implementation Specification TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u UCF Site Implementation Specification PAGEREF _Toc406415407 \h 1Version History PAGEREF _Toc406415408 \h 4Access Information PAGEREF _Toc406415409 \h 4How To Read This Document PAGEREF _Toc406415410 \h 5Definitions PAGEREF _Toc406415411 \h 5Schema Mapping Example PAGEREF _Toc406415412 \h 5Schema – Detail Page (Example) PAGEREF _Toc406415413 \h 6Site Implementation Overview PAGEREF _Toc406415414 \h 7Page Types PAGEREF _Toc406415415 \h 7Components PAGEREF _Toc406415416 \h 7Site Functional Requirements PAGEREF _Toc406415417 \h 8Application Functionality PAGEREF _Toc406415418 \h 8Search Engine Optimization PAGEREF _Toc406415419 \h 8XHTML Compliance and Cross-Browser Compatibility PAGEREF _Toc406415420 \h 10Custom Scripts PAGEREF _Toc406415421 \h 10Page Types PAGEREF _Toc406415422 \h 11Home PAGEREF _Toc406415423 \h 11Desktop Design – Home PAGEREF _Toc406415424 \h 11Tablet Design – Home PAGEREF _Toc406415425 \h 12Mobile Design – Home PAGEREF _Toc406415426 \h 13Notes & Requirements PAGEREF _Toc406415427 \h 14Schema – Home PAGEREF _Toc406415428 \h 14Condition Search PAGEREF _Toc406415429 \h 16Desktop Design – Condition Search PAGEREF _Toc406415430 \h 16Tablet Design – Condition Search PAGEREF _Toc406415431 \h 17Mobile Design – Condition Search PAGEREF _Toc406415432 \h 18Notes & Requirements PAGEREF _Toc406415433 \h 19Schema – Condition Search PAGEREF _Toc406415434 \h 19Condition Detail PAGEREF _Toc406415435 \h 21Desktop Design – Condition Detail PAGEREF _Toc406415436 \h 21Tablet Design – Condition Detail PAGEREF _Toc406415437 \h 22Mobile Design – Condition Detail PAGEREF _Toc406415438 \h 24Notes & Requirements PAGEREF _Toc406415439 \h 25Schema – Condition Detail PAGEREF _Toc406415440 \h 25Condition Resources PAGEREF _Toc406415441 \h 27Desktop Design – Condition Resources PAGEREF _Toc406415442 \h 27Tablet Design – Condition Resources PAGEREF _Toc406415443 \h 28Mobile Design – Condition Resources PAGEREF _Toc406415444 \h 29Notes & Requirements PAGEREF _Toc406415445 \h 30Schema – Condition Resources PAGEREF _Toc406415446 \h 30Detail PAGEREF _Toc406415447 \h 32Desktop Design – Detail PAGEREF _Toc406415448 \h 32Tablet Design – Detail PAGEREF _Toc406415449 \h 33Mobile Design – Detail PAGEREF _Toc406415450 \h 35Notes & Requirements PAGEREF _Toc406415451 \h 36Schema – Detail PAGEREF _Toc406415452 \h 36Blog Front PAGEREF _Toc406415453 \h 38Desktop Design – Blog Front PAGEREF _Toc406415454 \h 38Tablet Design – Blog Front PAGEREF _Toc406415455 \h 39Mobile Design – Blog Front PAGEREF _Toc406415456 \h 40Notes & Requirements PAGEREF _Toc406415457 \h 41Schema – Blog Front PAGEREF _Toc406415458 \h 41Blog Detail PAGEREF _Toc406415459 \h 43Desktop Design – Blog Detail PAGEREF _Toc406415460 \h 43Tablet Design – Blog Detail PAGEREF _Toc406415461 \h 44Mobile Design – Blog Detail PAGEREF _Toc406415462 \h 46Notes & Requirements PAGEREF _Toc406415463 \h 47Schema – Blog Detail PAGEREF _Toc406415464 \h 47Magazine Front PAGEREF _Toc406415465 \h 49Desktop Design – Magazine Front PAGEREF _Toc406415466 \h 49Tablet Design – Magazine Front PAGEREF _Toc406415467 \h 50Mobile Design – Magazine Front PAGEREF _Toc406415468 \h 51Notes & Requirements PAGEREF _Toc406415469 \h 52Schema – Magazine Front PAGEREF _Toc406415470 \h 52Magazine Article PAGEREF _Toc406415471 \h 54Desktop Design – Magazine Article PAGEREF _Toc406415472 \h 54Tablet Design – Magazine Article PAGEREF _Toc406415473 \h 55Mobile Design – Magazine Article PAGEREF _Toc406415474 \h 57Notes & Requirements PAGEREF _Toc406415475 \h 58Schema – Magazine Article PAGEREF _Toc406415476 \h 58Magazine Archive PAGEREF _Toc406415477 \h 60Desktop Design – Magazine Archive PAGEREF _Toc406415478 \h 60Tablet Design – Magazine Archive PAGEREF _Toc406415479 \h 61Mobile Design – Magazine Archive PAGEREF _Toc406415480 \h 62Notes & Requirements PAGEREF _Toc406415481 \h 63Schema – Magazine Archive PAGEREF _Toc406415482 \h 63Search PAGEREF _Toc406415483 \h 65Desktop Design – Search PAGEREF _Toc406415484 \h 65Tablet Design – Search PAGEREF _Toc406415485 \h 66Mobile Design – Search PAGEREF _Toc406415486 \h 68Notes & Requirements PAGEREF _Toc406415487 \h 69Schema – Search PAGEREF _Toc406415488 \h 69Components PAGEREF _Toc406415489 \h 71General Components Component PAGEREF _Toc406415490 \h 71Header Ad Component PAGEREF _Toc406415491 \h 71Menu Promo Component PAGEREF _Toc406415492 \h 71Promo Link Component PAGEREF _Toc406415493 \h 72Related Resources Component PAGEREF _Toc406415494 \h 73Resource Video Component PAGEREF _Toc406415495 \h 74Resource Print Material Component PAGEREF _Toc406415496 \h 74Sidebar Ad Component PAGEREF _Toc406415497 \h 75Sidebar Image Component PAGEREF _Toc406415498 \h 76Sidebar Link List Component PAGEREF _Toc406415499 \h 76Sidebar Sponsor Component PAGEREF _Toc406415500 \h 77Sidebar Tax Link Component PAGEREF _Toc406415501 \h 78Sidebar WYSIWYG Component PAGEREF _Toc406415502 \h 78Slideshow Image Component PAGEREF _Toc406415503 \h 79Social Media Component PAGEREF _Toc406415504 \h 79Control Components PAGEREF _Toc406415505 \h 80Section Control Component PAGEREF _Toc406415506 \h 80Site Control Component PAGEREF _Toc406415507 \h 81Version HistoryOctober 28, 2014 Initial Draft for Internal ReviewNovember 24, 2014Removed Find a Urologist, Donate, and Subscribe pages. These are to be implemented by AUA team.Access InformationDesign & Markup Templates: Provided by AUAHow To Read This DocumentDefinitionsTemplate: See Page Type below.Page Type: Page Types are the functional equivalent of templates in the Ingeniux CMS. They define the various content types that can be displayed on any given page in your site. Because Ingeniux is an XML-based system, the content itself is separate from the display, and any given content type has the potential to be displayed in multiple ways – on a web browser, a mobile device, or even rendered as a PDF file. Because of this, page types in Ingeniux CMS are very flexible, and one page type can often handle a number of different display ponent: Components are pieces of reusable content that are inserted into pages. For example, making an advertisement a component and inserting it into various pages designed for it will allow that same ad to appear throughout the site. This allows you to change content in one place, and have the result broadcast throughout the rest of your site where it is used.Schema: A schema defines what elements on a defined page type or component are exposed in the CMS so they can be modified by the user. Each field described will be rendered on the Edit Form in the Ingeniux CMS.Yellow Highlights: Items highlighted in yellow are open questions addressed to you (the customer) that need to be answered as we proceed.Teal Highlights: Items highlighted in teal are comments addressed internally for Ingeniux developers, usually referring to specific ways to implement the features of the site. These will be removed from the final draft of the specification.Schema Mapping ExampleThe example below shows how a schema for a Page Type or Component in this specification will map to the Edit Form of the Ingeniux CMS. Each row in the table defines each field in the page. The columns are defined as follows:Label: Lists what the title of the field is on the Edit Form.Element Type: Lists which element type will be used to store the content.Notes: Any extra information about the element and its function.Box #: Indicates which number in the box outs the individual field corresponds to.R/H/RO: This notes whether the field is Required, Hidden and Read Only. If a field is Required, it must be filled in before a check in (new version) of a page can occur. If a field is Hidden, only Administrators can see the element on the Edit Form. If a field is Read Only, the field will be visible, but grayed out and unable to be modified.The table below is how the schema is defined in this specification:Schema – Detail Page (Example)Label Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleTextSubTitleTextAbstractTextMain Content AreaXHTMLOptional body copy contentImageComponentAncestor NavNavigationR/H/ROSite ControlComponentBanner and FooterR/H/ROWhich will look like this in the Ingeniux CMS:-32156-70510Site Implementation OverviewThis section defines the site implementation scope of work and requirements for <customer name>. Site implementation will consist of:Creation of up to 15 responsive Page Types in Ingeniux CMS. The initial scope of work defined the following page types outlined ponents as required to complete the specified Page Types.Page Types required for this site implementation include:Page TypesHomeCondition SearchCondition DetailCondition ResourcesCondition CausesDetailBlog FrontBlog DetailMagazine FrontMagazine ArticleMagazine ArchiveSearchComponentsHeader Ad ComponentMenu Promo ComponentSidebar Ad ComponentSidebar Image ComponentSidebar Link List ComponentSidebar Sponsor ComponentSidebar Tax Link ComponentSidebar WYSIWYG ComponentSlideshow Image ComponentSocial Media ComponentSection Control ComponentSite Control ComponentSite Functional RequirementsApplication FunctionalitySearch integration – use existing Search appliancePrint-this-Page – CSS for Print FunctionalitySearch Engine OptimizationStructured URLs, Alt-text and Page Titles are also included as a standard offering, all of which are meant to enhance page rankings. Each page type will include an identical group of SEO related fields.In addition, a Default Twitter Site and Default Sharing Image will be set in the Site Control.SEOgroupstartNavigation OverridetextShould be implemented for Breadcrumbs, top navigations, left navigations and the like. Used to override the name and title of the page in automated navigation elements, such as breadcrumbs, top navigation and left navigation.Descriptive TitletextUsed to populate the title attribute of internal links to the page to provide a more descriptive option for accessibility or SEO.Browser Bar TitletextPopulates the title bar on the browser or current tab in the browser. Used by search engines to identify the page.YMeta DescriptiontextFill in one or two concise descriptive sentences to describe the page for search engines.YKeywordstextA list of comma separated keywords or phrases that describe the content of the page. Limit to 10-15 unique words or phrases.Suggested TermtextUsed for InSite Search Suggested Results feature.No IndexcheckboxIf checked, will request that search engines avoid including this specific page.No FollowcheckboxIf checked, will request that search engines avoid following the links on this specific page, and thereby avoid relating this page and its site to the linked to pages and sites.PriorityenumerationDefault Value: 0.5Choices: 0.1;0.2;0.3;0.4;0.5;0.6;0.7;0.8;0.9;1.0Set to a number for how you deem this page ranks in importance compared to other pages in the site. Does not affect search results but helps the search engine determine which order to index the site. Default is 0.5.Social Media SharinggroupstartContains elements that facilitate presentation when this page is shared.TypeenumerationDefault Value: websiteChoices: website;articleDetermines how the link will be presented when shared on social media sites, such as Facebook. Read about OpenGraph for more information or choices.Sharing TitletextThe title for the content when shared on Facebook. Defaults back to the Title if not filled in.Sharing DescriptiontextThe description for the content when shared on Facebook. Defaults back to the Meta Description if not filled in.Sharing ImageimageThe image for the content when shared on Facebook. Defaults back to the Default Sharing Image in the Site Control if not filled in.Twitter CarddropdownValues: summary photo gallery product app playerDefault Value: summaryThe card type, which will be one of "summary", "photo", "gallery", "product", "app", or "player".Twitter CreatorTextDefault Value: ???@username for the content creator / author.groupendgroupendXHTML Compliance and Cross-Browser CompatibilityIngeniux will use W3C-standard HTML that meets accessibility compliance requirements.Ingeniux will provide cross-browser desktop display for Firefox current version, Safari 5.1 and above, IE 9 and above, and Chrome current version. And cross-browser mobile display for Andriod Browser 4.0 and above, Chrome Mobile current version and Safari Mobile 6.0 and above. Please note that further clarification on browser support is detailed out in a separate document that can be circulated upon request. Alt-text shall be used for all images throughout the site. Custom ScriptsFields will be placed in the site control and section controls for providing IDs for standard analytics systems including Google Analytics, Google Web Master tools and Bing Web Master tools. Custom script fields are also present for inserting scripts into the header or footer of every page in the site.Each page type will also include fields for adding custom scripts to the header or footer of individual pages.LabelElement TypeNotesHelp TextReq’dH / ROHead ScriptTextInserts a provided script into the <head> of the page, proper html should be used.H/ROFooter ScriptTextInserts a provided script at the bottom of the page, proper html should be used.H/ROPage TypesHomeDesktop Design – Home Tablet Design – Home Mobile Design – Home Notes & RequirementsSlideshow Featured Header Featured Links Promo HeaderPromosAccepts Links, or PromoLinkComponentsElements Page in cut-up provides HTML for different Promos layouts.Header AdLeft Column ComponentsRight Column ComponentsSchema – Home Label Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleTextThis shows as the main title on the page and in all navigations as the clickable link text unless the Navigation Override field in the Search Engine Optimization group is filled in. Also doubles as the SEO Browser Bar Title if said field is left blank.N/AAbstractTextOne to two short sentences describing the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a description is shown. Also doubles as the SEO Meta Description if said field is left blank.N/ASlideshowComponent ListCompTypes: SlideshowImageComponent;Pulls back Title, Caption and Image for display on page.Displays slides in the order they are placed in the list.1Featured HeaderText2Featured LinksLink ListPulls back Title, Abstract and ThumbnailDisplays the links in the order they are placed in the list. Automatically pulls the Title, Abstract and Thumbnail from the selected page.3Promo HeaderText4PromosLink ListPulls back Title, Abstract, and ThumbnailAccepts Links, or PromoLinkComponentDisplays the links in the order they are placed in the list. Automatically pulls the Title, Abstract and Thumbnail from the selected page. Alternatively, the user can place a PromoLinkComponent in this list to link to external sites.5Header AdComponent6Left Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponentSet the desired left column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.7Right Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponentSet the desired right column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.8SEOgroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsFields for SEO settings.Social SharinggroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsAncestor NavigationNavigationNavigation Type: AncestorsStart Page: xID for the Site FolderGeneration Order: downBuilds the breadcrumbs on the page, if any are shown. If breadcrumbs are not shown, this element may also be used to supply other logic to the development of the page.Site ControlComponent RCondition SearchDesktop Design – Condition SearchTablet Design – Condition Search Mobile Design – Condition Search Notes & Requirements<Notes specific to this item go here> Schema – Condition SearchLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleTextThis shows as the main title on the page and in all navigations as the clickable link text unless the Navigation Override field in the Search Engine Optimization group is filled in. Also doubles as the SEO Browser Bar Title if said field is left blank.N/AAbstractTextOne to two short sentences describing the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a description is shown. Also doubles as the SEO Meta Description if said field is left blank.N/ALong AbstractTextLonger abstract that provides more information about the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a long description is shown.N/AFacetsgroupstartFacets HeaderText1FacetsTaxonomy NavigationDisplays selected node as the title for the group of categories (i.e. Filter Type 1). Displays the children as the selectable options.Select the root Category for the filters to display on the page.2groupendConditionsNavigationSets the Condition Detail pages to pull in for Search.Set this element to the xID that stores all of the Condition Detail pages. Refine Search TitleText3Search Results TitleText4Results Lead-inText5No Results CopyXHTMLDisplays when no resultsNo Search Term CopyXHTMLDisplays when no search term is queried.Header AdComponentAccepts: HeaderAdComponent7Left Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponentSet the desired left column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.8Right Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponent; RelatedResourcesComponentSet the desired right column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.9SEOgroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsFields for SEO settings.Social SharinggroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsAncestor NavigationNavigationNavigation Type: AncestorsStart Page: xID for the Site FolderGeneration Order: downBuilds the breadcrumbs on the page, if any are shown. If breadcrumbs are not shown, this element may also be used to supply other logic to the development of the page.10Site ControlComponent RCondition DetailDesktop Design – Condition DetailTablet Design – Condition Detail Mobile Design – Condition Detail Notes & RequirementsThe content for “Condition Causes” will be entered in the Body Copy field of the Condition Detail page type. AUA will be responsible for the display of the content on the page.Schema – Condition DetailLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleTextThis shows as the main title on the page and in all navigations as the clickable link text unless the Navigation Override field in the Search Engine Optimization group is filled in. Also doubles as the SEO Browser Bar Title if said field is left blank.3AbstractTextOne to two short sentences describing the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a description is shown. Also doubles as the SEO Meta Description if said field is left blank.N/ALong AbstractTextLonger abstract that provides more information about the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a long description is shown.N/AFeatured ImageImageDisplayed on page.Pulled in as the thumbnail for display on other page types.This is the Featured image for the Page. The image displays on the page, and as a thumbnail elsewhere on the site.4Body CopyXHTML5Header AdComponentAccepts: HeaderAdComponent7Left Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponentSet the desired left column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.8Right Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarSponsorComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponent; RelatedResourcesComponentSet the desired right column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.9SEOgroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsFields for SEO settings.Social SharinggroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsAncestor NavigationNavigationNavigation Type: AncestorsStart Page: xID for the Site FolderGeneration Order: downBuilds the breadcrumbs on the page, if any are shown. If breadcrumbs are not shown, this element may also be used to supply other logic to the development of the page.10Site ControlComponent RCondition ResourcesDesktop Design – Condition ResourcesTablet Design – Condition Resources Mobile Design – Condition Resources Notes & Requirements<Notes specific to this item go here> Schema – Condition ResourcesLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleTextThis shows as the main title on the page and in all navigations as the clickable link text unless the Navigation Override field in the Search Engine Optimization group is filled in. Also doubles as the SEO Browser Bar Title if said field is left blank.1AbstractTextOne to two short sentences describing the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a description is shown. Also doubles as the SEO Meta Description if said field is left blank.N/ALong AbstractTextLonger abstract that provides more information about the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a long description is shown.N/AFeatured ImageImagePulled in to other pages for display, does not display on page.This is the Featured image for the Page. The image does not display on the page, but displays as a thumbnail elsewhere on the site.Articles HeaderText2ArticlesTaxonomy NavigationSelect the Category for the Articles to display on the page.3Videos HeaderText4VideosTaxonomy NavigationSelect the Category for the Videos to display on the page.5Print Materials HeaderText6Print MaterialsTaxonomy NavigationSelect the Category for the Print Materials to display on the page.7Support Groups HeaderText8Support GroupsLink ListSet links to the pages to feature in this area.9Header AdComponentAccepts: HeaderAdComponentN/ALeft Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponentSet the desired left column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.10Right Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarSponsorComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponent; RelatedResourcesComponentSet the desired right column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.11SEOgroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsFields for SEO settings.Social SharinggroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsAncestor NavigationNavigationNavigation Type: AncestorsStart Page: xID for the Site FolderGeneration Order: downBuilds the breadcrumbs on the page, if any are shown. If breadcrumbs are not shown, this element may also be used to supply other logic to the development of the page.12Site ControlComponent RDetailDesktop Design – DetailTablet Design – Detail Mobile Design – Detail Notes & Requirements<Notes specific to this item go here> Schema – DetailLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleTextThis shows as the main title on the page and in all navigations as the clickable link text unless the Navigation Override field in the Search Engine Optimization group is filled in. Also doubles as the SEO Browser Bar Title if said field is left blank.1AbstractTextOne to two short sentences describing the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a description is shown. Also doubles as the SEO Meta Description if said field is left blank.N/ALong AbstractTextLonger abstract that provides more information about the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a long description is shown.N/AFeatured ImageImageDisplayed on page.Pulled in as the thumbnail for display on other page types.This is the Featured image for the Page. The image displays on the page, and as a thumbnail elsewhere on the site.2Body CopyXHTML3Header AdComponentAccepts: HeaderAdComponent4Left Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponentSet the desired left column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.5Right Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarSponsorComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponent; RelatedResourcesComponentSet the desired right column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.6SEOgroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsFields for SEO settings.Social SharinggroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsAncestor NavigationNavigationNavigation Type: AncestorsStart Page: xID for the Site FolderGeneration Order: downBuilds the breadcrumbs on the page, if any are shown. If breadcrumbs are not shown, this element may also be used to supply other logic to the development of the page.7Site ControlComponent RBlog FrontDesktop Design – Blog FrontTablet Design – Blog Front Mobile Design – Blog Front Notes & RequirementsAuthor does not link to anything.Schema – Blog FrontLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleTextThis shows as the main title on the page and in all navigations as the clickable link text unless the Navigation Override field in the Search Engine Optimization group is filled in. Also doubles as the SEO Browser Bar Title if said field is left blank.3AbstractTextOne to two short sentences describing the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a description is shown. Also doubles as the SEO Meta Description if said field is left blank.N/ALong AbstractTextLonger abstract that provides more information about the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a long description is shown.N/AFeatured Blog PostLinkPulls back Title, Author, Date, Abstract, Featured Image, and Social Sharing Links from Blog Detail page.Set the Featured Blog Post to display. Automatically pulls in the Title, Abstract and Thumbnail from the selected page.4Blog NavigationNavigationPulls back Title, Author, Date, Abstract, Thumbnail, and Social Sharing Links from Blog Detail pages.Display items in order by date, Newest to Oldest.Set this element to the xID that stores all of the Blog Post pages. This will be the root folder for all of the Blog Posts.5Header AdComponentAccepts: HeaderAdComponent7Left Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponentSet the desired left column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.8Right Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarSponsorComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponent; RelatedResourcesComponent; FeaturedPostsComponent; RelatedBlogsComponent;Set the desired right column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.9SEOgroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsFields for SEO settings.Social SharinggroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsAncestor NavigationNavigationNavigation Type: AncestorsStart Page: xID for the Site FolderGeneration Order: downBuilds the breadcrumbs on the page, if any are shown. If breadcrumbs are not shown, this element may also be used to supply other logic to the development of the page.10Site ControlComponent RBlog DetailDesktop Design – Blog DetailTablet Design – Blog Detail Mobile Design – Blog Detail Notes & RequirementsAuthor does not link to anything.Need to define how the left navigation will work for the Blog Section.Schema – Blog DetailLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleTextThis shows as the main title on the page and in all navigations as the clickable link text unless the Navigation Override field in the Search Engine Optimization group is filled in. Also doubles as the SEO Browser Bar Title if said field is left blank.3AbstractTextOne to two short sentences describing the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a description is shown. Also doubles as the SEO Meta Description if said field is left blank.N/ALong AbstractTextLonger abstract that provides more information about the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a long description is shown.N/AFeatured ImageImagePulled in to Blog Front when selected for Featured Post Pulled in as the thumbnail for display on blog FrontThis is the Featured image for the Blog Post. The image displays on the page, and as a thumbnail elsewhere on the site.4AuthorText 5DateDatepicker6Body CopyXHTML7Header AdComponentAccepts: HeaderAdComponent8Left Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponentSet the desired left column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.9Right Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarSponsorComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponent; RelatedResourcesComponent; FeaturedPostsComponent; RelatedBlogsComponent;Set the desired right column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.10Display Social Sharing Links?BooleanDefault Value: TrueEnabled by default. Disabling turns off the social sharing code entered in the Site Control.11SEOgroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsFields for SEO settings.Social SharinggroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsAncestor NavigationNavigationNavigation Type: AncestorsStart Page: xID for the Site FolderGeneration Order: downBuilds the breadcrumbs on the page, if any are shown. If breadcrumbs are not shown, this element may also be used to supply other logic to the development of the page.12Site ControlComponent RMagazine FrontDesktop Design – Magazine FrontTablet Design – Magazine Front Mobile Design – Magazine Front Notes & Requirements<Notes specific to this item go here> Schema – Magazine FrontLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleTextThis shows as the main title on the page and in all navigations as the clickable link text unless the Navigation Override field in the Search Engine Optimization group is filled in. Also doubles as the SEO Browser Bar Title if said field is left blank.3AbstractTextOne to two short sentences describing the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a description is shown. Also doubles as the SEO Meta Description if said field is left blank.N/ALong AbstractTextLonger abstract that provides more information about the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a long description is shown.N/AThumbnailImagePulled in to other pages for display, does not display on page.This image is displayed as the cover image on the Magazine Archive page.Featured ArticleLinkPulls back Title, Abstract, and Thumbnail from Magazine Article PageSet the Featured Article to display. Automatically pulls in the Title, Abstract and Thumbnail from the selected page.4Magazine NavigationNavigationPulls back Title, Abstract, and Thumbnail from Magazine Article Pages.Default Navigation to pull in children of the page.Display items in Order of Appearance in the Site Tree.Set this element to the xID that stores all of the Magazine Article pages for the specific issue. This is typically the children of the Magazine Front.5Header AdComponentAccepts: HeaderAdComponent6Left Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponentSet the desired left column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.7Right Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarSponsorComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponent; RelatedResourcesComponent; Set the desired right column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.8SEOgroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsFields for SEO settings.Social SharinggroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsAncestor NavigationNavigationNavigation Type: AncestorsStart Page: xID for the Site FolderGeneration Order: downBuilds the breadcrumbs on the page, if any are shown. If breadcrumbs are not shown, this element may also be used to supply other logic to the development of the page.9Site ControlComponent RMagazine ArticleDesktop Design – Magazine ArticleTablet Design – Magazine ArticleMobile Design – Magazine Article Notes & Requirements<Notes specific to this item go here> Schema – Magazine ArticleLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleTextThis shows as the main title on the page and in all navigations as the clickable link text unless the Navigation Override field in the Search Engine Optimization group is filled in. Also doubles as the SEO Browser Bar Title if said field is left blank.3AbstractTextOne to two short sentences describing the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a description is shown. Also doubles as the SEO Meta Description if said field is left blank.N/ALong AbstractTextLonger abstract that provides more information about the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a long description is shown.N/AFeatured ImageImagePulled in as the thumbnail for display on other page types.This is the Featured image for the Article. The image displays on the page, and as a thumbnail elsewhere on the site.4Body CopyXHTML5Header AdComponentAccepts: HeaderAdComponent6Left Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponentSet the desired left column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.7Right Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarSponsorComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponent; RelatedResourcesComponent; Set the desired right column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.8Display Social Sharing Links?BooleanDefault Value: TrueEnabled by default. Disabling turns off the social sharing code entered in the Site Control.9SEOgroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsFields for SEO settings.Social SharinggroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsAncestor NavigationNavigationNavigation Type: AncestorsStart Page: xID for the Site FolderGeneration Order: downBuilds the breadcrumbs on the page, if any are shown. If breadcrumbs are not shown, this element may also be used to supply other logic to the development of the page.10Site ControlComponent RMagazine ArchiveDesktop Design – Magazine ArchiveTablet Design – Magazine Archive Mobile Design – Magazine Archive Notes & RequirementsMagazine Issues come out once a quarter. Each year will have its own archive page.Schema – Magazine ArchiveLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleTextThis shows as the main title on the page and in all navigations as the clickable link text unless the Navigation Override field in the Search Engine Optimization group is filled in. Also doubles as the SEO Browser Bar Title if said field is left blank.N/AAbstractTextOne to two short sentences describing the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a description is shown. Also doubles as the SEO Meta Description if said field is left blank.N/ALong AbstractTextLonger abstract that provides more information about the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a long description is shown.N/AMagazine IssuesLink ListSelect the Magazine Front pages to display in this archive.3Header AdComponentAccepts: HeaderAdComponent4Left Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponentSet the desired left column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.5Right Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarSponsorComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponent; RelatedResourcesComponent; Set the desired right column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.6SEOgroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsFields for SEO settings.Social SharinggroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsAncestor NavigationNavigationNavigation Type: AncestorsStart Page: xID for the Site FolderGeneration Order: downBuilds the breadcrumbs on the page, if any are shown. If breadcrumbs are not shown, this element may also be used to supply other logic to the development of the page.7Site ControlComponent RSearchDesktop Design – SearchTablet Design – Search Mobile Design – Search Notes & RequirementsSearch to leverage Ingeniux InSite SearchLeft Column ComponentsBreadcrumb navigation from Ancestor Navigation elementSearched For box allows user to enter new search termNumber of Results / Number of Results per page. The number of results in the search query is displayed next to a dropdown that allows the user to set the number of results to display per page. The Options are: 10; 25; 50; 100, default value is 10.Intro CopyTitleSort By Date / Sort By RelevanceDefault to sort by relevance. Selecting sort by date re-orders the search results by the date modified.Synonyms are defined on in the Search Config file. AUA to provide a list of synonyms that should be included in the project. When a search term has synonyms, display the results together and display the text at the top to indicate synonyms are included in the results.Search Results Suggested results are defined per page. Every page includes a “Suggested Term” text field in the SEO group. When a keyword is entered into this text field that matches the search query, display the page at the top of the results.Pagination occurs after the defined number of results per page (default to 10).Pagination shows maximum of 7 buttons at one time.Two arrows to left, two arrows to right, and five numbers.Double arrow goes to first, or last pageSingle arrow moves one page at a timeSchema – SearchLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleTextThis shows as the main title on the page and in all navigations as the clickable link text unless the Navigation Override field in the Search Engine Optimization group is filled in. Also doubles as the SEO Browser Bar Title if said field is left blank.6AbstractTextOne to two short sentences describing the page. Used internally when linking to a page and a description is shown. Also doubles as the SEO Meta Description if said field is left blank.N/AIntro CopyBody CopyEnter the text that you would like to display above the search results. 5Header AdComponentAccepts: HeaderAdComponentLeft Column ComponentsComponent ListAccepts: SidebarAdComponent; SidebarWYSIWYGComponent; SidebarImageComponent; SidebarLinkListComponent; SidebarTaxLinkComponentSet the desired left column content. Displays in the order they are placed in the list.1SEOgroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsFields for SEO settings.Social SharinggroupstartStandard elements defined in Site Functional RequirementsAncestor NavigationNavigationNavigation Type: AncestorsStart Page: xID for the Site FolderGeneration Order: downBuilds the breadcrumbs on the page, if any are shown. If breadcrumbs are not shown, this element may also be used to supply other logic to the development of the page.2Site ControlComponent RComponentsGeneral Components ComponentFooter Social Icon ComponentNotes & RequirementsUsed In:Link to schemas that accept this componentSchema – Footer Social Icon ComponentLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleText IconDropdownOptions: Facebook; Twitter; YouTube;LinkLinkHeader Ad ComponentDesign – Header Ad ComponentNotes & RequirementsNeed AUA to define Ad approach.Used In:Link to schemas that accept this componentSchema – Header Ad ComponentLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/RO Menu Promo ComponentDesign – Menu Promo ComponentNotes & RequirementsComponent is placed in Site Tree where it should be displayed in the menu.Used In:Link to schemas that accept this componentSchema – Menu Promo ComponentLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleText 1CaptionText2ImageImage3LinkLink3Promo Link ComponentNotes & RequirementsUsed on Home PageUsed In:Link to schemas that accept this componentSchema – Promo Link ComponentLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleText AbstractTextThumbnailImageLinkLinkRelated Resources ComponentDesign – Related Resources ComponentNotes & Requirements<Notes specific to this item go here>Used In:Link to schemas that accept this componentSchema – Related Resources ComponentLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROHeaderText 1ResourcesTaxonomy Navigation2/3See More LinkLink3Number of Items to DisplayDropdownOptions: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5;Resource Video ComponentDesign – Resource Video ComponentNotes & Requirements<Notes specific to this item go here>Used In:Link to schemas that accept this componentSchema – Resource Video ComponentLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleTextYouTube IDText Vimeo IDTextResource Print Material ComponentDesign – Related Resources ComponentNotes & Requirements<Notes specific to this item go here>Used In:Link to schemas that accept this componentSchema – Resource Print Material ComponentLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleText AbstractTextLong AbstractTextImageImageDownloadLinkOrderLinkSidebar Ad ComponentDesign – Sidebar Ad ComponentNotes & Requirements<Notes specific to this item go here>Used In:Link to schemas that accept this componentSchema – Sidebar Ad ComponentLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/RO Sidebar Image ComponentDesign – Sidebar Image ComponentNotes & Requirements<Notes specific to this item go here>Used In:Link to schemas that accept this componentSchema – Sidebar Image ComponentLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROImageImage 1LinkLinkLinks the image1Sidebar Link List ComponentDesign – Sidebar Link ListNotes & Requirements<Notes specific to this item go here>Used In:Link to schemas that accept this componentSchema – Sidebar Link List ComponentLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROHeaderText 1LinksLink List2Sidebar Sponsor ComponentDesign – Sidebar Sponsor ComponentNotes & Requirements<Notes specific to this item go here>Used In:Link to schemas that accept this componentSchema – Sidebar Sponsor ComponentLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROSponsor BannerImage 1Sponsor LinkLinkLinks banner image1Sidebar Tax Link ComponentDesign – Sidebar Tax Link ComponentNotes & Requirements<Notes specific to this item go here>Used In:Link to schemas that accept this componentSchema – Sidebar Tax Link ComponentLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROHeaderText 1Taxonomy LinksTaxonomy navigation2Sidebar WYSIWYG ComponentDesign – Sidebar WYSIWYG ComponentNotes & Requirements<Notes specific to this item go here>Used In:Link to schemas that accept this componentSchema – Sidebar WYSIWYG ComponentLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROHeaderText Body CopyXHTMLSlideshow Image ComponentDesign – Slideshow Image ComponentNotes & Requirements<Notes specific to this item go here>Used In:Link to schemas that accept this componentSchema – Slideshow Image ComponentLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleText 2CaptionText3ImageImage1LinkLink1Social Media ComponentDesign – Social Media ComponentNotes & Requirements<Notes specific to this item go here>Used In:Link to schemas that accept this componentSchema – Slideshow Image ComponentLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROTitleText IconDropdownOptions: Facebook; Twitter; YouTube;LinkLinkControl ComponentsSection Control ComponentDesign – Section Control Component<May want one design per responsive level.>Notes & RequirementsDefaulted to be placed in automatically by xID. <Notes specific to this item go here>Used In:All Page Types. Schema – Section Control ComponentLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROSection TitleTextLeft NavNavigationSection Wide Left SidebarComponent ListApplies components to the left sidebar of all pagesSection Wide Right SidebarComponent ListApplies components to the right sidebar of all pagesSite Control ComponentDesign – HeaderNotes & RequirementsDefaulted to be placed in automatically by xID. <Notes specific to this item go here>Used In:All Page Types. Schema – Site Control ComponentLabel Element Type Notes Help Text Box #R/H/ROLogoImage1Logo LinkLink1MenuNavigation2Donate LinkLink4Find Urologist Search LinkLinkIf not populated, do not display.5Social Media LinksComponent ListAccepts: SocialMediaComponents6Search LinkLink7Fav IconImageThe icon image that will be used when a visitor to the website adds any page as a favorite. Should be exactly square in aspect ratio.Social Sharing Embed CodeInsertUsed in Page Types: BlogDetail; MagazineArticle;Inserted in to the pages with the “Display Social Sharing Links?” boolean from the Social Sharing group enabled.FooterGroupstartFooter Column 1xHTMLFooter Column 2 HeaderTextFooter Column 2 LinksLink ListFooter Column 3 HeaderTextFooter Column 3 LinksLink listFooter Column 4 HeaderTextFooter Column 4 LinksLink listFooter Social IconsComponent ListCompTypes: FooterSocialIconsCopyrightTextgroupend ................

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