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|Problemset |Chapter Quiz |

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|Question 1 |How does class reclassify a group from one race to another? |

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| |Class can determine "race" because the social, economic, and cultural assimilation could reassign the group's |

| |race. |

| |Correct |

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| |At one time, White only meant people of Anglo-Saxon heritage. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Race classifications have always been faulty. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Race was once tied to national origin, such as Germans seeing themselves as members of the Aryan race during |

| |the Nazi era. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 2 |From the mid-twentieth century on, the science of racial categorization has become more precise rather than |

|Type:  |vague and even misleading. |

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| |No, such categories continue to fluctuate and reflect social and cultural conditions rather than advances in |

| |scientific evidence. |

| |Correct |

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| |Yes, genome mapping, anthropology, and the like have made it possible to classify a person's racial component.|

| |Incorrect |

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| |No, because people are so easily offended in the modern period, insensitive language in regard to race has |

| |added less precision. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Yes, for with each Census new categories are added to let the people themselves provide the best picture of |

| |our diverse nation. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 3 |White Americans have had since the late nineteenth century held a high regard for American Indians, calling |

|Type:  |them "Noble Savages," and the like. Why were such attitudes ambivalent? |

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| |American Indians were considered racially inferior as well. |

| |Correct |

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| |American Indians embodied the original "rugged individualist." |

| |Incorrect |

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| |White Americans identified with American Indians (e.g., naming sports teams after tribes). |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Until the twentieth century, American Indians were not even American citizens. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 4 |When Thomas Jefferson wrote that "Blacks, ... are inferior to the Whites, in the endowments both of body and |

|Type:  |mind," he called it a "suspicion only." What might be a plausible interpretation of his meaning? |

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| |Jefferson uses the word "suspicion" in the sense of a personal opinion based on his observation and |

| |prejudices. |

| |Correct |

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| |Jefferson is challenging his reader to prove otherwise. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Jefferson, even though a slave owner, doubted his own low regard of Blacks. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Given the rhetoric of the period, Jefferson is presenting hypocrisy as educated opinion. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 5 |From the time before the country was founded to this day, the principle driver that trumps legislation, terror|

|Type:  |campaigns, imprisonment, deportation, and the like to maintain White status can be attributed to which |

|Multiple Choice |variable? |

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| |cheap labor |

| |Correct |

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| |economics |

| |Incorrect |

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| |white guilt |

| |Incorrect |

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| |changing interpretations of race |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 6 |In addition to being displaced by interethnic competition for the same jobs, why do people of lower, and often|

|Type:  |White, socioeconomic status feel threatened by foreigners or people perceived to be foreigners? |

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| |They feel their personal safety is at stake in various ways. |

| |Correct |

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| |Unauthorized aliens are prone to crime, DWI violations, and the like. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Foreigners are seen as potential terrorists. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Unauthorized immigrants, especially from Mexico, work for that country's drug cartels. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 7 |What is the difference between multicultural state and one in which there is assimilation that also encourages|

|Type:  |and "celebrates" diversity? |

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| |Diversity would be less a factor among some groups or even discouraged and forbidden. |

| |Correct |

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| |The assimilationist state would be more progressive. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |The multiculturalist state would definitely have minorities that found diversity a form of oppression. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |The assimilationist state would eventually evolve into a multiculturalist state. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 8 |What is meant by the "sedimentation of racial inequality" in the context of acquired wealth among Blacks? |

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| |The inability to build wealth due to a long history of discrimination. |

| |Correct |

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| |The lack of savings due to low incomes. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |A lack of rich parents and relatives enjoyed by White baby boomers. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |The steady denial of loans for affordable housing. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 9 |With the decline in unionized, blue-collar jobs in urban areas, a Black middle class has become increasingly |

|Type:  |dependent on what kind of employer? |

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| |government entities |

| |Correct |

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| |entitlement programs |

| |Incorrect |

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| |competition with White women and Hispanics |

| |Incorrect |

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| |job and retraining programs |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 10 |When white people refuse to see themselves as a race per se, but rather as individuals. This is how they see |

|Type:  |individuals of other races. How does this make them less sympathetic to issues of inequality? |

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| |They don't see the structural nature of racism and so refuse to agree to some reorganization of society. |

| |Correct |

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| |They remain unaware of how society only benefits them. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |They see solutions as being as being your solution. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |The romantic notion of the rugged individual is that persuasive among Whites and a virtuous struggle is one |

| |solved by "one's own bootstraps." |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 11 |The Seminole Indians came to an agreement with Florida State to use the tribe's name. Is this solution a |

|Type:  |correction of misperceptions, such as those one can easily discern in the racist caricature of Chief Wahoo |

|Multiple Choice |used by the Cleveland Indians? |

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| |No, although the Seminoles came to an understanding, a football team would still distort perceptions about the|

| |real Seminoles and all American Indians. |

| |Correct |

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| |Yes, because it empowered the Seminoles and gave them the right to reject the honor. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |No, very often minorities perpetuate their own stereotypes and the Seminoles should have been convinced not to|

| |license the tribe's name. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Yes, because other teams will seek similar sanctions from Native Americans and eventually make team names and |

| |mascots more accurate and acceptable. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 12 |How does regular interaction with people of your own ethnicity shape your perceptions of those different from |

|Type:  |"your people"? |

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| |Unfamiliarity discourages images of variation and lumps others together. |

| |Correct |

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| |It causes you to see yourself as a stereotype, too. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |It can actually help one to avoid a harmful form of "familiarity" in which stereotypes are formed rather that |

| |received information. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |It brings into sharp relief how you perceive others-which is usually in a negative light. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 13 |William Julius Smith argues, as do others, that class more than race now shape contemporary Black attitudes. |

|Type:  |What is a result of this phenomenon? |

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| |The diversity and class structure of the Black community makes race a more ambiguous unifying factor. |

| |Correct |

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| |Some Blacks see themselves as a different race, especially the children of interracial marriages. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |A misperception among Blacks that some are "more equal than others" to use Orwell's expression. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Blacks are not seeing a reality that statistics bear out, that racism is still having a deleterious effect on |

| |the quality of their lives. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 14 |Although African Americans voted overwhelming once again for President Barack Obama's in 2012, he was still |

|Type:  |not perceived as "black" by a significant number that would surprise his White supporters. Why? |

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| |He did not meet certain criteria for being authentically black, such as the lack of "slave blood." |

| |Correct |

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| |He speaks with a "White" accent and has other characteristics that differentiate him from authentic Black |

| |people. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |His having a Kenyan father and a White American mother make it hard for Blacks to consider him truly Black. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |This is an example of intraracism. |

| |Incorrect |

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|Question 15 |Researchers who have identified American Black-White relations as a form of colonialism (when one group |

|Type:  |invades the other's territory and dominates it), point the character of the relationship rather than |

|Multiple Choice |geography. Which of the reasons below is one way that Whites exercise control in their ghetto "colonies"? |

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| |They exercise "indirect rule" by co-opting and controlling selected influential Blacks |

| |Correct |

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| |Whites sap the ghetto economically by overcharging Blacks for food (e.g., convenience stores) and other |

| |necessities and thus preventing them from acquiring lasting wealth. |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Blacks are made to feel inferior by the constant barrage of negative stereotypes (e.g., all black males are |

| |felons). |

| |Incorrect |

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| |Their slave heritage preconditions Blacks to their inferior status. |

| |Incorrect |

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