New Years Eve Script - SimplyScripts

NEW YEARS EVE Written by

Dreux Dougall



A dilapidated building looms high into the darkness. It's deserted, save one woman who strides through the blistering cold, bundled underneath a parka. We don't see her at first, but we hear her. The click-clacking of six inch heels pounding against the pavement.


We follow her into the rundown building. Her back to us, she zigzags through a desolate lobby. Removing her gloves. Pulling off her coat. Smoothing down her hair. She reaches the elevator, pushes the button, and waits.


Moments later and the doors creak open to a flickering light bulb. She steps in, her thin hand stretching up, adjusting the bulb into place. Finally, we see her.


A prostitute, teetering on the age of 40. Her leopard dress hugs her scrawny figure. The doors close.

We ride up with her a few floors before the doors open again. She watches as SAMMY, 7, wearing a coat too big for his small frame, shellacks in. He pushes in two bags of groceries.

The elevator doors close.

JUDAH Hi there, honey.

Sammy looks up at her warily.

SAMMY (softly) Hi.


A resounding screech. The elevator lurches to a stop, tossing him forward. He looks around. A beat. Jabs the up button with his finger.

SAMMY (CONT'D) What's wrong with the elevator?

JUDAH The power went out again. You would think the tenants of this place would rebel. I get stuck in this thing at least once a week.

He tries pushing the buttons again.

JUDAH (CONT'D) Let it be hun. It will start back in due time.

(a beat, then) I don't reckon you want to tell me why you're on this elevator by yourself so late at night?

SAMMY I had to run an errand for my mommy.

JUDAH And who would your mommy be? It's late.

Sammy looks her up and down. His chubby face sizing her up.

SAMMY I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.

JUDAH Ah, well. Smart kid.

But Sammy keeps looking her.


SAMMY Why are your shoes so high and your skirt so short? Aren't you cold? It's really cold outside.

JUDAH In my line of business I get warmed up pretty fast.

Sammy's eyes widen.


(a beat, realizing) Ooooh.

Judah eyes him.



SAMMY You sell coffee.

JUDAH Excuse me?

SAMMY Coffee. Like at Starbucks. That's why you warm up so fast.

She cracks a small smile.

JUDAH Yea, kid. I make coffee all night long with a bunch of brittle old beans.

(then) How old are you anyway?

SAMMY 7 and half. My birthday is in three months. Then I'll be 8.


JUDAH Aren't you a big one. What are you doing for your big day?

SAMMY Not much. I figured I would invite some friends over to talk about the latest games.

JUDAH (amused) Yea? What types of games you like?

SAMMY Basketball. Football. Baseball. Hockey. Wrestling and snowboarding.

JUDAH Run the gamet don't ya? How you know about all these sports at such a young age?

SAMMY I used to watch them with my dad before he went away.



SAMMY Yea, one morning he just up and left. Told me to watch out for my momma and make sure she had everything she needed.

A look of empathy crosses over Judah's face. She motions to the grocery bags.

JUDAH Well, I can tell you're doing a good job champ.

Sammy doesn't respond. They stand across from each other in silence.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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