New Series

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|New Series! The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant: | |

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|Correspondence, ed. Arnulf Zweig |

|Critique of Pure Reason, tr. Guyer & Wood |

|Religion and Rational Theology, tr. Wood & Di Giovanni |

|Lectures on Metaphysics, tr. Ameriks & Naragon |

|Opus Postumum, tr. Forster & Rosen |

|Lectures on Ethics, tr. Heath |

|Lectures on Logic, tr. Young |

|Practical Philosophy, tr. Gregor |

|Theoretical Philosophy, 1755-1770, tr. Walford & Meerbote |

|Critique of Pure Reason, tr. Guyer & Wood |

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|Kant's Critiques: (here are more books by Kant) | |

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|Critique of Pure Reason: | |

|English translation by Guyer and Wood | |

|English translation by Kemp Smith | |

|English translation by Pluhar | |

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|Critique of Practical Reason: | |

|English translation by Gregor | |

|English translation by Abbott | |

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|Critique of Judgment: | |

|English translation by Meredith | |

|English translation by Pluhar | |

|Also of interest: | |

|Hatfield's new translation of the Prolegomena | |

|The Irvington ed. of the First Introduction to the Critique of Judgment | |

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|Best Sellers! Standards and Other Undergraduate References | |

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|Introductions: | |

|Cassirer, Kant's Life and Thought | |

|Gulyga, Immanuel Kant: His Life and Thought | |

|Stuckenberg, The Life of Immanuel Kant | |

|Want, Introducing Kant | |

|Scruton, Kant | |

|Korner, Kant | |

|Walker, Kant | |

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|Commentaries: | |

|Kemp Smith, Commentary to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason | |

|Paton, Kant's Metaphysic of Experience | |

|Ewing, Short Commentary on the Critique of Pure Reason | |

|Aschenbrenner, Companion to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason | |

|Shultz, Exposition of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason | |

|Wolff, Kant's Theory of Mental Activity | |

|Wolff, The Autonomy of Reason | |

|Beck, Commentary on Kant's Critique of Practical Reason | |

|Paton, The Categorical Imperative | |

|Cassirer, A Commentary on Kant's Critique of Judgment | |

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|References: | |

|Guyer (ed.), Cambridge Companion to Kant | |

|Allison, Kant's Transcendental Idealism | |

|Guyer, Kant and the Claims of Knowledge | |

|Guyer, Kant and the Claims of Taste | |

|Schott (ed.), Feminist Interpretations of Immanuel Kant | |

|Friedman, Kant and the Exact Sciences | |

|Kitcher, Kant's Transcendental Psychology | |

|Strawson Bounds of Sense | |

|Bennett, Kant's Analytic | |

|Bennett, Kant's Dialectic | |

|Caird, The Critical Philosophy of Immanuel Kant | |

|Bencivenga, Kant's Copernican Revolution | |

|Beck, Essays on Kant and Hume | |

|Mohanty (ed.), Essays on Kant's Critique of Pure Reason | |

|Gram (ed.), Kant: Disputed Questions | |

|Forster (ed.), Kant's Transcendental Deductions | |

|Wood (ed.), Self and Nature in Kant's Philosophy | |

|Beck, Early German Philosophy | |

|Beiser, The Fate of Reason | |

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|Selected Recent Monographs: (here are more books about Kant) | |

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|Sherman, Making Necessity a Virtue | |

|Brook, Kant and the Mind | |

|Shell, The Embodiment of Reason | |

|Herman, The Practice of Moral Judgment | |

|Neiman, The Unity of Reason (now in paperback) | |

|Korsgaard, Creating the Kingdom of Ends | |

|Laywine, Kant's Early Metaphysics and the Origins of the Critical Philosophy | |

|Falkenstein, Kant's Intuitionism | |

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