Criterion - Commack Schools

8th GRADE MODERN IMMIGRATION L.T.A. RUBRIC Name____________________________________________ Period____COMMENTSPART 1HISTORICAL CONTEXT (20 pts.)20 – 18- Contains at least one full paragraph, in own words, accurately summarizing historical context related to modern U.S. immigration. Most or all information is research-based and clearly related to country/region in article.- Contains few or no spelling/grammar errors or factual inaccuracies.17 – 14- Contains at least one paragraph, in own words, accurately summarizing historical context related to modern U.S. immigration. At least some information is research-based and clearly related to country/region in article.- May somewhat lack detail/explanation or contain some inaccuracies. May contain spelling/grammar errors.13 – 11- Contains some information, in own words, summarizing historical context related to modern U.S. immigration. - May significantly lack detail/explanation, not be research-based or related to article, or contain numerous inaccuracies. May contain spelling/grammar errors.10 - 0- Contains very little or no accurate information about historical context in own words.PART 2:ARTICLE SUMMARY(30 pts.)30 – 26 - Contains two full paragraphs, in own words, providing a detailed, accurate summary of article that is relevant to modern U.S. immigration.- Contains few or no spelling/grammar errors or factual inaccuracies.25 – 21- Contains at least one paragraph, in own words, providing a mostly accurate summary of article that is relevant to modern U.S. immigration. - May somewhat lack detail/explanation or contain some inaccuracies. May contain spelling/grammar errors.20 – 16- Contains some information, in own words, accurately summarizing an article about immigration. - May significantly lack detail/explanation, contain numerous inaccuracies, or not be fully relevant to modern U.S. immigration. May contain spelling/grammar errors.15 – 0 - Contains very little or no information summarizing article in own words.PART 3:COMPARE & CONTRAST(30 pts.)30 – 26 - Contains two full paragraphs, in own words, providing a detailed, accurate analysis of how modern immigration from the county/region in article is similar to and different from immigration in the late 1800s/early 1900s. - Contains few or no spelling/grammar errors or factual inaccuracies.25 – 21- Contains at least one paragraph, in own words, providing a mostly accurate summary of how modern immigration from the country/region in article is similar to and/or different from immigration in the late 1800s/early 1900s.- May somewhat lack detail/explanation, not fully explain similarities or differences, or contain some inaccuracies. May contain some spelling/grammar errors.20 – 16- Contains some information, in own words, summarizing how modern immigration is similar and/or different from immigration in the late 1800s/early 1900s.- May significantly lack detail/explanation, not explain similarities or differences, not relate specifically to country/region in article, or contain numerous inaccuracies. May contain spelling/grammar errors.15 – 0 - Contains very little or no accurate information about topic in own words.PART 4:WORKS CITED(15 pts.)15 – 13 - At least two relevant and reliable sources listed, cited correctly using MLA format with few or no formatting errors.12 – 10 - At least two sources listed, at least one of which is relevant, reliable, and cited correctly using MLA format. - One source may be unreliable, not relevant, or not cited correctly. May contain some formatting errors.9 – 6- At least one relevant and reliable sources listed, cited correctly using MLA format.- One source may be missing, unreliable, not relevant, or not cited correctly. May contain some formatting errors.5 – 0- No relevant and reliable sources are cited correctly using MLA format; may be completely missing or none cited correctly.PART 5:ARTICLE ATTACHED(5 pts.)5 - Full article is attached.3 - Part of article is attached.0- Article is not attached. TOTAL GRADE: ______________ ................

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