PDF Impact Factors, Journal Quality, and Communication Journals

October 2012 Volume 2 Issue 10




?National Communication Association


In 1955, a "documentation consultant" from Philadelphia named Eugene Garfield put forth a novel idea for a "bibliographic system for science literature" with the goal of eliminating the "uncritical citation of fraudulent, incomplete, or obsolete data." In an article in Science, Garfield's proposal referenced the power and benefits of citation systems in other disciplines (as law's Shepard's Citations). While holding out great hope for his proposed citation index to help in the conduct and presentation of scientific research ("it will help in many ways"), Garfield warned nonetheless that "no one should expect it to solve all our problems."1

By 1972, Garfield had collected enough citation data to publish a discussion of the role of citation analysis for what he termed "journal evaluation." Beyond ensuring the citation of good scientific data, Garfield's index was now useful, he claimed, to librarians as they made decisions about journal subscriptions, to individual scientists as they made decisions about which journals to read, and to journal editors as they measured the success of their journals. In short, the citation index had become, in seventeen years, a metric for assessing journal quality.2

Garfield's citation indexing at the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) expanded quickly beyond the physical and life sciences to include journals from many disciplines. Along with publishing the Science Citation Index, ISI (owned now by Thomson-Reuters) also publishes the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) that includes indexes of over 4,500 journals from 1900 to the present. From the data collected in the various citation indexes, Thomson-Reuters also publishes the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) for journals in the physical and life sciences (the

JCR Science Edition) as well as the social sciences (the JCR Social Science Edition). Organized by discipline, the JCR Social Science Edition now includes journals from 56 separate disciplines and sub-disciplines. Among those 56 disciplines is Communication.

Recognizing the growing importance of the ISI's SSCI and JCR, the National Communication Association's Publications Committee, in late 2005, promised to the association's membership that it would educate itself about impact factors and their importance for NCA's journals. These disciplinary leaders recognized that "ISI computations can be used by administrators and by promotion and tenure review committees to determine the `most important' journals in the field and to evaluate the relative significance of different publication outlets."3 NCA's Publications Committee also acknowledged the efforts underway by a committee of the Council of Communication Associations (CCA), led by Linda Putnam, to increase the number of Communication journals included in the ISI SSCI/JCR. Since 2007, the CCA has hosted at least

1 Eugene Garfield, "Citation Indexes for Science," Science 122, no. 3159 (1955): 108-111. See also Eugene Garfield, "Commentary: Fifty Years of Citation Indexing," International Journal of Epidemiology 35 (2006): 11271128. 2 Eugene Garfield, "Citation Analysis as a Tool in Journal Evaluation," Science 178, no. 4060 (1972): 471-479. 3 David Zarefsky, "Publications Board Studies ISI Database and `Impact Factor' Analysis," Spectra 41.12 (2005): 1, 6.


two meetings that included presentations from James Testa, the senior director for Educational Development and Publisher relations at Thomson-Reuters (2007, 2012), and Linda Putnam's CCA committee has successfully sought to increase the number of Communication journals covered by SSCI/JCR. This topic continued to be salient to NCA over subsequent years in part due to ongoing conversations with CCA, and an earlier version of this report was presented to CCA with a focus on their member organizations. Another version, with a multi-disciplinary focus, was presented at a meeting of the American Council of Learned Societies. Specifically, this report first details the current range of coverage of Communication journals in the SSCI/JCR and the manner that impact factors are calculated. Second, it considers the relative aggregate place of the Communication journals indexed in comparison to other disciplines. Third, the report discusses concerns and objections about the role and influence of impact factors and, finally, the report discusses emerging alternative indexes and metrics for measuring journal quality and impact. Communication Journals and the SSCI/JCR All data contained in this report about impact factors and journal citation information comes from the current ISI "Web of Knowledge" Journal Citation Reports Social Science Edition. This database includes SSCI/JCR data from 1997-2012. Perhaps due to the efforts of several parties, the overall number of Communication journals included in the ISI SSCI/JCR has increased considerably since 1997. In 1997, 36 Communication journals were included in the JCR Communication subject category--by 2012 that number has doubled to 72 (see Table 1).

A close look at the Communication journals that have been admitted to the SSCI/JCR reveals much about the manner and emphases of the ISI journal selection process. First, most of the 72 journals now categorized by SSCI/JCR are sponsored and/or published by an array of organizations and entities. Table 2 reveals that just 14 of the 72 SSCI/JCR journals are published


under the auspices of the largest Communication associations, or 19% of the total number of Communication journals covered by SSCI/JCR.

One criteria used by ISI/ Thomson-Reuters in determining journal eligibility is the international focus of the journal. 64% of the journals included in the Communication subject category are based and/or published in the United States. Many of the newer admissions to the Communication category are from international sources, including Comunicacion y Sociedad, Ecquid Novi-African Journalism Studies, and Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, Table 4 highlights the country of origin for the 72 journals in the Communication subject category.

61% of the Communication journals in SSCI/JCR are published by either Sage or Taylor & Francis with another five journals (sponsored by ICA) published by Wiley-Blackwell for a total of 49 journals published by these large publishing houses. Table 5 indicates the publisher of record for the 72 Communication subject category journals.


Impact Factors

Arguably the most widely reported statistic emanating from the SSCI/JCR is the journal "impact factor." Journal impact factors are reported yearly by ISI/Thomson-Reuters and they are used as markers of journal impact and quality by publishers, scholars, disciplinary associations, and other interested parties. Importantly, yearly impact factors are just one of many different journal citation statistics released by the JCR. Others include a five-year impact factor, the total number of citations to a journal, the total number of articles published in the journal, the immediacy index (number of citations in the same year as the JCR), and Eigenfactor scores (impact factors that account for highly cited journals as a variable).

A journal's impact factor is "the average number of times articles from the journal published in the past two years have been cited in the JCR year." The impact factor is calculated by "dividing the number of citations in the JCR year by the total number of articles published in the two previous years. An impact factor of 1.0 means that, on average, the articles published one or two year ago have been cited one time." Moreover, as ISI indicates, "The citing works may be articles published in the same journal. However, most citing works are from different journals, proceedings, or books indexed by Web of Science."

By way of illustration, consider the calculation of the 2012 impact factor for Communication Theory (CT). In 2012, there were eleven citations from CT in 2011 and 33 citations from CT in 2010 for a two-year total of 49 citations (in 2012) to CT. The total number of articles published by CT in 2010 and 2011 was 41, yielding an impact factor for 2012 of 1.195, or 49 divided by 41. Of the 72 Communication journals in SSCI/JCR, CT ranked 22nd. The Communication subject category's impact factors in 2012 ranged from a high of 2.415 (Political Communication) to a low of 0.063 (Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico).

Tables 6-9 summarize five years of impact factors for journals published by large Communication associations (NCA, ICA, AEJMC, and BEA). These tables are instructive. They reveal the overall impact factor trends for each of the 14 journals sponsored or published by



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