Napoleon DBQ - Weebly

Napoleon: Democratic Reformer or Imperial Dictator?

Name:__________________________________________ Date: _______________

Directions: Please read the following short documents and answer the accompanying questions below them. The goal of this exercise is for you to decide if Napoleon was a democratic reformer (hero) in line with the goals of the French Revolution or an Imperial dictator (tyrant) that held total power over the French people.

|Goals of the French Revolution |Actions of an Emperor (Dictator) |

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|Document 1 |

|“I can no longer obey. I have tasted command. I have tasted power and I cannot give it up. I love power.” |

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|Source: General Napoleon Bonaparte to Andre Francois, private conversation in 1788 |

According to this passage, do you think Napoleon is a democratic reformer or Imperial dictator? Explain.

Document 2

Friends, I promise you this conquest; but there is one condition you must swear to fulfill—to respect the people whom you liberate, to repress the horrible pillaging committed by scoundrels incited by our enemies. Otherwise you would not be the liberators of the people; you would be their scourge. . . . Plunderers will be shot without mercy; already, several have been. . . .Peoples of Italy, the French army comes to break your chains; the French people is the friend of all peoples; approach it with confidence; your property, your religion, and your customs will be respected. We are waging war as generous enemies, and we wish only to crush the tyrants who enslave you.

Source: Napoleon's Proclamation to His Troops in Italy (March-April 1796)

According to this passage, do you think Napoleon is a democratic reformer or Imperial dictator? Explain.

|Document 3 |

|[pic] |

|Source: “Napoleon Crossing the Alps,” by Jacques-Louis David, 1801. |

According to this picture, do you think Napoleon is a democratic reformer or Imperial dictator? Explain.

|Document 4 |

|“Of all our institutions public education is the most important. Everything depends on it, the present and the future. It is essential to the morals and the |

|political ideas of the next generation. Above all it is essential to equality. I was not always a ruler. Before I became a ruler, I was a subject, and before that |

|I was a student. I can never forget how powerfully the sentiment (feeling) of equality influenced my mind and excited my heart.” |

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|Source: Napoleon Bonaparte, 1802, shortly after being appointed Consul (leader) of the French Republic |

Summarize the above passage in your own words

According to this passage, do you think Napoleon is a democratic reformer or Imperial dictator? Explain.

|Document 5 |

|“I will be master everywhere in France and of everything, as long as I have breath in my body. Your character is quite different from mine. You like flattering |

|people, and falling in with their ideas. I like people to please me, and to fall in (agree) with my ideas. I am master today.” |

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|Source: Napoleon Bonaparte, in a letter to his brother Joseph, who Napoleon had made King of Spain. |

According to this passage, do you think Napoleon is a democratic reformer or Imperial dictator? Explain.

Document 6

[pic] [pic]

Jacques – Louis David, The Coronation of Napoleon, 1804

According to these pictures, do you think Napoleon is a democratic reformer or Imperial dictator? Explain.

|Document 7 |

|“It is said that I love power. Well, does anyone have any cause for complaint? Never have the prisons been so empty (crime been so low) and the people so safe. |

|The government is strong, my hand is steady (stable), and my enemies are sensible (smart) enough to know that I shall not slacken the reins (loosen my grip on |

|France).” |

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|Source: Napoleon Bonaparte, 1804, shortly after being crowned emperor of France |

Summarize the above passage in your own words

According to this passage, do you think Napoleon is a democratic reformer or Imperial dictator? Explain.

|Document 8 |

|“The benefits of the Code Napoleon (Napoleonic Code), public trial, and the introduction of juries will be the leading features of your Government. And to tell |

|you the truth, I believe these things will help you consolidate (strengthen, secure) your rule over the Germans more than the most resounding (dramatic, decisive)|

|military victories. I want your subjects to enjoy a degree of liberty, equality, and prosperity never before known to the German people. And they will love you |

|for this.” |

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|Source: Napoleon Bonaparte, in a letter to his brother Jerome. Napoleon appointed Jerome as the new King of Prussia after conquering the Prussians |

Summarize the above passage in your own words

According to this passage, do you think Napoleon is a democratic reformer or Imperial dictator? Explain.


Document 9

You swore to establish a government, not depending upon the life of one individual, not tyrannical but firm, stable and liberal; bestowing freedom on Frenchmen, and worthy to obtain by gratitude from foreign nations, that confidence and esteem, which your predecessors and yourself have commanded by the dread of your bayonets. When I shortly afterwards went to lead armies -- disorganized and defeated -- your last words were: 'I know your love of your country; be victorious, and France shall force admiration, even from her rivals and foes, by the liberty she enjoys at home, and by the generosity of her external negotiations!' How have you respected these fulfilled these promises? How have you respected these oaths? In my degraded country, I see nothing but cringing slaves and proud tyrants; base placemen and infamous spies.

Source: Letter from Moreau (political prisoner) to Napoleon, From the Dungeon of the Temple (Paris), March 1, 1804.

According to this passage, do you think Napoleon is a democratic reformer or Imperial dictator? Explain.

|Document 10 |

|“I have always considered Louis XVI’s death to be a crime, and I thought so before I became a ruler myself. Since I have worn a crown I have shown clearly enough |

|that I mean to close the door on revolution (stop it from happening). The sovereigns (kings) of Europe are indebted to me for stopping the revolutionary storm |

|that threatened their thrones.” |

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|Source: Napoleon Bonaparte, December 1812 |

According to this passage, do you think Napoleon is a democratic reformer or Imperial dictator? Explain.

Document 11

“I closed the gulf of anarchy and brought order out of chaos. I rewarded merit regardless of birth or wealth, wherever I found it. I abolished feudalism and restored equality to all regardless of religion and before the law. I fought the decrepit monarchies of the Old Regime because the alternative was the destruction of all this. I purified the Revolution.”

Source: Letter, Napoleon Bonaparte, 1812  

According to this passage, do you think Napoleon is a democratic reformer or Imperial dictator? Explain.

Document 12

'Tis done—but yesterday a king! And armed with kings to strive— And now thou art a nameless thing: So abject—yet alive! Is this the man of thousand thrones, Who strewed our earth with hostile bones, And can he thus survive? Since he, miscalled the Morning Star, Nor man nor fiend hath fallen so far.

Ill-minded man! Why scourge thy kind Who bowed so low the knee? By gazing on thyself grown blind, Thou taught'st the rest to see. With might unquestioned,—power to save,- Thine only gift hath been the grave, to those that worshipped thee; Nor till thy fall could mortals guess Ambition's less than littleness!

Thanks for that lesson—it will teach To after-warriors more, Than high philosophy can preach, And vainly preached before. That spell upon the minds of men Breaks never to unite again, That led them to adore Those things of sabre sway With fronts of brass, and feet of clay . . .

The desolator desolate! The victor overthrown! The arbiter of other’s fate A suppliant for his own! Is it some yet imperial hope That with such change can calmly cope? Or dread of death alone? To die a prince—or live a slave-- Thy choice is most ignobly brave! . . . .

Source: Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte, Lord Byron, 1814.

According to this passage, do you think Napoleon is a democratic reformer or Imperial dictator? Explain.

|Document 13 |

|“My rise to power was not the result of a conspiracy or a crime. It was the result of the peculiar (strange) circumstances of the times, and because I fought |

|successfully against the enemies of my country. What is most extraordinary (special), though, and I believe unmatched in history, is that I rose from being an |

|average soldier to the astonishing height of power I possessed (being emperor) without having committed a single crime to obtain it.” |

|Source: Napoleon Bonaparte, written in in 1817 during his exile on St. Helena |

Summarize the above passage in your own words

According to this passage, do you think Napoleon is a democratic reformer or Imperial dictator? Explain.

|Document 14 |

|“I have always been of the opinion that the sovereignty (power to rule) should lay with the people. In fact, my imperial government was a kind of republic. I was|

|called the head (leader) of it by the voice of the people. My policy was that careers should be open to talent. No one should get special treatment based on birth|

|or fortune, and this system of equality is the reason that your English monarchy hates me so much.” |

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|Source: Napoleon, in a conversation with Barry O’Meara in 1817. O’Meara was Napoleon’s doctor on the island of St. Helena following Napoleon’s final defeat and |

|exile. |

Summarize the above passage in your own words

According to this passage, do you think Napoleon is a democratic reformer or Imperial dictator? Explain.

_____________________________________NEXT SECTION_____________________________________

Directions: After reading these documents, tally up how many depicted him as a hero and how many as a tyrant.

|Hero (Democratic Reformer) |Tyrant (Imperial Dictator) |

| | |

Overall, how do you see Napoleon after reading all of these documents? Was he a hero or was he a tyrant? Explain.


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