Numicon Kit 3 Activity Group Summaries: Getting Started

Numicon teaching progression: Number, Pattern and Calculating 5 and Geometry, Measurement and Statistics 5

The Numicon teaching progression chart gives an overview of the expected coverage over the school year and the recommended order for teaching the activity groups. (Statistics work has been included within the Geometry and Measurement activity groups through appropriate contexts.)

See the long- and medium-term planning documents for Number, Pattern and Calculating 5 and Geometry, Measurement and Statistics 5 for references to assessment milestone statements; a fantastic tool for measuring children’s progress.

|Weeks/Dates |Strand and activity |Activity group title |NZC Level 3 |

| |group number | | |

|1 & 2 |Getting Started |Getting started with apparatus and | |

| | |imagery | |

|3 |Numbers and the Number System 1 |Working with numbers up to a million |AO 3 Know counting sequences for whole |

| | | |numbers. |

|4 |Numbers and the |Exploring equivalence with fractions |AO 4 Know how many tenths, tens, |

| |Number System 2 | |hundreds, and thousands are in whole |

| | | |numbers. |

| | | |AO 5 Know fractions and percentages in |

| | | |everyday use. |

|5 |Numbers and the |Understanding decimals |AO 1 Use a range of additive and simple |

| |Number System 3 | |multiplicative strategies with whole |

| | | |numbers, fractions, decimals, and |

| | | |percentages. |

|6 |Geometry 1 |Measuring angles |AO 3 Classify plane shapes and prisms by|

| | | |their spatial features. |

| | | |AO 4 Represent objects with drawings and|

| | | |models. |

| | | |AO 5 Use a co-ordinate system or the |

| | | |language of direction and distance to |

| | | |specify locations and describe paths. |

|7 |Calculating 1 |Developing fluency with adding and |AO 1 Use a range of additive and simple |

| | |subtracting calculations and |multiplicative strategies with whole |

| | |understanding inverse relationships |numbers, fractions, decimals, and |

| | | |percentages. |

|8 |Calculating 2 |Strategies for bridging when adding and |AO 1 Use a range of additive and simple |

| | |subtracting mentally |multiplicative strategies with whole |

| | | |numbers, fractions, decimals, and |

| | | |percentages. |

|NPC Milestone 1 |

|9 |Numbers and the |Estimating and rounding |AO 1 Use a range of additive and simple |

| |Number System 4 | |multiplicative strategies with whole |

| | | |numbers, fractions, decimals, and |

| | | |percentages. |

|10 |Calculating 3 |Further strategies for adding and |AO 1 Use a range of additive and simple |

| | |subtracting |multiplicative strategies with whole |

| | | |numbers, fractions, decimals, and |

| | | |percentages. |

|11 |Pattern and Algebra 1 |Exploring sequences and numbers patterns |AO 3 Know counting sequences for whole |

| | | |numbers. |

|12 |Geometry 2 |Transformations |AO 6 Describe the transformations |

| | | |(reflection, rotation, translation, or |

| | | |enlargement) that have mapped one object|

| | | |onto another. |

|13 |Numbers and the Number system 5 |Working with negative numbers |Level 4 AO 2 Understand addition and |

| | | |subtraction of fractions, decimals, and |

| | | |integers. |

|14 |Calculating 4 |Developing fluency with multiplying and | |

| | |dividing | |

|NPC Milestone 2 |

|15 |Numbers and the Number system 6 |Comparing and ordering fractions | |

|16 |Pattern and Algebra 2 |Using inverse relationships to solve | |

| | |problems | |

|17 |Calculating 5 |Written methods of adding | |

|18 |Calculating 6 |Written methods of subtracting | |

|19 |Calculating 7 |Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and | |

| | |1000 | |

|NPC Milestone 3 |

|20 |Measurement 1 |Metric and imperial units | |

|21 |Pattern and Algebra 3 |Properties of number | |

|22 |Calculating 8 |Using mental methods for multiplying and | |

| | |dividing | |


|Week |Strand and activity |Activity group title |NZC Level 3 |

| |group number | | |

|23 |Calculating 9 |Division with remainders | |

|24 |Geometry 3 |Exploring angles |AO 3 Classify plane shapes and prisms by their |

| | | |spatial features. |

| | | |AO 4 Represent objects with drawings and |

| | | |models. |

| | | |AO 5 Use a co-ordinate system or the language |

| | | |of direction and distance to specify locations |

| | | |and describe paths. |

|25 |Calculating 10 |Proportion and ratio | |

|26 |Calculating 11 |Percentages | |

|NPC Milestone 4 | |

|27 |Measurement 2 |Interpreting charts and graphs | |

|GMS Milestone 1 | |

|28 |Numbers and the Number System 7 |Solving problems with fractions, decimals and |AO 5 Know fractions and percentages in everyday|

| | |percentages |use. |

|29 |Pattern and Algebra 4 |Looking for patterns and generalizing |AO 7 Generalise the properties of addition and |

| | | |subtraction with whole numbers. |

| | | |OA 8 Connect members of sequential patterns |

| | | |with their ordinal position and use tables, |

| | | |graphs, and diagrams to find relationships |

| | | |between successive elements of number and |

| | | |spatial patterns. |

|30 |Measurement 3 |Calculating area and perimeter | |

|31 |Calculating 12 |Written methods of multiplying |AO 1 Use a range of additive and simple |

| | | |multiplicative strategies with whole numbers, |

| | | |fractions, decimals, and percentages. |

| | | |AO 2 Know basic multiplication and division |

| | | |facts. |

|32 |Measurement 4 |Estimating volume and capacity | |

|GMS Milestone 2 | |

|33 |Calculating 13 |Written methods of dividing |AO 1 Use a range of additive and simple |

| | | |multiplicative strategies with whole numbers, |

| | | |fractions, decimals, and percentages. |

| | | |AO 2 Know basic multiplication and division |

| | | |facts. |

|34 |Calculating 14 |Calculating fractions of amounts |AO 4 Know how many tenths, tens, hundreds, and |

| | | |thousands are in whole numbers. |

| | | |AO 5 Know fractions and percentages in everyday|

| | | |use. |

|NPC Milestone 5 | |

|35 |Measurement 5 |Working with area and perimeter | |

|36 |Measurement 6 |Scale drawing | |

|37 |Calculating 15 |Calculating with fractions |AO 5 Know fractions and percentages in everyday|

| | | |use. |

|38 |Calculating 16 |Solving problems involving several steps |AO 1 Use a range of additive and simple |

| | | |multiplicative strategies with whole numbers, |

| | | |fractions, decimals, and percentages. |

|39 |Measurement 7 |Solving problems involving time, money and | |

| | |measures | |

|GMS Milestone 3 | |

|40 |Pattern and Algebra 5 |Using equivalence to solve problems |AO 7 Generalise the properties of addition and |

| | | |subtraction with whole numbers. |

| | | |AO 8 Connect members of sequential patterns |

| | | |with their ordinal position and use tables, |

| | | |graphs, and diagrams to find relationships |

| | | |between successive elements of number and |

| | | |spatial patterns. |

|40 |Pattern and Algebra 6 |Logic and reasoning |AO 8 Connect members of sequential patterns |

| | | |with their ordinal position and use tables, |

| | | |graphs, and diagrams to find relationships |

| | | |between successive elements of number and |

| | | |spatial patterns. |

|NPC Milestone 6 | |

Number strategies

Use a range of additive and simple multiplicative strategies with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages.

Number knowledge

Know basic multiplication and division facts.

Know counting sequences for whole numbers.

Know how many tenths, tens, hundreds, and thousands are in whole numbers.

Know fractions and percentages in everyday use.

Equations and expressions

Record and interpret additive and simple multiplicative strategies, using, words, diagrams, and symbols, with an understanding of equality.

Patterns and relationships

Generalise the properties of addition and subtraction with whole numbers.

Connect members of sequential patterns with their ordinal position and use tables, graphs, and diagrams to find relationships between successive elements of number and spatial patterns.

Geometry and measurement


Use linear scales and whole numbers of metric units for length, area, volume and capacity, weight (mass), angle, temperature, and time.

Find areas of rectangles and volumes of cuboids by applying multiplication.


Classify plane shapes and prisms by their spatial features.

Represent objects with drawings and models.

Position and orientation

Use a co-ordinate system or the language of direction and distance to specify locations and describe paths.


Describe the transformations (reflection, rotation, translation, or enlargement) that have mapped one object onto another.


Statistical investigation

Conduct investigations using the statistical enquiry cycle:

gathering, sorting, and displaying multivariate category and whole-number data and simple time-series data to answer questions

identifying patterns and trends in context, within and between data sets

communicating findings, using data displays.

Statistical literacy

Evaluate the effectiveness of different displays in representing the findings of a statistical investigation or probability activity undertaken by others.


Investigate simple situations that involve elements of chance by comparing experimental results with expectations from models of all the outcomes, acknowledging that samples vary.


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