IMPERIALISM IN AFRICA (chapter 25; lesson 2)

Directions: Between 1800 and 1914, a powerful group of European countries came to control much of the world. This quest for land, overseas markets and national pride resulted in the colonization and division of Africa. Throughout this period, European leaders relied on racism, superior weaponry, enslavement and brutality to impose their rule throughout the continent. In so doing, they forever changed the people and cultures of the lands they conquered. In order to learn about the colonization and rule of Africa, complete the chart below.

***Define IMPERIALISM: ________________________________________________________________________________


|Colonization of North Africa |Muhammad Ali: |Division of North Africa: |

|(pg. 598) | | |

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| |Suez Canal: | |

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|Colonization of Central & |David Livingstone: |Berlin Conference of 1884-85: |

|Eastern Africa | | |

|(pg. 598-599) | | |

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| |King Leopold II: | |

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|South Africa |Zulu people: |Boer War: |

|(pg.600-601) | | |

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| |Cecil Rhodes: |Creation of Union of South Africa: |

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Directions: Use pages 591 & 598 to complete this imperialism in Africa map. Create a color-coded key for each of the European powers (Belgian, British, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish) and shade in their corresponding colony. You also need to label the location of key people/events from Africa’s colonization.



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