General Ledger - Amazon Web Services

TechnologyOne Financials

General Ledger

Release 11.9

User Assistance

QUALITY ENDORSEMENT – ISO9001 Quality Management Systems – Requirements


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1. General Ledger 1

2. Reporting from the General Ledger Module 3

2.1 Reporting by Account in the Transaction Lifecycle 3

2.2 Reporting by Fund Account in the Transaction Lifecycle 4

2.3 General Reporting from the GL Module 5

2.4 Reporting From the Charts 5

2.5 Reporting From the Ledgers 6

2.6 Reporting From the Processing Groups 7

3. GL Data Entry Processing 8

3.1 About Entering GL Journals 9

3.2 About Working With General Cheques and Receipts 12

3.3 About Reviewing and Posting GL Document Files 17

3.4 About Cancelling General Cheques and Receipts After Posting 18

3.5 About Changing a GL Transaction After Posting 22

4. GL Notes and Reminders 23

4.1 About Working With GL Notes 24

5. GL Enquiries 29

5.1 About Enquiring on GL Accounts 30

6. GL Account Reconciliation 34

6.1 About Reconciling GL Transactions After Data Entry 35

6.2 About Cancelling Reconciled GL Transactions 39

6.3 About Finalising Reconciled GL Transactions 40

6.4 About Changing a GL Item Application Type 41

6.5 About Importing Reconciled GL Transaction Details 42

7. Setting Up Charts 44

7.1 About Setting Up the Structure for a New Set of Accounts 45

7.2 About Setting Up Your System To Automatically Generate Account Numbers 52

7.3 About Defining Validation Settings for Your Chart Accounts 54

7.4 About Rebuilding Charts As Part Of Ongoing Maintenance 56

8. Managing Charts 59

8.1 About Managing Charts 60

8.2 About Investigating Chart Accounts 65

8.3 About Reviewing Chart Accounts in a Custom View 69

8.4 About Importing and Exporting Chart Details 71

9. Understanding Chart Account Validations 77

10. Managing Ledgers 80

10.1 About Setting Up Ledgers 81

10.2 About Maintaining Ledgers 87

11. Setting Up Processing Groups 92

11.1 About Defining Processing Groups 94

11.2 About Setting Up Subsidiary Ledgers for a Processing Group 99

12. Processing Group Wizard 105

12.1 Step 1 – Select a Processing Group To Copy 107

12.2 Step 2 – Specify Primary Ledger Attributes 108

12.3 Step 3 – Include/Exclude Subsidiary Ledgers 109

12.4 Step 4 – Specify Subsidiary Ledger Attributes 110

12.5 Step 5 – Confirm New Processing Group Details 111

13. Setting Up Cash Accounting 112

13.1 Setting Up the Cash Ledger 112

13.2 Linking the Cash Ledger To Accrual Ledgers 112

13.3 Setting Up Cash Balancing Accounts for Subsidiary Ledgers 113

13.4 Customising Transaction Entry Formats To Automatically Update Cash Ledgers 114

13.5 Cash Accounting Example 115

14. Understanding Inter-Entity Accounting 116

15. Understanding Masked Disbursements 119

General Ledger

Consolidate, manage, and report on the financial information from all aspects of your organisation using the General Ledger (GL) module in TechnologyOne Financials.

TechnologyOne Financials lets you create as many ledgers as your organisation requires. Typically, this will consist of one primary general ledger with its own unique chart account structure. Your organisation may also require additional ledgers to manage accounts and transactions for a specific purpose, where the detail required does not form part of your primary GL. In this case, you can create extra ledgers as subsidiary ledgers of your primary GL, for example, mobile phones, and motor vehicles, or extra GL-type ledgers, for example, accounts payable and accounts receivable. Each subsidiary ledger has its own unique chart account structure. See Manage Ledgers and Processing Groups for more information.


Managing your general ledger includes:

• Creating and updating chart accounts

• Processing transactions for ledger accounts

• Enquiring and reporting on ledger accounts and transactions

• Reconciling transactions posted to ledger accounts

• Creating and recording notes and details of journal-related conversations against ledger accounts.

Create the chart accounts that your organisation requires in your GL charts and record descriptive and reporting attributes. Accounts have either an active or an inactive status and must pass certain validation rules before you can enter transactions against them. See About Managing Chart Accounts for more information. Although you usually enter and post transactions to accounts with an active status, you can also post transactions to inactive accounts.

You can enter transactions as documents against general ledger accounts. Document files are batches of data entry documents. Data entry includes recording details of the document, the relevant ledger, and the dissection of the amounts to the relevant GL accounts. Use data entry formats to customise the data entry screens and system behaviour for the different types of documents you process. For example, you may set up separate data entry formats for GL journals, GL cheques, and GL receipts.

Once data entry is complete, you can use workflow to refer the documents through your organisation for approval, then post to the system to update the relevant ledgers and accounts. Creating a document against a GL account raises a traceable commitment in the ledger. Posting a document file generates each document’s transactions against the relevant GL account in the ledger, and reduces the commitment.

GL Enquiries provides you with tools to locate GL account information including period balances and transaction listings, and allows you to drill down to source transactions. Additionally, account reconciliation functionality allows you to relate the transactions in an account to each other.

Use the GL notes and reminders facility to add further details to ledger accounts explaining selected transactions and to prompt you to review an earlier created note. In one activity, you can:

• Record the details of a journal-related conversation as a note against the account; and

• Link the note to the specific transaction/s it relates to; and

• Link a reminder to the note to prompt you, or another user, to follow it up.

Reporting from the General Ledger Module

Explore the topics in this section to find more information about reporting from the General Ledger module.

1 Reporting by Account in the Transaction Lifecycle

See How to Run a Report for more information about running any type of report.

|Report Name |Description |Business Reason |

|Commitment Summary by Account |Lists proposed expenditure or revenue for all|You may receive a request from your manager |

| |accounts within a selected ledger for the |to determine the value of their expenditure |

| |stages of the transaction lifecycle. |commitments so they can gauge how closely |

| | |aligned their business unit expenditure will |

| | |be to their budget at the end of the period. |

|Commitment Detail by Account |Lists proposed expenditure or revenue |You may use this report to determine whether |

| |transactions for all accounts within a |your commitments are still valid. For |

| |selected ledger for the stages of the |example, you may identify a purchase order |

| |transaction lifecycle. |that appears to be outstanding because a user|

| | |did not match it to the corresponding invoice|

| | |at the time of data entry. |

|Requisitions by Account |Lists proposed expenditure or revenue for all|You may use this report to determine whether |

| |accounts within a selected ledger for the |your requisitions are still valid. For |

| |stages of the transaction lifecycle. It |example, you may identify a requisition that |

| |provides a breakdown of each requisition |is only on hold because the next person in |

| |transaction including requisition number and |the workflow approval process is on extended |

| |date raised, name of supplier and transaction|leave. |

| |comments. | |

|Orders by Account |Lists proposed expenditure or revenue for all|You may use this report to locate an item you|

| |accounts within a selected ledger for the |have on backorder so you can cancel it, for |

| |stages of the transaction lifecycle. |example, if you have found another supplier |

| |It provides a breakdown of each order |who can supply the item immediately. |

| |transaction including order number and date | |

| |raised, name of supplier and transaction | |

| |comments. | |

|Purchase Order Receipts by Account |Lists for each account within a selected |You may receive a request from your manager |

| |ledger the value of the actual goods received|to identify the suppliers who have yet to |

| |by, or actual services provided to, your |invoice you for the goods received by your |

| |organisation that you are yet to receive |organisation so you can follow up with the |

| |invoices for. |suppliers. |

|Document File Revenue and Expenditure by |Lists for each account within a selected |You may use this report to identify unposted |

|Account |ledger the value of each document within an |document files for your business unit so you |

| |unposted document file. |can ask the workflow approval user to post |

| |It provides a breakdown of each document |the document files before running the ETD_RTD|

| |including the processing date, document |by Account report. |

| |reference number, GST values, name of |See About Using Document Files for Data Entry|

| |supplier, and transaction comments. |for more information about document files. |

|ETD RTD (Expenditure To Date and Revenue To |Lists actual expenditure or revenue for all |You may use this report to see how your |

|Date) by Account |accounts within a selected ledger. |business unit’s actual revenue and |

| | |expenditure is tracking against your budgeted|

| | |revenue and expenditure. |

2 Reporting by Fund Account in the Transaction Lifecycle

See How to Run a Report for more information about running any type of report.

See About Managing Ledgers for more information about funds tracking and reporting by fund accounts.

|Report Name |Description |Business Reason |

|Funds Available by Fund Account |Lists proposed expenditure or revenue for all|You may use this report to determine if there|

| |fund accounts within a selected ledger for |are sufficient funds in your Office Supplies |

| |the stages of the transaction lifecycle, and |account to order more stationery. |

| |the available funds for each fund account. | |

|Commitment Summary by Fund Account |Lists proposed expenditure or revenue for all|You may receive a request from your manager |

| |fund accounts within a selected ledger for |to determine the value of their expenditure |

| |the stages of the transaction lifecycle. |commitments so they can gauge how closely |

| | |aligned their business unit expenditure will |

| | |be to their budgeted expenditure at the end |

| | |of the period. |

|Commitment Detail by Fund Account |Lists proposed expenditure or revenue |You may use this report to determine whether |

| |transactions for all fund accounts within a |your commitments are still valid. For |

| |selected ledger for the stages of the |example, you may identify a purchase order |

| |transaction lifecycle. |that appears to be outstanding because a user|

| | |did not match it to the corresponding invoice|

| | |at the time of data entry. |

|Requisitions by Fund Account |Lists proposed expenditure or revenue for all|You may use this report to determine whether |

| |fund accounts within a selected ledger for |your requisitions are still valid. For |

| |the stages of the transaction lifecycle. |example, you may identify a requisition that |

| |It provides a breakdown of each requisition |is only on hold because the next person in |

| |transaction including requisition number and |the workflow approval process is on extended |

| |date raised, name of supplier and transaction|leave. |

| |comments. | |

|Orders by Fund Account |Lists proposed expenditure or revenue for all|You may use this report to locate an item you|

| |fund accounts within a selected ledger for |have on backorder so you can cancel it, for |

| |the stages of the transaction lifecycle. |example, if you have found another supplier |

| |It provides a breakdown of each order |who can supply the item immediately. |

| |transaction including order number and date | |

| |raised, name of supplier and transaction | |

| |comments. | |

|Purchase Order Receipts by Fund Account |Lists for each fund account within a selected|You may receive a request from your manager |

| |ledger the value of the actual goods received|to identify the suppliers who have yet to |

| |by, or actual services provided to, your |invoice you for the goods received by your |

| |organisation that you are yet to receive |organisation so you can follow up with the |

| |invoices for. |suppliers. |

|Document File Revenue_Expenditure by Fund |Lists for each fund account within a selected|You may use this report to identify unposted |

|Acct |ledger the value of each document within an |document files for your business unit so you |

| |unposted document file. |can ask the workflow approval user to post |

| |It provides a breakdown of each document |the document files before running the ETD_RTD|

| |including the processing date, document |by Account report. |

| |reference number, GST values, name of |See About Using Document Files for Data Entry|

| |supplier, and transaction comments. |for more information about document files |

|ETD_RTD (Expenditure To Date and Revenue To |Lists actual expenditure or revenue for all |You may use this report to see how your |

|Date) by Fund Account |fund accounts within a selected ledger. |business unit’s actual revenue and |

| | |expenditure is tracking against your budgeted|

| | |revenue and expenditure. |

3 General Reporting from the GL Module

See How to Run a Report for more information about running any type of report.

|Report Name |Description |Business Reason |

|Ledger Print – Summary Report |Lists all actual account balances and |You may use this report to determine why an |

|Ledger Print – Detail Report |transactions processed for GL accounts for a |account is over budget, for example an |

| |specified period or range of periods. |expense processed to the wrong account. |

| |Included for each transaction is the document| |

| |type, reference number and date processed. | |

| |The detailed report also displays the GST | |

| |breakdown for transactions where applicable. | |

|Trial Balance – Summary Report |Lists the actual revenue and expense balances|You may use this report to identify an |

|Trial Balance – Detail Report |for all the accounts in a ledger for a period|account that is over budget before using the |

|Trial Balance – By First Component |or range of periods you specify. |Ledger Print report to determine the cause. |

|Trial Balance – By Second Component |The detailed report also displays the revenue| |

| |and expenditure breakdown for each account | |

| |balance, and the periods transactions | |

| |occurred. | |

| |The component reports group and display the | |

| |accounts by the first or second component of | |

| |the account number. See How To Define the | |

| |Components of the General Account Structure | |

| |for more information. | |

4 Reporting From the Charts

See How To Run a Report for more information about running any type of report.

|Report Name |Description |Business Reason |

|Charts – Detail Report |Lists all charts within the system. The |You may run this report to review the chart |

|Charts – Summary Report |reports include chart type, description, |type, account structure and validation rules |

| |account structure and created date for each |before defining new chart accounts in an |

| |chart. |import spreadsheet after a merge with another|

| |The detailed report also displays the account|organisation. |

| |validation groups defined for each chart. | |

|Chart of Accounts – Summary Report |Lists all chart accounts for a specific |You may run this report to identify inactive |

|Chart of Accounts – Detail Report |chart. The reports include accounts |chart accounts in the system so you can |

| |descriptions and the status of each chart |review and remove them to increase |

| |account. |performance. |

| |The detailed report also displays chart | |

| |reporting groups and business numbers (for AP| |

| |and AR charts only) for each chart account. | |

|AR Master File – Summary Report |Lists all AR accounts for a specific chart. |You may run this report to evaluate the |

|AR Master File – Details Report |The reports include the general contact |payment receipting methods of customers so |

| |details and the reporting options for each |that the debt collection team of your |

| |debtor account. |organisation can negotiate with them and set |

| |The detailed report also displays information|up direct debit as the default payment |

| |on ageing terms, statement details, default |receipting method for all customers. |

| |account dissections and document transmission| |

| |methods for each AR account (see About | |

| |Setting Up an AR Debtor Account for more | |

| |information). | |

|AP Master File – Summary Report |Lists all AP accounts for a specific chart. |You may run this report to evaluate the |

|AP Master File – Details Report |The reports include the general contact |document transmission methods of all |

| |details and the reporting options defined for|suppliers and based on your organisation's |

| |each supplier account. |policy in minimising the paper usage, to |

| |The detailed report also displays information|negotiate with them to use email as the main |

| |on default account dissections for each AP |document transmission method. |

| |account (see About Working With AP Supplier | |

| |Accounts for more information). | |

|PC Master File – Summary Report |Lists all the purchase card accounts for a |You may run this report to identify the |

|PC Master File – Details Report |specific chart. The reports include the |cardholders who you have not set up personal |

| |contact details of the cardholders and the |expense accounts for. |

| |reporting options defined for each account. | |

| |The detailed report also displays information| |

| |on default account dissections for each | |

| |purchase card account (see How To Define a | |

| |Purchase Card as a Purchase Card Account for | |

| |more information). | |

5 Reporting From the Ledgers

See How To Run a Report for more information about running any type of report.

|Report Name |Description |Business Reason |

|Ledgers – Summary Report |Lists all ledgers within the system (see |You may run this report at the beginning of |

|Ledgers – Detail Report |How To Set Up an Actual or Budget Ledger |the financial period to review previous year |

| |to Record and Maintain Account Balances |ledgers and its settings before setting up |

| |for more information). |ledgers for the new financial period. |

| |The detailed report also includes the | |

| |ledger that you want to compare ledger | |

| |account balances with (such as the budget | |

| |ledger) and information on whether you | |

| |have activated funds control and chart | |

| |posting functionality for each ledger. | |

|Ledgers – Funds & Commitments Report |Lists all ledgers within the system and |You may run this report to identify the |

| |indicates whether you have set up the |ledgers for which you need to increase the |

| |ledger to track account commitments and |insufficient fund tolerance percentage. |

| |funds. | |

|Ledger Balance Integrity – Detail |Lists account balances within the |You may run this report monthly to find out |

|Ledger Balance Integrity – Exception |transaction, period and account tables |whether there are any possible imbalances in |

|Ledger Balance Integrity – Summary |within a ledger so that users can compare |your ledger accounts. |

| |and identify any possible imbalances. | |

| |An exception report highlights any | |

| |possible imbalances that the system can | |

| |find between these tables. | |

6 Reporting From the Processing Groups

See How to Run a Report for more information about running any type of report.

|Report Name |Description |Business Reason |

|Processing Group – Detail Report |Lists all the processing groups that you have|You may run this report at the end of every |

|Processing Group – Summary Report |defined within the system. You can customise |financial period to identify the active |

| |the report to include only the active |processing groups that you need to change the|

| |processing groups. |status before creating new ones for the new |

| |The detailed report lets you review the |financial period. |

| |settings of a single processing group. You | |

| |can also customise the report to include | |

| |inter-entity and disbursement settings. | |

GL Data Entry Processing


Use data entry processing to enter documents for general ledger (GL) transactions into TechnologyOne Financials. Documents include journals, receipts, and cheques.

A data entry format is required for each type of document you process. Formats allow custom screen design and data entry behaviour based on the type of document you are entering. TechnologyOne supplies base formats and your system administrator will usually set up custom data entry formats specifically for your organisation. A custom format can be a copy of a base format with the updates your organisation needs (such as adding/hiding data entry fields) or a new format to meet your organisation’s requirements (such as a format to process general journals, reversing journals, and budget journals). See Format Management for more information.

To enter a GL document, a GL account usually exists in the GL chart. See About Managing Chart Accounts for more information.

A document file is a batch of entered documents and you use workflow to refer the file through your organisation for approval. Posting a document file generates each document’s transactions against the relevant GL account in the ledger.

1 About Entering GL Journals

A journal is your way of processing transactions to general ledger accounts, for example, you need to reverse a transaction previously posted to the wrong account, and then post it to the correct account. Enter and post GL journals to generate transactions against ledger accounts and adjust their balances. You can then enquire or report on these journal transactions.

A data entry format may be required for each type of journal you process, for example, general journals, reversing journals, and budget journals. The format determines the available data entry fields and processing behaviour for the document you are entering. For example, for a reversing journal you want to be able to specify both the periods to post and reverse transactions.

TechnologyOne supplies base formats with the system and your system administrator may set up custom data entry formats specifically for your organisation.

To allow entry of a ledger journal, you usually need to create a GL account beforehand (see About Managing Chart Accounts for more information).

1 How To Enter a GL Journal

Use this action to enter a general, budget, cash, or standard and cash journal.

1. Open the GL Transaction Entry function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

2. Click the format in the task pane for the journal you want to enter. The journal document displays with the system-generated journal number, current date, and the accounting period the entry will post to in the document header.

The most recently used formats list in the task pane (usually the last eight used). You might need to click More in the task pane to view all available formats.

Your system administrator sets up a document register at the time your organisation installs TechnologyOne Financials. The register records the document numbers used and the system displays the next available number. See About Managing Documents Using Document Registers for more information.

3. Complete the grid with details of the account you want to debit or credit.

a. Select the ledger and number for the account. The account name displays in the grid.

Use the search functionality to search for the account number. You can use different criteria for the search, for example, Description like Salaries lists all account number descriptions including the name Salaries.

b. Specify the amount of the transaction.

c. Complete the narrative fields with a brief explanation of the purpose of the journal, for example, record that you adjusted a transaction posted to the wrong account.

4. Either:

a. If you have finished working with this journal:

– Click Save Document in the task pane to save the journal to the document file.

– Click Save and Clear in the task pane to save the journal and clear the screen to add another journal to the document file. See About Using Document Files for Data Entry for more information.

– Click Save and Print in the task pane to save the journal to the document file and print or transmit it. See How to Print or Transmit the Document Currently Displayed for more information; or

d. If you have finished working with this journal and the document file:

– Click Save in the task pane to save the document file for processing later.

– Click Submit For Approval in the task pane to save the document file and refer it to another user for approval.

– Click Approve Document File in the task pane to save the document file and approve it for posting.

– Click Accept and Post Document File in the task pane to save the document file and approve it for posting to your ledger.

If you do not have the authority to approve and/or post the document file, use workflow to refer the file to a user who does.

If a popup window displays with details of errors and/or warnings, click No, review the messages, then update the journal details before processing again.

2 How To Enter a GL Reversing Journal

1. Open the GL Transaction Entry function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

5. Click the format in the task pane for the reversing journal you want to enter. The reversing journal document displays with the system-generated journal number, current date, and the accounting periods the entry will post to and reverse from in the document header.

The most recently used formats list in the task pane (usually the last eight used). You might need to click More in the task pane to view all available formats.

Your system administrator sets up a document register at the time your organisation installs TechnologyOne Financials. The register records the document numbers used and the system displays the next available number. See About Managing Documents Using Document Registers for more information.

6. Complete the grid with details of the account you want to debit or credit.

a. Select the ledger and number for the account. The account name displays in the grid.

Use the search functionality to search for the account number. You can use different criteria for the search, for example, Description like Insurance lists all account number descriptions including the name Insurance.

e. Specify the amount of the transaction.

f. Complete the narrative fields with a brief explanation of the purpose of the journal, for example, you are recognising the prepayment of an annual insurance expense.

7. Either:

a. If you have finished working with this journal:

– Click Save Document in the task pane to save the journal to the document file.

– Click Save and Clear in the task pane to save the journal and clear the screen to add another journal to the document file. See About Using Document Files for Data Entry for more information.

– Click Save and Print in the task pane to save the journal to the document file and print or transmit it. See How to Print or Transmit the Document Currently Displayed for more information; or

g. If you have finished working with this journal and the document file:

– Click Save in the task pane to save the document file for processing later.

– Click Submit For Approval in the task pane to save the document file and refer it to another user for approval.

– Click Approve Document File in the task pane to save the document file and approve it for posting.

– Click Accept and Post Document File in the task pane to save the document file and approve it for posting to your ledger.

If you do not have the authority to approve and/or post the document file, use workflow to refer the file to a user who does.

If a popup window displays with details of errors and/or warnings, click No, review the messages, then update the journal details before processing again.

2 About Working With General Cheques and Receipts

Usually, data entry users will produce cheques in a bulk payment run through AP payment processing (see Processing AP Payment Runs for more information) to pay an AP supplier invoice. However, you may need to create and record other cheque payments that do not involve a supplier or you have yet to receive a tax invoice, for example:

• Paying someone other than an external supplier, for example, to a staff member to reimburse them for a petty cash expense

• Paying a supplier before you receive a formal invoice from them, for example, your supplier has a seven-day delivery agreement with your organisation. In order to receive an urgent delivery within 24 hours, payment is required up front.

• Recording the details of a cheque produced from a physical cheque book.

Data entry cheque processing allows you to create an individual cheque payment by creating a cheque document with the payment details, optionally printing the cheque, then approving and posting the document. You enter the cheque against the ledger and account/s related to the payment and record the cheque details.

Manual cheque processing allows you to record in the system the details of a cheque you produced from a physical cheque book.

Usually, you will produce a general receipt when you receive payment from someone other than an AR debtor for a product or service supplied by your organisation, for example, you issue a receipt to a staff member purchasing an item of clothing from the corporate wardrobe, or before you issue an invoice.

Data entry receipt processing allows you to generate receipts for payments received by:

• Cash or cheque

• EFTPOS or bank card payments

• Other electronic payment methods such as direct deposit.

Create a receipt document file with the receipt details, specify the ledger and account to credit the funds, optionally print the receipt, then approve and post the document. After processing receipts, you can create a bank deposit slip for one or more receipt document files. The bank deposit slip summarises the total cash, cheque and other payments received that you processed as receipts in the document file/s. You can then give the bank deposit slip to your bank when you deposit the cash and cheques received.

1 How To Record the Details of a Manual GL Cheque You Produced Earlier

Use this action to record the details of a cheque you wrote out manually from a cheque book.

1. Open the AP Transaction Entry function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

8. Click the format in the task pane for the manual cheque you want to enter. The cheque document displays with the system-generated cheque number, today’s date, and the accounting period the entry will post to in the document header.

The most recently used formats list in the task pane (usually the last eight used). You might need to click More in the task pane to view all available formats.

Your system administrator sets up a document register at the time your organisation installs TechnologyOne Financials. The register records the document numbers used and the system displays the next available number. See About Managing Documents Using Document Registers for more information.

9. Complete the document header section with the cheque details.

a. Specify the cheque number from the manual cheque book if different to the default.

h. Specify whether the cheque amount you will enter includes or excludes any GST. Either way, the system calculates any applicable GST.

i. Select the cheque date or use the default current date.

10. Complete the grid with details of the account you want to debit.

a. Select the ledger and number for the account. The account name displays in the grid.

Use the search functionality to search for the account number. You can use different criteria for the search, for example, Description like Salaries lists all account number descriptions including the name Salaries.

j. Select the GST code for the transaction, for example C – Current Rate. This code indicates whether the system calculates GST for the transaction.

k. Specify the amount of the transaction.

– If you selected Inclusive in the document header, type the amount in the Inclusive field. The GST and exclusive amounts will calculate and display in the grid.

l. If you selected Exclusive in the document header, type the amount in the Exclusive field. The GST and inclusive amounts will calculate and display in the grid.

11. Record a comment for the cheque, if required, for example, Petty cash.

12. Either:

a. If you have finished working with this cheque:

– Click Save Document in the task pane to save the cheque to the document file.

– Click Save and Clear in the task pane to save the cheque and clear the screen to add another cheque to the document file. See About Using Document Files for Data Entry for more information.

– Click Save and Print in the task pane to save the cheque to the document file and print or transmit it. See How to Print or Transmit the Document Currently Displayed for more information; or

m. If you have finished working with this cheque and the document file:

– Click Save in the task pane to save the document file for processing later.

– Click Submit For Approval in the task pane to save the document file and refer it to another user for approval.

– Click Approve Document File in the task pane to save the document file and approve it for posting.

– Click Accept and Post Document File in the task pane to save the document file and approve it for posting to your ledger.

If you do not have the authority to approve and/or post the document file, use workflow to refer the file to a user who does.

If a popup window displays with details of errors and/or warnings, click No, review the messages, then update the journal details before processing again.

2 How To Record and Produce a GL Cheque

Use this action to record the details of a general cheque you want to produce.

1. Open the AP Transaction Entry function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

13. Click the format in the task pane for the print cheque you want to enter. The cheque document displays with the system-generated cheque number, today’s date, and the accounting period the entry will post to in the document header.

The most recently used formats list in the task pane (usually the last eight used). You might need to click More in the task pane to view all available formats.

Your system administrator sets up a document register at the time your organisation installs TechnologyOne Financials. The register records the document numbers used and the system displays the next available number. See About Managing Documents Using Document Registers for more information.

14. Complete the document header section with the cheque details.

a. Specify whether the cheque amount you will enter includes or excludes any GST. Either way, the system calculates any applicable GST.

n. Select the cheque date or use the default current date.

15. Complete the grid with details of the account you want to debit.

a. Select the ledger and number for the account. The account name displays in the grid.

Use the search functionality to search for the account number. You can use different criteria for the search, for example, Description like Salaries lists all account number descriptions including the name Salaries.

o. Select the GST code for the transaction, for example C – Current Rate. This code indicates whether the system calculates GST for the transaction.

p. Specify the amount of the transaction.

– If you selected Inclusive in the document header, type the amount in the Inclusive field. The GST and exclusive amounts will calculate and display in the grid.

q. If you selected Exclusive in the document header, type the amount in the Exclusive field. The GST and inclusive amounts will calculate and display in the grid.

16. Record a comment for the cheque, if required, for example, Petty cash.

17. Specify the address details of the person you are producing the cheque for in the Address section.

18. Complete the Print Details section with the cheque details.

a. Click Load Default Details to default the date, comment and amount you specified in the document header and grid.

r. If available, specify the Reference to help the person identify the payment.

19. Either:

a. If you have finished working with this cheque:

– Click Save Document in the task pane to save the cheque to the document file.

– Click Save and Clear in the task pane to save the cheque and clear the screen to add another cheque to the document file. See About Using Document Files for Data Entry for more information.

– Click Save and Print in the task pane to save the cheque to the document file and print or transmit it. See How to Print or Transmit the Document Currently Displayed for more information; or

s. If you have finished working with this cheque and the document file:

– Click Save in the task pane to save the document file for processing later.

– Click Submit For Approval in the task pane to save the document file and refer it to another user for approval.

– Click Approve Document File in the task pane to save the document file and approve it for posting.

– Click Accept and Post Document File in the task pane to save the document file and approve it for posting to your ledger.

If you do not have the authority to approve and/or post the document file, use workflow to refer the file to a user who does.

If a popup window displays with details of errors and/or warnings, click No, review the messages, then update the journal details before processing again.

3 How To Enter a General Receipt

Use this action to produce a receipt for a payment received.

1. Open the AR Transaction Entry function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

20. Click the format in the task pane for the general receipt you want to enter. The general receipt document displays with the system-generated receipt number, today’s date, and the accounting period the entry will post to in the document header.

The most recently used formats list in the task pane (usually the last eight used). You might need to click More in the task pane to view all available formats.

Your system administrator sets up a document register at the time your organisation installs TechnologyOne Financials. The register records the document numbers used and the system displays the next available number. See About Managing Documents Using Document Registers for more information.

21. Complete the document header section with the receipt details.

a. Specify whether the receipt amount you will enter includes or excludes any GST. Either way, the system calculates any applicable GST.

t. Select the receipt date or use the default current date.

22. Complete the grid with details of the receipt.

a. Select the ledger and number for the account. The account name displays in the grid.

Use the search functionality to search for the account number. You can use different criteria for the search, for example, Description like Salaries lists all account number descriptions including the name Salaries.

u. Select the GST code for the transaction, for example C – Current Rate. This code indicates whether the system calculates GST for the transaction.

v. Specify the amount of the transaction.

– If you selected Inclusive in the document header, type the amount in the Inclusive field. The GST and exclusive amounts will calculate and display in the grid.

w. If you selected Exclusive in the document header, type the amount in the Exclusive field. The GST and inclusive amounts will calculate and display in the grid.

x. Record a comment for the receipt, for example, Cheque received.

23. Specify the address details of the person you are producing the receipt for in the Address section.

24. Complete the Print Details section with the receipt details. You can click Load Default Details to default the description and amount you specified in the document grid.

25. Complete the Bank Breakdown section to specify the payment method/s for the money received.

a. Click Add Bank Breakdown Details. The Tender Details popup window displays.

y. Select the radio button that corresponds with the method the payee used to make payment.

z. Specify the amount the payee paid by this method. For some payment methods, you may also need to specify supporting information, such as cheque or credit card details.

aa. Click OK. The popup window closes.

ab. If required, repeat the above steps for each payment method used by the payee, for example, they made payments by cash, EFTPOS, and credit card.

26. Either:

a. If you have finished working with this receipt:

– Click Save Document in the task pane to save the receipt to the document file.

– Click Save and Clear in the task pane to save the receipt and clear the screen to add another receipt to the document file. See About Using Document Files for Data Entry for more information.

– Click Save and Print in the task pane to save the receipt to the document file and print or transmit it. See How to Print or Transmit the Document Currently Displayed for more information; or

ac. If you have finished working with this receipt and the document file:

– Click Save in the task pane to save the document file for processing later.

– Click Submit For Approval in the task pane to save the document file and refer it to another user for approval.

– Click Approve Document File in the task pane to save the document file and approve it for posting.

– Click Accept and Post Document File in the task pane to save the document file and approve it for posting to your ledger.

If you do not have the authority to approve and/or post the document file, use workflow to refer the file to a user who does.

If a popup window displays with details of errors and/or warnings, click No, review the messages, then update the invoice details before processing again.

3 About Reviewing and Posting GL Document Files

You will enter GL transactions, such as journals, receipts, and cheques, into TechnologyOne Financials using document files. You create document files while you work, as you create documents. You can review, print, report and post the documents included in a document file, for example:

• Review the documents in a journal document file before submitting it for approval using workflow

• Print general receipt documents included in a document file

• Report on a general cheque document file to keep a record of approved documents for audit purposes

• View the impact of a recent transaction, for example, after processing a journal, you want to see the impact it has on an account balance.

See About Using Document Files for Data Entry for more information.

After posting, you can change or cancel a GL transaction, for example:

• Change the details for a transaction to correct a data entry error. See How To Change a GL Transaction After Posting for more information.

• Cheque payment dishonoured when presented at the bank. See How To Cancel a General Receipt After Posting for more information.

4 About Cancelling General Cheques and Receipts After Posting

You may need to cancel a previously generated cheque or receipt you issued and posted to an account, for example:

• Cheque dishonoured when presented at the bank

• Financial institution account details were incorrect

• Cheque lost in the mail that you need to cancel and reissue.

When you cancel a cheque or receipt, a record of the transactions – payment and subsequent cancellation – remain in the system for future enquiries and auditing purposes.

1 How To Cancel a General Receipt After Posting

Use this action to cancel a receipt for a payment received.

1. Open the AR Transaction Entry function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

27. Select a format in the task pane for cancelling a general receipt. The cancel general receipt document displays with today’s date, accounting period the entry will post to and the cancellation date in the document header

The most recently used formats list in the task pane (usually the last eight used). You might need to click More in the task pane to view all available formats.

Your system administrator sets up a document register at the time your organisation installs TechnologyOne Financials. The register records the document numbers used and the system displays the next available number. See About Managing Documents Using Document Registers for more information.

28. Click Create Cancel Document in the task pane. A popup menu displays.

29. Either:

a. Select Find Document by Transaction to search for the receipt by transaction in a ledger account. The Ledger Transaction Listing function opens.

– Specify the general ledger name and account number with the receipt you want to cancel.

– Either:

Click Retrieve to display all transactions for the ledger account; or

Use the search functionality to display the receipt for cancellation. You can use different criteria to search for the transaction. For example, you can use Original Amt (AUD) = 100 to list all transactions with an original value of 100.00.

– Double-click the receipt you want to cancel. The Document File Entry function displays with the receipt number and a cancellation description in the document header and the receipt details in the grid;


ad. Select Find Document by Reference to search for the receipt by its document reference number. The Reference Number Enquiry function opens.

– Either:

Click Retrieve to display all transactions; or

Use the search functionality to display the receipt you want to cancel. You can use different criteria to search for the transaction. For example, you can use Original Amt (AUD) = 100 to list all transactions with an original value of 100.00.

– Click the reference number link of the receipt you want to cancel. The Document File Entry function displays with the receipt number and cancellation description in the document header, and the payment details in the grid.

30. Complete the document header with the cancellation details.

a. Specify the cancellation reason code, for example, Rejected by Bank to indicate your financial institution did not process the original payment.

ae. Specify the date you want the cancelled receipt to take effect from, if different from today.

af. Specify a reason for cancelling the receipt, for example, Cheque dishonoured.

31. Either:

a. If you have finished working with this cancelled receipt:

– Click Save Document in the task pane to save the cancelled receipt to the document file.

– Click Save and Clear in the task pane to save the cancelled receipt and clear the screen to add another cancelled receipt to the document file. See About Using Document Files for Data Entry for more information.

– Click Save and Print in the task pane to save the cancelled receipt to the document file and print or transmit it. See How to Print or Transmit the Document Currently Displayed for more information; or

ag. If you have finished working with this cancelled receipt and the document file:

– Click Save in the task pane to save the document file for processing later.

– Click Submit For Approval in the task pane to save the document file and refer it to another user for approval.

– Click Approve Document File in the task pane to save the document file and approve it for posting.

– Click Accept and Post Document File in the task pane to save the document file and approve it for posting to your ledger.

If you do not have the authority to approve and/or post the document file, use workflow to refer the file to a user who does.

If a popup window displays with details of errors and/or warnings, click No, review the messages, then update the invoice details before processing again.

2 How To Cancel a General Cheque After Posting

1. Open the AP Transaction Entry function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

32. Select a format in the task pane for cancelling a general cheque. The cancel general cheque document displays with today’s date, accounting period the entry will post to and the cancellation date in the document header.

The most recently used formats list in the task pane (usually the last eight used). You might need to click More in the task pane to view all available formats.

Your system administrator sets up a document register at the time your organisation installs TechnologyOne Financials. The register records the document numbers used and the system displays the next available number. See About Managing Documents Using Document Registers for more information.

33. Complete the document header with the cancellation details.

a. Specify the cancellation reason code, for example, Cheque Amount to indicate the cheque value is incorrect.

ah. Specify the date you want the cancelled cheque to take effect from, if different from today.

ai. Specify a reason for cancelling the cheque, for example, Cheque rewritten.

34. Click Create Cancel Document in the task pane. A popup menu displays.

35. Either:

a. Click Find Document by Transaction to search for the payment by transaction in a supplier account. The Ledger Transaction Maintenance – Transactions function opens.

– Specify the general ledger name and account number with the cheque you want to cancel.

– Either:

Click Retrieve to display all transactions for the ledger account; or

Use the search functionality to display the payment for cancellation. You can use different criteria to search for the transaction. For example, you can use Original Amt (AUD) = 100 to list all transactions with an original value of 100.00.

– Double-click the payment you want to cancel. The Document File Entry function displays with the payment number and a cancellation description in the document header, and the payment details in the grid.

aj. Click Find Document by Reference to search for the payment by its document reference number. The Reference Number Enquiry function opens.

– Either:

Click Retrieve to display all transactions; or

Use the search functionality to display the payment you want to cancel. You can use different criteria to search for the transaction. For example, you can use Original Amt (AUD) = 100 to list all transactions with an original value of 100.00.

– Click the reference number link of the payment you want to cancel. The Document File Entry function displays with the payment number and cancellation description in the document header, and the payment details in the grid.

36. Either:

a. If you have finished working with this cancelled cheque:

– Click Save Document in the task pane to save the cancelled cheque to the document file.

– Click Save and Clear in the task pane to save the cancelled cheque and clear the screen to add another cancelled cheque to the document file. See About Using Document Files for Data Entry for more information.

– Click Save and Print in the task pane to save the cancelled cheque to the document file and print or transmit it. See How to Print or Transmit the Document Currently Displayed for more information; or

ak. If you have finished working with this cancelled cheque and the document file:

– Click Save in the task pane to save the document file for processing later.

– Click Submit For Approval in the task pane to save the document file and refer it to another user for approval.

– Click Approve Document File in the task pane to save the document file and approve it for posting.

al. Click Accept and Post Document File in the task pane to save the document file and approve it for posting to your ledger.

If you do not have the authority to approve and/or post the document file, use workflow to refer the file to a user who does.

If a popup window displays with details of errors and/or warnings, click No, review the messages, then update the details before processing again

5 About Changing a GL Transaction After Posting

After you enter, approve, and post a document for a GL account via a document file, you can change attributes that have a non-financial impact, for example:

• Change the date on a transaction to correct a data entry error

• Record that your organisation received a tax invoice from a supplier.

1 How To Change a GL Transaction After Posting

You can change non-financial information in a GL document, such as a journal or a receipt, after posting.

1. Open the Ledger Transaction Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

37. Specify the name of the general ledger to which you posted the transaction.

38. Either:

a. Select the Only show accounts/commitments with a balance checkbox to view only ledger accounts with an outstanding balance; or

am. Clear the Only show accounts/commitments with a balance checkbox to view all ledger accounts, including those without an outstanding balance.

39. Either:

a. Click Retrieve to display a list of accounts assigned to the ledger name entered; or

an. Use the search functionality to search for the ledger account for the transaction. You can use different criteria for the search, for example, Description like Salaries lists ledger accounts including the name Salaries.

40. In the grid, click the account link for the transaction you want to change. The Ledger Transaction Maintenance – Transactions function opens.

41. Click the date link in the grid to open the transaction to change. The Ledger Transaction Maintenance – Details function opens.

42. Change the transaction details, as required. For example:

– Current document date is incorrect and you need to change the date in the Transaction Fields section.

– You received a tax invoice from a supplier and you need to select the Tax Invoice Received checkbox.

43. Click Save in the task pane.

GL Notes and Reminders

Use the general ledger (GL) notes and reminders facility in TechnologyOne Financials to add further details to ledger accounts explaining selected transactions and to prompt you to review an earlier created note.

In one activity, you can:

• Record the details of a journal-related conversation as a note against the account; and

• Link the note to the specific transaction/s it relates to; and

• Link a reminder to the note to prompt you, or another user, to follow it up.

Record notes against a GL account outlining the details of a conversation you have with another staff member or external party about a particular GL account. For example, a manager from another business unit contacts you to query an unexpected expense in their unit’s account this month.

Link a reminder to the note to assist with regular processing activities, for example, a prompt to enter a reversal journal for each month of the year for your annual insurance expense. You can cancel or change the schedule for your reminder at any time.

1 About Working With GL Notes

GL notes are a useful way to record additional details for a GL account to help provide further information for another user or external party. You might create a GL note following:

• a phone call from a business unit manager following their monthly budget review meeting querying an unexpected expense allocated to their business unit; or

• an email from an external auditor requesting further information about a group of transactions in a specified account.

When you create a note, you can choose whether to:

• Associate any transactions to the note, for example, you might link a note about a journal you created to reverse a transaction posted in error.

• Set up a reminder to prompt you to review the note at a future date.

Each time you add a GL note to a ledger account, the system stores the note in the history section of the account. You can make changes to a note, such as updating the status once you action the associated reminder, or link additional notes relating to the existing one, for example, tracking the history of a request from an external auditor following the preparation of year end accounts.

1 How To Create a GL Note

1. Open Ledger Note Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

44. Select the name of the ledger with the ledger account for which you want to create the note.

If using the picklist to select a ledger, restrict the list to only GL charts by using the criteria Chart Type = General Ledger.

45. Select the ledger account for which you want to add the note.

If using the picklist to select the ledger account, restrict the list to a specific account/s, for example, use Account Description like Buildings to list ledger accounts including the name Buildings.

46. Either:

a. Specify a unique number or name to assign to the note that is meaningful to your organisation, for example, Reversal Journal; or

ao. Select an existing note on the ledger account that you want your new note to link to; or

ap. Click Generate Note Number to assign a system-generated number to the note using a time and date stamp.

All transactions for the GL account display in the Transaction Details grid if you specified or created a system-generated note number. All transactions associated with the note display in the grid if you selected an existing note.

47. If you did not select an existing note, complete the Note Details section with details about the ledger account note.

a. Specify the subject of the note, for example, Reversal Journal to indicate the note relates to a reversing journal transaction.

aq. Change the default date of today, if required. For example, you want to record details of the reversing journal you processed earlier in the week.

ar. Complete the Note Details field with comments relating to the reversal journal. For example, you might record a summary of the conversation you had with a business unit manager regarding an expense incorrectly charged to their business unit.

as. Change the default text in the Short Note field (carried through from the Subject field) if required, for example, you may want to record the outcome of the conversation.

at. Specify the note type code, for example, your organisation may assign a code of 02- Reversal Journal to all notes relating to a journal reversing transaction.

au. Change the default note status from In Progress to Completed if there is no further action required on your, or another user’s, behalf.

48. Complete the Transaction Details section to select which transactions to link to the note, for example, another GL journal processed three months ago.

a. Select All to display every transaction processed against the account.

av. Click Retrieve. Transactions matching the specified criteria display in the grid.

aw. Select the checkbox/es for the transaction/s you want to link to the note.

49. Complete the Review Details section to create a reminder for yourself or another user to review the note at a future date.

a. Select the Do you want to review this note in the future? checkbox to create a reminder.

ax. Either:

– In the grid, use a separate line for each reminder date and specify the user/s you want to receive the reminder, and the date and time you want the reminder to occur; or

– Click Enter a Recurring Review Schedule to automatically schedule the reminders to match the frequency you specify. The Create a Recurring Review Schedule popup window displays with the reminder assigned to you by default.

Select the user/s you want to receive the reminder, for example:

Use the picklist in the User(s) field to select another user (hold down the CTRL key to select more than one); or

Select User Group to assign the reminder to a specific group of users, for example, Sales Team.

Select the date/s you want the reminder to occur, for example:

Use the calculator, calendar, and time fields to set up a reminder to occur every 14 days from 1 January to 31 May at 8.30am; or

Specify whether you want this review schedule to create a new schedule, or replace an existing schedule, for this note. Either:

Select the Append the new schedule to existing reviews radio button to create the schedule as specified; or

Select the Replace existing reviews with the new schedule radio button to overwrite an existing review schedule with the schedule you specified.

Click OK. The Create a Recurring Review Schedule popup window closes and the Ledger Note Maintenance function redisplays with the reminder details you specified listed in the Review Details grid.

ay. Select the Create Reminders in TechnologyOne Financials for all Review Users checkbox to assign the details of this reminder to the user/s you specified.

az. Select the Create Reminder Appointments in my Outlook Calendar checkbox to create the reminder in your Microsoft Outlook calendar.

50. Either:

a. Click Save and Clear in the task pane. The system saves this note to the GL account and clears the fields to allow you to add another note.

ba. Click Save in the task pane. The system saves the note to the Notes section of the GL account.

2 How To Make Changes to an Existing GL Note

1. Open the Account Details (GL) function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

51. Specify the name of the GL ledger.

52. Select the ledger account with a note you want to change. All notes associated with the ledger account you specified display in the Notes section.

If using the picklist to select the ledger account, restrict the list to a specific account, for example, use Account Description like Buildings to list ledger accounts including the name Buildings.

53. Click the linked subject of the note you want to change. The Ledger Note Maintenance function opens displaying the details of the note you selected.

54. Make the required changes to the note, for example:

a. Update the subject and note details with the changes you want to make.

bb. Change the note status, for example, Completed because no further action is required on the note by you or another user.

bc. Link transactions that relate to the note. See How to Create a GL Note for more information.

bd. Set up a reminder to review the note later. See How to Create a GL Note for more information.

3 How To Remove a GL Note Created in Error

When you remove a GL note from a ledger account, you permanently remove all associated notes from the system. Unless you added the note to the wrong GL account, we recommend you link another note to the original one recording the details of the error, and change the status of the note to Completed.

1. Open the Account Details (GL) function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

55. Specify the name of the GL ledger.

56. Select the ledger account with a note you want to remove. All notes associated with the GL account you specified display in the Notes section.

If using the picklist to select the ledger account, restrict the list to a specific account, for example, use Account Description like Buildings to list ledger accounts including the name Buildings.

57. Click the linked subject of the note you want to remove. The Ledger Note Maintenance function opens displaying the details of the note you selected.

58. Click Delete in the task pane. A confirmation request displays in the popup window.

59. Click Yes. The popup window closes and the Ledger Note Maintenance function redisplays with blank fields.

60. Open and refresh the Account Details function. The note you removed no longer displays in the Notes grid.

4 How To View a List of GL Notes

1. Open the GL Enquiry tab.

The tabs that display at the top of your screen depend on your workplace. See How To Add a Menu Tab to a Workplace for more information.

61. Click Note Reviews and Reminders in the task pane. The Note Reviews and Reminders function displays.

62. Either:

a. Click Retrieve. A list of all GL notes ever created for any ledger account by any user displays; or

be. Use the search functionality to restrict the list of results, for example, Note Status equals In Progress lists only ledger accounts with an active note.

Click Retrieve. A list of all GL notes matching the criteria you specified displays.

63. Click the linked review date of a note if you want to view the note details. The Ledger Note Maintenance function opens.

5 How To Link a Transaction to an Existing GL Note

You can only link a transaction to an existing note if the note status is In Progress.

1. Open the Transaction to Note Maintenance (GL) function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

64. Specify the name of the GL ledger.

65. Select the ledger account with a transaction you want to link to a note.

If using the picklist to select the ledger account, restrict the list to a specific account, for example, use Account Description like Buildings to list ledger accounts including the name Buildings.

66. Specify the transaction reference number.

67. Press Enter on your keyboard. The Transaction Details section displays the transaction details including date of data entry, original, paid, and outstanding amounts, reference number, and comments.

68. Complete the Note Details section to select an existing note to link to your transaction.

a. Either:

– Select All Notes from the dropdown list to display all notes for the GL account you selected; or

– Select Notes Associated with this Transaction from the dropdown list to only display notes already linked to this transaction for the GL account you selected.

bf. Click Retrieve. A list of all GL notes matching the criteria you specified displays.

bg. Select the checkbox/es for the note/s you want to link to the transaction.

69. Either:

a. Click Save and Clear in the task pane. The system links the selected GL note/s to the selected transaction and clears the fields to allow you to link another transaction to an existing note.

bh. Click Save in the task pane. The system links the selected GL note/s to the selected transaction.

GL Enquiries

Use the tools provided in the General Ledger (GL) module to find information about a GL account when answering internal or external queries, for example:

• a representative of a department in your organisation is personally querying why a transaction has been charged to their business unit

• an auditor is reviewing all transactions relating to a particular ledger account.

GL account components exist only in the relevant GL chart (see About Managing Charts for more information) when first created. The chart account records the descriptive information and default attributes about the account component. GL accounts are a combination of GL account components constructed to form a ledger account. The account does not exist in the ledger until it has a document, such as a journal, posted to it. The ledger account records the balances and transactions for the account.

Use GL Enquiries to review the following types of information about GL accounts:

• Descriptive details of the GL account, from the GL chart. Details include:

– Selection types

– User fields

– Comments, notes, and supporting attachments.

• Details of the transactions recorded against the GL account and the account’s balance. Details include:

– Account balance

– Period balance

– Transaction summary listing

– Detailed transaction information including general document information, attachments, tax and audit information, including the ability to reprint the details

– Commitment summary listing

– Detailed commitment information

– Source transactions that originated in a different TechnologyOne product.

GL Enquiries allows drilling down from the highest level of the account balance, to transactions, through to the detailed source of a transaction.

1 About Enquiring on GL Accounts

Enquiring on a GL account provides you with information about the account, transactions processed against the account and the current balance. Your enquiries may result from a business unit manager enquiring about transactions within the account, an analysis of transactions on the account, or a need to locate information about payroll processing and their associated transactions. For example, you might be:

• Analysing monthly payroll costs

• Reviewing general journals posted to an account

• Identifying the combined value of purchase order commitments for an account.

1 How To View the Balance of a GL Account

1. Open the General Ledger Enquiry function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

70. Specify the GL ledger to which you posted ledger account transactions.

71. Select the Only Show accounts/commitments with a balance checkbox to view only ledger accounts with an outstanding balance. Otherwise, all ledger accounts will display including those with no outstanding balance.

72. Use the search functionality to search for the ledger account you want to view. You can use different criteria for the search, for example, Description like Sales lists ledger accounts including the name Sales.

73. Click Retrieve. A list of ledger accounts and their balances displays for your review.

2 How To View the Details of a GL Account

1. Open the General Ledger Enquiry function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

74. Specify the GL ledger to which you posted ledger account transactions.

75. Select the Only Show accounts/commitments with a balance checkbox to view only ledger accounts with an outstanding balance. Otherwise, all ledger accounts will display including those with no outstanding balance.

76. Use the search functionality to search for the ledger account you want to view. You can use different criteria for the search, for example, Description like Sales lists ledger accounts including the name Sales.

77. Click Retrieve. A list of ledger accounts matching the specified criteria displays.

78. Highlight the row of the ledger account you want to view.

79. Click Account Details in the task pane. The Account Details function opens.

80. Review the account details, for example, account summary, any notes associated with, or documents attached to the account, and the account selection codes.

81. Click Close. The General Ledger Enquiry function displays.

3 How To View the Period Balance of a GL Account

1. Open the General Ledger Enquiry function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

82. Specify the GL ledger to which you posted ledger account transactions.

83. Select the Only Show accounts/commitments with a balance checkbox to view only ledger accounts with an outstanding balance. Otherwise, all ledger accounts will display including those with no outstanding balance.

84. Use the search functionality to search for the ledger account you want to view. You can use different criteria for the search, for example, Description like Sales lists ledger accounts including the name Sales.

85. Click Retrieve. A list of ledger accounts matching the specified criteria displays.

86. Highlight the row of the ledger account with the period balance you want to view.

87. Click Period Balances in the task pane. The Period Balances function opens.

88. Review the account details, for example, periods transactions were posted to, debit and credit totals and account balance.

89. Click Close. The General Ledger Enquiry function displays.

4 How To View the Transactions of a GL Account

1. Open the General Ledger Enquiry function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

90. Specify the GL ledger to which you posted ledger account transactions.

91. Select the Only Show accounts/commitments with a balance checkbox to view only ledger accounts with an outstanding balance. Otherwise, all ledger accounts will display including those with no outstanding balance.

92. Use the search functionality to search for the ledger account you want to view. You can use different criteria for the search, for example, Description like Sales lists ledger accounts including the name Sales.

93. Click Retrieve. A list of ledger accounts matching the specified criteria displays.

94. Highlight the row of the ledger account with the transactions you want to view.

95. Click Transaction Listing in the task pane. The Transaction Listing function opens displaying all transactions for the selected ledger account.

96. If required, restrict the list of transactions you want to view:

a. Use the search functionality to restrict the list of transactions displayed. For example, you can use Original Amount Between 1000 and 2000 to list all transactions between 1000.00 and 2000.00.

bi. List transactions for all periods, or specify a period for the transactions you want to view.

bj. Click Retrieve. A list of transactions matching the specified criteria displays.

97. Either:

a. Click the date link in the grid to view the transaction details. The Transaction Details function opens displaying the fields, attachments, GST, purchase card, and audit information for the selected transaction; or

bk. Highlight the row of the transaction you want to view and click a link in the task pane to perform a related function or action such as viewing account details or balances, period balances, document reconstruction or transaction history.

5 How To View a Summary of Commitments for a GL Account

1. Open the General Ledger Enquiry function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

98. Specify the GL ledger to which you posted ledger account transactions.

99. Select the Only Show accounts/commitments with a balance checkbox to view only ledger accounts with an outstanding balance. Otherwise, all ledger accounts will display including those with no outstanding balance.

100. Use the search functionality to search for the ledger account you want to view. You can use different criteria for the search, for example, Description like Sales lists ledger accounts including the name Sales.

101. Click Retrieve. A list of ledger accounts matching the specified criteria displays.

102. Highlight the row of the ledger account with the commitment summary details you want to view.

103. Click Commitment Summary in the task pane. The Commitment Summary function opens displaying a summary of the revenue and expense commitments for the selected GL account.

A chart may also display. See How To Display a Grid as a Graph for more information about how to use the toolbar to customise the chart.

6 How To View Commitment Details for a GL Account

1. Open the General Ledger Enquiry function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

104. Specify the GL ledger to which you posted ledger account transactions.

105. Select the Only Show accounts/commitments with a balance checkbox to view only ledger accounts with an outstanding balance. Otherwise, all ledger accounts will display including those with no outstanding balance.

106. Use the search functionality to search for the ledger account you want to view. You can use different criteria for the search, for example, Description like Sales lists ledger accounts including the name Sales.

107. Click Retrieve. A list of ledger accounts matching the specified criteria displays.

108. Highlight the row of the ledger account with the commitment list details you want to view.

109. Click Commitment Listing in the task pane. The Commitment Listing function opens.

110. Click the linked item to view the commitment details. Depending on the type of linked item you selected, either:

a. The Purchase Requisition Enquiry function opens displaying the header, line details, and settings for the requisition document. It also displays the supplier’s address, any other documents attached to the requisition, and the authorisation log; or

bl. The Purchase Order Enquiry function opens displaying the header, line details, and settings for the purchase order document. It also displays the supplier’s address, any other documents attached to the purchase order, details of any amendments made to the purchase order, any related receipts, and the authorisation log; or

bm. The Document File function opens.

111. Click Close. The Commitment Listing function displays.

GL Account Reconciliation

Use the GL account reconciliation functionality in TechnologyOne Financials to reconcile transactions posted against specified GL accounts. For example, in a GL clearing or suspense account, reconcile transactions posted to the account with the reversing or correcting entries to identify outstanding transactions.

GL account reconciliation helps you track the relationship between transactions. When reconciling transactions to one another, you effectively apply them to each other, reducing the outstanding balance of the transactions by the value of the applied transaction/s. You can apply a single transaction to one or more other transactions.

You can cancel transactions previously applied to each other, for example, you need to cancel a reversing journal entry you incorrectly applied to a transaction. The process reduces the applied value against the transactions and the system recalculates the outstanding balance of the transactions.

1 About Reconciling GL Transactions After Data Entry

You may need to apply previously posted transactions that relate to one another to help you reconcile accounts. Before you can apply the transactions to each other, you need to enter and post each transaction for the same ledger and account.


You entered a transaction in the system for 100.00 and posted it to an account. The next day you entered a correcting journal of the same value to reverse the entry from the account but did not apply the journal to the original transaction at the time of data entry. You can now apply the original transaction and the journal to each other.


1 How To Reconcile GL Transactions After Data Entry

1. Open the Reconcile or Cancel Items function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

112. Specify the name of the general ledger that supports account reconciliation.

113. Either:

a. Select the Only show accounts/commitments with a balance checkbox to view only ledger reconciliation accounts with an outstanding balance; or

bn. Clear the Only show accounts/commitments with a balance checkbox to view all ledger reconciliation accounts, including those without outstanding balances.

114. Use the search functionality to search for the ledger reconciliation account you want to apply to open items. You can use different criteria for the search, for example, Description like Salaries to list ledger accounts that include the word Salaries in their description.

115. Click Retrieve. A list of reconciliation accounts with an outstanding balance displays.

116. Click the Account Number link for the account for which you want to reconcile transactions. The Item Reconciliation function opens.

117. In the task pane, specify the Item Application Type. See How To Change a GL Item Application Type for more information.

118. If required, restrict the list of transactions to display the specific unapplied transaction:

a. Specify search criteria, for example, Original (AUD) = 1500 to list all transactions with an original value of 1500.00.

bo. Select the Sign of the unapplied transaction.

bp. Click Retrieve. A list of transactions matching your specified criteria displays.

119. Click the Reference link for the transaction you want to apply. The Item Reconciliation function opens displaying the original, applied, and outstanding amount of the selected transaction.

120. Search for the transaction/s you want to apply the transaction to:

a. Specify search criteria, for example, Original (AUD) = 1500 to list all transactions with an original value of 1500.00.

bq. Select the Sign of the transaction or leave blank to display all transactions.

br. Click Retrieve. A list of transactions matching your specified criteria displays.

121. Select the checkbox/es for the transaction/s you want to apply.

122. If required, change the applied amount of the transaction you selected to apply.

When you select a transaction to apply, the amounts in the Applied and Left To Apply fields change indicating the applied and available outstanding amounts of the unapplied transaction.

123. Click Approve and Post in the task pane. A confirmation popup window displays.

124. Click OK. The popup window closes.

125. Refresh the Item Reconciliation function. Depending on the amount you applied to the previously unapplied transaction, either:

a. You can view the partially applied transaction; or

bs. The transaction no longer displays in the open item list.

2 How To Automatically Reconcile a GL Transaction After Data Entry

1. Open the Automatic Item Reconciliation function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

126. Specify the name of the general ledger that supports account reconciliation. The item application type defaults.

127. To view the details of available transactions for the selected ledger:

a. Click View Ledger Statistics. The Ledger Statistics popup window opens with the ledger details, including the number of accounts, period balances, and transactions.

bt. Click OK. The popup window closes.

128. Complete the Document Types section by selecting the document type/s containing the transactions you want to apply.

a. Use the picklist/s in the From Document Type and, optionally, To Document Type grid columns to select the document type/s containing the transactions you want to apply to each other, for example, From General Journal and To Reversal Journal to apply unapplied general journals to reversal journals.

bu. Select a document matching option. Either:

– If you did not select a document in the To Document Type grid, select the All Document Types except those nominated as Match From Document Types radio button to select any outstanding items that do not match the From Document Type; or

– If you did not select a document in the To Document Type grid, select the All Document types including those nominated as Match From Document Types radio button to select all outstanding items regardless of the document type; or

– Select the Selected Document Types radio button to apply From document types to only the specified To document types.

129. Complete the Account Criteria section to specify the criteria to use as the basis for including GL accounts in the processing. For example, Natural Account Equals Suspense Account matches unapplied transactions in all suspense accounts.

a. Specify the required criteria to further restrict the list of GL accounts, for example, Cost Centre like Balance Sheet will include ledger accounts for the Cost Centre Balance Sheet.

If you specify multiple criteria, you can select the required radio button to match either any or all of the criteria.

130. Complete the Match by Transaction Field section to specify which fields in outstanding item documents you want the system to match to each other.

a. Select the Match by Transaction Field checkbox.

bv. Select the fields to Match From and Match To. For example, you want to match the reference number on an outstanding general journal to the same reference number on a reversal journal.

131. Complete the Match by Date section to specify which date on an unapplied document the system is to use during the matching process.

a. Select the Match by Date checkbox.

bw. Select the date type to match against, for example, Document Date 1 to match outstanding items by the journal date.

bx. Specify the order to match the outstanding items, for example, selecting Oldest to Youngest will match the oldest general journal to the youngest reversal journal.

132. Complete the Options section, if required.

a. Select the Only Allocate when Account has a Zero Balance checkbox to apply transactions only if the account balance is currently zero. For example, you have two journals and two reversal journals that you want to match. If the balance of the account equals zero, the application will occur. If the balance of the account is not zero, the application will not occur.

by. Select the Allow Partial Match checkbox if you want to partially apply transactions to each other, for example, you want to match a reversal journal to a general journal that will leave an unapplied amount on the general journal. The Allow Partial To Document Match checkbox automatically selects and you can select the Allow Partial From Document Match checkbox to partially apply the From document. For example, after matching a reversal journal to a general journal, the outstanding amount of the reversal journal will be greater than zero.

bz. Select the Run Item Application Finalisation checkbox if you want to post the application when the item application matching completes.

133. If required, click Save as Template in the task pane. A popup window displays.

a. Specify a Name and Description for the template. When you save the template, the name displays in the task pane’s list of automatic item reconciliation templates so it should indicate the purpose of the template, for example, match by date.

ca. Select whether to make the template available only to you or to all users in your organisation.

cb. Select the Set as Default checkbox if the automatic reconciliation details in the template are to default when the Automatic Item Reconciliation function opens.

cc. Click OK. The template displays in the task pane’s list of automatic item reconciliation templates.

134. If required, select Test Mode Only in the task pane if you want to test the reconciliation item finalisation before running the process to identify any errors that will occur during posting.

You will need to re-run the process later to post the transactions to the ledger.

135. Process the job. Depending on the options available in the task pane, either:

a. See How To Submit a Job to the Distributed Processor; or

cd. Select Run Job on this Computer, then click Start Processing or Run Job (as applicable). Running the job on your computer prevents you from doing other system tasks until processing is complete. The job output displays after processing.

2 About Cancelling Reconciled GL Transactions

Transactions previously applied to one another may need their applications cancelled if incorrectly applied. Cancelling the application removes the relationship between the transactions and reinstates the outstanding balances of the transactions.

You may cancel reconciled GL transactions because you applied:

• a reversal journal to an incorrect general journal

• a reversal journal with the wrong amounts to different general journals.

1 How To Cancel a Reconciled GL Transaction

1. Open the Reconcile or Cancel Items function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

136. Specify the name of the general ledger that supports account reconciliation and contains the applied transaction you want to cancel.

137. Select the account with applied transaction/s you want to cancel.

If using the picklist to select the GL account, restrict the list to specific account/s, for example, use Description like Salaries to list ledger accounts that include the word Salaries in their description.

138. Click Cancel Item Reconciliation in the task pane. The Cancel Item Reconciliation function opens.

139. Search for the transaction to be unapplied:

a. Specify search criteria, for example, Original (AUD) = 1500 to list all transactions with an original value of 1500.00.

ce. Select the Sign of the transaction.

cf. Click Retrieve. The grid displays all the debtor’s transactions that match your specified criteria.

140. Click the Reference link in the grid for the transaction that is to be unapplied. The Item Reconciliation function opens displaying the original, applied, and outstanding amounts of the selected transaction.

141. If required, click Retrieve to list the transactions the selected transaction applied to.

142. Clear the checkbox/es for the transaction/s you want to cancel.

143. Click Approve and Post in the task pane. A confirmation popup window displays.

144. Click OK. The popup window closes.

145. Refresh the Item Reconciliation function. Depending on the amount you unapplied to the previously applied transaction, either:

a. You can view the partially applied transaction; or

cg. The transaction no longer displays in the open item list.

3 About Finalising Reconciled GL Transactions

Use the Item Application Finalisation function to finalise transactions you applied but did not post during either item application or automatic item application.

Finalising reconciled GL transactions will make these transactions available to further applications.

Posting the applied GL transactions updates the ledger account balances. After you post the transactions, it can be time-consuming to make any changes to them so you might choose to perform a test posting to identify any anomalies before posting.

1 How To Finalise a Reconciled GL Transaction

1. Open the Item Application Finalisation function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

146. Specify the name of the general ledger that supports account reconciliation.

147. Either:

a. Select the All Available Applications radio button to post both applications and cancellations that were not posted at the time they were processed; or

ch. Select the Cancellations Only radio button to post only the cancellations that remain unposted after they were processed.

The statistics for unposted applications or cancellations display in the Statistics section.

148. If required, select Test Mode Only in the task pane if you want to test the reconciliation item finalisation before running the process to identify any errors that will occur during posting.

You will need to re-run the process later to post the transactions to the ledger.

149. Process the job. Depending on the options available in the task pane, either:

a. See How To Submit a Job to the Distributed Processor; or

ci. Select Run Job on this Computer, then click Start Processing or Run Job (as applicable). Running the job on your computer prevents you from doing other system tasks until processing is complete. The job output displays after processing.

4 About Changing a GL Item Application Type

Application item types generally behave in a certain way, for example, when applying transactions to each other you will apply a credit to a debit.

You can change GL application item types to separate and alter the way transactions are applied to each other. For example, your organisation may want to apply debits to debits and credits to credits,

Reasons for changing a GL item application type include:

• Setting up an item application type to allow the over-application of transactions

• Setting up an item application type to allow application of debits to debits.

1 How To Change a GL Item Application Type

1. Open the Item Application Type Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

150. Select the Item Application Type Code you want to change. The values for the selected application type display.

Codes beginning with $ are supplied with the system and any changes you make are overridden during system upgrades. Instead of changing a $ code, open it then click Save As to create a copy of the code ($ prefix is removed) and make your changes.

151. Change the details in the General section, as required.

a. Specify a Description of the item application type. The description displays in the Narration field.

cj. Add additional information to the Narration to give more details about the application type, for example, why you would use this application type.

ck. Select General Ledger from the Ledger Type dropdown list.

cl. If available, select and specify either a System Variable or a Specified Value for the processing group. The processing group is a set of ledgers used to select ledgers and accounts from, and generate transactions to. See Processing Groups for more information.

cm. If available, select and specify either a System Variable or a Specified Value, or select Most Recent Trans for the processing period. The processing period determines where to post transactions generated when finalising applications.

152. Change the details in the Application Options section, as required.

a. Select the Allow the over-application of transactions checkbox to allow transactions to have total applications exceeding their outstanding amounts. This allows a debit transaction to have applications applied so the outstanding amount becomes a credit.

cn. Select the Credits to Credits checkbox to apply credit transactions to each other.

co. Select the Debits to Debits checkbox to apply debit transactions to each other.

153. Click Save in the task pane. The system saves your changes to the item application type.

5 About Importing Reconciled GL Transaction Details

Use the application importing functionality within TechnologyOne Financials to upload GL application transactions you may have processed in another software program.

You can specify how TechnologyOne Financials automatically manages the existing relationships between transactions, such as journals applied to reversal journals, during the import process. For example, you can specify whether to:

• Keep the same item application type specified in the import file by the external system; or

• Override the item application type specified in the import file by the other software program and replace with the item application type you specify. For example, you may want the system to automatically cancel some previously applied transactions during the import process.

You can import the transactions from a database or a file and specify how TechnologyOne Financials will manage the file, translation scripts, log files, errors, and posting during the import process.

As part of the import process, you can establish parameters to manipulate the source data before processing the import, for example, you can use a translation script to convert one or more import files to a single standard layout.

You may import applied GL transactions because your organisation has an external system that manages the source transactions posted to a suspense account. The external system subsequently reverses the transactions out of the suspense account, recording the relationship between the transactions. To make sure TechnologyOne Financials accurately reflects the relationship between these transactions you might choose to import these details each night.

If you perform application imports on a regular basis, you can save your import criteria as a template to help you perform the task quickly.

1 How To Import Reconciled GL Transaction Details

1. Open the Application Import function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

154. Complete the Import Parameters section to define how the system will import data.

a. Either:

– Select the Data will be imported from the Database radio button to import from the database table IMF_TRAN_IMP_ALLOC. The number of records available for importing displays; or

– Select the Data will be imported from a File radio button to import from a CSV (comma-separated value) file, and specify the location and file name for the import file.

A CSV file is in Microsoft Excel format. TechnologyOne supplies base CSV files with predefined column headers and guidelines for completion.

To import more than one file, use wildcards, for example, to import all CSV files in the Imports directory, specify Imports\*.csv.

– Select the option that describes what the system will do with the import file after importing its data. For example, you can retain the import file or delete it after a successful import.

155. Complete the Import Options section to specify how the system will manage files, translation scripts, log files, errors, and posting during the import process.

a. If you selected the Data will be imported from a File radio button:

– Select the Use Format File checkbox to use a separate format file for the import, and specify the file's location and name. For example, the file you are importing has data in it but no column headings. Specify the name of the format file that will apply column headings to the data you are importing.

– Select the Use Translation Script checkbox to run a VB or stored script against a file before you import it, for example, when you download the import file from a third-party system in a different format. Specify the name and location of the script that updates the import file with the correct format.

cp. Select the Process Transactions for a Nominated System checkbox and specify the Source System to import transactions for a specified system. For example, XYZ to select all transactions in the file originally created in the XYZ software program.

cq. Select the Override the Item Application Type in the source data checkbox and specify the TechnologyOne Financials item application type to apply to override any item application types specified in the source data.

cr. Select the level of detail to show in the application import log file, for example, you may select Only records with errors to identify transactions to fix before re-processing.

cs. Select the Reprocess Error Transactions checkbox to import applications from a database that failed during a previous import.

ct. Select the Run Item Application Finalisation checkbox to post applications once the import is complete.

156. If required, click Save as Template in the task pane. The Save Criteria popup window displays.

a. Specify a Name and Description for the template. The name displays in the task pane’s template list so it should indicate the purpose of the template.

cu. Select whether to make the template available only to you or to all users who can import data.

cv. Select the Set as Default checkbox if the template's import parameters and options are to default when the import function opens.

cw. Click OK. The popup window closes and the new template displays in the task pane’s template list.

157. If required, select Test Mode Only in the task pane to test the import and identify any errors that will occur.

If you select this option, you will need to re-run the process later to import the transactions.

158. Process the job. Depending on the options available in the task pane, either:

a. See How To Submit a Job to the Distributed Processor; or

cx. Select Run Job on this Computer, then click Start Processing or Run Job (as applicable). Running the job on your computer prevents you from doing other system tasks until processing is complete. The job output displays after processing.

Setting Up Charts

Setting up charts in TechnologyOne Financials includes:

• Determining the chart type and the account structure based on the type of accounts that you want to create against the chart. For example, you may set up separate charts to record debtors, creditors and general ledger account details of your organisation and specify the account structure to match your organisation's business practice. When defining accounts, you can either manually enter the account number or set up the system to automatically generate it.

• Specifying the additional information that you want to record when defining chart accounts. For example, you may want to group your debtors based on the subsidiary organisation that manages their accounts and define the recommended credit limit for each customer.

• Defining the default settings for the chart accounts. For example, you may set up the chart to apply the debt management settings of government customers to all your debtors by default.

• Defining validation settings for the chart accounts. You can restrict the accounts that you can create against a chart and help users in managing the chart efficiently. For example, based on your organisation's business practice, you may only want the corporate executive division of your organisation to record expenses against the vehicle maintenance allowance account.

The system also provides you the facility to copy and reuse the chart configuration settings so that users do not have to set up information from the beginning when creating similar charts. It is important that you rebuild the charts regularly to remove any unused chart settings and thereby improve the system performance.

Once you create the template for your chart accounts, you can then continue defining specific account details to manage the financial transactions of your organisation.

1 About Setting Up the Structure for a New Set of Accounts

Use the chart functionality of TechnologyOne Financials to set up the structure for the various types of ledger accounts that your organisation manages. The step-by-step approach of setting up an account structure involves:

• Determining the chart type based on the type of accounts that you want to create against the chart. The chart type determines the information that you need to record when setting up the accounts and the processing functionality that you want to apply for these accounts. For example, if you select the chart type as Accounts Payable, the system will automatically activate the payment processing functionality and will let you record bank and business details of the suppliers in addition to the general account details.

• Defining the account structure for all accounts linked to the chart. This maintains account number uniformity and standard compliance across the organisation in all accounts across the organisation and ensures that they match the relevant accounting standards that your organisation uses. For example, you may want to maintain the first five letters of the supplier's business name as the account name (AAAAA) and a three digit reference code (XXX) for the multiple accounts that your organisation maintains with a particular supplier (such as multiple electricity accounts with the electricity service provider).

• Specifying the default settings for the accounts linked to the chart. For example, due to the large number of government customers that your organisation manages, you may set up the system to apply debt collection settings for government customers to all your debtors to increase the efficiency in setting up chart accounts.

• Defining additional information on the accounts to make it easy for users to group and report on chart accounts with similar processing settings, and to maintain additional information that you want to share with all users. For example, you may want to group your debtors based on the subsidiary organisation that manages their accounts and define the recommended credit limit for each customer.

If you have multiple components in your account structure, you can define each of these components separately using the component chart. Component charts act as a template and you can define the chart accounts related to a particular component against it. Once you link a component chart to another chart, the system will automatically apply all the chart accounts to the new chart. This way if you need to update a component, you only need to update the component chart and the system will automatically apply the changes to all the other charts linked to it. Before making any updates, you can review the linked charts so that you can identify the other charts that your changes will affect.

Once you set up the account structure, you can create the chart accounts based on the chart type that you selected. The system will automatically generate and validate the account numbers, based on the settings that the user has specified.

1 How To Set Up the Structure For a New Set of Accounts

1. Open the Chart Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

159. Specify a unique identifier for the chart.

160. Specify a description that will display in picklists. The Narration field defaults to the description and you can change it to give more details.

161. Select the chart type based on the type of accounts that you want to create against it. The chart type will determine the information that you need to record when setting up charts. Either:

a. Select General if you want to maintain internal accounts (such as the organisation's administration accounts) against the chart; or

cy. Select Accounts Payable if you want to maintain creditor's or supplier's accounts against the chart; or

cz. Select Account Receivable if you want to maintain debtor's accounts against the chart; or

da. Select Purchase Card if you want to maintain your organisation's purchase card accounts (such as credit card accounts) against the chart; or

db. Select Component if you want to maintain a template for the account structure components, for example, you may want to create and maintain a separate structure for all your natural account components; or

dc. Select Work System if you want to maintain asset management accounts (such as the fixed asset depreciation account) against the chart; or

dd. Select Contract if you want to maintain contract accounts (such as for the recruitment agencies) against the chart.

162. Specify the chart's status. Either:

a. Select Active to indicate the chart is available to use; or

de. Select Inactive to indicate the chart is not available. When creating a new chart, you could use this status if you want to set up the chart now but not make it available to use until a later date.

163. If required, specify the system profile that you want to use for the chart. The system profile determines the calendar to use, currency, business terminology and taxation settings for the ledger accounts (see About Defining System Profiles for TechnologyOne Core Enterprise Suite for more information).

If you do not specify a system profile, the system will apply the default system profile to the chart (see About Defining Your Site Profile for TechnologyOne Core Enterprise Suite for more information).

164. Define the Account Structure Mask that you want to apply to the accounts that you define against the chart. The account structure determines the size, composition and meaning of each component in an account number. For example, you may specify the account mask as NNN.AAA.NNNN for a general chart with each component representing the entity, business unit and natural account number.

165. If available, specify the name that you want the system to refer to the chart accounts as when posting the chart account details to the ledger. For example, you may want to refer to chart accounts defined against an Accounts Payable chart as Debtors.

This field will not be available for General and Component chart types.

For Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Purchase Card charts, the Component Name that you specify in the Components section will default and you can update this if required.

166. Click Save in the task pane. You can now continue recording specific information and processing options that you need to apply to the chart accounts that you define against the chart.

2 How To Copy the Chart Settings and Linked Accounts From a Similar Chart

1. Open the Chart Copy function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

167. Specify the chart that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information). For example, when setting up a new subsidiary, you may want to copy the general chart and account details of the parent company and update those to match the business requirements of the subsidiary.

168. Specify a unique identifier for the new chart that you want to copy the chart details to.

169. Specify a description that will display in picklists. The Narration field defaults to the description and you can change it to give more details.

170. If required, change the number of transactions to run as one unit of work, for example, if your database can only process five thousand records at a time, specify 5000.

See your system administrator for advice on the processing capability of your organisation's database.

171. Process the job. Depending on the options available in the task pane, either:

a. See How To Submit a Job to the Distributed Processor; or

df. Select Run Job on this Computer, then click Start Processing or Run Job (as applicable). Running the job on your computer prevents you from doing other system tasks until processing is complete. The job output displays after processing.

The system will copy chart settings and the linked account details to the new chart and you can update them as required, for example, you may want to add new reporting fields to the charts.

3 How To Define the Components of the General Account Structure

This functionality will be available for General charts only.

1. Open the Chart Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

172. Specify the chart that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

173. Complete the Components section to define each component that makes up the account number mask. For each component:

a. Specify a name for the component. For example, you may specify Business Unit when defining the account structure component that represents the business units of your organisation.

dg. Highlight the component of the chart's account structure mask that represents the specified component. For example, if the account number structure is NNN-AAA-NNNN, you may specify the account number mask as XXX-@@@-@@@@ to highlight the component that represents the business unit.

dh. Select the Picklist checkbox if you want the component to be available in the ledger account picklist.

By default the components are not included in the picklist and therefore, will not be available during data entry.

di. If required, select and specify either a system variable or a specified value to default in the picklist. The user can change this default when defining chart accounts. For example, if the majority of the accounts are linked to business unit 001, then you may set this as the default so that users do not have to specify the business unit every time they are searching the accounts.

dj. If required, specify the component chart to which you want to apply the component. The system will add the selection types and the user fields of the component chart to the selected chart. The component chart acts as a template and maintains chart accounts that you can link to multiple charts. For example, you may add the component chart for business unit when defining the business unit component.

dk. Either:

– Select All to link all component chart accounts to the component; or

– Select Selected to nominate the accounts that you want to link to the component. For example, when setting up a project chart for billing purposes, you may only want to link revenue component chart accounts to the chart. The system activates link.

Click the link. The Component Chart Account Selection popup window opens.

Define the selection criteria to select the component accounts that you want.

Click OK. The popup window closes. The system will add the selected component accounts to the specified chart.

Use the Component Chart Account Maintenance function if you want to update the linked component chart accounts.

174. Click Save in the task pane.

4 How To Let Users Group Chart Accounts For Reporting Purposes

This functionality will not be available for Work System and Contract charts.

1. Open the Chart Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

175. Specify the chart that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

176. Complete the Selection Codes section to define the fields that you will use to report on chart accounts. For example, you may set up a selection type to group AR accounts by the customer's default payment method.

a. For General charts, select the Link Selection Types to Components (Highly Recommended) checkbox if you want to apply selection types to chart components. Otherwise, the system will display all the selection types when defining chart accounts for each component. In the grid, the system activates the Component Name column.

dl. For each reporting field that you want to set up:

– Specify the Selection Type. The Description defaults (see How To Create a Selection Type to Group Selection Codes for more information).

– For General charts, select the component to which you want to apply the selection type. The system will display the selection type only when you are defining chart account details for the selected component. For example, you may want users to specify the Business Unit Group only when you are defining chart accounts for the business unit component.

– If required, specify a default selection code (see How To Create a Selection Code for more information). The user can change this default when defining chart accounts.

– For General charts:

Select the Use Hierarchy checkbox to apply the selection type hierarchy to the chart (see About Using Selection Types and Selection Codes to Apply Attributes to TechnologyOne Entities for more information). For example, if the selection type has two parent levels, the system will automatically add the two parent selection types to the bottom of grid. The user will be able to use these parent selection types as well to report on chart accounts.

Select the Display In Tree checkbox to indicate that you want to let other users (such as accountants) maintain the selection type using the Graphical Chart Maintenance function (see How To Review the Reporting Options Available for Chart Accounts for more information).

For General charts, if you have assigned chart components to a component chart, then the system will also add the selection types of the component chart and will link those to the particular component automatically. You can remove them, if required.

Also, you can reposition these reporting fields as required, based on the sequence of information that you want users to complete when defining chart accounts. For example, you may want to have the chart specific reporting fields at the top of the list and the component chart's reporting fields at the bottom of the list.

177. Click Save in the task pane. The users will use the selection types to report on chart accounts linked to the chart (see Reporting From the Charts for more information).

5 How To Let Users Record Additional Details In Custom Fields For Chart Accounts

This functionality will not be available for Work Systems and Contract charts.

1. Open the Chart Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

178. Specify the chart that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

179. Complete the User Fields section to record additional information when defining chart accounts. For example, you may want to specify the default credit limit for each AR account.

a. For General charts, select the Link User Fields to Components checkbox if you want to apply custom fields to chart components. Otherwise, the system will display all the custom fields when defining chart accounts for each component. In the grid, the system activates the Component Name column.

dm. For each field:

– Specify a Caption to use as a field label.

– Select the type of data that a user will enter in this field (Alphanumeric, Numeric or Date). The Field Size defaults to suit your selection, and you can change this, if required.

– Select the Mandatory checkbox if the user must complete this field.

– For General charts, select the component to which you want to apply the custom field. The system will display the custom field only when you are defining chart account details for the selected component. For example, if you apply the natural account component to a custom field, then the system will display that field only when you are defining chart accounts for the natural account component.

For General charts, if you have assigned chart components to a component chart, then the system will also add the user fields of the component chart and will link those to the particular component automatically. You can remove them, if required.

Also, you can reposition these user fields as required, based on the sequence of information that you want users to complete when defining chart accounts. For example, you may want to have the chart specific user fields at the top of the list and the component chart user fields at the bottom of the list. However, you need to ensure that the caption of these user fields remains the same in order to remain connected to the linked component chart.

180. Click Save in the task pane. The users will use the custom fields to record additional information when defining chart accounts.

6 How To Define the Default Debt Management Settings for Chart Accounts

This functionality is available for Account Receivable charts only.

1. Open the Chart Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

181. Specify the chart that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

182. Complete the Debt Management section with the settings that you want the system to default when defining AR accounts.

a. Specify the default debt group for AR accounts. The system will use the debt group to manage systematic communication with debtors regarding their overdue transactions based on the length of time overdue (see About Grouping Overdue Debtors for more information on debt groups). For example, if the majority of your customers are government organisations, then you may set up the account structure to default the debt group for government organisations. The user can change this default when defining AR accounts (see How To Define the Ageing and Payment Terms for an AR Debtor for more information).

dn. Specify the default debt status for AR accounts. The debt status will determine how your organisation will continue to transact with debtors who have overdue debt (see About Defining Debt Statuses for more information on debt statuses). For example, you may set up the system to default Normal Trading for all AR accounts. The user can change this default when managing overdue AR accounts (see About Managing Overdue Debtors for more information).

183. Click Save in the task pane.

7 How To Apply a Purchase Card System To a Chart

This functionality is available for Purchase Card charts only.

1. Open the Chart Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

184. Specify the chart that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

185. Specify the purchase card system that you want to apply to the purchase card accounts that you set up against the specified chart. The system will use the purchase card system to validate personal expenses and default dissections that users enter when setting up purchase card accounts (see How To Define a Purchase Card as a Purchase Card Account for more information).

186. Click Save in the task pane.

8 How To View the Charts Linked to a Component Chart

This functionality is available for Component charts only.

1. Open the Chart Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

187. Specify the component chart that you want to view the linked charts for using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information). For example, you may want to review the charts that you will affect by making changes to the component chart's account structure.

188. In the Items Using This Component Chart section, review the linked chart details, as required.

189. If required, update the chart details. For example, you may want to change the component chart name after reviewing the charts that your changes will affect.

190. Click Save in the task pane.

2 About Setting Up Your System To Automatically Generate Account Numbers

Except in General-type charts, you can set up the account structure to automatically generate account numbers when defining chart accounts. Based on the configuration settings that you have specified, the system will generate either the full account number or a specified portion of the account number. For example:

• When defining the component chart accounts for business units, you may want the system to generate the full account number automatically in a sequential order

• Based on the business practice of your organisation, you may want users to manually define the first five letters of the debtor's organisation name and let the system generate the next available reference number when adding new debtor accounts.

You can also customise the number series that the system uses when generating account numbers automatically. For example, you set up the numbering sequence to increment by one (to a maximum of 20) for the multiple accounts your organisation has with the same electricity supplier.

1 How To Set Up the System To Automatically Generate Account Numbers

This functionality will not be available for General charts.

1. Open the Chart Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

191. Specify the chart that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

192. Select the Auto-Generate Account Numbers checkbox. The system activates the settings that you need to define to generate the account numbers automatically.

For the Input Mask and Transformation Mask, the character X represents the values that the user has to enter and the character @ represents the values that the system will automatically generate.

a. In the Input Mask field, specify the account number structure highlighting the portions that the user has to enter and the system has to generate automatically. For example, if the account number mask consists of two components (AAAAAAA.X) you may want the user to enter only the first component which is the name of the AP account (XXXXXXX.@) and the system will generate the other component in sequential order.

do. In the Transformation Mask field, specify the account number structure highlighting the portion of the account number that you want the system to restart the number series that it automatically generates, every time the user enters a different value for it. The system will use the transformation mask to group chart accounts. For example, you may set up the system to restart the account number series every time you enter a different supplier name (XXXXXX@.@@) when defining AP accounts.

The system will generate an error message, if the Transformation Mask includes more user input values than the Input Mask.

193. Click Save in the task pane. If required, you can now customise the account number series that the system will use when automatically generating the account numbers.

2 How To Customise the Account Number Series Used When Automatically Generating Chart Accounts

1. Open the Account Generation Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

194. Specify the chart that you want to customise the account number series for using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information). The system will display the transformation mask that you defined for the specified chart.

195. Specify the user input group for which you want to define the customised number series. For example, you may have multiple accounts with the electricity service provider and want the system to use the customised number series every time the user enters ENERGEX as the user input mask when automatically generating the account numbers.

196. If required, specify the value that you want the system to assign for the next account number with the specified transformation group. For example, if you specify the next component as 2, then the system will automatically start the account number portion that it generates from 2 for all input masks with the specified transformation group.

197. If required, specify the maximum value that you want the system to assign for account numbers with the specified transformation group. The system will generate an error message if you try to generate more account numbers exceeding the maximum value for the specified transformation group.

198. Click Save in the task pane.

3 About Defining Validation Settings for Your Chart Accounts

TechnologyOne Financials provides you the platform to validate the account numbers that you define against a particular chart. It will restrict the accounts that you can create against a chart and help users in managing the chart efficiently. For example:

• You may want to restrict users from creating bad debt accounts against government organisations

• Based on your organisation's business practice, you may only want the corporate executive division of your organisation to record expenses against the vehicle maintenance allowance account.

You can define multiple validation rules and the account number that you specify needs to pass at least one validation rule for the system to consider it as a valid account number for the specific chart (see Understanding Chart Account Validations for more information).

The system lets you validate the business number structure and bank details of your organisation's suppliers and customers to ensure that users capture correct information when defining account details. For example, you may want to set up the chart to warn you if you have missed one digit when defining the business number of a supplier. You can also set up the chart to warn users if they try to enter multiple accounts accidentally for the same supplier of customer.

1 How To Set Up the Account Structure To Validate the Business Numbers of AP and AR Accounts

This functionality is available for Accounts Payable and Account Receivable charts only.

1. Open the Chart Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

199. Specify the chart that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

200. Complete the Business Numbers section with the settings that you want the system use to validate the business details that users enter when defining accounts in this chart.

a. Select the Enforce Business Number to be mandatory checkbox if you want the system to prevent users from saving chart account details without entering business number of the AP or AR account.

dp. Select the Enforce Business Numbers to be unique checkbox if you want the system to prevent users from saving chart account details if they have already set up an AP or AR account with the same business number, for example, as a policy, your organisation may not maintain multiple accounts for the same supplier.

– If you want to validate the business number structure of accounts that you create for this chart, select the Validate the Business Number checkbox and either:

– Select Australian Business Number if you want the system to validate the business number against the Australian Business Register; or

– Select United Kingdom VAT Number if you want the system to validate the business number against the VAT Information Exchange System.

201. Click Save in the task pane. The system will use the specified settings to validate the business details when defining AP or AR accounts.

2 How To Set Up the Account Structure To Validate the Australian Bank Branch (BSB) Codes of AP and AR Accounts

This functionality is available for Accounts Payable and Account Receivable charts only.

1. Open the Chart Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

202. Specify the chart that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

203. In the Bank Accounts section, select the Validate BSB Codes checkbox to validate the BSB code against the bank address details that you have defined (see How To Define the Valid Australian Bank Codes That Charts Can Use for more information).

You can validate the BSB codes for Australian bank accounts only.

204. Click Save in the task pane. The system will use validate the bank details of AP and AR accounts.

3 How To Use Rules To Validate Chart Account Numbers

This functionality is not available for Component, Work System and Contract charts.

1. Open the Chart Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

205. Specify the chart that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

206. Complete the validation rules section to determine the accounts that users can define against the chart (see Understanding Chart Account Validations for more information).

207. Click Save in the task pane. The system will use the specified validation rules to determine the validity of the account number that you specify for a chart account.

4 About Rebuilding Charts As Part Of Ongoing Maintenance

Once you set up a chart, perform ongoing maintenance in order to ensure that the chart is up-to-date with all the updates that you make to its linked components as part of your day-to-day operational and business activities. For example:

• You update the linked selection types and codes. For example, after a restructure in your organisation, you have added another level titled Cost Centre to the organisational hierarchy selection type and you have applied these updates to the charts linked to it, so that users can group and report on chart accounts using the newly created organisational level. Also, you can set up the system to remove any unused selection types and custom fields from the chart to increase the available memory space and thereby improve the chart performance.

• You update the linked chart components. For example, you have renamed the component chart for business units as Cost Centre, added a new set of accounts following a merge with another organisation and now want to update all the charts that use the component with the new details.

Once you set up the accounts, it is highly recommended that you rebuild your charts regularly to keep them up-to-date.

1 How To Improve Performance By Removing Unused Selection Types and Custom Fields

1. Open the Chart Account Rebuild function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

208. Specify the chart that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

209. Select the Account Cleanup checkbox to improve performance by removing any unused selection types and custom fields.

210. If required, change the number of transactions to run as one unit of work, for example, if your database can only process five thousand records at a time, specify 5000.

See your system administrator for advice on the processing capability of your organisation's database.

211. Process the job. Depending on the options available in the task pane, either:

a. See How To Submit a Job to the Distributed Processor; or

dq. Select Run Job on this Computer, then click Start Processing or Run Job (as applicable). Running the job on your computer prevents you from doing other system tasks until processing is complete. The job output displays after processing.

The system removes unused selection types and custom fields from the specified chart.

2 How To Update a Chart with the Changes That Users Make To the Linked Selection Type Hierarchy

This functionality is only available for charts for which you have applied selection type hierarchy when defining them (see How To Let Users Group Chart Accounts For Reporting Purposes for more information).

1. Open the Chart Account Rebuild function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

212. Specify the chart that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

213. Select the Hierarchy Update checkbox to synchronise the updates that users make to the linked selection type hierarchies. For example, after a restructure in your organisation, you have added another level titled Cost Centre to the organisational hierarchy selection type and you have applied these updates to the charts linked to it, so that users can group and report on chart accounts using the newly created organisational level.

214. If required, change the number of transactions to run as one unit of work, for example, if your database can only process five thousand records at a time, specify 5000.

See your system administrator for advice on the processing capability of your organisation's database.

215. Process the job. Depending on the options available in the task pane, either:

a. See How To Submit a Job to the Distributed Processor; or

dr. Select Run Job on this Computer, then click Start Processing or Run Job (as applicable). Running the job on your computer prevents you from doing other system tasks until processing is complete. The job output displays after processing.

The system updates the selected chart with all the changes that users make to the linked selection type hierarchies.

3 How To Update a Chart With the Changes That Users Make To the Component Chart Linked To a Chart

1. Open the Chart Account Rebuild function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

216. Specify the chart that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

217. Select the Component Chart Link checkbox to synchronise the updates that users make to the linked component charts. For example, you have renamed the component chart for business units as Cost Centre, added a new set of accounts following a merge with another organisation and now want to update all the charts that use the component with the new details.

218. If required, change the number of transactions to run as one unit of work, for example, if your database can only process five thousand records at a time, specify 5000.

See your system administrator for advice on the processing capability of your organisation's database.

219. Process the job. Depending on the options available in the task pane, either:

a. See How To Submit a Job to the Distributed Processor; or

ds. Select Run Job on this Computer, then click Start Processing or Run Job (as applicable). Running the job on your computer prevents you from doing other system tasks until processing is complete. The job output displays after processing.

The system updates the selected chart with all the changes that users have made against the linked component chart.

Managing Charts

Once your system administrator sets up the chart and associated accounts, you need to ensure that you keep them up-to-date with the changing business requirements of your organisation. The process of managing charts includes:

• Reviewing the chart and associated chart accounts. The system lets you set up a custom view when reviewing chart details so that it is easy for you to access and update the required information more quickly and efficiently. For example, after an organisational restructure, you may need to review the reporting hierarchy of chart accounts to ensure that it is up-to-date with the newly introduced organisational hierarchy levels.

• Investigating chart accounts that you cannot find. You can enter the chart name and the account number that users cannot find and the system will automatically verify the account number against the validation rules that the system administrator has defined for the selected chart, and provide you with a detailed report on validity and the availability of the account components. You can review the results and if required, either:

– Add the missing components, for example, you may want to add the new business unit introduced following a merge with another organisation.

– Define new accounts against the relevant validation rules so that users can record expenses against it. For example, your organisation may have decided to let all business units record mobile phone allowance costs after previously restricting it to only the corporate executive team.

TechnologyOne Financials also provides import and export functionality that lets you create and maintain data outside your TechnologyOne system, then update the system with the imported details. You may import data during implementation to import initial chart details, and use imports as part of a regular business process to update data in the system.

1 About Managing Charts

Once your system administrator sets up the GL and component charts and their accounts, use the graphical chart maintenance functionality of TechnologyOne Financials to review and update their details to match the changing business requirements of your organisation. For example:

• The GL officer of your organisation may want to add a new component to let users record expenses for the new business unit introduced following a merge with another organisation.

• You may want to let users report and group charts against the new organisational hierarchy level introduced after a restructure in your organisation.

The system also provides you with a snapshot view of the active and inactive accounts against a chart that makes it easy for users to activate the chart account details while reviewing the chart. For example, the GL officer of your organisation may want to review the chart details at the end of the financial period and activate only the required accounts for the next financial period to make it easy for users to maintain and manage chart details more efficiently.

1 How To Add a New Account Against a Chart Component

For general charts, use this functionality only if the account component is not assigned to a component chart (see How To Define the Components of the General Account Structure for more information). If you try to add or maintain account components linked to a component chart, then the system will automatically direct you to the Chart Account Maintenance function.

1. Open the GL Chart Account Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

220. Specify the general or the component chart that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

221. In the Chart Components task pane, expand the Components folder. The system displays all the components that you have defined when setting up the chart.

222. Right-click the component and select Add from the popup menu. For example, you may want to set up a new account to record expenses for a newly introduced business unit following an organisational restructure. The system displays the chart account settings.

a. In the General section, either:

– Specify a unique number to identify the component in the chart; or

– If required, click Use Template to link a component chart account to the new component. The system will apply the component chart details.

dt. Specify an account description that will display in picklists. The Short Name field defaults to the account description and you can change it to give more details.

du. Specify the Data Entry Control status of the account. Either:

– Select Active to indicate that users can process transactions to the account; or

– Select Inactive to indicate the account is not available for data entry. When creating a new account, you can use this status if you want to set up the account now but not make it available for data entry until a later date.

dv. If selection types and custom fields are available (see How To Let Users Group Chart Accounts For Reporting Purposes or How To Let Users Record Additional Details In Custom Fields For Chart Accounts for more information), specify the additional details that you want the system to use when reporting on the chart account.

dw. Complete the Data Entry section with the default processing settings that you want to apply for documents linked to the chart account during data entry (see Getting Started With Formats for more information).

– If required, specify the default GL profile type and code that you want to assign to the data entry documents linked to the chart account. Profile codes, grouped by profile types make data entry easier by defaulting a predefined dissection of lines during data entry (See About Using Profile Codes to Automatically Dissect Document Lines During Data Entry for more information).

Using profile types lets you apply multiple dissection lines to the data entry format with predefined percentage of the amount that you want to apply to each dissection line. For example, you may set up the stationery supplier's account to default the business units to which you want to allocate the cost, based on their stationery budget.

– Specify the ledger and account number for the default dissection account if, for example, your organisation always uses the same ledger and account to allocate the expenses of the business unit.

– If required, specify the GST settings that you want to apply to data entry documents linked to the chart account (see About Setting Up Rate Codes to Use for Calculations During Data Entry for more information).

Select whether you want the system to display the transaction amounts inclusive or exclusive of GST by default, during data entry.

Select the default GST code for the transactions, for example, C – Current Rate. The code indicates the default rate that the system will use when calculating GST values of the transactions.

Specify the priority that you want to set up for the component's rate code. The system will use the priority to determine the rate code to apply for accounts that use multiple account components. For example, if the priority ratings and tax rate codes that you have defined for the account components are:

| Account Component |Account Number |Priority Rating |

|Training and Development |5555 |0001 |

|Finance |101 |0002 |

|Corporate |100 |0005 |

The system will use the goods and services tax rate code of the Corporate business unit when recording the Training and Development cost of the employees in the Finance cost centre of the Corporate business unit (100.101.5555).

However, if you have not specified any priority for any of the components, or there are multiple components with the same priority but with different rate codes, then the system will use the priority rating that you have defined for the last component of the full account.

dx. In the Attachments section, add any files, URLs and notes that you want to make available to others. See About Using Attachments for more information.

dy. Either:

– Click Save in the task pane to add the general or the component account to the system; or

– Click Save and Clear to add the general or the component account and then clear the fields so you can add another account.

2 How To Review the Reporting Options Available for Chart Accounts

1. Open the Graphical Chart Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

223. Specify the Chart Name that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

224. In the Tree Options task pane, clear the Display Chart As Hierarchy checkbox. The system will display the chart components view of the selected chart.

225. In the Charts Components task pane, expand the Selection Codes folder. The system lists all the reporting groups that you have defined for the chart (see How To Let Users Group Chart Accounts For Reporting Purposes for more information).

226. Expand the reporting group for which you want to review the available options. The system lists all the selection codes defined for the selection type (see How To Create a Selection Code for more information).

227. If required, update the description of the reporting options.

a. Select the reporting group's option that you want to update.

dz. Click Maintain. The selection code details display.

ea. Update the details as required. For example, you may want to add more details to the reporting option's description to ensure all users understand its use.

eb. In the Chart Usage section, review the other charts linked to the reporting option that will be affected by the changes you make.

ec. Click Save. The system will update the selection code's details.

228. If required, add a new option to a reporting group.

a. Right-click the relevant reporting group that you want to add a new selection code for and select Add from the popup menu. For example, you may want to add a new business unit group introduced as a result of a merge with another organisation. The system will display the selection code settings.

ed. Record the selection code details as required (see How To Create a Selection Code for more information).

ee. Click Save. The system will add the new option to the reporting group.

3 How To Set Up a New GL Chart Account

1. Open the GL Chart Account Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

229. Specify the Chart Name that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

230. In the Links to other Functions task pane, click Traditional GL Chart Acct Maintenance. The GL Chart Account Maintenance (Traditional) function opens.

a. Specify a unique number to identify the account in the chart.

ef. Specify an account description that will display in picklists. The Short Description field defaults to the account description and you can change it to give more details.

eg. Specify the Data Entry Control status of the account. Either:

– Select Active to indicate that users can process transactions to the account; or

– Select Inactive to indicate the account is not available for data entry. When creating a new account, you can use this status if you want to set up the account now but not make it available for data entry until a later date.

eh. If selection types and custom fields are available (see How To Let Users Group Chart Accounts For Reporting Purposes or How To Let Users Record Additional Details In Custom Fields For Chart Accounts for more information), specify the additional details that you want the system to use when reporting on the chart account.

ei. Add any files, URLs and notes that you want to make available to others. See About Using Attachments for more information.

ej. Complete the Dissection Defaults section with the default processing settings that you want to apply for documents linked to the chart account during data entry (see Getting Started With Formats for more information).

– If required, specify the default GL profile type and code that you want to assign to the data entry documents linked to the chart account. Profile codes, grouped by profile types make data entry easier by defaulting a predefined dissection of lines during data entry (See About Using Profile Codes to Automatically Dissect Document Lines During Data Entry for more information).

Using profile types lets you apply multiple dissection lines to the data entry format with predefined percentage of the amount that you want to apply to each dissection line. For example, you may set up the stationery supplier's account to default the business units to which you want to allocate the cost, based on their stationery budget.

– Specify the ledger and account number for the default dissection account if, for example, your organisation always uses the same ledger and account to allocate the expenses of the business unit.

– If required, specify the GST settings that you want to apply to data entry documents linked to the chart account (see About Setting Up Rate Codes to Use for Calculations During Data Entry for more information).

Select whether you want the system to display the transaction amounts inclusive or exclusive of GST by default, during data entry.

Select the default GST code for the transactions, for example, C – Current Rate. The code indicates the default rate that the system will use when calculating GST values of the transactions.

Specify the priority that you want to set up for the component's rate code. The system will use the priority to determine the rate code to apply for accounts that use multiple account components. For example, if the priority ratings and tax rate codes that you have defined for the account components are:

| Account Component |Account Number |Priority Rating |

|Training and Development |5555 |0001 |

|Finance |101 |0002 |

|Corporate |100 |0005 |

The system will use the goods and services tax rate code of the Corporate business unit when recording the Training and Development cost of the employees in the Finance cost centre of the Corporate business unit (100.101.5555).

However, if you have not specified any priority for any of the components, or there are multiple components with the same priority but with different rate codes, then the system will use the priority rating that you have defined for the last component of the full account.

ek. Complete the Foreign Currency section with the foreign currency settings that you want to apply when recording transactions in a different currency other than base currency.

– Select the Is this a Single-Currency Account checkbox if you want the system to record transactions for this chart account only a single currency. For example, you may want to maintain all bank account transactions in base currency. The system activates the foreign currency settings.

– Specify the type of the account. For example, select Bank Account if you want the system to record all cash transactions in the account.

– Select the Is this single currency account in a foreign currency? checkbox if you want to record transaction in a currency other than base currency.

– Specify the default foreign currency code and table of exchange rates to use to convert amounts from the payment currency to the base currency.

– Specify the priority that you want to apply to the foreign currency settings. The system will use the priority to determine the foreign currency settings for accounts with multiple components.

el. Either:

– Click Save in the task pane to add the general or the component account to the system; or

– Click Save and Clear to add the general or the component account and then clear the fields so you can add another account.

4 How To Activate an Account or a Reporting Group Option

1. Open the Graphical Chart Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

231. Specify the chart name that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information). For example, your organisation may have decided to reinstate a business unit that they have closed down previously to reduce cost.

232. Expand the hierarchical tree to find the inactive account or the reporting group option that you want to update.

233. Select the inactive chart account or reporting group that you want to activate.

234. Click Maintain. The system displays the chart account's details.

a. From the Data Entry Control dropdown list, select Active.

em. Click Save. The chart account is now available for data entry.

2 About Investigating Chart Accounts

TechnologyOne Financials provides you the platform to investigate GL and component chart accounts, verify the validity and, if required, add new accounts to the chart structure. For example, the GL officer of your organisation can enter the chart name and the account number that users cannot find and the system will automatically verify the account number against the validation rules that the system administrator has defined for the selected chart, and provide you with a detailed report on validity and the availability of the account components.


You can review the results and if required, either:

• Add the missing components, for example, you may want to add the new business unit introduced following a merge with another organisation (see How To Add a New Account Against a Chart Component for more information).

• Update the status of the account, for example, you may want to reinstate a business unit that was previously closed down to minimise costs (see How To Activate an Account or a Reporting Group Option for more information).

• Define new accounts against the relevant validation rules so that users can record expenses against it. For example, your organisation may have decided to let all business units record mobile phone allowance costs after previously restricting it to only the corporate executive team.

Alternatively, you can investigate chart accounts using the ledger and processing group that your system administrator has defined (see How To Investigate on Accounts Using Ledgers and How To Investigate on Accounts Using Processing Groups for more information).

1 How To Verify the Validity of an Account Number Using the Chart Settings

1. Open the Account Number Validation function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

235. Select the By Chart Name radio button to verify the validity and availability of the account components against the validation settings that the system administrator has defined for a chart. The system activates the chart details.

236. Specify the chart name against which you want to verify the validity of the account number.

237. Specify the account number you need to investigate. For example, you may need to investigate the reason why users cannot record Sports Allowance costs against the Finance division of the Research and Development business unit (008.012.1234).

238. Click Validate Account. The system will check the account number against the validation rules that the system administrator has defined for the specified chart and will provide you with a detailed report on the validity and the status of all account components. If the account number passes at least one validation rule and all components are active, then the system will consider an account number as a valid.

239. Click Close.

2 How To Check the Whether an Account Number Exists Against a Validation Rule

This functionality is only available if you have set up validation rules against a chart.

1. Open the Graphical Chart Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

240. Specify the chart with validation rules that you want to review using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

241. Expand the Validation Rules folder. The system displays all the validation rules that you have created against the chart (see How To Use Rules To Validate Chart Account Numbers for more information).

242. Expand the validation rule that matches the structure of the account number that you want to verify. The system lists all the accounts you have defined against the chart that match the validation rule's account number format.

243. Review the account number list to identify whether you have already defined the account number.

244. Either:

a. If you have already defined the account number, right-click the account number and select Maintain to review the account details.

– Update the account details if required, for example, you may want to reinstate an inactive account so that users can start recording expenses against a previously closed-down business unit.

– Click Save. The system will update the account details.


en. If you have not defined the account number already, add the account number to the chart (see How To Define a New Chart Account Against a Validation Rule for more information).

3 How To Define a New Chart Account Against a Validation Rule

This functionality is only available for GL charts for which the system administrator has defined validation rules.

1. Open the Graphical Chart Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

245. Specify the chart with validation rules that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

246. Expand the Validation Rules folder. The system displays all the validation rules that you have created against the chart (see How To Use Rules To Validate Chart Account Numbers for more information).

247. Right-click the Validation Rules folder and select Add from the popup menu. For example, your organisation may decide to provide a mobile allowance for the consultant team after previously restricting to the corporate executive team of your organisation. The system will display the chart account settings.

a. Record the chart account details as required (see How To Set Up a New GL Chart Account for more information).

eo. Click Save. The system will add the new account to the selected validation rule.

3 About Reviewing Chart Accounts in a Custom View

Once you set up a GL or a component chart and its accounts, maintain the chart up-to-date with the changing business requirements of your organisation. Setting up a custom view when reviewing the chart details will help you access and update the required information more quickly and efficiently. For example:

• Your organisation may have grouped the chart accounts using the organisational hierarchy and may want to review the chart details before restructuring your organisation

• Before making any updates, you may want to view more details on chart accounts while managing the charts on behalf of your organisation's GL officer

• The GL officer of your organisation may want to filter and view only the active accounts at the end of the financial period when reporting to the management on the account statuses.

After you set up the custom view, you can filter the required information, review and update the chart accounts as required.

1 How To Review Chart Accounts by Reporting Groups

1. Open the Graphical Chart Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

248. Specify the chart name that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information). For example, you may want to review the business unit accounts under one business unit group.

249. In the Tree Options task pane:

a. Select the Display Chart As Hierarchy checkbox.

ep. Click Reload Chart. The system will regroup the chart accounts by the reporting groups that your system administrator has defined for the chart (see How To Let Users Group Chart Accounts For Reporting Purposes for more information).

eq. Expand the reporting group and its option for which you want to review the linked chart accounts. The system displays the chart component with the chart accounts for which you have applied the reporting option. The system groups the chart account components based on the reporting options that users apply to the accounts when defining them.

er. Expand chart component.

es. Review the chart account details as required.

et. If required, link the chart account to another reporting group. For example, after an organisational restructure, you may want to remove the Administration business unit from the Internal Shared Services group as it will now be directly reporting to the Corporate Services team.

– Drag and drop the required chart account component to the new reporting group. A confirmation popup window displays.

– Click Yes. The system will add the new account to the selected reporting option.

2 How To View Only the Active Accounts Against a Chart

1. Open the Graphical Chart Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

250. Specify the chart name that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information). For example, you may want to filter and view only the active accounts at the end of the financial period.

251. In the Tree Options task pane:

a. Select the Display Active Accounts Only checkbox.

eu. Click Reload Chart. The system will refresh the chart components and will display only the active chart accounts.

252. Review the chart account details as required.

3 How To View More Details For Chart Accounts

1. Open the Graphical Chart Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

253. Specify the chart name that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

254. In the Tree Options task pane:

a. Select the Display Codes In Tree checkbox if you want to display the unique reference code of the chart account components and selection codes when reviewing the chart details. For example, you may want to verify that you are have not created duplicate chart accounts if there are several that have similar descriptions.

ev. Select the Display Long Description checkbox if you want to view more details on chart accounts. For example, you may want to review any specific information that your system administrator has defined against the chart before making any new updates.

ew. Click Reload Chart. The system will refresh the chart components and will display the additional details that you want to view.

255. Review the chart details as required.

4 About Importing and Exporting Chart Details

Use the chart import and export functionality of TechnologyOne Financials to review, analyse and update chart accounts in bulk.

Importing data is a way to update your system with data entered elsewhere, without needing to re-key the data. For example:

• When implementing TechnologyOne Financials, you import the chart accounts details from your legacy system

• You import debtor details from a third party system that an overseas subsidiary of your organisation maintains to manage debtors.

Import files are comma separated value (.CSV) files created in another application such as Microsoft Excel, Access or Word. You format data based on the specifications that TechnologyOne provides, then use the import function to import the data.

You can import the chart account details from a database or a file and specify how you want the system to manage the log files, errors and posting during the import process. TechnologyOne provides Excel spreadsheets with the required formats, and you can use these to create correctly formatted CSV files, if required. After importing the data, you can review the records that the system creates or updates and make any required updates.

The system also lets you export the AP or AR chart and account details to a spreadsheet so that you can review, analyse and upload the updated details back to the system, if required. For example, your organisation may want to change the AP account structure to ensure that users can identify the supplier organisation name by looking at the account number, then upload the details back into the system.

1 How To Let Users Import and Export Chart Details

1. Open the Chart Import Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

256. Specify a unique identifier for the import function that you want to set up.

TechnologyOne recommends that you use the same name as the chart name for which you are creating the import function.

257. Specify a description that will display in picklists. The Narration field defaults to the description and you can change it to give more details.

258. Complete the Import Source section with the import file settings that you want to use for the import process. Either:

a. Select the Data will be imported from the Database radio button if you want to import chart details to the system directly from the database. For example, you may have updated the import table of TechnologyOne Financials with the debtor details from your legacy system and want to import them to the Financials system.

The system will automatically display the number of new records in the database import table of TechnologyOne Financials next to the radio button.


ex. Select the Data will be imported from a Comma Separated File radio button if you want to import data from a .CSV file and:

– Specify the directory, server location and the file name (see How To Create a Spreadsheet With the Chart Details that You Want To Import for more information).

– Select the Use Format File checkbox to use a separate format file for the import, and specify the file's location and name. For example, the file you are importing has data in it but no column headings. Specify the name of the format file that will apply column headings to the data you are importing.

259. Complete the Import Parameters section with the chart name and chart details that you want to update through the import process.

a. In the Import Function Type dropdown list, select the type of information that you want to import. For example:

– Select Account Detail if you want to update existing or add new chart accounts to the system using the import process.

– Select Account Address if you want to update existing or add new secondary address details for your organisation's creditors or debtors.

– Select Default Address if you want to update existing or add new primary address details for your organisation's creditors or debtors.

– Select Payment Accounts if you want to update your debtor's or creditor's payment options using the import process.

ey. Specify the chart that you want to update through the chart import function.

260. Complete the Import Options section to specify the settings that you want to apply during the import process.

a. Select Delete all accounts prior to import checkbox if you want to delete all existing accounts in the system and load new accounts. For example, you may have incorrectly uploaded the business unit component accounts against the natural account component and you need to rectify the mistake.

ez. Select the Include warnings in anomalies report to include warnings in the log file.

Select the Allow Override checkbox if you want to let users override the specified settings during run time (see How To Import Chart Account Details Into the System for more information).

261. Click Save in the task pane. The function is now available for users to use to import or export charts.

2 How To Create a Spreadsheet With the Chart Details that You Want To Import

1. Open the Chart Import function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

262. Click the chart import template from which you want to import chart details. For example, click View Payment Account Template if you want to update the payment methods of your organisation's debtors or creditors.

The system displays a message indicating the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet template is open in its native application. The spreadsheet displays the fields required for importing from an external source into TechnologyOne Financials.

263. Complete the columns within the spreadsheet as required.

Hover over the column header fields to view more information on the required data.

264. Save the spreadsheet in .CSV format to the location and file name specified in the import function that you will use to import the file (such as your user area or server folder).

If required, you can save the file to any folder and copy it into the import folder when needed.

The file is now ready for import (see How To Import Chart Account Details Into the System for more information).

3 How To Export AP or AR Chart Account Details To a Spreadsheet

This functionality is available for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable charts only.

1. Open the Chart Export function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

265. Specify the import function that you want to use to export AP or AR chart details using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information). The Chart Name and Import Function Type will default (see How To Let Users Import and Export Chart Details for more information). For example, the marketing division of your organisation may want a list of all the suppliers so that they can organise and deliver hampers at the end of the financial period.

266. Specify the directory, server folder and file name in which you want to store the exported information.

267. Process the job. Depending on the options available in the task pane, either:

a. See How To Submit a Job to the Distributed Processor; or

fa. Select Run Job on this Computer, then click Start Processing or Run Job (as applicable). Running the job on your computer prevents you from doing other system tasks until processing is complete. The job output displays after processing.

The system will export the data to the specified export file. You can review and update the chart details as required.

4 How To Import Chart Account Details Into the System

TechnologyOne advises that you run a test mode before you attempt an import. The test mode will highlight possible errors with your import spreadsheet that you can fix before you run the actual import. This ensures the imported data is correct and contains no anomalies.

1. Open the Chart Import function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

268. Specify the import function that you want to use to import the chart details using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information). The system will default the import settings and the chart that it needs to update from the import function.

269. Complete the Import Parameters section to update the default import settings on selecting the import source, if required.

a. Either:

fb. Select the Data will be imported from the Database radio button if you want to import chart details to the system directly from the database. For example, you may have updated the import table of TechnologyOne Financials with the debtor details from your legacy system and want to import them to the Financials system.

The system will automatically display the number of new records in the database import table of TechnologyOne Financials next to the radio button.


– Select the Data will be imported from a Comma Separated File radio button and specify the directory, server location and the file name (see How To Create a Spreadsheet With the Chart Details that You Want To Import for more information) if you want to import data from a .CSV file.

fc. Select the option that describes what the system will do with the import file or the database records after importing the data. For example, you can retain the import file or delete it after a successful import.

fd. In the Import Function Type dropdown list, select the type of information that you want to import. For example:

– Select Account Detail if you want to update existing or add new chart accounts to the system using the import process.

– Select Account Address if you want to update existing or add a new default address details of your organisation's creditors or debtors.

– Select Default Address if you want to update existing or add new sub location details of the AP suppliers.

– Select Payment Accounts if you want to update your debtor's or creditor's payment options using the import process.

270. Complete the Import Options section to specify the parameters and options to use for the import.

The system displays its method of handling invalid code information during the chart import process. For example, the system will automatically reject the import file where the user has changed the column names in the import spreadsheet.

a. If you want to use a separate format file for the import, specify the file's location and name. For example, the file you are importing has data in it but no column headings. Specify the name of the format file that will apply column headings to the data you are importing.

The option will only be available, if you have set up the import function to use a format file for the import (see How To Let Users Import and Export Chart Details for more information).

fe. Select the Delete all accounts prior to import checkbox if you want to delete all existing accounts in the system and load new accounts. For example, you may have incorrectly uploaded the business unit component accounts against the natural account component and you need to rectify the mistake.

Users will not be able to update this option if the system administrator has set up the import function to not let users override this option during the chart import process.

ff. Select the Allow creation of new records checkbox if you want to create new chart accounts against the specified chart through the import process. For example, after a merge with another organisation, you may want to add new chart accounts to the system to let users record expenses against the newly created business units and cost centres.

fg. Select the Allow override of existing details checkbox if you want to update existing chart accounts using the import function. For example, after your organisation's restructure, you may need to update the account descriptions of the business units to reflect the new business unit names.

This option is only available if you have not selected Delete all account prior to import checkbox either through this function or through the Chart Import Maintenance function (see How To Let Users Import and Export Chart Details for more information).

fh. Select the Perform Chart Posting checkbox if you want the system to automatically perform chart posting function once you import the chart details.

fi. If you are using a single import function to both create new records and update existing records, select whether you want the system to create or update the records first during an import process. For example, you may want to update the existing account details first before creating new accounts.

This section is only available if you have not selected Delete all account prior to import checkbox either through this function or through the Chart Import Maintenance function (see How To Let Users Import and Export Chart Details for more information).

fj. Select the level of detail for the log file that the system creates during the import process. For example, you can log all records processed in the import, or only those with anomalies that you will fix before re-processing.

fk. If required, select the checkbox to include warnings in the log file.

Users will not be able to update this option if the system administrator has set up the import function to not let users override this option during the chart import process.

271. Select Test Mode Only in the task pane if you want to test the import and identify any errors that will occur.

If you select this option, you will need to re-run the process later to import the accounts.

272. Process the job. Depending on the options available in the task pane, either:

a. See How To Submit a Job to the Distributed Processor; or

fl. Select Run Job on this Computer, then click Start Processing or Run Job (as applicable). Running the job on your computer prevents you from doing other system tasks until processing is complete. The job output displays after processing.

5 How To Update AP or AR Chart Account Details in a Spreadsheet and Import the Updated Details Back Into the System

This functionality is available for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable charts only.

1. Open the Chart Export function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

273. Specify the import function that you want to use using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information). The Chart Name and Import Function Type will default (see How To Let Users Import and Export Chart Details for more information). For example, you may want to add an internal reference code to the account name of all AP accounts.

274. Specify the directory, server folder and file name in which you want to store the information.

275. Process the job. Depending on the options available in the task pane, either:

a. See How To Submit a Job to the Distributed Processor; or

fm. Select Run Job on this Computer, then click Start Processing or Run Job (as applicable). Running the job on your computer prevents you from doing other system tasks until processing is complete. The job output displays after processing.

The system will export the data to the specified spreadsheet.

276. Update the chart details as required.

277. Import the chart details back to the system (see How To Import Chart Account Details Into the System for more information).

Understanding Chart Account Validations

Use the chart account validation functionality of the General Ledger Management module to control the accounts against which users can record transactions. For example, you want to restrict users from:

• Recording overtime payments against the permanent employees of your organisation

• Allocating customer management funds against the Corporate Finance division of your organisation.

When users enter account numbers during data entry, the system will check the validity of the account number and will prevent users from recording transactions against invalid accounts. For an account to be valid:

• the account must comply with the chart structure (see How To Set Up the Structure For a New Set of Accounts for more information)

• chart accounts must exist for each individual account component (see How To Add a New Account Against a Chart Component for more information)

• the account must comply at least to one of the three validation rules that the system administrator has defined for the chart (see How To Use Rules To Validate Chart Account Numbers for more information).

When setting up the chart, you can define up to three validation rules. During the validation process, the system will verify the account against the validation rules sequentially to see if it passes at least one of the validation rules.

The process of identifying the validity of accounts during data entry with example chart accounts and validation rules is:

• the chart accounts that the system administrator has defined for the chart structure NNN.NNN.NNNN

|Chart account |Description |Account Status |

|001.&&&.&&&& |Corporate |Active |

|&&&.000.&&&& |Balance sheet |Inactive |

|&&&.101.&&&& |Executive Services |Active |

|&&&.102.&&&& |Administration |Active |

|&&&.&&&.1000 |Cash at bank |Inactive |

|&&&.&&&.8110 |Salaries |Active |

|001.000.&&&& |Management services |Inactive |

|001.101.&&&& |Executive services |Active |

|001.000.1000 |Cash at bank |Active |

• the validation rules that the system administrator has defined for the chart include:

– Validation rule 1

|Mask |


For an account to pass validation rule 1:

each account component specified in the validation group must exist as individual chart accounts

the combination of all three components must exist as an active full string chart account.

– Validation rule 2

|Mask |

|XXX.XXX.@@@@ |

|@@@.@@@.XXXX |

For an account to pass validation rule 2:

each account component specified in the validation group must exist as individual chart accounts

the combination of the first two components must exist as an active chart account.

• the process of identifying the validity of accounts during data entry.

|The account that |Does the account match|Does each account |Does the account pass |Does the account pass |Valid/Invalid |

|users enter during|the chart structure? |component exist as|validation rule 1? |validation 2? |account |

|data entry | |individual chart | | | |

| | |accounts? | | | |

|001.000.1000 |Yes |Yes |Yes |N/A |Valid |

| | | |The combination of all | | |

| | | |three components exists in| | |

| | | |the chart account list as | | |

| | | |an active full account | | |

| | | |string. | | |

|001.000.81110 |Yes |Yes |No |No |Invalid |

| | | |The combination of all |The combination of the | |

| | | |three components does not |first two components | |

| | | |exist in the chart account|exists in the chart | |

| | | |list as an active full |account list but the | |

| | | |account string. |account status is | |

| | | | |inactive. | |

|001.101.8110 |Yes |Yes |No |Yes |Valid |

| | | |The combination of all |The combination of the | |

| | | |three components does not |first two components | |

| | | |exist in the chart account|exists in the chart | |

| | | |list as an active full |account list as an | |

| | | |account string. |active chart account. | |

|001.102.8110 |Yes |No |No |No |Invalid |

| | | |The combination of all |The combination of the | |

| | | |three components does not |first two components | |

| | | |exist in the chart account|does not exist in the | |

| | | |list as an active full |chart account list as | |

| | | |account string. |an active chart | |

| | | | |account. | |

|001.103.8110 |Yes |No |N/A |N/A |Invalid |

| | |The account | | | |

| | |component 103 does| | | |

| | |not exist as an | | | |

| | |individual chart | | | |

| | |account. | | | |

|001.102.811 |No |N/A |N/A |N/A |Invalid |

| |The account does not | | | | |

| |match the chart | | | | |

| |structure. | | | | |

Alternatively, you can verify the validity of an account number automatically using the account number validation functionality of TechnologyOne Financials (see About Investigating Chart Accounts for more information).

Managing Ledgers

Use the ledger management functionality of TechnologyOne Financials to establish and manage ledgers. You can use ledgers to record full details of all transactions for each account number and to maintain account balances. You can then use this information to report and enquire on the financial status of your organisation (see GL Enquiries for more information).

When setting up a ledger, you need to link it to a chart, which will determine:

• the information that you need to record when setting up a ledger

• the processing settings that the system will automatically apply to a ledger

• the account numbers that users can enter against a ledger.

The types of ledgers that you can maintain in TechnologyOne Financials are:

• General ledger (GL)

• Account payable (AP) ledger

• Accounts receivable (AR) ledger

You can use the general ledger type when setting up the general, budget, and subsidiary ledgers for your organisation. The other ledger types are ideally suited for the specialised processing requirements of creditors and debtors. For example, your organisation may set up:

• the actual ledger for the current financial period (GLCUR)

• the budget ledger for the current financial period (BLCUR)

• the accounts receivable ledger to track sales invoices and payment receipts by customer number (ARLDG)

• the accounts payable ledger to track liabilities and payments by supplier account number (APLDG).

Once you set up a ledger, you can customise it to match your organisation's business practice and based on the accounts that you maintain against it. For example:

• You set up a monthly period sequence for the AR ledger so that you can report on overdue transactions and send reminder letters to the customers at the end of every month

• You need to activate commitment and fund tracking functionality for the GL ledger so that you can track the investment that the organisation makes on plant and machinery and ensure that it does not go over the budgeted amount.

Generally, you will create ledgers progressively throughout the life of the system to reflect new and changing requirements of your organisation. An unlimited number of ledgers can be active at any time within the system.

At the end of the financial period, you can set up the system to transfer the balance to the next financial period, review the ledgers and remove the ones that you no longer require to increase the system performance.

1 About Setting Up Ledgers

Use the ledger management functionality of TechnologyOne Financials to set up the ledgers that you want to use to record full details of all transactions for each account number and to maintain account balances. You can then use this information to report and enquire on the financial status of your organisation (see GL Enquiries for more information).

The process of setting up a ledger to match your organisation's business practice involves:

• Linking the ledger to a chart. The chart will determine the information that you need to record and the processing settings that you want to apply when setting up a ledger. For example, the system will activate the account reconciliation functionality for all ledgers linked to a General chart (see How To Set Up the Structure For a New Set of Accounts for more information). The system will also use the linked chart to validate the account numbers that users specify during data entry. You can compare account balances of multiple ledgers by linking them to the same chart. For example, you can link the same chart to the actual and budget ledgers so that you can compare the account balances periodically to ensure that it does not exceed the budgeted amount.

• Determining the accounting periods against which you want to record and maintain transactions. For example, your organisation may use a monthly period sequence to record and monitor the overdue account balance of the customers.

• Defining the method of updating the ledger accounts. For example, you may want to set up the AP ledger to let users update the utility service provider's accounts through the Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) process of TechnologyOne CPM and to maintain notes against each account of any prepayments that you have made.

• Specifying the additional functionality that you want to apply to the ledger accounts. For example, you may set up the general ledger to reconcile transaction balances to a suspense account (see GL Account Reconciliation for more information) and to define the expense accounts that you want to keep a track of the committed expenses and allocated funds (see GL Enquiries for more information).

The system also lets you record additional information on transactions so that it is easy for users to identify and reconcile transactions. If required, you can automatically remove the transactions that you no longer require (such as outdated transactions) to increase the system performance.

Once you set up the ledger and its processing settings for the associated accounts, you need to keep it up-to-date to match the changing business requirements of your organisation.

1 How To Set Up an Actual or Budget Ledger to Record and Maintain Account Balances

1. Open the Ledger Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

278. Specify a unique identifier for the ledger.

279. Specify a description that will display in picklists. The Narration field defaults to the description and you can change it to give more details.

280. Specify the chart to associate with the ledger. The system will use the nominated chart to determine the processing settings and validate the account numbers that you add to the ledger during data entry.

281. Specify the system profile for the ledger. The system profile determines the currency and taxation settings, business-related terminology to use throughout the system and the calendar to use for the ledger (see About Defining System Profiles for TechnologyOne Core Enterprise Suite for more information).

282. Specify the ledger's status. Either:

– Select Active to indicate the ledger is available to use; or

– Select Inactive to indicate the ledger is not available. When creating a new ledger, you can use this status if you want to set up the ledger now but not make it available to use until a later date.

283. Click Save in the task pane. You can now continue recording the specific ledger details including ledger maintenance settings, funds and commitment control settings, and ledger account periods.

2 How To Define the Processing Settings for a Ledger

1. Open the Ledger Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

284. Specify the ledger that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

285. Complete the Options section with maintenance and update settings for the selected ledger.

a. From the Default Picklist Type dropdown list, select whether you want the system to display the ledger or chart or component picklist by default during data entry. For example, select Ledger Picklist if you want the system to display the ledger account pickist by default to let users select accounts that they have recorded transactions against previously.

fn. Specify the default comparative ledger with which you want to compare ledger account balances. For example, for a general ledger, you can specify the comparative ledger as the budget ledger so that users can verify whether account balances are within the budget.

To compare account balances, you need to link both the current ledger and the comparative ledger to the same chart.

fo. Select the Allow Update by External Process checkbox if you want to update the ledger using external processes (such as XLOne modeller, ledger import, enterprise budgeting and ETL). The system activates the Update Balances only. Do not post transactions checkbox.

fp. Select the Update Balances only. Do not post transactions checkbox if you want to only update the transaction balances using the external processes, for example, you may want to review the transactions before posting them.

fq. Select the checkbox to indicate that you want to add the ledger to the chart posting process of a different chart. For example, the chart descriptions that you require for financial reporting may be different to the descriptions retrieved when validating chart accounts.

The system will let users select the ledger during the chart posting process (see How To Update the Ledger Accounts With Changes To the Chart for more information).

fr. Specify the chart that you want to use to use for posting and financial reporting purposes. For example, when validating chart accounts for an account structure AA-AA-NNNN, the first and second alphanumerics of the first highlighted component can be validated individually. However, you may need the combination of these two characters to get the required description for reporting purposes.

The chart defaults to the chart that you selected in the General section. If you want to specify a different chart for chart posting, the chart type and the account structure of the new chart needs to match to the default chart.

The system will let users select the ledger during the chart posting process of the specified chart (see How To Update the Ledger Accounts With Changes To the Chart for more information).

fs. From the Maintain Ledger Acct Descr dropdown list, either:

– Select No if you do not want to update the ledger account descriptions; or

– Select Update Only if you want the system to automatically update ledger account descriptions through the data entry process; or

– Select Posting and Update if you want the system to automatically update the ledger account descriptions through the data entry and document file posting process.

ft. For AP ledgers, specify the selection type for the transaction status. The system will let you categorise and report on AP transactions based on their transaction status. For example, during enquiry, you may want to classify a transaction as Critical if the payment has been outstanding for more than six months.

fu. Specify the note selection type that you want to apply to the ledger. For example, you may specify the note selection type as Reminder Letters for an AR ledger if you want to report on AR transactions based on the severity of the reminder letters you send to customers (see About Entering AP Supplier Adjustment Notes and About Working With AR Debtor Notes for more information).

For general ledgers and accounts payable ledgers, you can only put notes at the account level. For accounts receivable ledgers, you can place notes at the transaction level.

fv. Select the Allow Maintenance of Note Date checkbox if you want to let users assign a past or a future date to the ledger notes.

The Note Date will automatically default to the current date when setting up a ledger note (see How To Set Up a Ledger Note for more information).

fw. For AR ledgers:

– Select and specify either a System Variable or a Specified Value for the data entry format that you want to use when setting up a note arrangement (see How To Set Up a Debt Management Plan for an AR Debtor's Overdue Transactions for more information).

– Specify the document format that you want the system to use when transmitting arrangement details of the debtors.

– Select and specify either a System Variable or a Specified Value for the data entry format that you want the system to use when generating receipts for debtor's overdue transactions.

– Select and specify either a System Variable or a Specified Value for the data entry format that you want the system to use when generating credit notes for debtors.

286. Click Save in the task pane. The system will use the specified settings to update and maintain the selected ledger account.

3 How To Specify the Accounting Periods To Use When Recording Account Balances in the Ledger

1. Open the Ledger Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

287. Specify the ledger that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

288. In the Periods section, either:

a. Click 1-12 if you want to nominate the periods using the calendar year. For example, your organisation may use a weekly period sequence and wants to define the periods sequentially starting from 1 (January); or

fx. Click 7- 6 if you want to nominate the periods using the fiscal year. For example, if your organisation's financial year is from July to June (next year), you may want to define the periods sequentially starting from 7 (July).

289. Click Save in the task pane. The nominated period setting will determine the period sequence that the system displays during period balance enquiry.

4 How To Define Custom Fields To Record Additional Ledger Transaction Details

1. Open the Ledger Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

290. Specify the ledger that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

291. In the Transaction User Fields grid, specify a Caption for the custom fields that you want to use to record additional transaction details. For example, you may want users to record the location of the transaction during data entry.

292. Click Save in the task pane. You can specify the details against these custom fields during data entry and the system will let users report and enquire on transactions using these fields.

When setting up the formats for data entry you can define a different name for these user fields, if required. For example, in data entry formats you may refer to the Purchase Order Number as PO No as it is more familiar to the users. However, the system will use the caption that you define in the Ledger Maintenance function when enquiring and reporting on transactions using these custom fields.

5 How To Set Up the System To Archive Ledger Transactions After a Specified Period

1. Open the Ledger Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

293. Specify the ledger that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

294. Complete the Archive Settings section to activate the archiving functionality for the selected ledger.

a. Select the Enable Archiving of Ledger Transactions checkbox if you want to let users archive the transactions that you no longer require.

fy. Specify the period in months after which you want to archive the completed ledger transactions that have a posting date older than the specified period. For example, define 24 if you want to archive completed transactions where the posting date is older than two years.

295. Click Save in the task pane. The system will archive the ledger transactions older than the specified period when you run the archiving process (see About Archiving for more information).

6 How To Let Users Reconcile Accounts Linked To a Particular Ledger

This functionality is only available for general ledgers.

1. Open the Ledger Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

296. Specify the ledger that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

297. Complete the Account Reconciliation section with the reconciliation accounts that you want to use for the ledger. For example, you may want to let users reconcile general expenses against the petty cash account for your organisation.

a. Select the Allow Account Reconciliations for this ledger checkbox if you want to let users reconcile account transactions that you record against the ledger.

fz. Select and specify either a System Variable or a Specified Value for the reconciliation accounts that you want to nominate for this ledger.

298. Click Save in the task pane. You can select the specified accounts during the account reconciliation process (see GL Account Reconciliation for more information).

7 How To Set Up a Ledger To Track Commitments Recorded Against Accounts

1. Open the Ledger Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

299. Specify the ledger that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

300. Complete the Commitments and Fund Control section if you want to track committed expenses and available funds for the ledger accounts.

a. Select the Commitment Tracking checkbox. The system will activate the commitment tracking settings.

– From the For All or Selected Account Numbers dropdown list, either:

Select All if you want to apply the commitment tracking functionality for all accounts linked to the ledger; or

Select Selected and specify either the account number range or the account numbers for which you want to apply the commitment tracking functionality.

You can nominate either the full account number or an account number mask.

– Specify the commitment chart name, if different to the default.

The chart defaults to the chart that you selected in the General section.

You can specify a different commitment chart with the format of the funds account, if you want the system to perform funds checking at a different level to the account. For example, if you want the system to perform funds checking for account 001.000.8130 at an accumulated level and the fund account is 001.000.8, then you may define a commitment chart with the structure nnn.nnn.n rather than nnn.nnn.nnn.

However, if the funds checking is not activated for a particular ledger, the system will use the commitment chart to validate commitment accounts,

ga. Select the Funds Tracking checkbox. The system will activate the fund settings for the ledger.

The fund tracking functionality will not be available if you have not activated the commitment tracking functionality for the ledger.

– Specify the ledger in which you maintain fund accounts.

– Complete the grid with the fund access masks that you want the system to match when verifying the allocated fund amounts in the fund ledger during data entry. If the account numbers that users enter during data entry match the fund access mask, then the system will automatically check the fund ledger for a matching fund account in order to verify the funds available.

For example, the fund access mask that the system administrator specifies when setting up the ledger and the account number that a user specifies during data entry are:

Fund access mask – XXX.XXX.X@@@

Account number – 101.000.8214

During data entry, the system will automatically trigger the fund checking functionality, as the account number structure matches the highlighted portion of the fund access mask and will search the fund ledger to find an account that matches the access portion of the account number (101.000.8).

– If the system cannot find a fund account in the specified fund ledger during data entry, either:

Select Suspend and specify the suspense account if you want to put the transaction on hold and record its details in a suspense account temporarily. Users need to update the transaction details and submit it again for approval. They can either remove the suspense transaction details, or record them later in the relevant fund account using data entry; or

Select Reject Transaction if you want to remove the transaction from the system; or

Select Accept Transaction and specify the suspense account if you want to post the transaction to the ledger and record its details in a suspense account temporarily.

– Select the Funds Checking checkbox if you want the system to warn users of insufficient funds when entering a new transaction. The system activates the fund checking settings.

Define the percentage up to which you want to let users record new transactions with insufficient funds.

Specify the action that you want the system to perform in the event of insufficient funds. Either:

Select Suspend if you want to put the transaction on hold. Users need to update the transaction details and submit it again for approval; or

Select Reject Transaction if you want to remove the transaction from the system; or

Select Accept Transaction if you want to post the transaction to the ledger.

301. Click Save in the task pane.

2 About Maintaining Ledgers

Once you set up a ledger, you need to ensure that you keep it and its associated accounts and transactions up-to-date as it affects the financial status of your organisation. Keeping the ledgers up-do-date involves:

• Removing transactions and ledger accounts that you no longer require. For example, you may want to remove a debtor and all related transactions with whom your organisation does not continue to do business. When deleting accounts or transactions from the system, TechnologyOne highly recommends that you create a back-up copy of the ledger to ensure that can restore the account details if required, for example, if you accidentally delete the wring account number.

• Transferring the ledger transactions to a new period. For example, at the end of the financial period, you may want to carry forward the account balance of all AR accounts to the next financial period.

The system also lets you remove ledgers that you no longer require, for example, after a merge with another organisation, you may have linked all the accounts and their transactions to a new ledger and want to remove the original ledger as you no longer use it.

1 How To Set Up a Back-Up Copy of a Ledger Before Removing Transactions and Accounts

1. Open the Ledger Copy function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

302. Specify the ledger that you want to copy the details from using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information). For example, you may want to set up a back copy of the current ledger before removing the debtors and their related transactions with whom your organisation does not continue to do business.

303. Specify the ledger to which you want to copy the details.

304. Specify a description that will display in picklists. The Narration field defaults to the description and you can change it to give more details.

305. In the Archive Options section, select the Copy archived transactions to new ledger checkbox if you want to copy all the archived transactions to the new ledger.

This option is only available if you have activated archive transaction functionality for the selected ledger.

306. If required, change the number of transactions to run as one unit of work, for example, if your database can only process five thousand records at a time, specify 5000.

See your system administrator for advice on the processing capability of your organisation's database.

307. Process the job. Depending on the options available in the task pane, either:

a. See How To Submit a Job to the Distributed Processor; or

gb. Select Run Job on this Computer, then click Start Processing or Run Job (as applicable). Running the job on your computer prevents you from doing other system tasks until processing is complete. The job output displays after processing.

The system will copy all the settings, accounts and transaction details to the new ledger.

2 How To Remove an Outdated Ledger From the System

1. Open the Ledger Deletion function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

308. Specify the ledger that you want to delete using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information). The ledger details display. For example, you may want to delete a ledger from a previous financial period after copying all accounts and transaction details to a new ledger.

309. If required, change the number of transactions to run as one unit of work, for example, if your database can only process five thousand records at a time, specify 5000.

See your system administrator for advice on the processing capability of your organisation's database.

310. Process the job. Depending on the options available in the task pane, either:

a. See How To Submit a Job to the Distributed Processor; or

gc. Select Run Job on this Computer, then click Start Processing or Run Job (as applicable). Running the job on your computer prevents you from doing other system tasks until processing is complete. The job output displays after processing.

The system will remove the ledger from the system.

3 How To Carry Forward Transaction Balances To a Different Financial Period

1. Open the Ledger Transaction Period Transfer function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

311. Specify the ledger with the transactions that you want to carry forward the balances for using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information). For example, at the end of the financial period, you may want to carry forward the account balance of all AR accounts to the next financial period.

312. Define the period range for which you want to carry forward the transaction balances.

313. Define the period to which you want to carry forward the transaction balances.

314. Complete the Account Criteria section to specify the accounts with the transactions that you want to carry forward balances to the specified financial period. Either:

a. Select the All Accounts radio button if you want to include all accounts of the selected ledger; or

gd. Select the Nominated Accounts radio button, specify the criteria and indicate whether accounts need to match any or all of the criteria when the system is selecting the accounts to include.

315. Complete the Transaction Criteria section to specify the transactions that you want to carry forward the balances to the next period. Either:

a. Select the All Transactions radio button if you want to include all transactions for the selected accounts; or

ge. Select the Nominated Transactions radio button, specify the criteria and indicate whether transactions need to match any or all of the criteria when the system is selecting the transactions to include.

316. If required, change the number of transactions to run as one unit of work, for example, if your database can only process five thousand records at a time, specify 5000.

See your system administrator for advice on the processing capability of your organisation's database.

317. Select the level of detail for the log file that the system creates during the process. For example, you can log all records processed in the period transfer process, or only those with anomalies that you will fix before re-processing.

318. If required, select Test Mode Only in the task pane to test the processing and identify any errors that will occur.

If you select this option, you will need to re-run the process later to perform the updates.

319. Process the job. Depending on the options available in the task pane, either:

a. See How To Submit a Job to the Distributed Processor; or

gf. Select Run Job on this Computer, then click Start Processing or Run Job (as applicable). Running the job on your computer prevents you from doing other system tasks until processing is complete. The job output displays after processing.

The system will carry forward the selected transaction balances to the nominated financial period.

4 How To Remove Obsolete Accounts and Their Related Transactions From a Ledger

1. Open the Ledger Account Deletion function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

320. Specify the ledger with the accounts that you want to delete using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information). For example, you may want to remove a debtor account and all its transactions with whom your organisation does not continue to do business.

321. In the Account Criteria section, either:

a. Select the All Accounts radio button if you want to delete all accounts linked to the selected ledger; or

gg. Select the Nominated Accounts radio button and nominate the accounts that you want to remove from the ledger.

322. If required, change the number of transactions to run as one unit of work, for example, if your database can only process five thousand records at a time, specify 5000.

See your system administrator for advice on the processing capability of your organisation's database.

323. If required, select Test Mode Only in the task pane to test the processing and identify any errors that will occur.

If you select this option, you will need to re-run the process later to perform the updates.

324. Process the job. Depending on the options available in the task pane, either:

a. See How To Submit a Job to the Distributed Processor; or

gh. Select Run Job on this Computer, then click Start Processing or Run Job (as applicable). Running the job on your computer prevents you from doing other system tasks until processing is complete. The job output displays after processing.

The system will remove the specified accounts and their related transactions from the ledger.

5 How To Remove Ledger Transactions That You No Longer Require

1. Open the Ledger Account Transaction Deletion function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

325. Specify the ledger that you want to delete the transactions from using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

326. In the Archive or Production Database section, either:

a. Select the Archive radio button if you want to delete only the archived transactions from the ledger; or

gi. Select the Production radio button if you want to delete only the non-archived transactions from the ledger.

This option is only available if you have activated archived functionality for the selected ledger and at least one transaction has been included in the archive process (see About Archiving for more information).

327. In the Period and Date Criteria, specify the period and/or the date range that you want to use when selecting the transactions you want to delete.

328. In the User Defined Narration for Replacement Transactions section, specify the information that you want the system to display in the Narration 2 and Narration 3 fields of the transaction that the system will automatically create to balance the amount of the deleted transactions.

The system will automatically specify the Narration 1 as Transaction Deletion to make it easy for users to identify the transaction.

329. Complete the Options section with the settings that you want to apply to the ledger transaction removal process.

a. If you have set up the function to remove non-archived transactions:

– For general ledgers:

Select the checkbox to indicate that you want to be able to select transactions that you have not yet included in a Business Activity Statement for the removal process.

Select the checkbox to indicate that you want to be able to select transactions that you have included in the bank reconciliation process for the removal process.

– For AP and AR ledgers, select the Open Items checkbox to indicate if you want to select open item transactions for the removal process.

– For AR ledger, select the transactions for an Account currently loaded in a Statement Worksheet if you want to be able to select transactions loaded in a statement worksheet for the removal process.

gj. Select the Open Items checkbox if you want the system to delete only the active transactions.

330. If required, change the number of transactions to run as one unit of work, for example, if your database can only process five thousand records at a time, specify 5000.

See your system administrator for advice on the processing capability of your organisation's database.

a. From the Details to be shown in log file dropdown list, select whether you want to view the status of all transactions in the log file or only the ones with anomalies, after processing.

331. Complete the Account Criteria section to specify the accounts with the transactions that you want to remove. Either:

a. Select the All Accounts radio button if you want to include all accounts of the selected ledger; or

gk. Select the Nominated Accounts radio button, specify the criteria and indicate whether accounts need to match any or all of the criteria when the system is selecting the accounts to include.

332. Complete the Transaction Criteria section to specify the transactions that you want to delete. Either:

a. Select the All Transactions radio button if you want to include all transactions for the selected accounts; or

gl. Select the Nominated Transactions radio button, specify the criteria and indicate whether transactions need to match any or all of the criteria when the system is selecting the transactions to include.

333. If required, select Test Mode Only in the task pane to test the processing and identify any errors that will occur.

If you select this option, you will need to re-run the process later to perform the updates.

334. Process the job. Depending on the options available in the task pane, either:

a. See How To Submit a Job to the Distributed Processor; or

gm. Select Run Job on this Computer, then click Start Processing or Run Job (as applicable). Running the job on your computer prevents you from doing other system tasks until processing is complete. The job output displays after processing.

The system will remove the selected transactions from the selected ledger accounts.

Setting Up Processing Groups

Use the processing group functionality of TechnologyOne Financials to set up the framework within which primary and subsidiary ledgers interact and function. Based on your organisation's business practice, you can set up as many processing groups as required. For example:

• Your organisation can set up separate processing groups for each of its subsidiaries so that it is easy to manage and review their financial performance

• You can set up a new processing group and ledgers for the new financial year so that users can process transactions without closing off the ledger accounts for the previous financial year.

The processing groups exist independently of one another and there will be no interaction in the system between the processing groups.


Setting up a processing group in TechnologyOne Financials includes:

• Defining the primary ledger. The primary ledger is the main or controlling ledger that contains overall account balances of the processing group. You can have only one primary ledger for a processing group and it needs to always balance.

• Setting up subsidiary ledgers. A subsidiary ledger is any other ledger within the processing group that contains the transaction details for a specific purpose. For example, you can nominate the AP ledger as a subsidiary ledger. When setting up subsidiary ledgers, you need to nominate control accounts for them in the primary ledger. The system will use the control accounts to link subsidiary ledgers to the primary ledger. When you post transactions to the subsidiary ledger during data entry, the system will automatically update the control account for it in the primary ledger.

If required, you can also nominate up to six disbursement accounts for a subsidiary ledger. This way, you can disburse the subsidiary ledger transactions to multiple accounts in the primary ledger. For example, you want to disburse an AP invoice for utility payments among the business units of your organisation. If you have nominated disbursement accounts for subsidiary ledger accounts, the system will automatically disburse the control account transactions to the disbursement accounts during data entry.

• If required, activating inter-entity accounting functionality for the processing group. You can define separate entities within the primary ledger and use the inter-entity accounting functionality to keep these entities in balance. Inter-entity accounting identifies the movement of goods or services (such as fixed asset transfers) across business units in their accounting books. The system will use the balancing accounts that you have nominated for each entity when recording and processing inter-entity transactions (see Understanding Inter-Entity Accounting for more information).

• Setting up the cash ledger and identifying the bank accounts for the processing group. The system will use the cash ledgers to reflect transactions that impact the cash status of the business.

The system also lets you copy and reuse the processing group's configuration settings so that you do not have to set up information from the beginning when creating similar processing groups. For example, when setting up a new processing group for the new financial year, you want to copy the primary ledger, subsidiary ledgers, foreign currency adjustment accounts, cash accounts, and inter-entity balancing accounts from the previous financial period (see Processing Group Wizard for more information).

1 About Defining Processing Groups

Use the processing group functionality of TechnologyOne Financials to set up the framework within which primary and subsidiary ledgers interact and function. Based on your organisation's business practice, you can set up as many processing groups as required. For example:

• Your organisation can set up separate processing groups for each of its subsidiaries so that it is easy to manage and review their financial performance

• You can set up a new processing group and ledgers for the new financial year so that users can process transactions without closing off the ledger accounts for the previous financial year.

Defining processing groups in TechnologyOne Financials include:

• Setting up the primary ledger for the processing group. The primary ledger is the main or controlling ledger that contains overall account balances of the processing group. You can have only one primary ledger for a processing group.

• If required, activating inter-entity accounting functionality for the processing group. You can define separate entities within the primary ledger and use the inter-entity accounting functionality to keep these entities in balance. Inter-entity accounting identifies the movement of goods or services (such as fixed asset transfers) across business units in their individual accounting records. Once you activate inter-entity accounting functionality for the processing group, you can then nominate the balancing accounts that you want to update when recording inter-entity transactions. For example, you may need to set up inter-entity balance accounts between each business unit and the administration unit so that you can record office equipment and resource transfers.

• Specifying the cash and bank accounts for the processing group. The system will automatically update them when recording cash or cheque payments during data entry.

• If your organisation allows foreign currency transactions, defining the accounts that you want to use when recording profit or loss from foreign currency adjustments due to exchange rate fluctuations. For example, you want to record the profit that your organisation earned from the sales revenue of an overseas subsidiary due to the appreciation of the base currency in a separate account so that it is easy for users to reconcile transactions.

Once you set up the processing group, you can link the subsidiary ledgers to it.

1 How To Set Up a Processing Group To Logically Group Ledgers for Processing Transactions

1. Open the Processing Group Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

335. Specify a unique identifier for the processing group that you want to set up.

TechnologyOne recommends that you specify a meaningful identifier to make it easy for users to refer to it later. For example, if your organisation creates processing groups for each financial year, you may want to add a reference to the financial year when defining the identifier.

336. Specify a description that will display in picklists. The Narration field defaults to the description and you can change it to give more details.

337. Specify the processing group's status. Either:

a. Select Active to indicate the processing group is available to use; or

gn. Select Inactive to indicate the processing group is not available. When creating a new processing group, you can use this status if you want to set up the processing group now but not make it available to use until a later date.

338. Complete the Primary Ledger section with the primary ledger details of the processing group. The primary ledger is the controlling ledger that contains the overall account balances of the processing group.

a. Type a unique 2-character code for the ledger that you want to nominate as the primary ledger of the processing group. The system will use it as an alias for the primary ledger.

TechnologyOne recommends that you make the ledger code of the primary ledger consistent across all processing group to avoid ledger maintenance issues overtime.

go. Specify the name of the ledger that you want to nominate as the primary ledger of the processing group. The system will default the system profile, currency and tax calculation settings that you have defined for the ledger (see How To Set Up an Actual or Budget Ledger to Record and Maintain Account Balances for more information).

gp. Specify the default balancing account that you want to use to balance transactions temporarily during posting, for example, a suspense account.

When posting transactions using data entry, you can nominate a separate balancing account (such as a bank account) for these transactions (see How To Set Up the Default Ledger and the Account That You Want To Use When Balancing a Document File for more information).

gq. If required, specify the primary ledger name of a previous financial year with the transactions that you want to process further. For example, you want to cancel a cheque or a receipt from the prior year and you want to find the relevant transactions in the cash ledger.

339. If available, complete the Foreign Currency section with the accounts that you want to use when recording profit or loss of currency adjustments (see How To Nominate the Accounts For Foreign Currency Calculations for more information).

This functionality will only be available if you have set up the system profile of the primary ledger to process foreign currency transactions (see How To Define TechnologyOne Core Enterprise Suite Defaults in a System Profile for more information).

340. Click Save in the task pane. You can continue recording inter-entity balancing, cash accounting and foreign currency adjustment settings for the processing group.

2 How To Define the Entities and Options for Inter-Entity Balancing

1. Open the Processing Group Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

341. Specify the processing group that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information). The processing group details display.

342. In the Inter-Entity Balancing section, select the Inter-Entity Balance Applies checkbox if you want to activate inter-entity accounting for the selected processing group. The system activates the inter-entity accounting settings.

a. Specify the account mask of the primary ledger highlighting the characters that identify the entity. For example, if the second component of the account structure (A-NNN-NNNN) identifies the department across which you want inter-entity balancing transactions to occur, then you may specify the mask as @-XXX-@@@@.

When defining the account mask, use the character X to highlight the component that you want to identify as the entity and use the character @ for the rest of the mask.

gr. Specify the default clearing entity for the processing group. The system will use the clearing entity to balance inter-entity transactions if they involve more than two entities or if you have set up the processing group to always use a separate entity to balance inter-entity transactions.

If required, you can update the clearing entity when setting up the formats (see Getting Started with Formats for more information).

gs. Select the Always Clear to the Clearing Entity checkbox if you want to always use a separate entity to balance inter-entity transactions.

gt. From the Default Entity Balance Level dropdown list, either:

– Select Document File if you want to generate the inter-entity balancing transactions at the document file level during posting. This way, the system will generate the summarised balancing transactions based on the total balance as separate documents within the same document file; or

– Select Document if you want to generate inter-entity balancing transactions for each individual document during posting. This way, the system will generate the balancing transactions as subsequent lines within each document.

If required, you can update the balancing level when setting up the formats (see How To Set Up the Format To Automatically Balance Financial Entities By Generating Inter-Entity Transactions for more information).

343. Click Save in the task pane.

3 How To Turn on Cash Accounting for the Processing Group

1. Open the Processing Group Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

344. Specify the processing group that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information). The processing group details display.

345. In the Cash Accounting section, select the Maintain Cash Ledgers checkbox if you want to update the cash ledger when the system posts significant transactions (such as payments, receipts and so on). The cash balance accounts defaults to the default balancing account of the primary ledger.

a. Specify the default primary cash ledger for the processing group.

The primary cash ledger must have the same chart as the primary ledger (see How To Set Up an Actual or Budget Ledger to Record and Maintain Account Balances for more information).

gu. Update the cash balancing account.

gv. Complete the grid with the bank accounts that you want to update when recording bank transactions (such as cheque payment receipts) during data entry. For each bank account, select and specify either a System Variable or a Specified Value for the account. The account description defaults.

When recording cheque payments during data entry, you need to update the default balancing account of the data entry format to one of the nominated bank accounts of the processing group (see How To Set Up the Default Ledger and the Account That You Want To Use When Balancing a Document File for more information). If not, the system will not post the transactions to the cash ledger during data entry.

346. Click Save in the task pane.

4 How To Nominate the Accounts For Foreign Currency Calculations

This functionality will only be available if you have set up the system profile of the primary ledger to process foreign currency transactions (see How To Define TechnologyOne Core Enterprise Suite Defaults in a System Profile for more information).

1. Open the Processing Group Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

347. Specify the processing group that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information). The processing group details display.

348. Select the Foreign Currency checkbox to nominate the accounts in which you want to record profit or loss from foreign or base currency adjustments.

a. In the Base Currency Adjustment Account (Profit & Loss) section, select and specify either a System Variable or a Specified Value for the ledger code and account number that you want to use to record profit or loss from base currency adjustments.

For example, when recording sales revenue of an overseas subsidiary, you want to record the profit that your organisation earned due to exchange rate fluctuations of the base currency.

gw. In the Realised Gain Or Loss Account (Profit & Loss) section, select and specify either a System Variable or a Specified Value for the default ledger code and account number that you want to use to record profit or loss from foreign currency adjustments.

For example, when a student makes a course fee payment in foreign currency, you want to record the profit that your organisation earned due to exchange rate fluctuations of the particular foreign currency.

gx. If you want to nominate separate realised gain or loss (RGOL) accounts for specific foreign currencies:

– Select the Nominate Realised Gain Or Loss Accounts for specific transaction currencies checkbox. For example, you want to record foreign currency adjustments for USD in a separate account to make it easy for users to reconcile online transactions.

– For each foreign currency that you want to define a separate RGOL account for:

Click Add a currency. The Realised Gain Or Loss Account Maintenance popup window displays.

If required, click Load all transaction currencies to load all major transaction currencies that you have defined in the exchange rate table of the processing group's system profile with the default balancing account of the primary ledger.

Specify the unique identifier of the currency.

Select and specify either a System Variable or a Specified Value for the ledger code and RGOL account number.

Click OK. The popup window closes. The system will add the currency and account details to the grid.

349. Click Save in the task pane.

5 How To Nominate the Balancing Accounts To Use When Transacting Between Entities Within a Processing Group

This functionality will only be available for processing groups for which you have activated inter-entity accounting functionality.

1. Open the Inter-Entity Balance Accounts function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

350. Specify the processing group that you want to define inter-entity balancing accounts for using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

351. Specify the entity set for which you want to define inter-entity balancing accounts. For example, specify 001 and 002 to nominate the inter-entity balancing accounts that you want to use when transferring 20 laptops from the Administration unit (002) to the Research and Development unit (001). The system updates the entity component of the debit and credit inter-entity balancing accounts with the entity codes that you specified.

The system determines the account structure based on the account mask that you specify when setting up the processing group.

352. Complete the Source Transaction – Debit Entity section with the debit and credit inter-entity balancing accounts (see Understanding Inter-Entity Accounting for more information). The system will automatically update the Source Transaction – Credit Entity section with the converse settings.

353. Click Save in the task pane. The system will automatically create another entity set with the converse settings of the same entities, for example, to provide users with another way of looking at the debit and credit entities.

2 About Setting Up Subsidiary Ledgers for a Processing Group

A subsidiary ledger is a lower-level ledger that contains the detailed transactions that make up the account balances in the primary ledger.


When defining a subsidiary ledger, you need to nominate a control account for it. The control account links the subsidiary ledger to the primary ledger. When posting transactions to the subsidiary ledger, the system will automatically update the control account for it in the primary ledger. For example, when updating the stationery supplier's account in the AP subsidiary ledger for a stationery purchase, the system will automatically update the AP control account for it in the primary ledger.

If required. you can specify a different cash ledger and bank accounts for subsidiary ledgers. The system will use them when recording transactions that impact the cash status of the business. You can also define a separate cash balancing account for general ledger type subsidiary ledgers.

For each subsidiary ledger, you can also nominate one or more disbursement accounts. These disbursement accounts let you allocate the control account transactions to different accounts within the primary ledger. For example, you may want to allocate the stationery purchase cost to the different business units of your organisation based on the number of employees in each business unit.

When defining disbursement accounts, you can either:

• Nominate the full account number; or

• Specify account masks and rules so that the system will automatically resolve the disbursement account during data entry. If required, you can preview the disbursement accounts that the system generates for each subsidiary account (see Understanding Masked Disbursements for more information).

When setting up the subsidiary ledger, you can either use the same foreign currency adjustment accounts of the primary ledger or update them to match specific requirements of the subsidiary ledger. For example, your organisation wants to maintain separate foreign currency adjustment accounts for each of its subsidiary project ledgers so that it is easy to evaluate the financial benefit of each project.

1 How To Set Up a Subsidiary Ledger for a Processing Group

1. Open the Subsidiary Ledger Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

354. Specify the processing group that you want to set up subsidiary ledgers for using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

355. Type a unique 2-character code for the ledger that you want to nominate as a subsidiary ledger for the processing group. The system will use it as an alias for the processing group.

356. Specify the name of the ledger that you want to nominate as a subsidiary ledger for the processing group (see How To Set Up an Actual or Budget Ledger to Record and Maintain Account Balances for more information).

357. Specify the control account for the subsidiary ledger. The system will use the control account to link the subsidiary ledger to the primary ledger.

The control account must be a valid account within the nominated primary ledger of the processing group.

358. If required, specify the ledger name of a previous financial year with the transactions that you want to process further.

359. Specify the subsidiary ledger's status. Either:

a. Select Active to indicate the subsidiary ledger is available to use; or

gy. Select Inactive to indicate the subsidiary ledger is not available. When creating a new subsidiary ledger, you can use this status if you want to set up the subsidiary ledger now but not make it available to use until a later date.

360. Click Save in the task pane. You can continue recording disbursement account and foreign currency adjustment settings for the processing group.

2 How To Nominate the Accounts for Cash Accounting in the Subsidiary Ledger

Cash accounting functionality will only be available for subsidiary ledgers if you have activated the same functionality for the processing group's primary ledger (see How To Turn on Cash Accounting for the Processing Group for more information).

1. Open the Subsidiary Ledger Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

361. Specify the processing group that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

362. Specify the subsidiary ledger code. The system displays the subsidiary ledger details.

363. Complete the Cash Accounting section with the cash ledger and accounts that you want to use when recording cash transactions.

a. Specify the cash ledger name.

This field will only be available for general ledgers. AP and AR ledgers will use the cash ledger of the primary ledger.

gz. Specify the default cash balancing account for the subsidiary ledger.

It is mandatory that you specify a cash balancing account for all subsidiary ledger types. For AP and AR ledgers, you can either use the same cash balancing account of the primary ledger or specify a different one, if required.

ha. Complete the grid with the bank accounts that you want to use when recording bank transactions (such as cheque payment receipts) during data entry. For each bank account, select and specify either a System Variable or a Specified Value for the account. The account description defaults.

364. Click Save in the task pane.

3 How To Nominate Disbursement Accounts for a Subsidiary Ledger

1. Open the Subsidiary Ledger Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

365. Specify the processing group that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

366. Specify the subsidiary ledger code. The system displays the subsidiary ledger details.

367. In the Disbursements section, select Nominated Disbursement from the Disburse Control Posting dropdown list to nominate specific disbursement accounts for subsidiary ledger accounts. For example, you may want to always disburse the AP invoices from the electricity service provider to the different business units of your organisation based on the number employees in each business unit.

368. Specify the disbursement suspense account for the subsidiary ledger. During data entry, the system will use this account to post disbursements temporarily if the disbursement account is invalid.

369. Click Save in the task pane.

370. Open the Nominated Account Disbursement function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

371. Specify the subsidiary ledger account that you want to nominate disbursement accounts for.

372. Complete the Disbursements section with the accounts that you want to disburse the control account transactions to when the system posts transactions to the selected subsidiary ledger account. For each account:

a. Specify the account number. The account description defaults.

hb. Specify the percentage that you want to disburse to the selected account. For example, you want to disburse an invoice from the stationery supplier among the Finance (25%) and Administration (75%) business units based on the number of employees within each business unit.

373. Click Save in the task pane.

4 How To Define Masked Disbursement Accounts for Subsidiary Ledger Accounts

1. Open the Subsidiary Ledger Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

374. Specify the processing group that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

375. Specify the subsidiary ledger code. The system displays the subsidiary ledger details.

376. In the Disbursements section, select Masked Disbursement from the Disburse Control Posting dropdown list to define the masked disbursement accounts for subsidiary ledger accounts using either an account number or a selection code. The system will automatically resolve the disbursement account during data entry. For example, you want to apply the disbursement account settings for all AR accounts that you have categorised as government and individual customers when defining them.

377. Specify the disbursement suspense account for the subsidiary ledger. During data entry, the system will use this account to post disbursements temporarily if the generated disbursement account is invalid.

378. Either:

a. Select the Account Numbers radio button if you want to select the subsidiary account range that you want to apply the disbursement masking for using account masks; or

hc. Select the Selection Codes radio button and specify the selection type with the selection codes that you want to use to define the subsidiary account range that you want to apply disbursement masking for.

379. Complete the grid with the disbursement rules that you want to use when generating disbursement accounts during data entry (see Understanding Masked Disbursements for more information). For each disbursement rule that you want to add:

a. Click Add a Disbursement Rule. The Maintain Disbursement Masks popup window opens and the account structure of the subsidiary ledger displays.

– Specify the subsidiary account range that you want to apply the disbursement rule to using account masks or selection codes.

– Specify an insert/re-sequence mask if you want to derive the disbursement account during data entry by converting the subsidiary account.

– Specify a conversion mask to arrange the disbursement mask so that it matches the structure of the primary ledger.

hd. If you want to preview the account structure of the masked disbursement account, click Test. The system will generate the intermediate and final account structure of the disbursement account based on the rules that you specify.

he. Click OK. The popup window closes and the system will add the rule to the grid.

380. Click Save in the task pane.

5 How To Define Masked Disbursement Accounts By Percentage for Subsidiary Ledger Accounts

1. Open the Subsidiary Ledger Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

381. Specify the processing group that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

382. Specify the subsidiary ledger code. The system displays the subsidiary ledger details.

383. In the Disbursements section, select Masked Disbursement by Percentage from the Disburse Control Posting dropdown list to define multiple masked disbursement accounts for subsidiary ledger accounts using either an account number or a selection code. The system will automatically resolve the disbursement account during data entry.

384. Specify the disbursement suspense account for the subsidiary ledger. During data entry, the system will use this account to post disbursements temporarily if the generated disbursement account is invalid.

385. Either:

a. Select the Account Numbers radio button if you want to select the subsidiary account range that you want to apply the disbursement masking for using account masks; or

hf. Select the Selection Codes radio button and specify the selection type with the selection codes that you want to use to define the subsidiary account range that you want to apply disbursement masking for.

386. Complete the grid with the disbursement rules that you want to use when generating disbursement accounts during data entry (see Understanding Masked Disbursements for more information). For each disbursement rule that you want to add:

a. Click Add a Disbursement Rule. The Maintain Disbursement Masks popup window opens and the account structure of the subsidiary ledger displays.

– Specify the subsidiary account range that you want to apply the disbursement rule to using account masks or selection codes.

– Specify an insert/re-sequence mask if you want to derive the disbursement account during data entry by converting the subsidiary account.

– Specify a conversion mask to arrange the disbursement mask so that it matches the structure of the primary ledger.

– Specify the percentage that you want to disburse to the selected account.

hg. Click OK. The popup window closes and the system will add the rule to the grid.

387. Click Save in the task pane.

6 How To Override the Primary Ledger's Foreign Currency Calculation Settings for the Subsidiary Ledger

This functionality will only be available if you have set up the system profile of the processing group's primary ledger to process foreign currency transactions (see How To Define TechnologyOne Core Enterprise Suite Defaults in a System Profile for more information).

1. Open the Subsidiary Ledger Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

388. Specify the processing group that you want to update using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

389. Specify the subsidiary ledger code. The subsidiary ledger details display.

390. Complete the Foreign Currency section with the foreign currency adjustment settings for the subsidiary ledger.

a. Select the Override Realised Gain Or Loss Account(s) recorded against the Processing Group checkbox to override the primary ledger's foreign currency settings for the selected subsidiary ledger. The system activates the foreign currency adjustment settings.

hh. In the Realised Gain Or Loss Account (Profit & Loss) section, select and specify either a System Variable or a Specified Value for the default ledger code and account number that you want to use to record profit or loss from foreign currency adjustments.

For example, when a student makes a course fee payment in foreign currency, you want to record the profit that your organisation earned due to exchange rate fluctuations of the particular foreign currency.

hi. If you want to nominate separate RGOL accounts for specific foreign currencies

– Select the Nominate Realised Gain Or Loss Accounts for specific transaction currencies checkbox. For example, you want to record foreign currency adjustments for USD in a separate account to make it easy for users to reconcile online transactions.

– For each foreign currency that you want to define a separate RGOL account for:

Click Add a currency. The Realised Gain Or Loss Account Maintenance popup window displays.

If required, click Load all transaction currencies to load all major transaction currencies that you have defined in the exchange rate table of the processing group's system profile with the default balancing account of the primary ledger.

Specify the unique identifier of the currency.

Select and specify either a System Variable or a Specified Value for the ledger code and RGOL account number.

Click OK. The popup window closes. The system will add the currency and account details to the grid.

391. Click Save in the task pane.

7 How To Preview the Disbursement Accounts That You Have Applied for the Subsidiary Ledger Accounts

This functionality will only be available if you have set up masked disbursement settings for the subsidiary ledger.

1. Open the Subsidiary Ledger Maintenance function using one of the available navigation methods (see About Navigating to Functions for more information).

392. Specify the processing group that you want to preview the disbursement accounts for using one of the available record selection methods (see About Selecting Records for more information).

393. Specify the subsidiary ledger code. The system will display the subsidiary ledger name.

394. Click Test using Subsidiary Ledger Accounts. The system will automatically resolve the account mask and display the subsidiary ledger accounts, their disbursement accounts and the disbursement percentage that you have specified when setting up the subsidiary ledger.

Processing Group Wizard

Processing groups are the framework within which primary and subsidiary ledgers interact and function (see Setting Up Processing Groups for more information). Use the processing group wizard functionality of TechnologyOne Financials to create a new one by copying details and attributes from a previous similar processing group. You can then customise its details to match the current business requirements. This way, it simplifies the process and reduces the time taken as you do not have to set up all financial structures from the beginning.

For example, when creating a new processing group for the new fiscal period, you can copy details and attributes from your previous year's processing group so that users do not have to set up the new processing group and associated ledgers from the beginning. The system will copy only the ledger details (such as cash accounting, disbursements, inter-entity balancing and foreign currency settings) and it will not copy the transaction details. Using the processing group wizard functionality to create a new processing group includes:

• Nominating the processing group that you want to copy the details from, for example, the processing group of the previous financial period.

• Customising the details for the new processing group which include:

– Defining the processing group's details

– Selecting the subsidiary ledgers from the original processing group that you want to copy to the new processing group

– Nominating the new ledgers and their details, if required

– Defining the cash accounting settings, if you have activated cash accounting functionality for the original processing group

– Defining the fund account settings, if you have set up the primary ledger of the original processing group to track and monitor the available funds.


1 Step 1 – Select a Processing Group To Copy


|Field Name |Description |

|Processing Group Name |Specify the processing group that you want to copy details from. For example, you want to copy the|

| |processing group of the previous financial period when creating one for the new financial period. |

|Smart Default Values |Select the checkbox and complete the name, description and narration fields with the original and |

| |new values that you want the system to automatically substitute when creating the new processing |

| |group. For example, you want to use the same processing group details by only changing the |

| |financial period. |

|New Processing Group Details |If you are not setting up the wizard to use the smart default values, complete the section with |

| |name, description and narration for the new processing group (see How To Set Up a Processing Group|

| |To Logically Group Ledgers for Processing Transactions for more information). |

2 Step 2 – Specify Primary Ledger Attributes

Primary Ledger Details


|Field Name |Description |

|Ledger Name |Specify the primary ledger name of the new processing group. The primary ledger of the new processing group |

| |will inherit the same chart type as the original processing group's primary ledger. You can either set up a |

| |new ledger or specify an existing ledger. If you specify an existing ledger, the system will not let you |

| |change the Description and Narration details. |

|Description |When setting up a new ledger, specify a description that will display in picklist. |

|Narration |When setting up a new ledger, the Narration field defaults to the description and you can change it to give |

| |more details. |

Cash Ledger Details

This section will only be available if you have set up cash accounting functionality for the original processing group.


|Field Name |Description |

|Ledger Name |Specify the primary cash ledger name of the new processing group. The primary cash |

| |ledger of the new processing group will inherit the same chart type as the original |

| |processing group's primary cash ledger. You can either set up a new ledger or specify an|

| |existing ledger. If you specify an existing ledger, the system will not let you change |

| |the Description and Narration details of the ledger. |

|Description |When setting up a new ledger, specify a description that will display in picklist. |

|Narration |When setting up a new ledger, the Narration field defaults to the description and you |

| |can change it to give more details. |

Fund Ledger Details

This functionality will only be available if you have set up the original processing group to track and monitor the funds.


|Field Name |Description |

|Ledger Name |Specify the fund ledger name of the new processing group. This ledger will inherit the same|

| |chart type as the original processing group's fund ledger. You can either set up a new |

| |ledger or specify an existing ledger. If you specify an existing ledger, the system will |

| |not let you change the Description and Narration details of the ledger. |

|Description |When setting up a new ledger, specify a description that will display in picklist. |

|Narration |When setting up a new ledger, the Narration field defaults to the description and you can |

| |change it to give more details. |

3 Step 3 – Include/Exclude Subsidiary Ledgers

The system will display all the subsidiary ledgers of the processing group that you are copying the details from.


For each subsidiary ledger that you want to add to the new processing group, select the Include? checkbox. The system will automatically exclude subsidiary ledgers for the new processing group if:

• the ledger code of the subsidiary ledger is inactive. If required, you can override this setting and include the subsidiary ledger, for example, you want to add a temporarily suspended project to the new processing group.

• the subsidiary ledger is invalid, for example, you may have already deleted the subsidiary ledger. The system will not let you include the subsidiary ledger to the new processing group.

• the subsidiary ledger's chart is invalid, for example, you may have already deleted the chart. The system will not let you include the subsidiary ledger to the new processing group.

For each subsidiary ledger that you want to update the existing ledger details for, select the Change Subsidiary Ledger checkbox. The system will automatically include all periodic ledgers for updates. For example, you may want to set up new project ledgers for the new financial period.

You can either update the perpetual ledgers (AP and AR) or use the same ledgers with the new processing group. For example, you want to carry forward the same AP and AR ledgers to the new financial period.

The system will not let you update details of any interface ledgers for new processing group. If required, you can use the same subsidiary ledger details in the new processing group.

4 Step 4 – Specify Subsidiary Ledger Attributes

Once you select the subsidiaries that you want to add to your new processing group, you can either:

• Specify the new subsidiary ledger details for the new processing group. For example, you may have set up the new processing group to use new project ledgers for the new financial period; or

• Review the existing subsidiary ledger details, if you have set up the new processing group to use the same ledger details. For example, you may want to continue using the same AP and AR ledgers in the new financial period.

Use the navigation buttons to navigate across the subsidiary ledgers that you have selected for the new processing group.


For each subsidiary ledger that you selected for the new processing group:

• Set up or review the subsidiary ledger details.

|Field Name |Description |

|Ledger Name |Specify the name of the new subsidiary ledger. |

| |If you have set up the system to use the original subsidiary ledger, the system will indicate the |

| |ledger is an existing ledger and you will not be able to update its details. |

|Description |When setting up a new ledger, specify a description that will display in picklist. |

|Narration |When setting up a new ledger, the Narration field defaults to the description and you can change |

| |it to give more details. |

• If you have activated cash accounting functionality for the original subsidiary ledgers, set up or review the cash ledger details.

• If you have activated fund accounting functionality for the original subsidiary ledgers, set up or review the fund ledger details.

5 Step 5 – Confirm New Processing Group Details

Review the new processing group details that you specified before you start copying the details. If you need any changes, you can go back to the relevant step and update the details as required.

Once you review and finalised the information, click copy to create the new processing group, subsidiary, cash and fund ledgers in the system.

Setting Up Cash Accounting

Cash accounting is an accounting system that recognises income or expenses when your organisation actually receives or make payments. Unlike in accrual accounting, it is not the date on which you receive or sell goods or services that matters, but the dates on which you actually receive or pay cash for those goods or services. Cash receipts or payments can be in any form (such as, cash, cheque, credit card, electronic transfer and so on). For example, according to the accrual accounting principles, the finance officer may update the supplier account and expense account at the time of raising a purchase order, but will update the bank account only when your organisation makes a payment for it.

Cash accounting functionality in TechnologyOne Financials provides the platform to update both cash and accrual ledgers. This way, organisations that have statutory requirement for reporting on a cash basis can use the cash ledger to report on the cash flow position of the organisation.

The process of setting up the cash accounting functionality in TechnologyOne Financials includes:

• Setting up the cash ledger

• Linking the cash ledger to accrual ledgers

• Setting up cash balancing accounts for subsidiary ledgers

• Customising transaction entry formats to automatically update cash ledgers.

Once you have set up the system for cash accounting, the system will automatically update the cash ledger every time users post transactions to any one of the bank accounts that you have nominated to trigger cash accounting.

1 Setting Up the Cash Ledger

To record and maintain cash flow records of your organisation, you need to first set up the cash ledger (see About Setting Up Ledgers for more information). Based on your organisation's business practice, you can set up one or many cash ledgers as required. For example, you can set up a single cash ledger to manage all cash flow activities of your organisation or set up separate cash ledgers for each project if you want to maintain their cash flow activities separately.

2 Linking the Cash Ledger To Accrual Ledgers

Once you set up the cash ledger, you need to then link the cash ledger to accrual ledgers so that the system can record and monitor cash flow activities of your organisation (see How To Turn on Cash Accounting for the Processing Group for more information).


|Field |Description |

|Maintain Cash Ledgers |Select the checkbox to turn on cash accounting functionality for the processing |

| |group. |

|Primary Cash Ledger |Specify the primary cash ledger in which you want to record and maintain cash |

| |transactions (such as cash payments, receipts and so on). |

|Cash Balance Account |Specify the account that you want the system to use to balance cash transactions when|

| |it cannot find the correct expense or revenue account. |

|Select Bank Accounts |Nominate bank accounts for the cash accounting process. The system will automatically|

| |trigger cash ledger updates when users post transactions to any one of the specified |

| |bank accounts. |

3 Setting Up Cash Balancing Accounts for Subsidiary Ledgers

Once you set up the primary cash ledger, you need to then set up the cash balancing accounts for subsidiary ledgers (see How To Nominate the Accounts for Cash Accounting in the Subsidiary Ledger for more information). When recording a cash payment or receipt, the system will use the linked invoice to determine the expense or revenue account against which it will balance the cash transactions. But, if the user has not applied the receipt or cheque payment document to the original invoice, the system will use the cash balance account of the subsidiary ledger, instead the expense or revenue account, to balance the cash transactions. For example, when importing cheque payment documents in bulk at the end of the financial period, the system will use cash balance accounts of the AP subsidiary ledger to balance cash transactions as they are not linked to any invoice.

Accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR) subsidiary ledgers will use the primary cash ledger to record cash transactions. If required, you can nominate separate cash ledgers for general (GL) subsidiary ledgers. For example, you want to maintain cash flow activities of each project ledger separately for reporting purposes.


4 Customising Transaction Entry Formats To Automatically Update Cash Ledgers

You need to customise the transaction entry formats to automatically update cash ledgers when users post transactions to a bank account that you have nominated to trigger cash accounting (see How To Configure the System To Manage Cash Transactions for more information).


|Field |Description |

|Update Standard Ledgers |Select the checkbox to update accrual ledgers when users post transaction |

| |entry documents. The system will also update the cash ledger if they have |

| |posted transactions to any one of the bank accounts that you have nominated to|

| |trigger cash accounting. |

|Update Cash Ledgers |Select the checkbox to update only the cash ledger when users post |

| |transactions any one of the back accounts that you have nominated to trigger |

| |cash accounting. |

If you have selected both the checkboxes, the system will automatically update both ledgers irrespective of the bank accounts against which you have recorded the transactions. for example, when creating a journal to update expenses.

When using the cash accounting functionality, you need to set up the balance account of receipt or cheque formats to one of the bank accounts that you have nominated to trigger cash accounting (see How To Set Up the Default Ledger and the Account That You Want To Use When Balancing a Document File for more information). During data entry, the system will use the balance account of the format to record and balance cash transactions.

5 Cash Accounting Example

The example ledger accounts that the system updates when a user posts a cheque payment document to the ledger during data entry are:

• Standard ledger updates

|Account |Debit/Credit |

|Bank |Credit |

|Supplier account |Debit |

• Cash ledger updates when:

– You have applied the cheque payment document to the original invoice

|Account |Debit/Credit |

|Bank |Credit |

|GL expense account of the invoice |Debit |

|Tax account of the invoice |Debit |

– You post the cheque payment without applying it to the original invoice.

|Account |Debit/Credit |

|Bank |Credit |

|Cash balance account of the AP |Debit |

|subsidiary ledger | |

The system will temporarily balance the cash transactions to the cash balance account of the AP subsidiary ledger until the user applies it to the relevant invoice.

Understanding Inter-Entity Accounting

Inter-entity accounting is the process of identifying the movement of goods or services (such as fixed asset transfers) across business units in their accounting records. Inter-entity transactions can take place between two or more entities, all of which are part of the same organisation. When recording inter-entity transactions, you need to record them so that they provide essential information for each individual entity, but you can eliminate their effect when producing reports for the organisation as a whole.

To process inter-entity transactions during data entry, you need to:

• Activate the inter-entity accounting functionality for the processing group and specify the account mask of the inter-entity accounts, highlighting the characters that identifies the entity (see How To Define the Entities and Options for Inter-Entity Balancing for more information).

• Nominate the debit and credit balance accounts for each combination of transaction entities (see How To Nominate the Balancing Accounts To Use When Transacting Between Entities Within a Processing Group for more information). For example, you may need to set up inter-entity balance accounts between each business unit and the administration unit so that you can record office equipment and resource transfers.

When users post data entry document files that involve transactions between two or more entities of the same organisation, the system will automatically generate inter-entity transactions based on the balancing method that you have defined for the document file format (see How To Set Up the Format To Automatically Balance Financial Entities By Generating Inter-Entity Transactions for more information).

When setting up a processing group, you can also nominate a clearing entity. The system will use it to balance entities if the inter-entity transactions involve more than two entities or you have set up the processing group to always balance these transactions through a separate entity (see How To Define the Entities and Options for Inter-Entity Balancing for more information). For example, if your organisation has several subsidiaries, you may want all inter-entity transactions to take place through the head office to improve the visibility of transactions.

The process of generating inter-entity transactions during data entry with example accounts payable (AP), asset and general ledger accounts are:

• the general ledger accounts

|Account |Description |

|0-@@@@-@@ |Headquarters |

|1-@@@@-@@ |Subsidiary 1 |

|2-@@@@-@@ |Subsidiary 2 |

|@-3000-@@ |Bank account |

|@-3010-@@ |AP control account |

|@-3020-@@ |Motor vehicle control account |

|@-4000-@@ |Asset acquisition account |

|@-5000-@@ |Stationery purchase account |

• the AP ledger accounts

|Account |Description |

|PETL |Petroleum |

|NEWS |Stationery supplier |

• the asset ledger accounts

|Account |Description |

|729AAA-01 |Petrol |

|729AAA-02 |Maintenance |

• the control accounts within the GL primary ledger for the subsidiary ledgers

|Subsidiary ledger |Control account |

|Asset |0-3020-00 |

|AP |0-3010-00 |

• the inter-entity balancing accounts of a processing group

|Source transaction |Source transaction credit |Debit inter-entity balance |Credit inter-entity |

|debit entity |entity |accounts |balance accounts |

|0 |1 |1-6000-00 |0-6011-00 |

|0 |2 |2-6000-00 |0-6012-00 |

|1 |0 |0-6001-00 |1-6010-00 |

|1 |2 |2-6001-00 |1-6012-00 |

|2 |0 |0-6002-00 |2-6010-00 |

|2 |1 |1-6002-00 |2-6011-00 |

• the example inter-entity transactions include:

– Transfer of stationery from subsidiary 1 to subsidiary 2

| |Account |Entity |Debit |Credit |Comments |

|Data entry |2-5000-00 |2 |50 | |Debit subsidiary 1 and credit subsidiary 2 |

|document | | | | |when recording the cost of the stationery |

| | | | | |transferred between the two entities. |

| |1-5000-00 |1 | |50 | |

|Inter-entity |1-6002-00 |1 |50 | |To eliminate the effect of the document, |

|balance | | | | |the system will automatically generate |

|transactions | | | | |inter-entity transactions between |

| | | | | |subsidiary 1 and 2 using the inter-entity |

| | | | | |balancing accounts during posting. |

| |2-6011-00 |2 | |50 | |

– Purchase of stationery for subsidiary 1

| |Account |Entity |Debit |Credit |Comments |

|Data entry |NEWS |N/A | |50 |Debit the stationery account for subsidiary|

|document | | | | |1 with the purchase cost of the stationery |

| | | | | |and credit the stationery supplier's |

| | | | | |account. |

| |1-5000-00 |1 |50 | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Updates to the |0-3010-00 |0 | |50 |The system will automatically update the AP|

|control account | | | | |control account to reflect the updates that|

| | | | | |you made to the AP subsidiary ledger (see |

| | | | | |How To Set Up a Subsidiary Ledger for a |

| | | | | |Processing Group for more information). |

|Inter-entity |0-6001-00 |0 |50 | |When the system updates the AP control |

|balance | | | | |account, it will automatically trigger |

|transactions | | | | |inter-entity transactions, as it is now |

| | | | | |similar to a transaction between subsidiary|

| | | | | |1 and headquarters. |

| |1-6010-00 |1 | |50 | |

– Purchase of petrol for subsidiary 1 by a supplier that subsidiary 2 owns.

| |Account |Entity |Debit |Credit |Comments |

|Data entry document|PETL |N/A | |28 |Debit the petrol account and credit the |

| | | | | |petroleum supplier's account. |

| |729AAA-01 |N/A |28 | | |

|Updates to the |0-3020-00 |0 |28 | |The system will automatically update the |

|control account | | | | |asset control account in the primary |

| | | | | |ledger to reflect the updates made to the |

| | | | | |asset ledger (see How To Set Up a |

| | | | | |Subsidiary Ledger for a Processing Group |

| | | | | |for more information). |

| |0-3010-00 |0 | |28 |The system will automatically update the |

| | | | | |AP control account in the primary ledger |

| | | | | |to reflect the updates made to the AP |

| | | | | |ledger (see How To Set Up a Subsidiary |

| | | | | |Ledger for a Processing Group for more |

| | | | | |information). |

|Disbursement |1-3020-00 |1 |28 | |These disbursement accounts let you |

|account updates for| | | | |allocate the control account transactions |

|the asset | | | | |to different accounts within the primary |

|subsidiary ledger | | | | |ledger (see About Setting Up Subsidiary |

| | | | | |Ledgers for a Processing Group for more |

| | | | | |information) |

| | | | | |As the purchase of petrol is for |

| | | | | |subsidiary 1, the system will use |

| | | | | |disbursement account settings of the |

| | | | | |subsidiary ledger to disburse the control |

| | | | | |account transaction to subsidiary 1. |

| |0-3020-00 |0 | |28 | |

|Disbursement |0-3010-00 |0 |28 | |As subsidiary 2 owns the supplier, the |

|account updates for| | | | |system will use the disbursement account |

|the AP subsidiary | | | | |settings of the subsidiary ledger to |

|ledger | | | | |disburse the control account transaction |

| | | | | |to subsidiary 2. |

| |2-3010-00 |2 | |28 | |

|Inter-entity |2-6001-00 | |28 | |The system will automatically generate |

|balance | | | | |inter-entity transactions, as it is now |

|transactions | | | | |similar to a transaction between |

| | | | | |subsidiary 1 and 2. |

| |1-6012-00 | | |28 | |

Understanding Masked Disbursements

One of the methods for defining disbursement accounts for a subsidiary ledger is by using account masks. This way, the system will automatically determine the disbursement account based on the subsidiary account number that users enter during data entry.

The process of setting up disbursement masks for a subsidiary ledger includes:

• Specifying the subsidiary account range that you want to apply the disbursement account settings to using either:

– the account number. For example, you want to apply the disbursement account settings to all corporate expense accounts.



– the selection code. For example, you want to apply the disbursement account settings to all AR accounts that you have categorised as government and individual customers when defining them (see How To Create an AR Debtor Account for more information).


• Converting the subsidiary account structure if you want to use it to derive the disbursement mask. The characters and symbols that you can use when defining conversion rules are:

|Character/symbol |Description |

|# |Removes the subsidiary account components that you have tagged |

| |with this symbol. |

|~ |Separates the conversion rules for the insert mask. |

|S3/CC |Adds the first two characters (CC) of the third selection code |

| |(S3) to the account positions that you have tagged as C. |

|U2/BBB |Adds the first three characters (BBB) of the second user field |

| |(U2) to the account positions that you have tagged as B. |

The example techniques that you can use when converting the subsidiary account mask (NNN.NNN,NNNN) and the process that the system follows to resolve them during data entry using an example subsidiary account (000.110.1123) are:

|Insert mask |Steps |Result |

|CCCABEDDDE |Tag each position of the |[pic] |

| |subsidiary account number with an| |

| |alphabetical letter as per the | |

| |insert mask. | |

| |Rearrange the subsidiary account |[pic] |

| |number in alphabetical order. | |

|########## |Remove all account components. |Use the conversion mask to determine the disbursement |

| | |account number. |

|###~S1/AAA~###~S2/BBB~CCCC |Tag each position of the |[pic] |

| |subsidiary account number with an| |

| |alphabetical letter as per the | |

| |insert mask. | |

| |Remove the first three positions |[pic] |

| |of the subsidiary account number.| |

| |Add the first three characters of|[pic] |

| |the first selection code to the | |

| |positions that you have tagged as| |

| |A (see How To Create an AP | |

| |Supplier Account or How To Create| |

| |an AR Debtor Account for more | |

| |information). | |

| |Remove the next three positions |[pic] |

| |of the subsidiary account number.| |

| |Add the first three characters of|[pic] |

| |the second selection code to the | |

| |positions that you have tagged as| |

| |B (see How To Create an AP | |

| |Supplier Account or How To Create| |

| |an AR Debtor Account for more | |

| |information). | |

| |Retain the last four positions of|[pic] |

| |the account number that you have | |

| |tagged as C. | |

• Defining a conversion mask for the rearranged subsidiary account mask so that it matches the structure of the primary ledger. The characters that you can use when defining conversion masks are:

|Character/symbol |Description |

|# |Removes the subsidiary account components that you have tagged |

| |with this symbol. |

|X |Retains the characters of the subsidiary account number that you |

| |have tagged with this symbol. |

|@ |Replaces the characters of the subsidiary account number that you|

| |have tagged with this symbol with zero. |

The example conversion masks and results of applying them to example accounts are:

|Immediate result of the insert|Conversion mask |Description |Final result |

|mask | | | |

|110.001.1203 |XXX.XXX.1@@@ |Lets you replace part of the |110.001.1000 |

| | |account number with zero. For | |

| | |example, you may want to disburse| |

| | |the stationery expenses of all | |

| | |business units to the same | |

| | |account number. | |

|N/A. You may have set up the |001.000.1210 |Lets you define a specific |001.000.1210 |

|disbursement mask settings to | |account number or account mask | |

|remove all characters as part | |for which you want to disburse | |

|of rearranging the subsidiary | |the subsidiary account details. | |

|account number (such as | |For example, you want to always | |

|##########) | |disburse the AR transaction | |

| | |details of government customers | |

| | |to a specific account so that it | |

| | |is easy for users when | |

| | |reconciling the primary ledger. | |

|001.1203 |AAA.XXX.XXXX |Lets you add a new component to |If the user enters 000 for A during |

| | |the rearranged subsidiary account|data entry, then the account number |

| | |number. |will be, |

| | | |000.001.1203 |

| | | |If users enter BCD for A during data |

| | | |entry, then the account number will |

| | | |be, |

| | | |BCD.001.1203 |


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