Study Guide for The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down

Study Guide for The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down

Chapters 1-6 (Quiz #1)

-what is the role of a shaman?

-how do shamans differ from Western doctors?

-examples of beliefs and rituals about labor and what causes illness (pay attention to key words)

-how Lia’s illness is viewed differently between cultures

-characteristics of Hmong culture and personality

-why Conquergood (the ethnographer) had success with the Hmong

-why Lia’s medicine was not taken regularly

-why do the Lee’s distrust Western doctors?

-examples of the connection between religion/culture/medicine

-what is the importance of hierarchy in the Hmong culture?

-explain somatization

-reasons for the high birth rate in Hmong

-discuss the importance of this quote: “…the Hmong didn’t fit the pattern they [doctors] had been trained to deal with.” (p. 74)

-discuss the importance of this quote: “…they [doctors] have been taught that what they’ve learned in medical school is the only legitimate way to approach health problems.” (p. 76)

Chapters 7-12 (Quiz #2)

-give examples of US laws versus religious views in terms of medicine

-discuss how Lia got worse over Thanksgiving

-what role do translators play in Hmong/American relationships?

-explain the concept of a “cultural broker” (p. 95)

-what is the importance of the soul to Hmong?

-what is the importance of sacrifice to Hmong?

-what is the Hmong’s relationship with nature?

-explain the reasons Lia’s parents give for why she got worse

-discuss the concept of difference and “the Other” (give examples)

-what is the importance of funerals? Describe a Hmong funeral.

Chapters 13-19 (Quiz #3)

-why Lia’s family did not have a traditional New Year’s ceremony

-the foretelling death taboo

-Hmong assimilation in America

-American views of shamanism

-Language and Orientation Resource Center tips for Hmong and if they are useful

-rumors spread about Hmong

-idea of “The Other”

-importance of clan membership and the bat belief story

-Lia’s health state two years later

-discuss the quote: “[Lia] was the healthiest she’d ever been. She was just perfect. A perfect vegetable.” (p.214)

-why hospital staff likes Lia more

-Hmong view of miscarriage or deformity of children

-describe the “Hmong medicine” Lia’s parents use

-how did the Hmong change the culture of Merced?

-discuss the view of Merced residents of Hmong refugees living there (is this racism or not?)

-what does the author mean by saying the Hmong are “differently ethical”?

-discuss the quote: “ …when you fail one Hmong you fail the whole community” (p.253)

-what are Dr. Hutchinson’s opinions of the care Lia received from her parents? Did the medicine make her sick?

-describe the 8 cross-cultural questions from Kleinman. How would these questions have helped Lia’s family?

-Discuss these two quotes:

“If you can’t see that your own culture has its own set of interests, emotions, and biases, how can you expect to deal successfully with someone else’s culture?” (p. 261)

“[Lia’s] life was ruined not by septic shock or noncompliant parents but by cross-cultural misunderstanding.” (p. 262)

-explain conjoint treatment and what its benefits are

-discuss the role of desensitization in Western medical students

-describe txiv neeb ceremony and its purpose

-what are the three parts of the soul?


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