TopicUnit(s) title + numberNo. of periodsSubject contentCompetenceLearning and Assessment StandardENTREPRENEURIAL CULTURE Unit 1: Initiation to Entrepreneurship22The concept of entrepreneurship Types of entrepreneurs and their qualities.The relationship between creativity, innovation & invention.Stages of entrepreneurship processBe able to exhibit the desirable behavioural qualities of an entrepreneurST1: explain the concept of entrepreneurship, types of entrepreneurs and their qualitiesST2: apply the stages of entrepreneurship process in the entrepreneurship clubs. Unit 2: Career opportunities21Career Concept (meaning) Choosing work to do from various fields of career opportunities.Sources of career informationCareer trajectory.Career guidanceTo be able to make rational career choicesST3: Choose appropriately future careers through developing their career plans.Total number of periods for topic43Notes:Total number of weeks for topic7.2Work ReadinessUnit 3:Setting Personal Goals21Identifying values and skills. Personal qualities. Personal qualities in relation to entrepreneurship. Uniqueness and diversity skills assessment and qualities assessmentTo be able to make plans to reach their personal goalsST4: Set SMART goals and make plans to reach their personal goals.Total number of periods for topic21Notes: Total number of weeks for topic3.5TopicUnit(s) title + numberNo. of periodsSubject contentCompetenceLearning and Assessment StandardBUSINESS LEGAL ASPECTS Unit 4: Laws in business operations20Legal systems in RwandaLegal forms of business ownership and business registration. To be able to evaluate the need for laws in business operations.ST5: Evaluate the need for laws and registration in business operations through interviewing local known entrepreneur.Unit 5: Role of Standards in business20Meaning of standards in businessImportance of standardsThe process of standardization in RwandaTo be able to analyse the role of standards in business.ST6: Analyse the role of standards in business and differentiate standardised from substandard products In their entrepreneurship clubs.Total number of periods for topic40Notes: Total number of weeks for topic6.7TopicUnit(s) title + numberNo. of periodsSubject contentCompetenceLearning and Assessment StandardBUSINESS GROWTH AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Unit: 6.Market Research22Notion of marketing in a commercial ponents of marketing/4Ps and their importance in commercial activity.Marketing strategiesMarketing survey and its elements.Importance of customer survey. Competitor & supplier survey.Product service analysis and quality control, management.Developing marketing plan.Be able to identify key components of market and their interrelation and importance of market. ST7: Analyse the key components of market and importance of research in businessST8: Conduct market research for business through using survey tools.Total number of periods for topic22Notes: Total number of weeks for topic3.7TopicUnit(s) title + numberNo. of periodsSubject contentCompetenceLearning and Assessment StandardBUSINESS OPERATIONS MANAGEMENTUnit 7: Business organisation and management 22Business organization & anizational structureManagerial functionsFactors considered in choosing people to work with in a business organization.Human resource management & its importance.To be able to describe the importance of management in a business organizationST9: Draw and analyse a business organizational structure through school based clubs and their communities.Unit 8: Financial Management 22The concept of finance & money Functions of financial managementSources of business capitalTo be able to evaluate short and long term capital for future investmentST10: Evaluate short and long term capital for future investment in their business clubs and in real life experiences.Unit 9: Financial Institutions22Meaning and roles of financial institutions.Banking documents and partsBank loansBanking and nonbanking institutions and their products and services.To be able to evaluate the services/ products offered by financial institutionsST11: Evaluate the services/ products offered by financial institutions and be able create savings groups.Unit 10: Initiation to accounting22Accounting and book keepingUsers of accounting information.Importance of book keepingBusiness transcations.To be able to recognize the value of keeping accounting records in business.ST 12: Keep records in their business clubs and real life experience.Total number of periods for topic88Notes: Total number of weeks for topic14.7Key competencies at the end of senior four At the end of senior four, the learner should be able to: Exhibit the behavioural qualities of an entrepreneur Make rational career choices in daily life Make plans to reach their personal goals Evaluate the need for laws in business operation Analyse the role of standards in business Examine key components of a market and the role of market research Analyse the importance of management in a business organisation Evaluate short and long term capital for future investment Evaluate the services/products offered by financial institutions.National Learning and assessment standards:ST1: Can be able to explain the concept of entrepreneurship, types of entrepreneurs and their qualitiesST2: Can be able to apply the stages of entrepreneurship process in the entrepreneurship clubsST3: Can appropriately choose future careers through developing their career plans.ST4: Can set SMART goals and make plans to reach their personal goals.ST5: Can evaluate the need for laws and registration in business operations through interviewing local known entrepreneur.ST6: Can analyse the role of standards in business and differentiate standardised from substandard products in their entrepreneurship clubs.ST7: Analyse the key components of market and importance of research in businessST8: Conduct market research for business through using survey tools.ST9: Can be able to draw and analyse a business organizational structure through school based clubs and their communities.ST10: Can evaluate short and long term capital for future investment in their business clubs and in real life experience.ST11: Can evaluate the services/ products offered by financial institutions and be able create savings groups.ST 12: Can be able to keep records in their business clubs and real life experience. ................

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