George Washington Gómez /Jonesville-On-The-GrandeReading Questions Part IIChapter 1 pages 35-39 – History of Morelos & Jonesville-On-The-GrandeWho were the Comanche’s and the yanquis and what impact did they have on Jonesville?What was the relationship between Morelos and Jonesville?What was the prime resource for the people of Morelos?What impact did the Mexican American War have on the people of Morelos, their sovereignty and economy?What brought the major economic and social changes to Jonesville-On-The-GrandeChapter 2 pages 39 – 44/New Job at El Danabio Azul/El BarrilitoWhat was the promise that Feliciano wanted to fulfill?What price did Feliciano pay for their house and what did he use for a down payment?Why had the Chaparral been the Mexicotexans guarantee for freedom and how did they lose it?Who called Feliciano “gloomy Gus” and why?Chapter 3 pages 45-49/The 15 AmendmentRight to Vote: Politics in Jonesville-On-The-GrandeWhat was the importance of the 15th Amendment and what impact did it have on Mexicans and Negroes?Y was it important the Feliciano have a birth certificate and have his poll taxes paid for?Who were the Red and the Blues?What is meant by being a descendant of an “Hidalgo” family?Where did most Mexicans in Jonesville live?Who was the Sheriff of the town and what does his ethnicity say about the power of the Mexican electorate?What was meant by “arriba los azules”?What was Feliciano’s role in the town’s politics?Why did Mexicans go to “las escuelitas” in places like San Pedrito and was different in Jonesville?Why didn’t the girls enter into Feliciano’s plans regarding education for the family?Chapter 4 pages 50-52/Enchanted Childhood Home/Where Did I come From/ Hates GodIn Gualinto’s imagination who were the “forest giants”Why did night change Gualinto’s world? Why did Gualinto think that God was cruel?Why did a “cold emptiness settle” into Gualinto’s stomach and what caused the numbing loneliness that seized him?Chapter 5 pages 52-58 / Death of Filomeno MenchacaWho was Dona Domitila?What impression does the author leave you with regarding the Golden Delta?Who was Gregorio Cortez and Cheno Cortines and why did Gualinto want to emulate them?Who shot Meno and what if any was the rumored motive for his death? What did people mean that even “professional killers” could be likeable”? What concern did the police show regarding the killing of Meno?Why was Gualinto afraid of being identified as witness?What was Gualinto physical reaction to the death of Meno?Chapter 6 pages 58-62/Sailor Suit/ Hair Shortening/The Mass/What was Gualinto called by the other boys and why did he hate it?How did his mother punish him?To what is the author referring to when he speaks of the “Thunder Cloud over a cornfield”?What did the priest with his words that frightened the children at mass? Gualinto thought that the priest would do what after his sermon?Why did Gualinto’s hair smell?What was the reputation of the kids from the Dos Veinte Dos?What was the importance of the church bells and what did Gualinto think about them?What impressed Gualinto about the tall, broadly handsome woman”?How would you describe Maruca/Why did Gualinto hate his mother and want to come back and kill all the people?Why couldn’t he become a rinche? Chapter 7 pages 63-71/The New Neighbors – Lic Santiago Lopez-Anguera/What is a Protestant?1. Why did the new house next door cause so much commotion and why was Maria so apprehensive about the new neighbors?2. What was notable about the dress of Feliciano and why did Gualinto admire him?3. Why did Gualinto like playing in the banana grove?4. What opinion did Gualinto express about the Texas Ranchers?5. Explain who the girls were in purple dress and yellow hats.6. Who was Gualinto’s new friend and in which way were the different from each other?Chapter 8 pages 71-75/Prohibition Impacts Sale of Booze & Judge NorrisFeliciano Becomes a Grocer1. What appears to be the relationship between Feliciano and his new neighbor?2. Which law against liquor had negatively impacted Judge Norris and how did it affect Feliciano and Crispin Rodriguez?3. Why were only the pictures of still life and Custer Last Stand left hanging at the Danubio Azul?4. What was the profession of Santiago López-Anguera, why did he describe himself as an idealist and what did he know about El Negro?Chapter 9 pages 75-82 /Meeting in Morelos – Santos de Vega (El Negro) Customs & SmugglingWhere was Feliciano when Filomino Menchaca was executed?Who was Don Santos de La Vega and what was his racial and ethnic background and how did he becomes a man of wealth?Who were the criollos, vaqueros, hombres del campo, the villistas, obregonistas and carranzistas?What did De La Vega mean that real money was beginning to surface in Mexico and how might that work out for both he and Feliciano?According to Chief of Customs what was the only real wealth?What became of Lupe?Chapter 10 pages 82-94- The Night for Spirits and Scary Folk Tales/Gualinto is Frightened1.What if anything do you find poetic about how Paredes describes the evening on the porch of the family home?2. According to Carmen what happened to the man that had committed “a great sin”?3. What does the author mean that the random words of adults had a “pithy juiciness for him”?4. When Uncle Feliciano spoke it was mostly about which subjects?5. What was meant that it was a night for “spirits”6. what if anything was the moral of the story that Don Pancho shared with the family?7. What kind of moon rose over the “regular black line of the chaparral?8. How does Feliciano describe his father, and why did he advise the men not to unsaddle their horses?9. How does the old saying that “each man’s head is a world of his own” translate into Spanish and what does it mean?10. What was the screaming thing that frightened the horses and the men on that the night in the chaparral?11. What was the curse of the beast and what cure was used on the victims in the old days?12. Who according to Don Pancho and Don Jose haunted their neighborhood?13. Why did Gualinto scream when he heard the details of the death of Donanciano?14. Why did Maruca call Gualinto a vieja?Chapter 11 pages 94-99/Gualinto Fever (El Susto)Do?a Simonita La Ciega, (La Curandera)Why did Maria think that Gualinto was suffering from “susto” and what cure was proposed? Who was Dona Simonita and what role did she have in the community?What ailment did Gualinto appear to be suffering from?Why was Gualinto frightened of Dona Simonita?How did the special bond between Gualinto and Dona Simonita develop?Why might one say that Gualinto was “tripping” during his fever?Chapter 12 pages 99 – 105/Gualinto’s Recovery/How was Gualinto’s Father and How did He Die? Santo Klos/The Three Kings/Priests What did Uncle Feliciano say to the question from Gualinto as to why he didn’t like prayers, priests and if there was indeed a God?What did Dona Simonita have to say about Gringo women?What did Uncle Feliciano have to say about Gumersino and how he died?Why didn’t Santo Kloss ever bring any presents for Uncle Feliciano and his family?Why was the Revolution in Mexico the great changer of things?According to Uncle Feliciano the job of the rinches was to do what?What was Uncle Felicianos advice to Gualinto regarding the Gringos?According to Uncle Feliciano who brings Christmas toys to the children in Mexico?Why did the Three Kings have to stay on the Mexican side of the border and not cross over to the United States side?Why did Gualinto think that Santa Claus was a different kind of Gringo? ................

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