
CCHC LESSON PLAN FOR CHILDREN’S HEALTH PROMOTIONPresentation Title: Importance of Sleep for KidsSubmitted by (LPHA name or DHSS): Knox and Polk CountiesDate submitted: Dec 2016Learning Objective(s): Children will:Verbalize two reasons why sleep is important.Talk about who needs sleep and how much (children vs adults)State one consequence to not sleeping (examples of things they do more poorly without getting enough sleep/rest)Name two different sleep tips discussed in the lessonPresentation Outline (not to exceed 30 minutes):Introduction of myself and topic“Who likes sleeping or taking naps?” Why or why not?Importance of Sleeping Rest for body/brainEffects of not sleeping or taking napsHow Much Sleep Is needed Activity: “Who needs the most sleep?”What are dreams?Sleep tips Routines, avoid eating and drinking soda, lights out, etc. Activity: “Things that help you sleep vs. things that won’t”Resources used (story books, video, props): NOTE: VIDEO PORTION MUST NOT EXCEED MORE THAN HALF OF TOTAL TIME OF PRESENTATION Coloring sheet/MazeChildren’s Health Promotions are developed utilizing best practice references such as the “Kansas and Missouri Core Competencies for Early Childhood and Youth Professionals” (Content Area V: Health and Safety), and the National Health and Safety Performance Standards, “Caring for Our Children.” Consultants developing new lessons for children’s health promotions should use this template and submit to the CCHC Program Manager for approval. Health Promotion Lesson Plans already approved by the CCHC Program Manager are approved for use by any contracting LPHA. Approved lesson plans are reviewed by the CCHC Program Manager at a minimum of every three years, and are therefore considered approved if in circulation until otherwise instructed by the CCHC Program Manager. ................

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