Plan - Quia

Plan |US GOV. Fall 07 | |

|End Date |3/27/2008 |

|Start Date |8/27/2007 |

|Teacher |STEVENSON |

|Notes |[pic] |

|Field |Mon 12/10/2007 |Tue 12/11/2007 |Wed 12/12/2007 |Thu 12/13/2007 |Fri 12/14/2007 |

|Activity Title |Civil Liberties: First Amendment |Civil Rights: Protecting the |Civil Rights: Protecting the |Civil Rights: Protecting the |Civil Rights: Protecting the |

| |Freedoms |Rights of an Individual (Due |Rights of an Individual (Due |Rights of an Individual (Due |Rights of an Individual (Due |

| | |Process) |Process) |Process) |Process) |

|Objective |Upon completion of this lesson, |Upon completion this lesson, the |Upon completion this lesson, the |Upon completion this lesson, the |Upon completion this lesson, the |

| |the student will be able to: |student will be able to: |student will be able to: |student will be able to: |student will be able to: |

| |*Explain how American's |1.  explain the importance of due|1.  explain the importance of due|1.  explain the importance of due|1.  explain the importance of due|

| |commitment to freedom led to the |process rights to the protection |process rights to the protection |process rights to the protection |process rights to the protection |

| |creation of the Bill of Rights. |of individual rights and to the |of individual rights and to the |of individual rights and to the |of individual rights and to the |

| |*Evaluate constitutional |limits on the powers of |limits on the powers of |limits on the powers of |limits on the powers of |

| |provisions for limiting the role |government. |government. |government. |government. |

| |of government in regard to |2.  define police power and |2.  define police power and |2.  define police power and |2.  define police power and |

| |individual rights. |understand its relationships to |understand its relationships to |understand its relationships to |understand its relationships to |

| |*show how federalism affects |civil rigjts. |civil rigjts. |civil rigjts. |civil rigjts. |

| |individual rights |3.  describe the right of privacy|3.  describe the right of privacy|3.  describe the right of privacy|3.  describe the right of privacy|

| |*describe how the 9th Amendment |and its orgins in constuti |and its orgins in constuti |and its orgins in constuti |and its orgins in constuti |

| |guarantee individual rights. | | | | |

| |*analyze issues addressed in | | | | |

| |Supreme Court rulings on religion| | | | |

| |and education. | | | | |

|Materials |Copy of the Constitution, Copy of|Copy of the Constitution |Copy of the Constitution |Copy of the Constitution |Copy of the Constitution |

| |selected Supreme Court Rulings | | | | |

|Procedure |Introduce the lesson by |Discuss with students "Due |Discuss with students "Due |Discuss with students "Due |Discuss with students "Due |

| |discussing the basic rights and |Process of Law" which basically |Process of Law" which basically |Process of Law" which basically |Process of Law" which basically |

| |freedoms guaranteed by the |means the government must |means the government must |means the government must |means the government must |

| |Constitution, particularly, |follow.  Point out the (2) types |follow.  Point out the (2) types |follow.  Point out the (2) types |follow.  Point out the (2) types |

| |freedoms of speech, religion, |substantive and procedural and |substantive and procedural and |substantive and procedural and |substantive and procedural and |

| |press, assembly and petition.  |discuss each.  Review the |discuss each.  Review the |discuss each.  Review the |discuss each.  Review the |

| |Emphasize the basic principles of|constitutional sources of due |constitutional sources of due |constitutional sources of due |constitutional sources of due |

| |Limited Government, Federalism |process and discuss how due |process and discuss how due |process and discuss how due |process and discuss how due |

| |and Judicial Review.  Assign each|process affects police power and |process affects police power and |process affects police power and |process affects police power and |

| |student various Supreme Court |how it creates privacy rights and|how it creates privacy rights and|how it creates privacy rights and|how it creates privacy rights and|

| |rulings and have each prepare to |where its located in the 5th and |where its located in the 5th and |where its located in the 5th and |where its located in the 5th and |

| |discuss thier case and how it |14th amendment. |14th amendment. |14th amendment. |14th amendment. |

| |affects them today. | | | | |

|TEKS Correlations |1A, 2A, 3A, 3B, 8B, 8D, 8F, 9C, |3A, 3B, 8B, 8D, 8F, 9C, 9G, 10D, |3A, 3B, 8B, 8D, 8F, 9C, 9G, 10D, |3A, 3B, 8B, 8D, 8F, 9C, 9G, 10D, |3A, 3B, 8B, 8D, 8F, 9C, 9G, 10D, |

| |9E, 10D,14A, 14B, 14D, 14E |14A, 14B, 14D, 14F, 15B, 15C, |14A, 14B, 14D, 14F, 15B, 15C, |14A, 14B, 14D, 14F, 15B, 15C, |14A, 14B, 14D, 14F, 15B, 15C, |

| |14F, 15B, 17C, 17B, 21A, 21C, |17A, 21A, 22A, 22B, 22D |17A, 21A, 22A, 22B, 22D |17A, 21A, 22A, 22B, 22D |17A, 21A, 22A, 22B, 22D |

| |22A, 22B, 22C, 22D, 23A, 23B | | | | |

|Assessment |Prepare a Vinn Chart comparing |Graphic Web Organizer, Section |Graphic Web Organizer, Section |Graphic Web Organizer, Section |Graphic Web Organizer, Section |

| |and contrasting each presented |assessments, Chapter test |assessments, Chapter test |assessments, Chapter test |assessments, Chapter test |

| |case. | | | | |

|Modifications |Use Critical Thinking Skills to |Emphasize analyze, synthesis and |Emphasize analyze, synthesis and |Emphasize analyze, synthesis and |Emphasize analyze, synthesis and |

| |Analyze, Evaluate and Synthesis |evaluate critical thinking skills|evaluate critical thinking skills|evaluate critical thinking skills|evaluate critical thinking skills|

| |data | | | | |

|Textbook Resources |Textbook: 94-132 |Textbook |Textbook |Textbook |Textbook |


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