
Instructor: Ms. Danielle Contreras Classroom Number: (915) 937-1258Conference: 4B 2:30-4:00Portable: 24Email: dcontr08@ / ms.daniellecontreras13@Gmetrix Username _________________________Password_____________________Cengage Username _________________________Password_____________________Typing Username __________________________Password_____________________Certiport Username _________________________Password_____________________Console8 (Certification)______________________Password______________________SISD Username____________________________Password_________________________________Username______________________Password_____________________My Class computer #Course Description: Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to strengthen individual performance in the workplace and in society and make a successful transition to the workforce or postsecondary education. Students apply technical skills to address business applications of emerging technologies, create complex word-processing documents, and develop sophisticated spreadsheets using charts and graphs, and make an electronic presentation using appropriate multimedia software. Students will also have the opportunity of obtaining a 2016 nationally recognized Microsoft Certification in six different software (Word, Word Expert, Excel, Excel Expert, Access, and PowerPoint).Required Materials: To successfully complete this course, you will needShelly Cashman Series Microsoft Office 365 & Office 2016: Introductory, 1st Edition (Text available online only) Laptop computer and charger issued by MECHS Flash driveComposition notebook (college or wide-ruled)Pen and pencilStudent agenda issued by MECHS2B- Clorox Wipes3A- Packet of highlighters (2)Classroom Policies: Students are expected to:Arrive to class on time. Students that arrive late to class will be asked to obtain a tardy slip from the front office. Keep the classroom clean and organized (e.g. trash on the floor and supply boxes). No outside food or gum will be allowed in the classroom, near or around the computers. Drinks with a lid are allowed at the instructor’s discretion.Follow all classroom procedures and instructions. This includes those given by me or substitute teachers. Please ask me for help on something you do not understand. Use appropriate language in class. I’ll treat you with respect and consideration, and it is expected that you will treat peers and adults in a courteous and respectful manner. Come to class prepared with all required materials (e.g. homework or required supplies).Ask permission to leave the classroom at all times and all students must sign-out (e.g. bathroom or nurse). Cell phones must be on silent. While in class do not listen to music, text, or answer cell phones. Verbal warning will be given to students who do not comply and I will pick up your cell phones. Follow the campus and district code of conduct. It is important that you know the rules if you are expected to follow them. I encourage you to read the student handbookAny severe disruption, including but not limited to, possession of drugs, weapons or any form of violence or threat, will result in immediate removal from the classroom and receive a referral to the office. Grading Policy: 50% - Daily Work30% - Tests and Projects20% - Nine Weeks Exam Course grading scale: A: 89.5% to 100% B: 79.5% to 89.4% C: 69.5% to 79.4% F: 69.4% or less Daily Grades: consist of warm-ups, daily typing, agenda checks, quizzes, in-class discussions, participation, group work, Interactive Student Notebook (ISN) checks, and homework assignments. Attendance, punctuality, and class participation are imperative to your academic success. Being unprepared for class or without the appropriate materials or assignments will result in an unsatisfactory daily grade. Classroom Participation: Participation is expected from every student in order to facilitate a meaningful and significant learning community. Students are expected to follow classroom procedures and make appropriate accommodations when asked to do so. To best facilitate lively instructional discussions, every student will conduct themselves in an academically appropriate manner at all times. This includes respect for all presenters, visitors during presentations, and discussions.Bell Ringer: Students are required to practice their typing skills at least 15 minutes every class period. You will be allowed to complete this task at the beginning of class and graded based on your completion and not accuracy. A time limit of 15 minutes will be given and it is your responsibility to arrive to class on time and be ready or you will be penalized for incomplete time.Late Work Policy: All work is expected to be turned in on time. Late assignments will NOT be accepted for any reason. Failure to turn in an assignment during your assigned class period will result in a zero. Students will not be able to redo/make-up an assignment they did not turn in on time. Attendance: If you plan on being absent, please make arrangements with me to turn in assignments prior to the time you will be out. A NO ditching policy will be strictly enforced. It is your responsibility to check with your instructor and classmates for make-up work as a result of an absence. In accordance with district and campus policy, students will have two days to make-up work missed. Make up exams will be given on a case-by-case basis and may vary from those that are regularly scheduled. All projects assigned are due on or before the due date without exception. Please avoid absences. Many class activities cannot be reproduced. Remember, often in group work other students are depending upon you to be present with your completed work. You are responsible to turn in all make- up work when it is due. Test Policy: All test material comes from class lectures, readings and class assignments. All assignments prepare students for quizzes, and quizzes prepare the student for the tests. It is vital that you practice your Gmetrix training throughout the 9 weeks, if you want to be successful in class. Redo Work: In accordance with campus policy, it is the student’s responsibility to seek the opportunity to redo an assignment for which he/she received a failing grade within 5 school days on which he/she received notification of a failing grade. The grade earned when redoing an assignment shall be averaged with the grade earned on the first attempt, and the averaged grade shall replace the failing grade. If you are falling behind, not completing your SAM project, failing quizzes or tests, students MUST attend tutoring after school. Academic Dishonesty: Any form of academic dishonesty or academic misconduct will not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty is loosely defined as cheating of any kind. Cheating from another student, book, and/or notes are a major offense. If caught cheating, the student will lose credit for the work, administration and parents will be notified. If a student is caught cheating with another student (e.g. a student lends their work to another student), BOTH students will receive a zero, administration and parents will be notified. Plagiarism: is the use of someone else’s ideas and/or works as your own. Failure to give credit to an author or producer of a piece of work (e.g. music, books, magazines, websites, etc.) is plagiarism. Any student caught plagiarizing will lose credit for their work and administration and parents will be notified. Students with Disabilities: If you have or believe you may have a disability, see me privately after class, or during conference period for a confidential conversation. If you have specific learning, attention, psychological, or physical disabilities and require accommodations, please let me know early in the school year, so that your learning needs may be appropriately met. All information will be kept confidential in accordance to section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004. At Mission Early College High School, our goal is to help you prepare for college course work by developing academic skills including critical thinking, analytical writing, and public speaking. In addition, developing good study habits, organizational skills, and good time management is imperative to student success in high school and college classes. Tip: Practice active learning, active reading, and note taking every day. Create study groups to help you review and to understand difficult concepts. Implement the use of the MECHS agenda by writing down all homework assignments. This will help you plan out your days and week. AVOID PROCRASTINATION!Course OutlineThis syllabus & course outline is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.PRIVATEWeekTopicAssignment1(1st 9 WKs.)Introduction to Coursenone2Essential Concepts and SkillsNotebook, Quiz and Team Project: Build a computer project assigned.3 & 4Word Module 1: Creating, Formatting and Editing a Word document with a PictureSAM Project and Assessment 1, Due date TBA Team Project: Build a Computer Project and Presentation due, Date TBA4 & 5Word Module 2: Creating a research paper with references and sourcesSAM Project and Assessment 2, Due date TBA Team Project: Word Music Project assigned. 6 & 7Word Module 3: Creating a Multiple-Page ReportSAM Project and Assessment 3, Due date TBA8Team Project: Word Music Project and Presentation Due9Certification Practice Exam: Word GMetrix Practice Exam 99 Weeks EXAM: WORD CAPSTONE/ Word CERTIFICATIONS (certifications are available for students who passed GMetrix practice exam with a score of 800 or higher)1(2ND 9 Wks.)Certification Practice Exam: PowerPoint GMetrix Practice Exam1PowerPoint Certification Exam for students who passed GMetrix practice exam with a score of 800 or higher2 & 3Excel Module 1: Creating a Worksheet and a ChartSAM Project and Assessment 1, Due date TBA3 & 4Excel Module 2: Formulas, Function and FormattingSAM Project and Assessment 2, Due date TBA5 & 6Excel Module 3: Working with Large Worksheets, Charting and What-If AnalysisSAM Project and Assessment 3, Due date TBA7Team Project: M&M Project, 8Practice Exam: Gmetrix Practice Exam89 Weeks EXAM: Excel CAPSTONE/CERTIFICATIONS (certifications are available for students who passed GMetrix practice exam with a score of 800 or higher)1-3 (3rd 9 Wks.)Access Module 1: Databases and Database Objects: An IntroductionSAM Project and Assessment 1, Due date TBA4-6Access Module 2: Querying a DatabaseSAM Project and Assessment 2, Due date TBA7-9Access Tutorial 3: Maintaining a DatabaseSAM Project and Assessment 3, Due date TBATeam Project: TBD10Practice Exam: Gmetrix Practice Exam109 Weeks EXAM: Access CAPSTONE/CERTIFICATIONS (certifications are available for students who passed GMetrix practice exam with a score of 800 or higher)1-3 (4th 9 Wks.)PowerPoint Module 1: Creating and Editing a Presentation with PicturesSAM Project, Individual Presentation , GMetrix Practice Exam and Certification4-6PowerPoint Module 2: Enhancing a Presentation with Pictures, Shapes and WordArt.SAM Project, Individual Presentation , GMetrix Practice Exam and Certification7-9PowerPoint Module 3: Reusing a Presentation and Adding Media and AnimationSAM Project, Individual Presentation , GMetrix Practice Exam and Certification109 Weeks EXAM: PowerPoint CAPSTONEBIM I Expectations Dear Parents,I would like to formally welcome you and your child to the BIM I (Business Information Management) course. In order to ensure your child’s academic success and assist them in reaching their fullest potential, I would like to outline some important information regarding the course so that you and your child know what to expect from this class. BIM I is a class designed to teach your child about the use of Microsoft Office tools to include: Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. Your child will be able to apply what they have learned to the real world and have the opportunity to receive an Industry Certification upon successful mastery of each program. Listed below are the expectations of all students: Student and Parent initial required for each item listed._____ _____Every student is required to type for 10 minutes at the beginning of class. They will be given 15 minutes to allow time for logging in and going to the website. Timer will begin at the beginning of class, therefore, punctuality is pertinent so that student does not lose any time. (10 points for every 1 minute; not to exceed 10 minutes)_____ _____Every student is expected to bring their laptop and charger to class and download the assigned PowerPoint from the school website prior to each class period._____ _____If your laptop is being fixed, please fill out a laptop repair form and have the tech, or whoever you turned it in to, sign and provide form to instructor._____ _____Every student is expected to bring their composition notebook and take notes based on the methods shown on the first week of school (The procedures will be displayed on the class wall all year)._____ _____Projects will be given for each chapter covered in class and students will have 7 calendar days (not business days) to complete it. Online tutorials will be available to assist students in successfully completing the projects. These tutorials are not mandatory but highly encouraged. They will have 1 additional opportunity to redo the project to improve grade. There will be two projects for each chapter covered, if a student gets a score of 100 on the first or second attempt of the first project, they will be exempt from needing to complete the second project for that chapter. For example, we just learned how to create a document using Word and I assigned two projects for it. Jesus, completes the first attempt and scores an 85. In his second attempt, he scores a 99. Jesus is still required to complete the second project and the highest score will be taken. Now if he had scored a 100 on his second attempt of the first project, he would be exempt from completing the second project._____ _____An assessment will be given on every concept learned in class. Students are allowed to use their notebooks during the assessment. If they are absent, they will be given the opportunity to take the quiz, but it is the student’s responsibility to request the make-up from teacher. After 5 calendar days from absence, if student has not requested for the make-up assessment, a zero will be entered for that quiz and will be removed once the student completes the quiz. _____ _____If a student should earn a failing grade for a quiz, a student or their parent has 5 calendar days after notification to request a redo. The two grades will be averaged to get a final grade for the quiz._____ _____All projects will be given at least 3 weeks for completion and as such no late work will be accepted. _____ _____Assignments will be given periodically and it is student’s responsibility to have it with them at all times. _____ _____Every student is expected to practice the assigned program on GMetrix at least once a week to be ready to attempt certification. Students must receive a passing score of at least 800 on the pre-certification (GMetrix) test before attempting the Industry Certification test in class. The program includes PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Access, Word Expert and Excel Expert. (Paper certificates will be given at the end of the year)._____ _____Students who do not complete the assignments or projects by the due date will be given a zero without any opportunity for redo’s. Please adhere to assignment deadlines as they will be strictly enforced. Parents will be contacted when your child has received two 0s on two different assignments/projects and/or their overall grade falls below a 65.Resources used:: This is where students will be typing and can also be used to improve their typing skills at home. Internet is required. (Each class will receive their unique URL link): This is where students will be completing all their assigned projects for each chapter learned in class. They will also have access to the textbooks and other resources. Students will need the internet to download and upload the assignment, but it is not required to complete the actual assignment. We have internet on campus and they don’t need to be in a class to access it. : This is where students will be able to practice and take their pre-certification tests. Students are able to practice anywhere outside of class. The pre-certification and the Industry Certification exams may only be taken in class with instructor. Internet required.Students will be setting up their accounts for the three sites above during the first week of school. mechs > Faculty > Contreras,Danielle > BIM I: This is where students and parents may access chapter PowerPoints and further information on projects, assignments, homework, deadlines, etc.Please feel free to call or email me with any concerns about the information above. If you don’t have any concerns and understand what is required of your child in my class, please sign below.We have read and understand the student expectations for the 2017-2018 School year BIM I course. _______________________________________________________________Student, Please PrintStudent Signature__________________________________ _____________________________Parent SignatureContact NumberClass Period_________Receipt and Acknowledgment of Business Information Management I Syllabus and Classroom PoliciesMy son/daughter and I have read the course description and syllabus for Business Information Management I Students: I understand my responsibilities in this course, the requirements to be successful and have read the classroom policies above and understand them. I will honor these policies. Student Name (Print): ____________________________________________________I.D. ____________________________________________________________________Student Signature: _______________________________________________________ Parents: My child has discussed with me the syllabus and classroom policies. I understand them and will fully support them to ensure my child’s success in this class.Parent Name (Print): _____________________________________________________ Parent Signature: ________________________________________________________Preferred Contact Number: _______________________________________________Please sign and return by Friday, August 4th, 2017 ................

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