
Biblical Study Theological Seminary,

Bible College & Institute

By-Laws, Beliefs, and Basic Information Up-dated October 2019


Dr. Clay Pawley, Th.D., Ph.D.


Biblical Study Theological Seminary

“A Baptist Bible College”

3224 West Hwy 166; Carrollton, Georgia 30117

Mailing Address

All Bible College related correspondence by U. S. mail must be sent to the following address:

Biblical Study Theological Seminary

3224 West Hwy 166

Carrollton, Ga. 30117 Contact by phone: (770) 361-1220

This catalog is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as the basis for a contract between a student and Biblical Study Theological Seminary, Bible College & Institute.

Information regarding current academic and financial required merits may be obtained from the administration at any given time. It is the school’s desire to minimize changes and preserve accuracy as much as possible, but it reserves the right to make changes in the interest of a better program without actual notice to the individual students. Each student should seek advice at the end of each semester from the Academic Dean or Seminary Staff.

Preaching and Teaching:

The Beloved (Jesus Christ)

The Blood

The Book

The Blessed Hope

Biblical Study Theological Seminary, Bible College & Institute; a Baptist Bible College

Biblical Study Theological Seminary in Profile:

Biblical Study Theological Seminary is a Baptist oriented institution with pre-millennial emphasis. The school is registered with the states of Alabama and Georgia Secretary of State’s offices as a non-profit corporation.

Motto: “Inspiring Others Through The Inspired Word”

Colors of School: Black and Red

Alma Mater:

“What a wonderful treasure,

It was given to me without measure.

We will travel together; my ‘O Bible and I.

Yes, we will travel together; my ‘O King James Bible and I”.

Who May Enroll:

Any adult person who desires a fuller knowledge of the Word of God for service in the local church from the Sunday school teacher, the pulpit, the mission field, or music ministry is welcomed. As a Bible Institute and Seminary, it is our desire to advance the cause of our Lord through training anyone and everyone who desires a deeper knowledge of the Bible and the Spiritual life.

Biblical Study Theological Seminary believes that continuing education is an important part of each person’s ministry. Therefore, we endeavor to help those who are already in full-time ministry to continue their education and obtain the degree(s) of their choice.

Biblical Study Theological Seminary does not discriminate in admissions or in the administration of its educational policies on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, ethnic origin, sex, age, or handicap in its educational programs, activities, or employment practices. Only to the extent required by its religious tenets and allowed by law does Biblical Study Theological Seminary make any distinctions between men and women.

All students are expected to manifest and maintain the highest standards of Christian living, testimony, and conduct, the Word of God being the standard by which we measure ourselves. It is also required that all students should attend and support their local church. Any student who is unable to abide by the rules and regulations of this will be liable for dismissal. Application for re-admission will be considered individually by the administration.

Divorce: Biblical Study Theological Seminary considers on an individual basis those who have been divorced or married to a spouse previously divorced.

Mission Statement:

Biblical Study Theological Seminary provides institute, baccalaureate, graduate, and postgraduate programs in resident and tailored external formats. These programs seek to transmit and expand Biblical knowledge and for the servants of God to have a heart full of love. Our mission is to Exalt the Saviour, Educate the Saint, and Evangelize the Sinner.

The Goals of Biblical Study Theological Seminary:

In support of its philosophy and mission, Biblical Study Theological Seminary seeks to provide its students with intellectual, spiritual, and cultural pursuits that:

I. Present the student with a method of Bible study which will enable him/her to

study the Bible for himself/herself.

II. Deepen one’s personal spiritual life.

III. Train pastors, teachers, evangelists, missionaries, educational

workers, as well as every Christian, to better serve the Lord.

IV. Give a full knowledge of the Word of God by taking every student from Genesis to Revelation. To education every student in the doctrines of the Bible and of our Lord Jesus Christ.

V. Contribute to a knowledge and understanding of other cultures and international events and their relationship to Biblical prophecy.

VI. Assist in developing the competence and determination to approach their vocation as a calling to follow the will of God.

VII. Foster a commitment to a Christian life, which actively communicates the Christian faith, in personal soul winning, personal integrity, and personal responsibility in all social activities that will point people to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

VIII. To expand Biblical education by extending this Seminary to other churches and countries of the world. It is the goal of Biblical Study Theological Seminary to extend its ministry by forming Extension Colleges in other churches both in the United States and foreign lands. These Extension Schools must operate under the rules, Doctrinal Statement, and guidelines set forth in this catalog.

IX. To teach the Bible via the Internet. Extended Study Courses will be e-mailed to the student to study at home. A student can receive full credit and degrees through the Extended Studies Program.

A Brief History of the Bible College

The Bible College began over thirty years ago when Brother Clay Pawley took his first church in Evans, Louisiana; the Grace Baptist Church. There he began a “Correspondence Course” with new converts and some of his church members, and also through a mailbox outreach program, which consisted of monthly Bible studies mailed to the local community. The lessons created in this first correspondence course are still being used in the Bible College today and have formed the foundation for the present day college curriculum. Over the pasting years Brother Pawley continued to write Bible study lessons and curriculum, and later, at the Word of Life Baptist Church in Smyrna, Georgia, Brother Pawley formed a more organized correspondence course, which was called, “The Word of Life Correspondence School”, which served as training for church members and for the first time studies were offered on-line, via the internet. A large number of students from around the world studied through this correspondence school. It was at this time the study material took on the name, “The Biblical Study Series”. After that, Brother Pawley was asked to serve with the Georgia Baptist Seminary and Bible College as Dean over the school’s Extended Study Program (Distance or Home Study), where the lessons he had written was used as the man curriculum. After much prayer and for the purpose of making tuition affordable for others, especially preachers, in October 2011, Brother Pawley felt lead of God to form The Biblical Study Theological Seminary, Bible College, and Institute, which uses as its main curriculum the lessons he had written over the past thirty years, and the school received its name from the study curriculum, “The Biblical Study Series”. The LORD God has tremendously blessed the Bible College with extension locations across the United States and the world. It is the Lord Jesus Christ who deserves all the glory for the great things He has done. To God be the GLORY!

Revelation 4:11 – “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”

Revelation 5:9-10 – “And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;

And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.”

Our Doctrinal Statement:

I. The Bible Inspired. We believe in the inspiration of the Bible as found in its 66 books from Genesis to Revelation, which has “God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture of error for its matter”. We believe the Bible is preserved for all generations and use only the King James (1611). 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:21, Psalm 12:6-7

II. Salvation. We believe that because of the total depravity of man, salvation by grace alone is the central and unifying theme around which all the Scripture is to be understood and interpreted. We believe that the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord is the only way into fellowship with God, the only way of deliverance from eternal destruction and the only way to eternal bliss in heaven. Ephesians 2:8-9, John 3:16-18, John 5:24, Acts 4:12, I John 5:10-13. We believe that salvation is to whosoever will. John 1:12, 3:16; 1 Timothy 2:4; 1 John 2:2; Revelation 22:17.

III. The Holy Trinity. We believe that God who is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost who are three separate persons in one Eternal Godhead. Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:14, Luke 1:35, John 1:14. We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ that He is very eternal Creator God. John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:16; Isaiah 9:6. We reject the teachings of evolution and believe that God created all things. Genesis chapters 1 & 2; Exodus 20:11.

IV. The Resurrection of Christ. We believe that at the time of His birth through the Virgin Mary, the eternal Son of God, Jesus Christ our Lord, assumed a perfect sinless humanity. God the Son became flesh and lived a sinless life, died for our sins, was buried and arose bodily from the dead, qualifying as the only Savior of mankind. Acts 2:32, I Corinthians 15:1-4, Matthew 27:66, Luke 24:36-43, John 1:14, 20:27-28, Hebrews 7:26. We believe Jesus Christ ascended into heaven and is seated at the Father’s right hand and is the only Mediator between God and men. Acts 1:9-11, Romans 8:34, 1 Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 1:3, 8:1.

V. Mankind. We believe that man, as the crowning work, was created in the image of God by a special act of creation. Being created in innocence, man chose sin and severed himself from God, qualifying himself for eternal destruction in the lake of fire. Genesis 1:26, 3:1-24, 1 Corinthians 2:27, Revelation 20:11-15

VI. A Personal Devil. We believe that the devil and his angels are personal beings who are enemies of God, the believer, the church, and all mankind. Satan and his demons will experience ultimate defeat in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. 1 Peter 5:8, 1 Thessalonians 3:5, Ephesians 2:2, Revelation 12:9-10, Revelation 20:10.

VII. The Church. We believe that all born-again Christians are members of the church which is the body of Christ, and that the Word of God teaches that every Christian is to serve in the local church. Ephesians 1:22-23, 5:23-32. We believe there are two ordinances observed by the church, which are water baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Matthew 3:13-17; Romans 6:3-6; Matthew 26:26-30; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. Baptism is by immersion only and shall be administered in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Matthew 28:19. We believe the command of Christ to the church is the Great Commission to preach the gospel to all men everywhere. Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8.

VIII. The Pre-millennial Return of our Lord. We believe there are two stages of the Second Coming. First, there is the Rapture of the church at the imminent return of our Lord before the tribulation. Secondly, there is the Revelation of Christ at the close of the tribulation when Christ returns with His church. The unrighteous will be judged at the time of the great white throne judgment after the Millennial. Acts 2:22-24, 1 Corinthians 15:4-8, 50-53, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Daniel 12:2, John 5:25-29, Revelation 19:11-16, 20:4-5, 11-15.

IX. The Task, Ministry, and Discipline of the New Testament Church. We believe that outreach, by personal soul winning and public evangelism and missions (both home and foreign) is the essential task of New Testament churches. The church is to send forth and support missionaries. Matthew 28:19-20, John 20:19-21, Acts 1:8, 13:1-4. The church is to educate, teach, comfort, rebuke, exhort, edify, and encourage the saints. Matthew 28:19, 1 Corinthians 14:3, 2 Timothy 4:1-4. We believe the church has the authority to judge and discipline sin and those who walk contrary to its by-laws and statement of faith. All attempts must be made to bring about reconciliation before any member is brought under church discipline. Matthew 18:15-18, Romans 16:17, 1 Corinthians 5:1-5, Titus 3:10-11.

X. Heaven and Hell. We believe in the everlasting reward of the saved righteous and the everlasting punishment of the wicked. Matthew 25:46, Luke 16:19-25, Revelation 20:14-15. All lost souls and wicked sinners will live in hell eternally. 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21, Revelation 21:8.

XI. Loyalty to Distinctive Baptist Doctrines. We believe that Baptists stand for vital and distinctive truths to which other denominations do not adhere. We cannot compromise these truths without disloyalty to the Scriptures and our Lord. We are an independent Baptist school and shall remain so. We are a non-charismatic Bible College in that we do not believe in speaking in tongues, modern faith healers, and women preachers and women pastors. 1 Timothy 2:11-12; 3:1-2; 1 Corinthians 14:34.

XII. The Sanctity of the Home and Marriage. We believe that God ordained the home and marriage and that marriage consists only between one man and one woman. The word “marriage” means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife, and the word “spouse” refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband and wife. We adhere to Bible truths that sodomites are an abomination to God and all mankind. Therefore we reject the sodomite (homosexual) lifestyle. Genesis 1:26-28; 2:18-25; Leviticus 18:2; 20:13; Deuteronomy 23:17; 1 Kings 14:24; 15:12; 22:46; 2 Kings 23:7; Matthew 19:3-9; Ephesians 5:22-33; Romans 1:18-32; 1 Corinthians 6:9, Hebrews 13:4.

We reject such sins and lifestyles as sodomy, homosexual, lesbian, same sex marriage, bestiality (Leviticus 18:23; 20:15), incest (Leviticus 20:12; Deuteronomy 27:22), cross-dressing, transgender, transvestites (Deuteronomy 22:5), pedophiles, polygamy, bi-sexual, sex and or gender changes (before or after birth), pornography, and x-rated material in any form; we reject all such practices and consider them a sin against God and His Holy Bible. Those who practice the sins and lifestyles stated in this Doctrinal Statement will not be allowed college admission or be allowed to serve on the Faculty, Staff or Board, nor be allowed to teach at Biblical Study Theological Seminary. Any student who practices these sins and lifestyles shall be dismissed from school unless they repent and renounce these sins. We believe any sexual activity in any form or fashion outside of the marriage union (holy matrimony) which we believe consists between one man and one woman who are natural born male and natural born female, is a sin against God and a sin against the beliefs and practices of Biblical Study Theological Seminary.

Same sex marriages will not be performed by the college President (present or future) or by any Board Member of the Bible College. Same sex marriages will not be allowed to take place in or on any of the college facilities or properties by any person under any circumstances.


Classes are offered to students who are seeking to learn God’s Word and provides’ them with a general background in Bible. At the completion of ninety-six (96) semester hours the student will be granted a Graduate of Theology Diploma (Th.G.). A high school diploma or GED is not required for this program. This program is for both men and women.


Classes are offered to students who are seeking a Bible Degree and higher Biblical education above the earned Th.G. The Bible College accepts both Christian men and women who seek to serve the LORD and advance their spiritual life and Bible knowledge. A high school diploma or GED is required to receive a Bible Degree through the Bible College Program.


Classes are offered to pastors, preachers, ministers, missionaries, evangelists, educational directors, and other Christian men seeking to better prepare themselves to serve the LORD, preach and teach the Word of God, and to personally grow deeper in their Christian faith. Classes are offered to students who have already earned a Bachelor Degree.

Institute Policies and Programs

Upon completion of the required courses, the student will receive one of the following certificates: Certificate of Biblical Studies, Advanced Certificate of Biblical Studies, or Graduate of Theology Diploma.

Undergraduate Academic Policies and Programs

Upon satisfactory completion of the requirements for graduation, Biblical Study Theological Seminary confers upon the student one of the following: Associate of Bible, Bachelor of Bible, Bachelor of Religious Education, Bachelor of Theology.

A student is subject to the requirements listed in the catalog for the year in which the first enrollment occurred or to the requirements of a subsequent catalog under which the student is enrolled. Biblical Study Theological Seminary reserves the right to change academic policies and procedures during a student’s time of enrollment.

A student who completes degree requirements may participate in the annual May commencement service and will receive the degree when all requirements are finished.

Graduation Requirements

The following must be met for graduation:

1. Students must satisfactorily complete either sixty-six (66) semester hours for the Associate of Bible Degree, or one hundred thirty-two (132) semester hours for one of the Bachelor Degrees. Students enrolled in the Master program must satisfactorily complete one hundred sixty-five (165) semester hours or one hundred seventy-five (175) hours depending on the program they are enrolled in. Students enrolled in the Doctorate program must satisfactorily complete one hundred ninety-eight (198) semester hours or two hundred thirty-one (231) semester hours, depending on which program they are enrolled in.

2. A cumulative grade point average of 2.00 must be maintained. A 2.00 average is also required for all courses applied toward a major with only a maximum of four (4) classes with a recorded grade of a C- allowed toward a degree.

3. An application for degree must be filed with the Academic Dean’s Office at the beginning of a student’s senior year.

Grade Point Average (Academic Status Scale)

|GPA |Percent |

|4.0 |100-99 |

| 3.9 |98-97 |

|3.8 |96-95 |

|3.7 |94-93 |

|3.6 |92-91 |

|3.5 |90-89 |

|3.4 |88-87 |

|3.3 |86-85 |

|3.2 |84-83 |

|3.1 |82-81 |

|3.0 |80 |

|2.9 |79 |

|2.8 |78 |

|2.7 |77 |

|2.6 |76 |

|2.5 |75 |

|2.4 |74 |

|2.3 |73 |

|2.2 |72 |

|2.1 |71 |

|2.0 |70 |

|1.9 |69 |

|1.8 |68 |

|1.7 |67 |

|1.6 |66 |

|1.5 |65 |

|1.4 |64 |

|1.3 |63 |

|1.2 |62 |

|1.1 |61 |

|1.0 |60 |

|0.9 |59 |

|0.8 |58 |

|0.7 |57 |

| | |

Credit by Evaluation

Since Biblical Study Theological Seminary is a Christian institution that offers professional degrees in the field of Bible, Theology, Pastoral Ministry and Christian Education, a pastor, assistant pastor, or a Sunday school teacher may receive credit for past experience. Any minister that is in full time Christian work receives six (6) hours of credit for each year in their full time capacity. A Sunday school or Christian school teacher can receive two (2) hours credit per year. The student cannot exceed sixty (60) semester hours credit. There will be a fee of $1.00 for each credit received for life experience.

Honorary Degrees

Biblical Study Theological Seminary can give an honorary degree to Gospel Preachers and Christian Workers on special occasions. Any preacher who has preached for more than 25 years and maintained a faithful and consistent testimony, and has proven himself studied in the scriptures can be considered for an honorary degree, and any Christian who has served for more than 25 years in church work, maintained a faithful testimony, and proven himself/herself studied in the scriptures can also be considered. Any level degree can be given as honorary.

Adding and Dropping Courses

All schedule changes must be made through the Academic Dean’s Office and no schedule change is complete until it has been submitted to the Academic Dean’s office by the prescribed deadline date.

Full semester courses may be added only during the first two weeks of the semester. Courses may be dropped during the first three weeks of the semester without penalty. After the third week all courses dropped will be recorded as W (withdrew).

Full semester courses may not be dropped after the twelfth week except for serious illness.

Full refund is allowed for any difference in tuition charges due to reduced load when such a drop takes place during the first week. A ninety-percent (90%) refund is allowed for difference in tuition charges the second week no refund is allowed thereafter.

Repeating Courses

Students may repeat courses in which a D or F is received. Only one course in which a C or above is received may be repeated. No courses shall be repeated after subsequent course is taken (i.e. one for which the first is a prerequisite.).

With repeated courses only the second grade will count in the grade point average but the original grade and course will remain on the student’s academic record.


Any student finding it necessary to withdraw from college must complete the withdrawal process and turn the completed withdrawal form in to the Academic Dean’s Office. Students withdrawing after the first week will have W (withdrew) grades recorded for their courses.

A student who leaves college during the semester without obtaining permission to withdraw will be administratively withdrawn and may forfeit all fee deposits paid to the college.

If a student is asked to withdraw or is dismissed for disciplinary reasons grades of W will be recorded on the transcript for courses in which the student is enrolled. The regular refund policy would apply.

Academic Probation / Dismissal

Students are expected to pass enough hours and maintain a grade point average sufficient to be considered as making satisfactory academic progress. A student’s academic status will be checked at the end of each semester.

Academic Warning

When a student’s grade point average for a semester is below 2.00 but the cumulative average is above the academic status scale requirements, the student will be placed on academic warning for the following semester. This action is not recorded on the student’s academic record.

Academic Probation

When a student’s cumulative grade point average falls below appropriate level of good standing on the academic status scale, the student will be placed on academic probation for the following semester(s). The student must work to bring their grade point average for a semester to 2.00 or above.

Continuation of Academic Probation

If for the probationary semester(s) the student’s grade point average is above the academic status scale but the cumulative average is still below the academic status scale, the student may be continued on academic probation.

Removal from Academic Probation

A student will be removed from academic probation at the end of the semester when the cumulative grade point average meets the academic status scale.

Academic Dismissal

A student on academic probation who fails to bring their cumulative grade point average to the required academic status scale is subject to academic dismissal. The Professors and staff will do all they can to help the student bring their cumulative grade point average to the required academic level, but the student who cannot maintain that average will be dismissed. Students dismissed may apply for readmission.

Academic Transcripts

All requests for academic transcripts must be made in writing to the Academic Dean’s Office. Transcripts will not be released to currently enrolled students and former students who have not paid their college bills. Official transcripts are not released directly to the student. Request for transcripts are to be made directly to the Academic Dean’s Office.

Dean’s List

When a student completes 10 semester hours of credit with an average of 3.60 or above they are placed on the Dean’s list of Students for that semester and the student will be awarded a certificate of recognition at the next commencement.

Academic Distinction

Students who have a 4.0 average will receive the distinction of Summa Cum Laude (highest honors). A student with 3.8 will receive Magna Cum Laude (high honors). A student with a 3.6 average will receive Cum Laude (honors). Honor students will be recognized at commencement.

Book Reports

Book reports must be turned in for all books read and must be typed in 12 point font size. There must be a space between each line for easy reading. The number of pages for each book report will be listed in the Bible course you are taking or your professor will give you instruction for each book title. 12 point font size and spacing also applies to all essays.

Dress Code

All students are to dress in a godly and modest way to all classes. Men are to wear dress or casual pants or clean neat jeans and shirts and women are to wear a knee length dress or skirt. No tank-tops or shorts allowed.

Tuition and Fees


Student fees/tuition is subject to change without notice. Changes to fees/tuition that are not listed in this catalog will be posted in the business office and added to the catalog at its next printing.

The spouse of a Preacher can take the same classes/courses as her husband for free.

Account balances must be fifty-percent (50%) paid before mid-term exams and the balance in full must be paid before the final exam can be taken. Satisfactory settlement of all accounts, including library fines, book accounts, must be made before graduation. Some courses require reading a book. Students are responsible for all book purchases.

No Registration Fee

Tuition (Does not apply to supporting churches and Extension Colleges)

A fee of $50.00 per class/course will be charged (The average course is 3 credit hours). Students taking multitude classes/courses will be charged $50.00 per class/course for the first three classes/courses, and all classes/courses above that will be $25.00 each. No person will be denied college admission due to lack of money. We will work with all who desire to learn God’s Word and make it possible for them to attend Bible College. Students who must withdraw before the end of the semester for other than academic reasons are entitled to refunds after the following charges have been applied:

(Applied Charges for each Class/Course)

During the First Two Weeks 20% Charge

During the Third Week 40% Charge

During the Fourth Week 60% Charge

During the Fifth Week 100% Charge

Because material sent by mail and e-mail can be copied and/or easily stored in a computer, there is no refund for any student who has received an entire Extended Study Course by mail or e-mail. The tuition fee is for both study material and credits. The student that receives material is responsible to pay for it.

Late Examination Fee (Applies to all students)

Students taking mid-term or final exams at times other than regular testing times may, with the permission of the Academic Dean or Teacher, take said exam after paying a $10.00 fee for each examination.

Diploma, Degree and Graduation Fee (Applies to all students)

There will be a Diploma, Degree and Graduation fee of $50.00 for all school level programs. This must be paid before graduation. The cap and gown cost will be the current price when ordered from the supplier. In other words, the student purchases the cap and gown at cost. The college makes no money on cap and gown.

Thesis / Dissertation Fee (Applies to all students)

A proposed subject and outline of the thesis or dissertation must be submitted to the College Dean for approval. A fee of $25.00 will be charged at the time of submission of a thesis or dissertation.

Transcript Fee (Applies to all students)

Any student may request a transcript for him/her self or to be sent to another college. A $10.00 fee will be charged for each transcript requested.

Music Fee

Music fees will be determined by the music teaching staff.

Payments, Checks, and Money Orders

If you make a payment by check or Money Order, please make them out to Biblical Study Theological Seminary. Mail all checks to the college address given at the front of this catalog. Never make out a tuition/fee check to any individual or college staff member.

College Expenses and Bills

Funds received through tuition, fees, or other means will be used to pay all college bills and expenses. This will include office supplies, utilities, library expenses, love offerings for special speakers, study material, automobile fuel for professors when needed, computer supplies and programs, and all expenses occurred by the college. The treasurer is responsible to see that all college bills are paid.

Program Requirements

(Accumulated Semester Hours)

Note: All Certificates and Degrees are “Bible” Certificates and Degrees

Sunday School Teacher Program

Preliminary S.S. Teacher’s Certificate (ETA) 6 Prescribed Courses

Advanced S.S. Teacher’s Certificate (ETA) 6 Prescribed Courses

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Institute Level Programs

Certificate of Biblical Studies 33 Semester Hrs. Credit

Advanced Certificate of Biblical Studies 66 Semester Hrs. Credit

Graduate of Theology Diploma (Th.G.) 96 Semester Hrs. Credit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

College and Seminary Programs (All degrees are Bible Degrees)

Associate of Bible 66 Semester Hrs. Credit

Bachelor of Bible 132 Semester Hrs. Credit

Bachelor of Religious Education 132 Semester Hrs. Credit

Bachelor of Theology 132 Semester Hrs. Credit

Master of Divinity 165 Semester Hrs. Credit

Master of Ministries 165 Semester Hrs. Credit

Master of Theology 175 Semester Hrs. Credit

Doctor of Ministries (Bible Degree) 198 Semester Hrs. Credit

Doctor of Theology (Bible Degree) 231 Semester Hrs. Credit

Doctor of Philosophy (Bible Degree) 231 Semester Hrs. Credit

(A Thesis or Dissertation is required for the Master’s and Doctorate Degrees in addition to course requirements.)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Institute Level Programs & Requirements

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Certificate of Biblical Studies

Prerequisite None

General Education 6 Semester Hrs. Credit

Doctrine or Theology 6 Semester Hrs. Credit

Biblical Studies 18 Semester Hrs. Credit

Electives 3 Semester Hrs. Credit

Total for this Program 33 Semester Hrs. Credit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Advanced Certification of Biblical Studies

Prerequisite 9 Semester Hrs. Credit

General Education 6 Semester Hrs. Credit

Doctrine or Theology 6 Semester Hrs. Credit

Biblical Studies 18 Semester Hrs. Credit

Electives 3 Semester Hrs. Credit

Total for this Program 33 Semester Hrs. Credit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Graduate of Theology Certificate

Prerequisite 66 Semester Hrs. Credit

General Education 9 Semester Hrs. Credit

Doctrine or Theology 0 Semester Hrs. Credit

Biblical Studies 6 Semester Hrs. Credit

Electives 15 Semester Hrs. Credit

Total for this Program 30 Semester Hrs. Credit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Undergraduate Degrees & Requirements

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Associate of Bible

Prerequisite High School Diploma

General Education 15 Semester Hrs. Credit

Doctrine or Theology 12 Semester Hrs. Credit

Biblical Studies (Major) 24 Semester Hrs. Credit

Electives 15 Semester Hrs. Credit

Total for this Program 66 Semester Hrs. Credit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Bachelor of Bible

Prerequisite Associate of Bible

General Education 15 Semester Hrs. Credit

Doctrine or Theology 6 Semester Hrs. Credit

Biblical Studies (Major) 24 Semester Hrs. Credit Electives 21 Semester Hrs. Credit

Total for this Program 66 Semester Hrs. Credit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Bachelor of Religious Education

Prerequisite Associate of Bible

General Education 15 Semester Hrs. Credit

Doctrine or Theology 9 Semester Hrs. Credit

Biblical Studies 9 Semester Hrs. Credit

Electives 9 Semester Hrs. Credit

Other (Education Major) 24 Semester Hrs. Credit

Total for this Program 66 Semester Hrs. Credit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Undergraduate Degrees & Requirements


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Bachelor of Theology

Prerequisite Associate of Bible

General Education 15 Semester Hrs. Credit

Doctrine or Theology 24 Semester Hrs. Credit

Biblical Studies 18 Semester Hrs. Credit

Electives 9 Semester Hrs. Credit

Total for this Program 66 Semester Hrs. Credit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Certificates and Degrees

All certificates and degrees issued by the Biblical Study Theological Seminary are “Bible” certificates and degrees. Each succeeding certificate and degree represents a higher level of accomplishment in Bible study and Christian training, and each succeeding certificate or degree represents a greater amount of accumulated hours of study time, dedication, and personal research by the student. Every certificate and degree is an award of recognition for long hours and many years of devoted study of God’s Word and preparation for Christian service.

Graduate Degrees & Requirements

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Master of Theology

Prerequisite B.B, B.R.E., or B. Th.

General Education 3 Semester Hours Credit

Doctrine or Theology (Major) 20 Semester Hours Credit

Biblical Studies 10 Semester Hours Credit

Electives 10 Semester Hours Credit

Thesis 20,000 word thesis totaled

Total for this Program 43 Semester Hours Credit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Master of Ministries

Prerequisite B.B, B.R.E., or B. Th.

General Education 0 Semester Hours Credit

Doctrine or Theology 6 Semester Hours Credit

Biblical Studies 9 Semester Hours Credit

Electives 18 Semester Hours Credit

Thesis 20,000 word thesis totaled

Total for this Program 33 Semester Hours Credit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Master of Divinity

Prerequisite B.B, B.R.E., or B.Th. General Education 6 Semester Hours Credit

Doctrine or Theology 6 Semester Hours Credit

Biblical Studies 9 Semester Hours Credit

Electives 12 Semester Hours Credit

Thesis 20,000 word thesis totaled

Total for this Program 33 Semester Hours Credit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Doctoral Degrees & Requirements

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Doctor of Ministries (Bible Degree)

Prerequisite M. Div., M. Min., or Th. M.

General Education 0 Semester Hours Credit

Doctrine or Theology 6 Semester Hours Credit

Biblical Studies 9 Semester Hours Credit

Electives 18 Semester Hours Credit

Dissertation 40,000 word dissertation

Total for this Program 33 Semester Hours Credit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Doctor of Theology (Bible Degree)

Prerequisite M. Div., M. Min., or Th. M.

General Education 6 Semester Hours Credit

Doctrine or Theology (Major) 24 Semester Hours Credit

Biblical Studies 18 Semester Hours Credit

Electives 18 Semester Hours Credit

Dissertation 40,000 word dissertation

Total for this Program 66 Semester Hours Credit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Doctor of Philosophy (Bible Degree)

Prerequisite M. Div., M. Min., or Th. M.

General Education 6 Semester Hours Credit

Doctrine or Theology 24 Semester Hours Credit

Biblical Studies 18 Semester Hours Credit

Electives 18 Semester Hours Credit

Dissertation 60,000 word dissertation

Total for this Program 66 Semester Hours Credit

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Certificates and Degrees

All certificates and degrees issued by the Biblical Study Theological Seminary are “Bible” certificates and degrees. Each succeeding certificate and degree represents a higher level of accomplishment in Bible study and Christian training, and each succeeding certificate or degree represents a greater amount of accumulated hours of study time, dedication, and personal research by the student. Every certificate and degree is an award of recognition for long hours and many years of devoted study of God’s Word and preparation for Christian service.

Course Descriptions

PS General Bible Studies BI Old Testament Studies BI New Testament Studies

DT Doctrine / Theology GE General Education MS Ministries

CE Christian Education PY Psychology/Counseling ES Extended Studies

All courses and course programs are subject to revision according to the availability and curriculum updating.

General Biblical Studies

(This is a list of some of the courses offered in this field of studies)

PS100 Bibliology I

(The study of the Bible)

PS101 Bibliology II

(The study of the Bible part 2)

PS102 Manners and Customs of the Bible

PS103 Character Studies

PS104 Word Studies

PS105 Cult Religions

PS106 Social Issues in America

PS107 The Life of Moses

PS108 The Life of Joseph

PS109 The Importance of the Cross

PS110 The Parables of Jesus

PS111 The Life of David

PS112 The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

PS113 Bible 101 – Select Bible Themes

PS114 The study of Bible Versions and Modern Translations

PS115 Apostasy

Old Testament Studies

(This is list of some of the courses offered in this field of studies)

BI100 Basic Old Testament Survey

BI101 Genesis 1

This is an in-depth study of Genesis chapters 1 - 11.

BI102 Genesis 2

This is an in-depth study of Genesis chapters 12 – 50.

BI103 Exodus

BI104 Leviticus

BI105 Numbers

BI106 Deuteronomy

BI107 Chronological Studies I

The Chronological Study looks at the books of the Old Testament in the order the events actually occurred. These courses are a series on the chronological study of the Old Testament, which divides the Old Testament into "10" different stages or time periods. These courses are deeper that a general O. T. survey.

Chronological Studies 1 includes the books of Genesis and Job.

BI108 Chronological Studies II –

The Law of Moses (A Chronological Study of the books of Exodus – Deuteronomy)

BI109 Chronological Studies III

The Conquest (A Chronological Study of the book of Joshua)

BI110 Chronological Studies IV

The Days of the Judges (A Chronological Study of the book of Judges)

BI111 Chronological Studies V – The United Kingdom of Israel

The United Kingdom (A Chronological Study of the books of Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, and the Prophets)

BI112 Chronological Studies VI – The Divided Kingdom of Israel

The Divided Kingdom (A Chronological Study of the books of Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, the Prophets, and Lamentations)

BI113 Chronological Studies VII – The Captivity of Israel

The Captivity Period (A Chronological Study of the books of Daniel and Ezekiel)

BI114 Chronological Studies VIII

The Return from Captivity (A Chronological Study of the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi)

BI115 The Book of Ruth

BI116 The Book of Job

BI117 Psalms 1 - Introduction to the Psalms

This study gives the Bible student an introduction to the Psalms and explains the meaning of the superscriptions, classifications, and divisions of the book of Psalms.

BI118 Psalms 2

In this study we will look at the main theme of Psalms 1-41.

BI119 Psalms 3

In this study we will look at the main theme of Psalms 42-72.

BI120 Messianic Psalms

The Messianic Psalms are prophetic in some way of the Messiah. They speak of the life, miracles, death, resurrection, second coming, judgment, and glory of the Messiah. They are Psalms that speak of the person and ministry of Jesus Christ.

BI121 The Book of Proverbs

BI122 The Book of Ecclesiastes

BI123 The Song of Solomon

BI124 Isaiah Part 1

An introduction to the prophet Isaiah and his message

BI124b Isaiah Part 2

An in-depth study and chapter by chapter analysis of the Book of Isaiah

BI125 Jeremiah

BI 126 Lamentations

BI127 Ezekiel

BI128 Daniel

BI129 The Pentateuch

BI130 The Minor Prophets

BI131 The Major Prophets

BI132 The Book of Esther

BI133 The Book of Jonah

BI134 The Book Zechariah

NOTE: Every book of the Old Testament is available for study!

New Testament Studies

(This is a list of some of the courses offered in this field of studies)

BI200 Basic New Testament Survey

BI201 The Life of Christ

BI202 The Gospel of Matthew

BI203 The Gospel of Mark

This study is designed as an intensive study of the book many scholars believe to be the earliest of the New Testament writings.

BI204 The Gospel of Luke

BI205 The Gospel of John

BI206 The Book of Acts

BI207 Romans

BI208 I Corinthians

BI209 II Corinthians

BI210 Galatians

BI211 Ephesians

BI212 Philemon

BI213 Pastoral Epistles

The student will explore the message and the setting of the Pastoral Epistles of Paul.

BI214 Hebrews

BI215 Revelation I

This is an in-depth study of Revelation chapters 1 – 12.

BI216 Revelation II

This is an in-depth study of Revelation chapters 13 – 22.

BI217 N. T. Studies I

This course includes the following books. These lessons go deeper than a general N. T. survey, but are not an in-depth verse by verse study.

The Gospel of Matthew

The Gospel of Mark

The Gospel of Luke

The Gospel of John

BI218 N. T. Studies II

This course includes the following books. These lessons go deeper than a general N. T. survey, but are not an in-depth verse by verse study.

The Book of Acts

The Book of Romans

The Books of 1st and 2nd Corinthians

The Book of Galatians

The Book of Ephesians

BI219 N. T. Studies III

This course includes the following books. These lessons go deeper than a general N. T. survey, but are not an in-depth verse by verse study.

The Book of Philippians

The Book of Colossians

The Books of 1St and 2nd Thessalonians

The Books of 1st and 2nd Timothy

The Book of Titus

The Book of Philemon

BI220 N. T. Studies IV

This course includes the following books. These lessons go deeper than a general N. T. survey, but are not an in-depth verse by verse study.

The Book of Hebrews

The Book of James

The Books of 1st and 2nd Peter

The Books of 1st, 2nd and 3rd John

BI221 N. T. Studies V

This course includes the following books. These lessons go deeper than a general N. T. survey, but are not an in-depth verse by verse study.

The Book of Jude

The Book of Revelation

BI222 – The Epistle of First John

NOTE: Every book of the New Testament is available for study!

Ministries Studies

(This is a list of some of the courses offered in this field of studies)

MS100 Homiletics - A study of sermon preparation and preaching

MS101 Biblical Missions

MS102 Personal Evangelism

MS103 Ministerial Studies I (The life and ministry of the preacher)

MS104 Ministerial Studies II (More on the life and ministry of the preacher)

MS105 Christian Ethics

MS106 Spiritual Leadership

MS107 The Sunday School Teacher Program

MS108 Young Converts Course and Training

Doctrine & Theology Studies

(This is a list of some of the courses offered in this field of studies)

DT 100 Doctrinal Survey

This course will study many major doctrines of the Bible

DT 101 Doctrines I - The doctrine of Theology/Christology

DT 102 Doctrines II - The doctrine of Pneumatology or “The study of the Holy Spirit”

DT 103 Doctrine III - The doctrine of Anthropology or “The study of Man”

DT 104 Spiritual Warfare - The doctrines of Satan, demons, angels, and spiritual warfare

DT 105 Apologetics – The defense of the Christian faith

DT 106 Hermeneutics I - The science of Biblical interpretation and principles of Bible study.

Includes the following:

Introduction to Hermeneutics

The Dispensation Principle

The Covenant Principle

The Ethnic Principle

The Discrimination Principle

DT 107 Hermeneutics II

Includes the following:

More on the introduction to Hermeneutics

The Numerical Principle

The Application Principle

The Gap Principle

The Three-fold Principle

DT108 Discipleship: Following Jesus

DT109 Prophecy I (Eschatology)

DT110 Prophecy II (More studies on Eschatology)

DT111 Hermeneutics III - The Predictive Principle (Prophecy)

DT112 Hermeneutics IV- The Typical Principle (A study of Bible Types)

DT113 The Doctrine of Prayer and Fasting

General Education

(This is a list of some of the courses offered in this field of studies)

GE101 American History – Show’s that America was founded upon the “Christian Faith”

GE102 Church History

Biblical Counseling Studies

(This is a list of some of the courses offered in this field of studies)

PY101 Counseling I - The basic fundamentals of Biblical Counseling

PY102 Counseling II - A continuation of Counseling 101

PY103 Counseling From Proverbs – Teaches the wisdom of Proverbs to deal with everyday issues of life.

PY104 Counseling Social Issues


(All of the above courses are available for extended or home study)

Purpose of the Extended Study Program

The Extended Study Program is for any adult person who desires a fuller knowledge of the Word of God, but due to circumstances is not able to attend campus classes. This program is designed so the student can set his or her own study times and learn the Word of God and earn a degree at home. Correspondence will be done via the internet. The entire study course along with tests and work assignments will be e-mailed so the student can download it into their computer and also print off each course for study. Study courses can be mailed via U. S. Postage for students without internet access. Students will be responsible for all mailing expenses.


Another form of study via the internet will be weekly e-mails of lessons studied in the classroom. This will be called e-College. A student that cannot attend campus can receive the same study notes and tests from each week’s class to study at home. The student will be required to keep up with the class and lessons each week or receive a W (Withdrew). The following is the motto for e-College: “e-College, Where the “e” is for Education and Exhortation”.

All e-College tests must be completed and turned in before the deadline given by the teacher. The student’s grade for any test which is late will be lowered one grade level for each week the test is not returned. After the second week past the deadline and the test is not turned in, the student will receive an F. If a student needs more time to complete a test or work assignment, he or she needs to contact their teacher and the teacher will gladly work with the student. If a student is having difficulty and needs more time, it is the responsibility of the student to communicate with the teacher and let them know their situation. The college will work with the student to help them successfully complete their work and maintain good grades.

Weekly Questions – Each “e-College” lesson will have “2” or “3” questions where the students will be required to return the answers to the Bible College each week. Failure to return will result in a lower grade and possible failure of the class. The following is the grade scale for the weekly questions. The following grade scale is for the Final Grade for the entire course.

Failure to return the answers for 3 weeks within the entire semester – “B”

Failure to return the answers for 4 weeks within the entire semester – “C”

Failure to return the answers for 5 weeks within the entire semester – “F”

Other factors will also determine the Final Grade, such as correct answers, and scores on all the tests given throughout the course.

If a student has a reasonable excuse, which would hinder him or her from studying, such as serious illness or a death in the family, they MUST notify their professor and more time can be allowed. This can be done by sending an email. It’s that simple! Even with a reasonable excuse, ALL questions, tests, and work assignments, must be turned in before or on the due date of the Final Exam before a passing grade can be issued, unless the professor allows a student more study time.

The weekly questions are for accountability which is important and a Bible principle. It is the only means the college has of knowing a student is studying the weekly lessons.

If you sign up for an “e-College” class(s), you are making a commitment for a 16 week program. Faithfulness and accountability are required.

Tuition Cost, Fees, and Payments

The cost of tuition for Extended Study and “e-College” is the same as listed above under “Tuition”. All costs and fees listed in this catalog apply to all Extended Study and e-College students. Payments are to be paid to the college, with all checks and Money Orders made out to Biblical Study Theological Seminary.

Time Allotted to Complete each Extended Study Course

The student is allowed four months to complete each course. The four month time period begins on the date you receive the course. If a student needs more time to complete a course he must contact his professor and more time can be allowed if necessary. Before credit hours can be received, tuition must be paid in full for each course completed. If a student needs more time to pay tuition he must work this out with the college.

Grades and Credits

Each student will be graded by his or her test results, work assignment results, book reports, and how well he keeps his notebook. Each course will contain several tests and work assignments that must be completed and turned in to the college before credits can be received for that course. Credits can only be received when all tests, work assignments, and book reports are turned in, and the student’s notebook has been graded. Student must receive a passing grade to receive credit.


Each student is required to print out all courses received from the college and keep in a three ring binder notebook and must keep the notebook neat and up-to-date. Notebooks apply to both Extended Study and e-College studies. Throughout each course there will be questions to answer and words to look up in a dictionary. These notes must be recorded in your notebook. The college holds the right to grade a student’s notebook at any given time. A part of each student’s final grade will be based upon his or her notebook.

Book Reports and Essays

Book reports must be turned in for all books read and must be typed in 12 point font size. There must be a space between each line for easy reading. 12 point font size and spacing also applies to all essays.

Reading Bible References (Scriptures)

Throughout each Extended Study and e-College courses there is Bible verses listed. The student is required to look up and read all Bible references, even if you think you know the verses by heart. Do not skip one verse. This is a Bible study and all emphasis must be put upon the Word of God. This can only be done on an honor basis, so we trust each student will properly study their lessons. Do not rush through a course. Take time to learn and absorb the Word as you study.

Terms and Conditions

All students who enroll in the Biblical Study Theological Seminary External Study Program and e-College must agree to the cost and payment requirements, and must read and accept the schools Doctrinal Statement.


College Staff

Biblical Study Theological Seminary

President and Founder: CEO - Pastor Clay Pawley

Treasurer: Sandra Pawley

Clerk: Pastor Adam Teal

Advisory Board

Pastor Adam Teal

Pastor Brandon Smith

Preacher Robert “Mike” Mullins

For College Admission: Fill out the Enrollment Form below and return for college admission.

Please know that by signing the Enrollment Form you are stating that you have read the school Doctrinal Statement and you are agreeing to all school doctrines, beliefs, policies, and practices.

The Enrollment Form is below…..

Enrollment Form

(Fill out and return for college admission)

Biblical Study Theological Seminary

Mail enrollment form to:

Dr. Clay Pawley, 633 Clem Lowell Rd., Carrollton, Ga. 30116 Phone: (770) 361-1220

Date_________________ Birthday (MMDDYY)_____________

Student’s Legal Name_______________________________________

Student’s Address:

Home Phone:

Cell Phone:


What church are you a member of?

Do you attend church regularly and faithfully?

Marital Status: Married______ Divorced_______ Single______

Please check one of the following:

I wish to study for a degree________

I wish to study for the education only (no degree) ________

What degree level do you seek? (Associate, Bachelor, Masters, Doctor)

Previous Education Information:

Have you received a High School diploma or GED? _______

On a separate piece of paper write down your previous education information and attach to this form. Please include High School or GED, and College. Please list all schools attended and degrees if any. A High School diploma or GED (or equivalent) is required for graduation from the Biblical Study Theological Seminary and Bible College, but not required for Institute studies.

Life Experience: List your places of Christian service, including pastorate, associate pastor, Sunday school teacher, evangelism, missions, children’s ministries, etc., and the amount of years served. Include titles and positions. Write this on a separate piece of paper and attach to this form. In most cases students can receive some credits for life experience.


I have read the college catalog and understand the cost of tuition and payment requirements and have also read the Doctrinal Statement of the Biblical Study Theological Seminary and agree to all terms, school beliefs, and by-laws. I certify that all information given is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that false information can lead to my dismissal from school.

Student’s Signature____________________________________________

Jesus is LORD at

Biblical Study Theological Seminary!

Our prayer is the Bible College will be a great help and blessing to all who attend.


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