
Home learning grid for school closure (First level) 5 Remember to include Say-Write-Make-Do in as many activities as you can.Writing Reading/Talking and ListeningNumberStories have a beginning, middle and an end. If you can watch all these youtube clips .The first two clips tells you how to write a story. Watch the two versions of The Tortoise and the Hare.Now can you re-write this story with a beginning , middle and end. to write a story Hartmans Tortoise and the Hare Tortoise and the Hare Disney’s Tortoise and the HareRemember to use the check list:Start with capital letterAdd powerful adjectivesConnectives, because, so, alsoJoined up handwriting, neat and does it make sense.Read your favourite books. Choose one to read to an audience. Watch these clips,Can you read with flow and pace and expression like these readers. Bring it to life.Do you know it might be so much fun if someone can record you reading and then you can watch yourself back or post it to a friend or a relative. invisible boy The Bad Seed TroubleRevise your 5 times table this game for adding and subtracting within 100. You can play yourself or with another person the ie, y, i-e, igh pattern. Find words with these. What is the most creative way of learning the pattern? y igh y song this tessellation (tiling) game. See how good you are. fun!Problem to solve!IDL Theme/ProjectWatch the clip and make your own cardboard maze. we were in school just now we would be investigating our local area. Try using this link and have a virtual tour around Duddingston if you can find your house, our school, Tesco garage, Duddingston Kirk and Mountcastle Drive South. Make notes about what you see.Religious & Moral EducationModern LanguagesArt/Music/Drama/PEAt the moment it is the Muslim festival of Ramamdan. Read the story and fact file and see if you can make a mind map of all the facts you have learned.Remind yourself of how we describe the weather in French try these games a new dance from Just Dance on youtube. Send us your videos. It’ll be Strictly at Duddingston!Try Mr Craighead’s exciting music lesson for the week. & WellbeingSciences/TechnologiesWatch and listen to Jamie and have a go at ‘ Peace out,’ cat version. and wonder.Feel free to send some of your work to Mrs Mouat and Ms Mistry. We would love to see what you have been up to. Send to P3b- Anne.Mouat@duddingston.edin.sch.ukP3a- laxmi.mistry@duddingston.edin.sch.ukYou can also follow us on Twitter@P3MrsMouatMsMistry ................

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