Body composition, lung function, blood pressure, and ...

[Pages:261]Body composition, lung function, blood pressure, and muscular strength. A comparative study.

Roham Sadeghimakki A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of London Metropolitan University for the degree of Doctor of

Philosophy August 2019


Statement of Originality

I Roham Sadeghimakki, confirm that the work presented in this thesis is my own. Where information has been derived from other sources, I confirm that this has been indicated in the thesis. Signature...Roham Sadeghimakki............................................................... Date............19/08/2019............................................................................... .



Background: The loss of balance between components of body composition is significantly linked to a wide range of adverse clinical outcomes. Whilst the sharp rise in the rate of adiposity-based chronic diseases has caused substantial health concerns across the globe, sarcopenia has emerged as an important risk factor for increased morbidity and mortality among the aging population. Therefore, assessment of body composition phenotypes using the conceptual model of metabolic capacity and metabolic load enables an insightful evaluation of metabolic homeostasis association with health outcomes. Nevertheless, the evidence on such associations in the adult population is still lacking.

Objectives: To examine the relationship of anthropometric measures with total and segmental adiposity and muscularity; to investigate variations of blood pressure across body composition phenotypes; to explore the interaction effect of fatness and leanness on lung function, and to evaluate bidirectional association of lung function and blood pressure.

Study design and subjects: This project was a cross-sectional study of fifty healthy adults (22 men, 28 women) aged 19-65 years old. Anthropometric, body composition (Tanita MC980 and InBody 720 segmental multifrequency bioelectric impedance analysers, and the BODPOD air displacement plethysmography system), blood pressure (OMRON M7 automated oscillometric monitor), grip strength (Takei 5001 analogue dynamometer) and spirometric (COSMED Quark PFT) measurements were carried out in Nutrition Physiology Laboratory at London Metropolitan University from 2016 to 2018.

Statistical analysis: Moderation analyses of the associations between body composition, blood pressure and lung function were conducted by the PROCESS modelling tool for SPSS

Results: None of the anthropometric measures were exclusively related to muscle mass. Neck circumference (NC) and upper arm circumference (AC) were the strongest and a body shape index (ABSI) was the only negative predictor of total and segmental muscularity in the entire population. Also, waist to height ratio (WHtR), waist circumference (WC), waist to hip ratio (WHR) and body mass index (BMI) were all strong correlates of total, truncal, visceral and upper arm fatness. None of the anthropometric measurements showed moderate or strong correlations with lower limb fatness. Fat mass (FM) to fat-free mass (FFM) ratio was only significantly associated with diastolic pressure (DBP) (=17.6, p ................

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