Earl S

Ming Chen, MD, MSc, FACS Cell: (808) 7538688

1200 Queen Emma St. # 2804

Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Phone & Fax: (808) 5230466

E-mail: mingchen@hawaii.



Date: 2/12/19

Business: Clinical professor, Department of surgery

Division of Ophthalmology

John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96813

Educational History

Master of Science MSc, Master of Science program, Evidence Based Practice (Ophthalmology) , University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, UK,2011

Doctor of Medicine MD, Zhong Shan Medical College, Taiwan, 1973

Research Department of Ophthalmology University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, 1975

Residency Department of surgery, first year General Surgery, Christ Hospital, Oak Lawn, Illinois,1976

Residency Complete four years residency training, Department Surgery, Division of Ophthalmology, Cook County Hospital, Chicago, Illinois 1980

Academic Positions

2015-present Clinical professor, Department of surgery, division of Ophthalmology, University of Hawaii, John A. Burns School of medicine

2010-2015 Clinical associate professor, Department of Surgery, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii

1998-2010 Clinical assistant professors, Department of surgery, University of Hawaii

Professional Positions

1998-present Consultant, Zhong Shan people’s hospital, Zhong Shan, China

2013-present Member of Editorial board, journal of Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology

2013-present Member of Expert board, International journal of Ophthalmology

2010-present Program Chair, Annual Academic Conference of Hawaii Ophthalmological society

2013-2016 July Member of curriculum Committee University of Hawaii, John A Burns school of medicine

Certification of specialty

1982 American Board of Ophthalmology

Teaching, Training, Mentoring

Medical Students:

1998 to present Clinical assistant, associate professor and professor ,Department of Surgery, University of Hawaii, Ophthalmoscope in retina examination, total 40 students.


08/2013 to 2015 Department of Surgery, Division of Ophthalmology, Cook County Hospital, Advance cataract surgery and research

2016 to present Residents of Dr. Justine Karlin, University of Virginia, Dr. Laura Kueny, Georgetown University, Dr. Michael Reinsback, Nassau University

Dr. Harry Ho, Chang Gung University, Taiwan, Dr. Brian Lee, University of Minnesota, Dr. Di Zhou, New York University , Dr. Nathan Wilbanks, University of Virginia, Dr. Rebecca Sieburth, University of Virginia


2010 Ming Chen, Neal Atebara: “update in Ophthalmology” internal medicine Grand round at Queens Hospital

Scholarly/Research & Grant Activities

Scientific Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications (in order by year),as 2018 total 32 papers

2018 Chen M, Kueny L, Schwartz A “The role of corneal hysteresis during the evaluation of patients with normal-tension glaucoma” Clinical Ophthalmology: 2018:12 1–5

2018 Chen M. Drouilhet, J.H. Bilateral Severe Vitritis, an intraocular recurrence of B cell lymphoma: A case report. Int. J. Med. Surg. Sci., 4(4): xxx-xxx, 2017.

2017 Chen M, MIKI M; LIN S; CHOI S, Sodium Fluorescein Staining of the Cornea for the Diagnosis of Dry Eye: A Comparison of Three Eye Solutions, Med Hypothesis Discov Innov Ophthalmol. 2017; 6(4)

2017 Chen M, Wong V, Wilbanks N: A case report of endophthalmitis three days after dental implant, one month after cataract surgery, New Front Ophthalmol, doi: 10.15761/NFO.1000176, Volume 3(5): 1-2

2017 Chen M, Drouilhet J, Karlin J: Case Report Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous Found at the Time of Cataract Surgery in an Adult, EC Ophthalmology, volume 8 Issue 3 November 2017

2017 Chen M, Kueny Laura, Schwartz Arthur” Corneal Hysteresis as a screening tool for normal tension glaucoma” presented at Medstar Research day , Georgetown university by Dr. Kueny 2/2017

2017 Chen M, “Modified sutureless operation for mild blepharoptosis repair” International Journal of Academic Research and reflection, 2017 Vol 5,No2

2017 Lin Hung-Yuan, Chen M, et al “ A comparison of three different corneal marking methods used to determined cyclotorsion in the horizontal meridian, Clinical Ophthalmology,2017:11 311-315

2016 Chen M, Seagrave Z, Chen J, Patrianakos T, Dwarakanathan S. “A pilot study to compare using Verion imaging guided system (Alcon) to manual marking in assisting LRI (Limbal Relaxation Incision) to reduce cylinder power in cataract surgery” International Journal of Open Access Ophthalmology , Nov, 2016

2015 Chen M, Anderson E, Chen J, Patrianakos T, Hill G “ Comparison of cumulative dissipated energy between the Infiniti and Centurion phacoemulsification system” Clinical ophthalmology,9:1367-1372

2015 Chen M,” New Cutting Edge Technology to Manage a Case of Dense Cataract with Keratoconus”

Case Report Ming Chen, Aperito J Ophthalmol 2015: 1:1

2015 Chen M, Swinnery C, Chen L “Comparing the Utility of the Non-Mydriatic Fundus Camera to the Direct Ophthalmoscope in a Medical Education Setting” Hawaii medical journal, Feb, 74(2)

2015 Chen M, Hill J ” Compare Diazepam oral versus Midazolam intravenous injection for sedation in cataract surgery under topical anesthesia” Journal cataract and refractive surgery, Feb

2014 Chen M, Phelps P “A Case Report: Extranodal Marginal Zone Lymphoma of the lower Eyelid”.  International Journal of Ophthalmic Pathology, 2014 3:1 

2014 Chen M, Kara LaMattina, Thomas Patrianakos, Surendar Dwarakanathan, “Complication rate of posterior capsule rupture with vitreous loss during phacoemulsification at a Hawaiian cataract surgical center: a clinical audit. Clinical ophthalmology,   2014:8 Pages 375 – 378

2013 Chen M, “Combine technique used for zonular dehiscence with dislocated cataract” Ocular Surgery News – Surgical Maneuvers, page 5 March 2013

2013 Chen M, “A Review of Femtosecond Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery for Hawai‘I” Hawaii J Med Public Health. 2013; 72(5):152–155.

2013 Chen M,” Use LenSx for a case of dense cataract, previous cornea transplant and high astigmatism” Ocular Surgery News – Surgical Maneuvers

2012 Chen, M “The effect of large capsulorhexis on the stability of refraction post cataract surgery” British Journal of medicine & medical research 2(1): 86-93

2012 Chen M “An evaluation of the accuracy of the Orange (GenII) by comparing it to the IOL Master in the prediction of postoperative refraction” Clinical Ophthalmology, 6: 397-401

2012 Chen M “Laser vision correction for patients with atypical topography of cornea (review) case report in clinical medicine, Dec

2012 Chen M, “Accommodation in Pseudophakic eyes” Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology, 2:117-121

2011 Chen M, “Correlation between Orange (Gen 1, Pseudophakic) intraoperative refraction and 1-week post cataract surgery autorefraction” Clinical ophthalmology 5: 197-199

2011 Chen M, “ Laser vision correction on patients with sick optic nerve- a case repot” Case Report in Ophthalmological Medicine

2010 Chen M, Mindy Lin Chen “comparison of CDE data in phacoemulsification between an open hospital-based ambulatory surgical center and a free-standing ambulatory surgical center” Clinical Ophthalmology 4:1287-1289

2010 Chen M, “A study to compare single piece IOL vs. multifocal IOL in accommodation using cycloplegic autorefraction” Journal of clinical and experimental ophthalmology

2009 Chen M “The review of the change of Britain’s National Health Service for the impending change of the United States” Hawaii medical journal, Oct

2009 Chen M, Mindy Lin Chen “A retrospective randomized study to compare the energy delivered using CDE in different technique and Ozil setting by different surgeons in phacoemulsification” Clinical ophthalmology 2009; 3 1-3

2009 Chen M “a critique of the change in Hawaii Medicaid System” Hawaii Medical Journal 2009, Oct

2009 Chen M, Mindy Lin Chen “a comparison of monofocal intraocular lens (Acrysoft) in mini-monovision (MMV) with premium multifocal implantation of ReSTOR” Clinical Optometry

2009 He T, Chen M et al “Comparison of the corneal astigmatism induced by phacoemulsification: clear temporal corneal incision versus sclera tunnel incision” Journal of ophthalmology

2007 Chen M, Atebara N “A comparison of a monofocal Acrysoft IOL using the “blended monovision” formula with the multifocal Array IOL of glasses independence after cataract surgery” Annual of ophthalmology 39(3)

Invited Scientific Journal Publications

2012 Chen M, “The method of clinical audit and its effectiveness” editorial, journal of clinical and experimental ophthalmology

Other Non-Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

2008 Chen M “6 steps to maximize success with pseudophakic monovision”

Ophthalmology management

2009 Chen M “The future direction of cataract surgery “International Journal of

    Medical & Biology

2012 Chen M, “The Differences in My Phaco Technique with Laser Cataract Surgery”,


Books & Book Chapters

2005 Chen M, Text book “Lens disorders & surgical management” Guangzhou China

World Wide Web: available

2009 Chen M, ORange guided LRI (Limbal Relaxation Incision) in pseudophakic eye.

2009 Chen M, LRI (Limbal Relaxation Incision) and toric IOL with ORange verification

2011 Chen M, The sandwich phacoemulsification- a novel technique for the safety of


2012 Chen M “Using Sandwich phacoemulsification to small pupil cataract”

2012 Chen M“A way to remove thin cortex after LenSx and phacoemulsification”

2012 Chen M “Eye movement and perforated LRI”

2013 Chen M “LenSx, CTR and ECP in the management of a case with dislocated cataract with

Chronic angle closed glaucoma”

2013 Chen M “My first case with SoftFit patient interface for the LenSx laser

2016 Chen M” Surgery on an unusual mature cataract”

2016 Chen M “Chen’s total sutureless ptosis repair”

2016 Chen M” AK and toric adjustment under ORA”


National/International Refereed Conference & Symposium Presentations

2018, Ming Chen, Taiwan ophthalmological Society annual meeting, presentation” Pilot study of FloGraft on severe dry eye disease: Nov. 17-18 2018, Taipei, Taiwan

2018 Ming Chen, 36th congress of ESCRS: Poster” Sodium Fluorescein Staining of the Cornea for the Diagnosis of Dry Eye: A Comparison of Three Eye Solutions, ”Sep 22,2018 Vienna, Austria

2018 Ming Chen, 31 APACRS Chiang Mai, Thailand, paper presentation” Sodium Fluorescein Staining of the Cornea for the Diagnosis of Dry Eye: A Comparison of Three Eye Solutions, “July 19-21, 2018

2017 Ming Chen 2017 ASCRS Scientific Film festival Co-producer” Master of cataract surgery” 5/8/17 LA

2017 Ming Chen 2017 ASCRS symposium presentation “management of a rare Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous (PHPV) in an adult with mature cataract” 5/6/2017, LA

2016 Ming Chen “5th Asia cornea society meeting 2016 Dec 9-11, Seoul, Korea, Using ORA (Opticwave Refractive Analysis, Alcon) to assist in improving astigmatic keratotomy (AK) outcomes during cataract surgery

2016 Ming Chen “A pilot study to compare using Verion imaging guided system (Alcon) to manual marking in assisting LRI (Limbal Relaxation Incision) to reduce cylinder power in cataract surgery. E-poster at ESCRS Athens winter meeting

2014 Ming Chen, Swinney C, Douglas Dworak, Thomas Patrianakos “The Sutureless Fasanella-Servat Operation for Blepharoptosis Repair, American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual meeting

2013 Ming Chen, Geoffrey Hill E-poster “Compare diazepam oral versus midazolam intravenous injection for sedation in cataract surgery under topical anesthesia” E-poster American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual meeting

National/International Invited Conference & Symposium Presentations

2016 Ming Chen “How do I use ORA’ Hong Kong Ophthalmological group, August 2016

2016 Ming Chen “Using ORA and Verion in cataract refractive surgery” 2016 International cataract and refractive surgery forum” Zhengzhou, China August 2016

2016 Ming Chen “C0-existing cataract and retina disease: 31th APAO annual meeting, Taipei, 3-24-2016 Ming Chen” Using ORA and Verion in cataract surgery” innoVISION symposium, 3/23/16, Taipei

2016 Ming Chen “Clinical application of Verion and ORA and outcomes” ORA symposium, 3/25/16, Taipei

2016 Ming Chen” Complications of Femtosecond laser assisted cataract surgery-a video presentation” Symposium on difficult cataract surgery with video presentation 3/27/16, Taipei

2015Ming Chen “Is new Centurion phaco system better than old Infiniti system”, “Impact on patient outcomes with cataract refractive suite” First Canadian national User meeting of Alcon, Toronto, Canada 10/3/15

2014 Ming Chen ‘Cutting Edge technology in cataract refractive surgery” 4th Asia cornea congress, Taipei, Taiwan 12/2015

2013 Ming Chen “Use LenSx for a case of dense cataract, previous cornea transplant and high astigmatism” 54th annual ophthalmological society of Taiwan meeting

2013 Ming Chen “Combine technique used for zonular dehiscence with dislocated cataract” Zhong Shan hospital symposium

2012 Ming Chen “Accommodation in Psudophakic eye’ Annual Taiwan ophthalmological society meeting

2012 Ming Chen “LenSx cataract surgery” Join meeting of international society of cataract refractive surgery, Taiwan

2012 Ming Chen “The application of laser in cataract surgery” 15th congress of optometry, China

2011 Ming Chen “Sandwich phacoemulsification” Taiwan society of cataract refractive surgery

2010 Ming Chen “Correlation between Orange refraction and 1 week post cataract surgery auto-

Refraction “American Academy of ophthalmology annual meeting

2008 Ming Chen ‘Supranuclear phacoemulsification” Taiwan society of cataract refractive surgery

Join meeting with American Academy of ophthalmology

Local Refereed Conference & Symposium Presentations:

2018 Chen M “What I do different this year in cataract surgery” Annual HOS academic meeting, Honolulu

2017 Chen M “Cornea hysteresis in Low tension glaucoma” annual HOS academic meeting, Honolulu

2016 Chen, M “ORA to assist in Astigmatic correction-a control study” SCORH Fall meeting, 10/27/16

2016 Chen, M “An unusual mature cataract surgery – PHPV” 32 annual Hawaii Ophthalmological Society academic meeting,9/10/16 , Ala Moana Hotel

2015 Chen, M “Video presentation of two difficult cataract surgery cases” 31 annual Hawaii Ophthalmological Society academic meeting, 9/12/15, Hawaii Prince Hotel

2015 Chen M, “Modern laser assisted cataract surgery” American college of surgeons Hawaii chapter summer meeting Aug 15 2015, Queens Conference center

2014 Chen M, ‘Cutting Edge technology in cataract refractive surgery” SCORH Fall meeting, Oct

2014 Chen M, Christian Swinney “Comparison of complication rate between LenSx assisted phacoemulsification and traditional phacoemulsification” 2014 annual Hawaii Ophthalmological Society academic meeting, Sep 6, 2014

2014 Chen M, “A Centurion phaco video case report, Management of pseudoexfoliation glaucoma with cataract”, SCORH (Study Club Ophthalmic Research Hawaii) April, meeting

2014 Chen M, Swinney C“A 10 years retrospective study of the safty and efficacy of sutureless

Fasanella- Servat procedure for acquired adult ptosis” SCORH

(Study Club Ophthalmic Research Hawaii) Feb meeting

2013 Ming Chen “A case report: Extranodal Marginal Zone lymphoma of lower lid” annual academic meeting of Hawaii ophthalmological Society

2013 Ming Chen “Compare diazepam to midazolam” SCORH (Study Club Ophthalmic Research Hawaii) July meeting

2013 Ming Chen” Combine technique used for zonular dehiscence with dislocated cataract” SCORH April meeting

2012 Ming Chen “A review of Femtosecond laser assisted cataract surgery for Hawaii” SCORH Nov meeting

2012 Ming Chen “LenSx cataract surgery” SCORH April meeting

2012 Ming Chen, Sam Masket “benefit of pre-operative topical atropine in the management of IFIS secondary to Tamsulosin use” SCORH Jan meeting

2011 Ming Chen “The sandwich phacoemulsification” SCORH Nov meeting

2011 Ming Chen “The accommodation in Psudophakic eyes” Hawaii Ophthalmological Society annual meeting

2010 Ming Chen, Neal Atebara: grand round and update in Ophthalmology” Queens Hospital

Local Invited Conference & Symposium Presentations

2016 Ming Chen” Age related macular degeneration” Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience

2016 Ming Chen “Ophthalmology in geriatric medicine” Kuakini Hospital for Geriatric fellow

2014 Ming Chen “Ophthalmology in geriatric medicine” Kuakini Hospital for Geriatric fellow

2013 Ming Chen “Ophthalmology in geriatric medicine” Kuakini Hospital

Curriculum Development, Implementation, &/or Dissemination

2009-2011 Ming Chen, MSc” Accommodation in Pseudophakic eyes” University of Teesside, UK

Peer Reviewer:

Journal of clinical & experimental Ophthalmology

1) Evaluation of intracameral cefuroxime injection for endophthalmitis prophylaxis following cataract surgery in a China ophthalmology department during 2009-2013

2) Alcohol based hand rub versus traditional hand scrub as surgical hand disinfection in a tertiary eye teaching hospital in Iraq

3) Epidemiology of Trachoma: A report by Sitapur Trachoma Study Group

4) A Rare occurrence of Epithelial Inclusion Iris Cyst Post Phacoemulsification

5) Survey on Bandage Contact Lens Practice in the United Kingdom

6) Lacrimal sac diverticulum presenting as a lower eyelid mass with a secreting fistula

7) Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty in After Penetrating Keratoplasty Patients

8) Use of Malyugin pupil expansion ring in femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery

9) Short-term intraocular pressure changes after intravitreal injection of Bevacizumab in diabetic retinopathy patients

10) Coming national program of epidemiological survey for trachoma in China: Prevalence of trachoma in northern China

11) Unilateral congenital blepharoptosis associated with ipsilateral multiple congenital anomalies in 2 cases


13) Formulation and Evaluation of Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate loaded Nanoparticles for Ophthalmic Delivery

14) The Tarsoconjunctival flap for lower lid reconstruction- Review of literature and case series.

15) Atypical Serpiginous Choroiditis

16) Sulcus suture fixation of a foldable IOL over a preserved capsule for managing lens subluxation in Marfan's syndrome

17) Equatorial loop myopexy in "sagging eye" syndrome: a case report. As editor

18) A case report of neurocysticerosis, as editor

19) Ocular Leishmaniasis presenting as chronic ulcerative blepharoconjunctivitis: as editor

International Journal of Ophthalmology

1) Efficacy observation of intravitreal phacoemulsification to remove dislocated lens

2) The addition of Prostaglandin analogs or Brimonidine to the fixed combination of Dorzolamide/Timolol for the treatment of open angle glaucoma: A 4-year retrospective study in Mexico.

3) A self-made disposable iris retractor in small pupil Phacoemulsification

4) Peripheral refraction following conventional myopic LASIK surgery.

5) A 4-year retrospective study of add-on therapy to the fixed combination of Dorzolamide/timolol for the treatment

6) Comparison of laser iridotomy using short duration 532-nm Nd:YAG laser (PASCAL) vs conventional laser in dark

7) A Survey of Visual Quality after Laser Corneal Refractive Surgery among Active-Duty Military Personnel in China

8) Corneal flap thickness with the Moria M2 single-use head 90 microkeratome in 72 consecutive LASIK

9) "The association of LOXL1 polymorphisms with exfoliation syndrome/glaucoma: A Meta-Analysis"

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences:

"Posterior capsule rupture during phacoemulsification in patients with pseudoexfoliation”

SCIENCEDOMAIN international

“A Comparison of Accommodation Amplitudes of three different acrylic Intraocular Lenses”

Archives of International Surgery

"Outcome of Surgery in a Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery Training in Calabar, Nigeria”

Editor, Guest Editor, Consultant, Visiting Professor

2014 Aperito Journal of ophthalmology

2013 Journal of clinical & experimental Ophthalmology

2013 Expert board: International journal of Ophthalmology

Research/Scholarly Work Groups, Journal Clubs

2003- Present member and contributor of Study Club Ophthalmic Research Hawaii (SCORH)

2017- Sub-investigator with Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience for BACE-inhibitor for Alzheimer’s dementia (The daybreak study) Eli Lilly Co.


University Services

2013-2016 Member of curriculum committee, University of Hawaii School of medicine

Community Services



2005-2006 President Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Hawaii

2006-2007 President United Chinese Society of Hawaii

Leadership, Professional Growth, & National/International Recognition/Prominence

Awards & Honors

2007-2015: America’s Top Ophthalmologist by Consumer’s research council of America

2011&2015: Leading physician of the world& Top Ophthalmologist in Honolulu by the

International association of ophthalmology

2011: Best of Honolulu Ophthalmologist by US commerce Association

2013: Grant Charity Ceremony recipient by TVS China

2013: Award honorary citizen of Zhong Shan City by Zhong Shan city government, China

Professional Training &/or Certification, including Research Ethics Training


Membership in Professional Associations

1980-2015 Member of Hawaii Ophthalmological Society

1984-2015 Member of American academy of Ophthalmology

1984-2015 Member of American College of Surgeons

Professional Interests

Teaching and researching in ophthalmology

Professional References

Dr. John Drouilhlet, Dr. Byron Wong, Dr. James Lai

Personal Statement/Endeavor

• To apply clinical experience to research and teaching in ophthalmology. Chairman of the annual academic meeting of the Hawaii ophthalmological society for four years. Publishing peer reviewed articles under the title of department of surgery, division of ophthalmology, JABSOM, UH. Volunteer in the curriculum committee of JABSOM

• Persistent and continuous effort to educate next general physician and surgeon

• Invited speaker and presenter of American Academy of ophthalmological annual meeting. Invited speaker of Taiwan ophthalmological society annual meeting. Invited speaker of Taiwan cataract and refractive surgery society meeting. Medical mission and education in Vietnam, Philippine and China for the past twenty years.

• 2007&2012: America’s Top Ophthalmologist by Consumer’s research council of America

• 2011&2012: Leading physician of the world& Top Ophthalmologist in Honolulu by the international association of ophthalmology

• 2011: Best of Honolulu Ophthalmologist by US commerce Association

• 2013: Grant Charity Ceremony recipient by TVS China

• 2013: Award honorary citizen of Zhong Shan City by Zhong Shan city government, China


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