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Local Network Event RecognitionPurpose:To recognize Networks who have provided exceptional value to their membership though effective programming that positively affects the member’s business performance. Effective programming is defined as timely, issue driven, member income generating topics.Selection Process:States are responsible for developing a process, using the Event Reporting Form criteria, to select events for submission to National. States can submit events to JThomas@ in the following order:Events held 1/1/2019 through 6/30/2019 must be submitted on or before August 31, 2019. Events held 7/1/2019 through 12/31/2019 must be submitted on or before February 28, 2020. Recognition:Network Events receive recognition on the national level - featured on the Council Website, News You Can Use newsletter and in General Session at the National Meetings. The National Line Officers will select the best works must submit events on the official Council Event Form and email as attachment. Handwritten forms will not be accepted. Based on the size of the State, State Networks are encouraged to submit the following number of events for consideration, two (2) times per year (Governors may submit forms when there is no State Network): State Network CategorySuper Mega State (25 or more Networks) - up to 10 events twice a yearMega State (11 - 24 Networks) - up to 7 events twice a yearLarge State (5 - 10 Networks) - up to 5 events twice a yearSmall State (1 - 4 Networks) - up to 3 events twice a yearNetwork Member Events and ServicesConduct a minimum of 6 mission-focused events annually as follows:A minimum of 4 industry events: All industry events must provide content that is timely, issue focused and member income-generatingOne of the four industry events must be focused on development of business leadership skillsOne of the four industry events must be conducted collaboratively with other local networks, with the local REALTOR? association, or with a related real estate organizationConduct a minimum of 2 events focused on member networking/relationship building that could also include professional development content; examples include:Smaller events, such as mastermind groups, lunch and learns, topical roundtables, working events and Members-only eventsSocial events that facilitate relationship buildingEvent Reporting FormThis form serves as the application for local Networks to report their events to the State and National level. This form must be complete before sending to National. Hand written forms will not be accepted.189547578105 00 Local Network:189547510096500Contact Name: 189547515303500Contact Number: 91440197790001.) Event title:123826203835Was this a collaborative event? Was this a business leadership development event?00Was this a collaborative event? Was this a business leadership development event?2.) Event description: 102298564135003.) Date held:302895058420004.) (A) Number of REALTOR? members in attendance:30289505334000 (B) Number of non-member REALTORS? in attendance: 42291005778500 (C) Number of new REALTOR? members that joined as result of this event:422910059056 00 229743056515 00 324612059055 00 66865515811500 (D) Total attendance at this event was: This met or exceeded the average event attendance.5.) Location: 6.) Event layout (roundtable discussion, panel, speaker, etc.): 12192076835004411980177165007.) Women’s Council prides itself on providing exceptional value to its members through effective programming. Please rate relevancy of this event to your business. (Submit average evaluation score) 8.) Speaker name and brief bio: 18097542545009.) Tell us how this event was a timely, issue driven, member income generating topic.1828801651000 ................

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