The News

The [pic] News | |

|From New Song Fellowship UMC |

| |november 22, 2013 |

|Welcome to the New Song Fellowship News. This e-newsletter is brought to you by New Song Fellowship UMC. To skip ahead to a section, hold the CTRL button and click |

|on its label in the contents section. |

|Contents |

|Winning Into Freedom |

|Angel Tree Tags Available Sunday |

|Holiday Happenings |

|Photos are Ready-Here's How to Order |

|Preparing for Advent |

|In Our Prayers |

|Ongoing at New Song |

|Volunteer Central |

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|winning into freedom |

|If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed —John 8:36 |

|If there is even a trace of individual self-satisfaction left in us, it always says, “I can’t surrender,” or “I can’t be free.” But the spiritual part of our being |

|never says “I can’t”; it simply soaks up everything around it. Our spirit hungers for more and more. It is the way we are built. We are designed with a great |

|capacity for God, but sin, our own individuality, and wrong thinking keep us from getting to Him. God delivers us from sin— we have to deliver ourselves from our |

|individuality. This means offering our natural life to God and sacrificing it to Him, so He may transform it into spiritual life through our obedience. |

|God pays no attention to our natural individuality in the development of our spiritual life. His plan runs right through our natural life. We must see to it that we|

|aid and assist God, and not stand against Him by saying, “I can’t do that.” God will not discipline us; we must discipline ourselves. God will not bring our |

|“arguments . . . and every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5)— we have to do it. Don’t say, “Oh, Lord, I suffer from wandering |

|thoughts.” Don’t suffer from wandering thoughts. Stop listening to the tyranny of your individual natural life and win freedom into the spiritual life. |

|“If the Son makes you free . . . .” Do not substitute Savior for Son in this passage. The Savior has set us free from sin, but this is the freedom that comes from |

|being set free from myself by the Son. It is what Paul meant in Galatians 2:20  when he said, “I have been crucified with Christ . . . .” His individuality had been|

|broken and his spirit had been united with his Lord; not just merged into Him, but made one with Him. “. . . you shall be free indeed”— free to the very core of |

|your being; free from the inside to the outside. We tend to rely on our own energy, instead of being energized by the power that comes from identification with |

|Jesus. |

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|Angel tree tags available sunday |

|We are coming upon the special time of year, the Christmas season of love and giving, just as God gave mankind his son Jesus Christ. Please celebrate this joyous |

|occasion with New Song, by taking a tag and buying a gift for a child in need. This week, the tags will be on the Welcome Desk but thereafter on the Christmas |

|tree. |

|To have the gifts to each child in time for Christmas, please place new, unwrapped gifts under the tree by Sunday, December 8th. |

|This year each tag is attached to a copy of the tag. Please remove the copy, write your name, email and phone number on the copy, and leave at the Welcome Desk. |

|Keep the entire original tag to return with your gift(s). If your gifts are separate, please include a photocopy of the tag with each gift. |

|holiday happenings |

|We invite you and your family to join us this Sunday, November 24, following the second service, as we enjoy pizza and decorate our sanctuary for the Christmas |

|Advent season. |

|Middle & High School Youth: instead of having separate meetings this week, Dave encourages you to join in the decorating. Youth will not meet next Sunday |

|(December 1), since it’sThanksgiving weekend. |

|photos are ready-here’s how to order |

|Once you’ve had your directory photo taken, here’s how to order prints: |

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|Go to ;  |

|Click on “Clients” (located to left of search box); |

|Click on New Song logo; |

|Enter login information as follows: |

|Name:  (Enter your first and last name) |

|Email:  (Enter your email address listed on directory information sheet) |

|Password:  NSFDirect13 (case sensitive) |

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|Please note that when you open the gallery, you will see all the pictures taken of the congregation. Once you find the photo you wish to order, simply click on the|

|photo, and your ordering options and prices will appear to the right of your photo. Also, your final prints will not include the New Song logo that appears in the |

|gallery version. |

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|Illustrated instructions are available at the Welcome Desk. If you have any questions, please contact Celia VanMeerten at 219-688-5132 or |

|Celia.VanMeerten@ or Kate Murray at 219-242-1659 or info@. |

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|Preparing for advent |

|Sunday, December 1, marks the first Sunday in Advent. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior, please note the following: |

|Free copies of Advent: A Calendar of Devotions 2013 are available at the Welcome Desk and sound booth counter; please take one. |

|Please plan to spend Christmas Eve with New Song. Our kid-friendly Christmas Eve service begins at 5:30 p.m., and concludes with cookies, punch, egg nog, and |

|coffee. |

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|in our prayers… |

|This week we pray for Lucas Attinger who underwent surgery Tuesday. Please continue to pray for Christopher Peacock and Jim Engle. |

|Ongoing at New Song |

|Please remember the following ongoing activities happening at New Song. If you haven’t attended before, please join us. |

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|Communion Sunday—First Sunday of every month at both services |

|Wednesday Morning Men’s Bible Study—Wednesday mornings at New Song at 6:30 |

|Pizza Sunday—Last Sunday of every month following second service (this week) |

|Food Pantry item for November: Thanksgiving meal items (for the Food Pantry this time): instant mashed potatoes & stuffing; canned corn, green beans, carrots, |

|yams/sweet potatoes & cranberries; corn bread & brownie mixes; boxed Jell-O; salt & pepper; & roasting pans |

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|Caring Designs Needs for November: Toilet paper |

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|volunteer Central |

|If you currently volunteer to help with various ministries at New Song, or if you’d like to volunteer, check out this section of The New Song News. |

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|Soundboard |

|Media |

|Greeters |

|Hospitality/Coffee |

|KidsJAM |

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|11/24 |

|Wade Breitzke |

|Bill Kaminski |

|9- The Harshes & Daniel Cirillo |

|10:30- The Csonkas & Carol Goss |

|9-The Ashers |

|10:30- The Helmbrechts |

|Mike Fisher & Jamie Clendenin |

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|12/1 |

|Seth Norwalk |

|Nathan Nichols |

|9- The Sheltons & Daniel Cirillo |

|10:30- The McClains & Jackie Baumgartner |

|9-The Thomases |

|10:30- The DiMaios |

|Shondra Engibous & Kate Murray |

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|Help wanted: Greeters, Hospitality, Meal ministry. Please contact the office to find out more. |

|If you have any questions about New Song or the articles contained in this newsletter, please contact Tammy Scheibel (office manager) or Kurt at 219-707-5369 or |

|office@. Our office hours are: Monday (by appointment), Tuesday-Friday 9-2. Visit our website at . |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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