CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITYMONTEREY BAYVeeva TrainingCAPSTONE ReportSubmitted in partial satisfaction of requirements of the degree ofMASTER OF SCIENCE inInstructional Science and TechnologyJanice RichardsonNovember 29, 2016Capstone Approvals: (At least one advisor and capstone instructor should approve)___________________________ ___________________________ _____________Advisor Name Signature Date ___________________________ ___________________________ _____________Capstone Instructor Name Signature Date Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PAGEREF _Toc468228516 \h 4INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc468228517 \h 4Background PAGEREF _Toc468228518 \h 4Problem Description PAGEREF _Toc468228519 \h 6Target Audience PAGEREF _Toc468228520 \h 7Environmental Scan / Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc468228521 \h 7SOLUTION DESCRIPTION PAGEREF _Toc468228522 \h 8Goals of the project PAGEREF _Toc468228523 \h 8Solution PAGEREF _Toc468228524 \h 9Learning theories and instructional principles PAGEREF _Toc468228525 \h 10Media Components PAGEREF _Toc468228526 \h 11Challenges PAGEREF _Toc468228527 \h 11METHOD PAGEREF _Toc468228528 \h 12Design PAGEREF _Toc468228529 \h 12Deliverables PAGEREF _Toc468228530 \h 13RESOURCES PAGEREF _Toc468228531 \h 14Hardware and Software PAGEREF _Toc468228532 \h 14Technical Skills PAGEREF _Toc468228533 \h 15TIMELINE PAGEREF _Toc468228534 \h 15EVALUATION PAGEREF _Toc468228535 \h 16Formative Evaluation PAGEREF _Toc468228536 \h 16Summative Evaluation PAGEREF _Toc468228537 \h 18Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc468228538 \h 20References PAGEREF _Toc468228539 \h 21Appendix A PAGEREF _Toc468228540 \h 22Appendix B PAGEREF _Toc468228541 \h 23Appendix C PAGEREF _Toc468228542 \h 25Appendix D PAGEREF _Toc468228543 \h 27EXECUTIVE SUMMARYVeeva is a customer relationship management system that every Sales Specialist in Depomed is required to use to record and track their interactions and communication with the customers. As part of the New Hire training curriculum, all new Sales Specialists are mandated to complete the Veeva training in the first phase of the New Hire training curriculum, the Home Study program, before moving on to the next phases of the training. This is to ensure the new Sales Specialists will understand how to use the application to manage their dealings with the customers. Additionally, it will ensure the reps are using Veeva properly so that we are in compliance with federal regulatory agencies.The current Veeva training is delivered once every other week to new hires by the Veeva System Specialist via webinars. Due to the rigid webinar schedules, if a new Sales Specialist missed a webinar, he or she would need to wait for the next scheduled webinar two weeks later to attend the training. Therefore, he /she would not be able to complete the Home Study training on time. The bottom line is the longer it takes a new hire to start in the field, the more it will cost the company. It has been recommended to develop an eLearning to allow the new hires the flexibility to complete the training anywhere and at any time without having to wait for a scheduled webinar. This is to reduce the possibility of delaying the Home Study completion, to ensure consistency in the learning content, and at the same time enabling the Veeva System Specialist time for other projects. The eLearning will also serve as a refresher for some seasoned sales professionals who would like to have a refresher course on Veeva.Part one of the Veeva eLearning consists of four modules and it covers the features in Veeva Modern. The estimated duration to complete Part one of the training is about an hour long. Part two of the eLearning will cover the features in Veeva Production. Part two of the eLearning will be completed sometime in the near future. INTRODUCTIONBackground Depomed is a pharmaceutical company with its headquarters located in northern California. The company has about 500 pharmaceutical sales representatives across the country. The Commercial Learning and Development (CL&D) team is responsible for providing training to all field employees. The field employees are pharmaceutical sales specialists, district managers, and national sales directors. The CL&D is chartered to deliver training on Leadership Development, New District Manager Training, Advanced Management Training, and New Hire Training (NHT). One of the most frequently held training is the New Hire Training program. The New Hire Training curriculum consists of the following:Home Study Program (HS) –10 to 15 days longField Rides with Mentors –1 to 4 weeks longNew Hire Classroom Training – 10 days onsite formal trainingThe Home Study Program (HS) is the first step in the new hire curriculum and it starts on the new hire’s first date of employment. Depending on the new sales specialist’s product specialization, he / she is assigned a list of sixty to ninety online training modules. The new Specialist is expected to complete the online modules and pass all the assessments within a specified period of time. The Home Study completion time frame ranges from ten to fifteen days from the date of hire depending on his/her product specialty. The new Sales Specialist is required to complete every training and pass every assessment before he can move on to the next phase of the New Hire Training curriculum.Another reason for completing the Home Study program is that it will give the new Sales Specialist the official “Field Start Date”. The official Field Start Date will allow him or her to start working in the Field and start receiving incentive compensation (I/C). The official I/C date is an important date for all of the Sales Specialists and their districts – not only to receive sales bonus but also to satisfy the annual sales quotas for the district. Therefore, the Specialist’s progress on the Home Study training is closely monitored by management. Immediately after the completion of the Home Study Program, the new Specialist is qualified to go on field rides with their assigned training mentors. Every new Specialist is assigned to a Field Trainer or Mentor who will work hand-in-hand with him on making sales calls and visits to the doctors and prescribers. The third part of the New Hire Training is a ten-day rigorous formal classroom training. The new Sales Specialist is not officially certified on his / her product specialty until he completes the third part of the New Hire Training. Once the Sales Representative completes the classroom training, passes all the oral and written assessments, he/she is consider a ‘certified’ Sales Specialist for that particular product line. The new Sales Specialist will then be officially certified and be the “CEO” of his or her own territory.Problem Description As stated earlier, all new Specialists are required to complete the Home Study program in a specified number of days from the date of hire before they are eligible to go in the Field, start receiving incentive compensation, and moving forward to the next steps in the training curriculum. As one of the requirements, every new Sales Representative is required to attend the Veeva training and pass the Veeva assessment by the Home Study completion date. Veeva is a customer relationship management (CRM) application that all field personnel are required to use to track and manage their communication and interactions with the accounts. Additionally, Veeva is used to record drug samples, lot and item numbers, that were given to the prescribers in case we need to back track the items in a later date. Currently, Veeva training is delivered via webinars once every other week by the Veeva Systems Specialist. There is no self-paced training for Veeva. The problem with the current delivery method is that the webinar schedule is rigid, training content delivered is somewhat inconsistent, and is time consuming for the SMEs to conduct the training. The eLearning will provide the flexibility which will allow the new hires to complete the training anytime, anywhere, and repeat as often as he/she needs to. With the scheduled webinars, if a new Specialist missed the webinar, he or she would need to wait for two more weeks to attend the next scheduled webinar, and therefore it often caused delays for them to complete the Home Study training on time.On an average, the company hires approximately 100 to 150 new sales representatives annually. The number of new hires is based on employee turn-over and territory expansion. If the Home Study completion is delayed by a day or two, it may cost the company as much as $300,000 annually in revenues, therefore, it is utterly important that the new hires start selling as soon as possible after completing the Home Study training.Having a Veeva eLearning will ensure delivering consistent training to all the users and will allow the new hires the flexibility to take the training anywhere, at any time, and repeat as often as needed. Additionally, many of the seasoned Sales Specialist are not utilizing Veeva effectively. With the new eLearning, it will allow the seasoned reps the option to refresh their Veeva skills.Target AudienceThe intended audience for the online Veeva training is the new pharmaceutical Sales Specialists. The new Sales Specialists are between the ages of thirty and fifty. All are college graduates with various degrees, and some with advanced degrees. The new Specialists are required to have a minimum of five years of industry experience; most of them have between ten to fifteen years of pharmaceutical sales experience. The Specialists are comfortable using computers and mobile technologies to get what they need to accomplish the tasks, but many of them are uncomfortable stepping out of their “comfort zones” for more advanced technologies. In fact, many of them are afraid to try new gadgets or new applications because “they don’t want to break it”, as stated by a Veeva Support Specialist. The majority of them are new to using Veeva but a few have experience with some other CRM applications.The Sales Specialists are located and scattered throughout the country and will be taking the training independently. They all work remote from their own homes. They do not have much interactions with their own team members except at their regular virtual team meetings and quarterly offsite gatherings. Environmental Scan / Literature ReviewCRM is an acronym for Customer Relationship Management. CRM are practices companies use to manage and analyze customer interactions and relationships with their customers and throughout the customer lifecycle. The goals of the CRM are to track, record, store and retrieve pertinent customer information to increase sales and profit for the company. The more the company knows about the customers and their profiles, the better the company and its sales representatives can manage the relationships with them.The four main vendors of CRM applications are , SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft. One of the main goals for CRM software is to consolidate customer information into a single place so that companies and sales reps can access and manage the information easily. Some of the main functions of a CRM is to record various customer interactions – such as email, phone calls, visits, social media and other features. CRM automates workflow processes such as tasks, calendars, and approval processes. Some companies are taking advantage of the increase of social media usage. They use various tools that monitor social conversations, customer feedback on products and services. They analyze and address feedback to resolve issues and improve services. Companies try to integrate social CRM data with other customer data in order to get a single view of the customer.Mobile CRM for smartphones and tablets are becoming a must-have items for the on-the-go sales professionals to access instant data at their fingertips from anywhere and at any time. The information is critical to the lifeblood in sales in order for companies to stay competitive.Veeva is a CRM runs on . The application contains both CRM social and CRM mobile. Our company subscribes to customer profiles/data from a third party company called SHA, Symphony Health Association. Veeva offers many features and some of them are not being used at this time by our company, such as the email and phone call features. There are future plans for our company to start using more features to enable the reps to better manage their relationships with the customers.SOLUTION DESCRIPTIONGoals of the projectThe goal of this project was to develop a Veeva eLearning to replace the current bi-weekly webinars delivered by a Veeva System Specialist. The eLearning modules offer new hires the flexibility to complete the training at anytime, anywhere, and not have to wait for a rigid scheduled webinar every other week. All new Sales Specialists are required to satisfy the Veeva training on-time as specified in the new hire Home Study program, in order for them to move forward to the next steps in the new hire training curriculum.The Veeva eLearning will reduce the possibility of delaying the Home Study completion for new hires, to ensure consistent learning content delivered, and to relieve the Veeva System Specialist time for other projects. The eLearning will also serve as a refresher for some seasoned sales professionals who may need a review of the application. By the end of the Veeva training, learner will be able to:Explain what Veeva is and why it is needed Describe what Veeva versions we use Identify what important detailed account information is in Veeva ModernDescribe the three tiers of prescribersExplain what Call Plan Targets are Identify what Validated and Non-Validated Prescribers areRecord calls/visits/samplesUse My ScheduleExplain other Veeva featuresPart Two of Veeva training will be provided in the near future to cover the features on Veeva Production.Solution The Veeva online modules will replace the current Veeva bi-weekly webinars. Part One of the eLearning consists of the following modules:Module 1Introduction Home ScreenModule 2 My AccountsModule 3Record a callModule 4My ScheduleOther Veeva featuresThe eLearning has been created using Adobe Captivate. Each module consists of screen captures and Captivate slides describing the features of the application. Knowledge checks have been included in each of the sections. A software simulation has been included in module 3, Record A Call, enabling user to practice and reinforce the steps. Throughout the training, authentic and real examples have been used to create real work situations that the student can relate to. Additionally, a male and female computerized voices were used as narrators to create some variation in machine voices. Learning theories and instructional principlesThe Veeva eLearning was designed based on adult learning principles. According to Knowles’ learning theories, andragogy is very different from pedagogy. Adult learners are independent, self-directed, goal-oriented, prefer less structure, have pre-set motivations, expect relevant, and useful practical instructions (Palis, 2014). Online training may not always be a best option in some situation, but based on Knowles’ adult learning assumptions, eLearning is a good option for our intended audience.The Veeva eLearning was designed based on Knowles’s adult learning principles:Need to know. Adults need to know why they need to learn something before undertaking to learn it and why it is important for them to learn the topic (Chen, 2014) Completing the Veeva training and passing the Veeva assessment are part of the requirements in the Homes Study program. New hire also needs to know what benefits he/she will gain from using Veeva and how it will help him/her to manage the relationships with his customers.Experience. Adult learners have a large pool of knowledge. When planning instructions, we need to keep in mind that the sales representatives come to us with a variety of background and accumulated experience. They have different needs, interests, motivations, and goals. As designers, we need to find ways to tap into this pool of experience and interest, and design training content to help these learners associate the new learning to their accumulated experience (Dernova, 2015). When applicable, live examples and real work problems were used in the training to engage the learner and retain knowledge. Knowledge checks and software simulation have been included in the modules to further reinforce learning and enable active participation.Self-directed. Based on Knowles self-directed assumption, self-paced training would be an appropriate instruction delivery method to close the training gap since adult learners are independent and take ownership of their own training. The online training would allow the Reps the flexibility to control when, where, how fast, or how often they would do the training. This delivery method would give them the opportunity to be in control of their own training.Readiness to learn. One of the major differences between pedagogy and andragogy is that adult learners signed-up to learn. In a way they are much more committed, they are willing and ready to learn (Knowles, 1973). Due to their internal motivation for various reasons, such as job advancement, life changes, they have decided to take on the learning. The Sales Specialists are motivated because they are ready to acquire what is necessary to get them out in the field, start selling, and be successful. The Reps are ready and willing to learn, and to complete the training. Orientation to learn. Based on Knowles’s learning theories, adult learnings focus on tasks rather than on subject. Experiential learning is the most effective learning for adults. Learning should be relevant to their job and examples used should associate with their experience (Knowles, 1973). Therefore, work related examples and case scenarios have been used throughout the training.Motivation to learn. According to Knowles’s assumption, adult learners are more intrinsic learners. They look for self-satisfaction, enjoyment, freedom of choice, and have control of what they want to learn. Adult learners are also extrinsic learners. The Sales Specialists enjoy the external gratifications they get – incentive compensations, rewards and recognitions. Media ComponentsThe eLearning was created using Captivate to describe the features of the application and to capture the procedural steps on creating events. Since Captivate could not play computerized voices at the same time when capturing video, Audacity and Camtasia were used to record and playback the audio while capturing Captivate videos. SnagIt was used to capture and Go-To-Meeting was used to link the two computers together since Captivate and Veeva were installed on different computers. The eLearning is SCORM compatible and has been uploaded to Moodle. Survey Monkey was used to create and deliver the questionnaire for the formative evaluations.ChallengesThere were a few challenges with this project. 1. Learning the application. The designer was new to Veeva. Time was limited but learning Veeva was not an option. Time was set aside to attend the training and regular meetings were scheduled with the SME’s to learn and understand how/why Veeva was used in the Field. 2. Tools. The learning modules were created using Captivate. Camtasia, Audacity, and Snagit were used to assist with the design and development. One challenge was that Veeva and the authoring/editing tools were not installed on the same computer, therefore, the only way to capture videos and screen images was to use Go-To-Meeting to link the two computers together. The workaround worked well, however, the quality of the videos and images could be better. 3. Technology. Captivate provides many features, however, it does not allow using text-to-speech and capturing video at the same time. The workaround was to create the text-to-speech slides first, then uploaded them to the recorded video slides later. The speed of the text-to-speech voices had to be edited to match the timing of the videos otherwise the audios and videos would be out of sync. 4. Testers/Evaluators. Although numerous evaluators were recruited but only a few were able to complete the evaluations due to the long holiday between the completion and due date of the project.5. Time. Time for the Capstone project was limited and it was a challenge to complete the project on time and with high quality.METHODDesign Captivate was used to create the slides and videos explaining and showing how to use Veeva. Two avatars were used throughout the training as narrators and one avatar was used in case scenarios. To create variation in computerized voices, a male and a female voices were used throughout the training.Each module began with the narrators reviewing what was learned in the previous module, explaining the objectives of the current module, and ending with a summary of the learning objectives. Knowledge checks with two to four questions were included at the end of each module to reinforce the learning content. The knowledge checks included mostly multiple choices. Feedback explanations were provided to all correct and incorrect answers. A software simulation was included in the Record A Call module to provide practice how to create a call.The color scheme was selected to match the Veeva colors and the company logo colors. Solid and image backgrounds were used throughout the training. The Captivate control bar was used to allow the user the capability to move back and forward, and table of content was used in all the modules.DeliverablesThe learning modules were created using Captivate. Camtasia, Audacity, and Snagit were used to assist with the design and development. The eLearning consists of the following modules: PART I: Veeva ModernModule 1 (Duration: ~10 minutes)WelcomeLearning objectivesIntroduction Knowledge ChecksHome ScreenSummaryKnowledge ChecksEnd slideModule 2 (Duration: ~15 minutes)WelcomeReview module 1Learning objectives 3 tiers of prescribersCase scenarioMy Accounts overviewCase scenarioSummaryKnowledge ChecksEnd slideModule 3 (Duration ~20 minutes)WelcomeReview module 2Learning objectives Record a call method 1Record a call method 2Case scenarioSummaryKnowledge ChecksSoftware simulationEnd slideModule 4 (Duration: ~10 minutes)WelcomeReview modules 2 & 3Learning objectives My ScheduleCase scenarioOther Veeva featuresSummaryKnowledge checksEnd slidePART II: Veeva Online (near future):This part will be developed in the near future to cover the features in Veeva Online.RESOURCESHardware and SoftwareThere was some hardware and software constraint while developing the eLearning. All the required tools, Captivate, Camtasia, Audacity, and SnagIt were on one computer and the Veeva application was on another computer. In order to capture images and record Veeva videos, Go-To-Meeting was used to link the applications together. It worked fine as expected, however, the quality of the images and videos were not as high in quality as one would like, but it was acceptable.Technical SkillsThe designer had to learn how to use Veeva but more importantly, understand why it was being used by the company’s sales force. Understand why use Veeva helped to create live examples and real problems in the training. Learning the advanced features of Captivate was somewhat a challenge and time consuming. The plan from the beginning was to use machine voice since using human voice was not the best option due some technical issues. However, it was later discovered that using machine voice was more challenging and more time consuming since Captivate does not have the capability to play audio and record video at the same time. The final product is SCORM compatible and it has been uploaded to a CSUMB Moodle site. TIMELINEMilestoneStart DateDue DateCommentsDetermine framework and scope07/01/201608/01/2016DoneCreate Capstone Proposal08/13/201609/05/2016DoneDesign/Development1. Design Module 1 09/7/201610/07/2016Done Develop Module 1-prototype10/07/201610/25/2016Done Present prototype to SME10/26/201610/28/2016Done2. Design Modules 2-310/18/201611/06/2016Done Develop Modules 2-310/28/201611/13/2016Done3. Design Modules 411/11/201611/15/2016Done Develop Modules 411/15/201611/21/2016DoneEvaluations1. Formative 11/21/201611/26/2016Done2. Summative 11/26/201611/29/2016DoneFinal Project Final Capstone Report11/29/201611/29/2016Done Final Capstone Project12/10/201612/13/2016In progressEVALUATIONFormative Evaluation Six users were recruited for the formative evaluation however, only five completed the evaluations. There were no new Sales Specialists available for the evaluation. All five testers were Home Office employees with good understanding of the pharmaceutical business but with limited knowledge how to use Veeva, like many of our new Reps.Instructions were sent to the evaluators stating that they need to complete the testing in this order: 1. Pre-test, 2. Online training, 3. Posttest, and 4. Usability survey. They were encouraged to take notes on any issues while going through the training so that they can provide feedback and recommendations in the usability survey. The entire process took participants about 90 minutes to complete. The Captivate training modules were published and uploaded to and the links to the three modules were given to the evaluators. Survey Monkey was used to create and deliver the survey questionnaire (see Appendix A). The intended formative evaluation was to obtain feedback on navigation, instructions, look and feel of the modules. Based on a 5-point scale with 5 being the highest, the overall average rating received was 4.6.Below are the suggested comments from the evaluators. Many of the suggestions have been incorporated and corrected in the modules, a few are in progress, and several of them will need further evaluation for possible future enhancement. Below are some suggestions for improvement:Formative EvaluationFeedback ActionNotes1Use a list of items rather than replacing/writing over the itemsDoneThe pop-up text are now lined-up below each other 2Consider splitting My Accounts Details into a couple partsDoneThere are now 4 instead of 3 modules.3Module 3 has no end buttonDoneAdded the End button to the slide.4Brian disappeared too early on slide 1DoneAdjusted the timing on slide 15Long pause at the end of the slide before knowledge check 1DoneShorten the timing on the slide before Knowledge Check 16A few typosDoneCorrected typos7Need more colorful graphicsDoneAdded a few more graphics8Bigger graphics or wordingIn processNeed further evaluation9Paused too long after answering a questionIn processWill need to look into if it’s possible to shorten the wait time between QA slides.10I wish they spoke a little slowerIn processModified a few slides to include more pauses in between words/sentences11Didn’t care for the female voiceFuture enhancementJulie is one of the better voices but it is still a machine voice12Audio sounds a bit computerized and unnaturalFuture enhancementWill consider using human voice in the future since machine voice is robotic13Use more diverse cast of charactersFuture enhancementNeed to change characters14Change gesturesFuture enhancementNeed additional characters/poses15Slides can be jazzed up with more vibrant colorsFuture enhancementNeed further evaluation16Need Back/Forward, Status BarFuture enhancementNeed to reduce the screen size so users can see the Captivate control bar without having to scroll downBelow are some positive feedback from the evaluators:Positive comments1.Simulation was good2.Good hands-on practice3.Instructions were clear4.Used many visuals5.Good visuals6.Considering computer voices, the two used were alright7.Liked the subtitles8.Liked the use of examples9.Overall lesson was very helpful10.Good tool to learn Veeva Modern11Liked the 2 voices (male and female)12Loved the colors; warm and cheerful13 Nice upbeat music to begin and end the modulesOverall Usability evaluation rating: 4.6(based on a 5-point scale)Summative EvaluationA pretest consist of six questions (see Appendix B) was sent to the participants in advance prior to taking the training. The pretest was to establish a baseline on what they already know about Veeva. Based on the scores from the pretest, most of all the participants had limited knowledge on the application.A posttest consist of 11 questions (see Appendix C) was sent to the participants after they have completed the online training. The posttest was to evaluate the effectiveness of the training. Table A below shows the pretest and posttest scores for the five participants. As shown, all five evaluators had limited Veeva knowledge. The pretest has a mean score of 20% and the posttest has a mean of 91%. Since the pretest and posttest were given to the same participants, paired two sample was used to calculate the analysis. Based on the statistical analysis below, t-Stat of 12.65 is greater than t-Critical of 2.13. The analysis indicates that there is statistical significance and therefore we can conclude that the learning was effective.Table ANo.Pretest (%)Posttest (%)1331002179131782433915091t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means?Variable 1Variable 2Mean2091Variance18940.5Observations55Pearson Correlation0.4114756Hypothesized Mean Difference0df4t Stat-12.65036545P(T<=t) one-tail0.000112417t Critical one-tail2.131846786P(T<=t) two-tail0.000224833t Critical two-tail2.776445105?Conclusion Based on the feedback from the formative evaluations, the feedback overall was positive and the users liked the design, the look and feel of the training. As for the summative evaluation, it is evident that learners have gained and have increased their Veeva knowledge from their training. All the participants have increased the posttest scores with an average of 71% more than the pretest scores. We can conclude that there was a statistically significant improvement and the learners have learned from the training. As for the usability of the training, some recommendation are still in progress, and a few will require further evaluation for possible future enhancement to the modules. This eLearning covers only part one of the two parts training on Veeva. Part two of the eLearning will cover the features on Veeva Production. It has been decided to wait until both part one and part two of the training are completed before rolling out the entirety to the users. We hope some of the challenges in this project will be resolved when part two of the project begins in January next year. The company is considering of providing the necessary software and tools to complete the second part of the project. If all goes well, our team will start taking on more course design and development projects. ReferencesTop 6 Trends in customer Releationships Management (CRM). (2012). Retrieved April 13, 2012, from Techopidia: . Customer Relationship Management – CRM. (n.d.). Retrieved from , M. (1973). The adult learner: a neglected species. Gulf Publishing Company. Retrieved from , M. (2015). Experiential learning theory as one of the foundations of adult learning practice worldwide. Comparative Professional Pedagogy, 5(2), 52-57. BIBLIOGRAPHY Chen, J. C. (2014). Teaching nontraditional adult students: adult learning theories in practice. Teaching In Higher Education, 19(4), 406-418. doi:10.1080/13562517.2013.860101.Perrin,?A. (2000). The fit between adult learner preferences and the theories of malcolm knowles. n.p.: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. Patterson,?T. (1998). Corporate education and training for adult learners: a comparative study of two corporate university models. n.p.: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.Piskurich, G. (2015). Rapid Instructional Design. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Merriam, S. (2001). The New Update on Adult Learning Theory. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.Wickett, R. (2005). Adult learning theories and theological education. Journal Of Adult Theological Education, 2(2), 153-161. doi:10.1558/jate.2005.2.2.153Appendix APlease rate 1 to 5; low to highWas the instruction clear enough to follow? The lesson layout and design are appealing.The graphics and video are informative. The narration audio adds to the learning experience.Did you experience any frustration while learning with the module? Please write What did you like about the instruction? What did you dislike about the instruction? Any suggestions for improvement?The overall lesson was a good learning experience how to use Veeva Modern.Appendix BPretestVeeva is a:Payroll applicationFinance applicationCustomer relationship management systemOur Company is currently using Veeva:Veeva ModernVeeva ProductionVeeva OnlineAll of the aboveWhat are the 3 tiers of prescribers in Veeva?Eligible, Non-Eligible, High-Volume PrescribersNurse Practitioners, Physicians, DentistsCall Plan Targets, Validated, Non-Validated PrescribersWhat type of prescribers have call goals?ValidatedNon-ValidatedCall Plan TargetsCall Plan Targets must have?NPI#SHA IDBoth NPI and SHA IDA valid call must contain:Contain a product discussion with a validate prescriberMust be submitted in VeevaBoth a & bNone of the aboveAppendix CPosttestWhich version of Veeva does Depomed use?Veeva ModernVeeva All the aboveWhich is the most important tier of prescribers?Validated prescribersNon-validated prescribersCall Plan TargetsWhat type of prescribers have assigned call goals that sales reps need to meet?Validated prescribersNon-validated prescribersCall Plan TargetsWhat is the definition of a call; a call that you will get sales credit?A call that has been submitted and sync to Veeva ProductionA call that has been recorded in Veeva ModernA call made to a valid prescriber, included a product discussion, and submitted to Veeva Production.What is the purpose of having an SHA ID?To ensure the license is validTo track sales and prescription dataTo ensure you can sample the accountWhere would you need to enter vacation time off?Veeva OnlineVeeva ModeraBoth Veeva Online and Veeva ModernVeeva and the Payroll systemCan you view the same documents in both Veeva Production and Veeva Modern?YesNoCan you accept your full Field Coaching Reports in Veeva Modern?YesNoWhat color is a saved call in My Schedule?BlueGreenOrangeRedHow will you know a Health Care Provider is not a valid to receive samples?The Sample status is greenThe Sample status has a red circleThe Sample status has a red XHow often do you need to sync with Veeva Production?WeeklyDailyMonthlyAppendix DWelcome PageLearning ObjectivesIntroduction PageVeeva Login PageVeeva Modern Home ScreenMy Accounts Overview ScreenMy Accounts Detail ScreenVeeva Production Home ScreenKnowledge CheckSummary SlideEnd Slide ................

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