|Pech Homework |


| |No School |1/21/14 | | | |

|English 1 | |WISE |More Verb Review! |Verb Review Game |Test on verbs |

| | |Homework: Verb Review due Wednesay |Worked on Introduction to wssay |Check off Hero Intro | |

| | | |Homework: finish introduction as |Work time on body paragraph 1 | |

| | | |needed |Started creating Science Fair | |

| | | | |Speech | |

| | | | |Homework: Study for Test | |

|English 2 | |Helping Verb practice |Journal Entry |Verb Review and Game |Visit from Father Gary |

| | |Verb Type Review |Verb Type review as a group |Work on Hero essay brainstorm | |

| | |Hero Verb essay analysis and prep |Started hero brainstorm for essay |Homework: add examples onto | |

| | |Homework: review helping verb song |Homework: decide on and define hero |brainstorms; do research if needed | |

| | | |qualities for essay—write on | | |

| | | |brainstorm | | |

|Social Studies 1 | |India Review |n/a |Finished basic beliefs |Visit from Father Gary |

|(Wilder) | |Hinduism beliefs | |Caste System ski | |

| | |Homework: pg. 150-155#1ab2a3ac due | |Caste System in India—intro and | |

| | |Thursday | |impact | |

| | | | |Homework: Caste System handout | |

| | | | |(Friday) | |

|Social Studies 2 (Pech) | |India Review |Finished basic beliefs |N/A |Review of Hinduism |

| | |Intro to Hinduism beliefs |Skit | |Homework: none |

| | |Homework: pg. 150-155#1ab2a3ac due |Caste System in India—intro and impact| | |

| | |Wednesday |Homework: Caste System handout | | |

| | | |(Friday) | | |

|Science 1 | |Outdoor School and parent letter |Reviewed planetary motion terms |Finish typing and collating Science|Work time in computer lab on Science |

| | |Homework: Goldilocks effect reading|Habitable Zone Demonstration and |Report for feedback from Ms. Pech |Fair |

| | |questions |discussion |Started printing sections for |Homework: Begin work on Poster Board |

| | | |Went over Goldilocks Effect homework |Science Fair Board | |

| | | |Homework; D89-D91 #1-5 reading review |Corrected and review homework | |

| | | |questions |Reviewed Habitable zone | |

| | | | |Intro to seasons | |

| | | | |Homework: Work on mini poster | |

|Science 2 | |“Goldilocks” Principal | What causes the seasons? Intro |Finish typing and collating Science|Work time in computer lab on Science |

| | |Habitable Zone and atmosphere |Season and movement of the earth |Report for feedback from Ms. Pech |Fair |

| | |demonstration |demonstration and notes |Started printing sections for |Homework: Begin work on Poster Board |

| | |Exit post it note to review |Work time on mini poster for Science |Science Fair Board | |

| | |Work time on Mini Science Fair |Fair | | |

| | |Poster |Homework: D89-D91 #1-5 | | |

| | |Homework; none | | | |

| |Computers- creating and printing |PE class | Power of Words—video and discussion |Art class |PE |

|Skills |science fair graphs |Library | |SPANISH |Music |

| | | | |Adoration | |

SS2/Sci2-PECH homeroom

SS1/Sci 1-Wilder homeroom

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