
DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, BPKIHS, DHARAN-2020Assignment: 7Class: 3 Subject: Social Studies Month:Topic: Lesson-5 /6 Name: Date:Section-A 1. Choose the correct answer: (5 x 1 mark = 5 marks) a) Makar Sanksanti is also called LohriDashainDeepawalib) Republic Day is celebrated on4th January 26 January12 January c) Indians celebrate independent day on August 17August 18August 15e) Gandhi Jayanthi is celebrated on October 2October 12October 14d) Navaratri is a festival dedicated to Goddess SaraswratiShiva Durga2. Fill in the blanks: (5 x 1 mark = 5 marks) a) _____________ is a Indian epic that narrates the story of Kauravas and Pandavas. b) _____________ celebrated the birth of lord Ganesha.c) Makar Sankararti is also celebrated as _____________ in Panjabi.d) India celebrated republic day on ______________ every year. e) ______________ and _______________ are two festivals celebrated by Christians.3. True or False: (5 x 1 mark = 5 marks) a) Festivals celebrated by all people beonging to the same nature are called national festivals.b) Harvest festivals are usually celebrated in the month of December.c) Makar Sankranti is celebrated to mark the victory of lord Krishna over the demon Narkasura.d) Gaiba in a dance for that is performed in Gujarat during Durga Pooja. e) Ramayana is an epic that narrates the life history of the Buddha.4. Match the following: (5 x 1 mark = 5 marks) a) Mahabharat Fastingb) Diwali Kitesc) RamadanCarotesd) ChristmasCrackerse) Makar SankrantiKrishna5. Answer the following: (5x 2 marks = 10 marks)a) What is Diwali?Ans.__________________________________________________________________________________________________.b) What are harvest festivals?Ans.__________________________________________________________________________________________________.c) Write a short note on Ramayana.Ans.__________________________________________________________________________________________________.d) What are Religious festivals?Ans.__________________________________________________________________________________________________.e) What are National festivals?Ans.__________________________________________________________________________________________________.Section-C 6. Answer the following: (4 x 3 marks= 12 marks)a) Write a brief note on how people celebrate Eid-ul-fitr.Ans.__________________________________________________________________________________________________.b) Name and describe a few festivals celebrated across the world that are similar to Indian festivals.Ans.__________________________________________________________________________________________________.c) What are the moral values you learn from Indian epics?Ans.__________________________________________________________________________________________________.d) Define festivals. Also mention different type of festivals. Ans.__________________________________________________________________________________________________.7. Answer the following: (2 x 4 marks = 8 marks)a) Define Maker Sankranti in year our words. Ans.__________________________________________________________________________________________________.b) How do you celebrated Diwali? Explain.Ans.__________________________________________________________________________________________________. ................

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