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RFP 19-105 HCM-Payroll ModernizationAttachment Q - Definition and Abbreviations of TermsIV & VIndependent Verification and ValidationACAAffordable Care ActAlchemyDocument Repository for Agency access of GEAC-related reportsAOS Auditor of StateAP63Payroll form completed by the Agency to request change in GEACAS47Non PS Deduction FormATCAlcohol & Tobacco CommissionATGAttorney General's OfficeAward RecommendationIDOA’s summary to the agency being supported, typically in letter format, of the solicitation and suggestion on vendor selection for the purposes of beginning contract negotiations.BMVBureau of Motor VehiclesBMVCBureau of Motor Vehicles CommissionBOAHBoard of Animal HealthBUBusiness UnitCAFRComprehensive Annual Financial ReportCHECommission of Higher EducationCJICriminal Justice InstituteCODYTime Solution utilized by DNR OfficersCommon FileLabor Distribution informationContract AwardThe acceptance of IDOA’s Award Recommendation by the agency being supported in conjunction with the public posting of the Award Recommendation.DCSDepartment of Child ServicesDFIDepartment of Financial InstitutionsDHSDepartment of Homeland SecurityDNRDepartment of Natural ResourcesDOCDepartment of CorrectionDOEDeduction or Other EarningDOEDepartment of EducationDOIDepartment of InsuranceDOLDepartment of LaborDORDepartment of RevenueDWDDepartment of Workforce DevelopmentEMPLIDPeopleSoft Employee IDERMEmployer Reporting MaintenanceFSSAFamily and Social Services AdministrationFull Time Equivalent (FTE)The State defines FTE as a measurement of an employee's productivity when executing the scope of work in this RFP for a specific project or contract. An FTE of 1 would mean that there is one worker fully engaged on a project. If there are two employees each spending 1/2 of their working time on a project that would also equal 1 FTEGCPDGovernor's Planning Council for People w/ DisabilitiesGEACIN Payroll Solution – An INFOR productGEAC Master FileInterface to IOT & INDOT - Provides pay-related data and accruals that are loaded into the PeopleSoft 9.1 payroll tables; also feeds data to ESSGMISGovernment Management Information ServicesGSHAREShare Drive for GEAC-related informationGOVGovernor's OfficeHRCIN Horse Racing CommissionIACIndiana Administrative CodeIARAIN Archives and Records AdminIBTRIN Board of Tax ReviewICIndiana CodeICRCIN Civil Rights CommissionIDEMIN Department of Environmental ManagementIDOAIN Department of AdministrationIEDCIN Economic Development CorporationIGCIN Gaming CommissionImplementationThe successful implementation of HCM-Payroll Modernization services at the Indiana Government Center as specified in the contract resulting from this RFPINHEIN Commission on Higher EducationINSBIN School for the BlindINSCIN Supreme CourtINSDIN School for the DeafINSMIN State MuseumINPRSIN Public Retirement SystemINDOTIN Department of TransportationInstallationThe delivery and physical setup of products or services requested in this RFPINTAXDOR program to file state taxIOTIN Office of TechnologyISDHIN State Department of HealthISLIN State LibraryISPIN State PoliceITPIN Transparency PortalIURCIN Utility Regulatory CommissionIVHIN Veterans HomeJTACJudicial Technology & Automation CommissionJWFJWF Specialty - Long-Term Disability and Worker's Comp VendorLGLieutenant GovernorLSALegislative Services AgencyMPHManagement Performance HubOEAOffice of Environmental AdjudicationOIGIN Office of Inspector GeneralOther Governmental BodyAn agency, a board, a branch, a bureau, a commission, a council, a department, an institution, an office, or another establishment of any of the following: The judicial branch The legislative branch A political subdivision (includes towns, cities, local governments, etc.)A state educational institutionOUCCOffice of Utility Consumer CounselorPAGEPAGE Process utilized for time capture from 3.5 agencies who do not utilize PeopleSoft Time & Labor - Agencies include: DNR Officers, Court of Appeals, Prosecuting Attorneys, and Legislative ServicesPay FakeInitial GEAC payroll processing for errors and editsPCNPosition Control NumberPDCPublic Defenders CouncilPERFPublic Employees Retirement Fund - Administered by INPRSPersons of Interest (POI's)Individuals paid by State of IndianaPIDPension IDPIMAGEFile provided from GEAC to GMIS – used to create check stub in PeopleSoftPLAProfessional Licensing AgencyPPAFPersonnel Payroll Action FormProductsTangible goods or manufactured items as specified in this RFPProposalAn offer as defined in IC 5-22-2-17PUMPeopleSoft Update ManagerRespondentAn offeror as defined in IC 5-22-2-18. The State will not consider a proposal responsive if two or more offerors submit a joint or combined proposal. One entity or individual must be clearly identified as the respondent who will be ultimately responsible for performance of the contractSBAState Budget AgencySBOAState Board of AccountServicesWork to be performed as specified in this RFPSGBSeparate Governing BodySOIState of IndianaSOPStandard Operating ProceduresSPDState Personnel DepartmentSOC CodeCode defining job description for DWDSOSSecretary of StateState AgencyAs defined in IC 4-13-1, “state agency” means an authority, board, branch, commission, committee, department, division, or other instrumentality of the executive, including the administrative, department of state governmentTM700Converts old school GEAC funds to PeopleSoft FundsTOSTreasurer of StateTotal Bid AmountThe amount that the respondent proposes on Attachment D that represents their total, all-inclusive price.TRC CodeTime Reporting CodeVendorAny successful respondent selected as a result of the procurement process to deliver the products or services requested by this RFPVSCValuable Scope Contribution – A business function that supports the scope of this solicitationWCBWorker's Compensation BoardWRSPWhite River State Park – Quasi – Not paid through Payroll ................

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