RFP 9-27

RFP 19-034



Please supply all requested information in the yellow-shaded areas and indicate any attachments that have been included. Document all attachments and which section and question they pertain to.

Is this technical proposal for Option A or B?

2.4.1 Work Plan

The work plan must describe in detail the specific methods, tasks and activities proposed to be undertaken. Any anticipated theoretical or practical problems associated with the completion of the project must be discussed. Solutions, alternatives, or contingency plans related to these problems may also be proposed, where appropriate. Additionally, the work plan must include task initiation and completion schedules and respondent’s proposed staff assignments.

2. Test Development, Administration and Reporting - Bidders must provide a timeline and details regarding the development of all exams the bidder proposes to develop and have ready for administration on September 1, 2021, and timelines and details regarding the development of new tests that may be approved and required in the future. - Bidders must describe how they will ensure that scientifically–based research will be used to validate all examinations developed, including field testing, content and bias review and job analysis survey data. - Bidders’ proposals must include a description of the following:

1) Item types (e.g., selected-response, constructed-response) to be included on each exam, along with the processes and procedures, including timelines, for evaluating and replacing existing items with new items.

2) Plan for content and bias reviews, including the specific data to be collected and the procedures for addressing questions identified as biased. - Bidders must be able to provide examinations via computer, on paper, and in braille, when needed for special testing arrangements to accommodate candidates with learning or physical disabilities. Bidders should describe their testing accommodation plans and proposed decision-making processes. These proposed procedures should include required documents, the responsibility or role of the educator preparation programs, the criteria for decision-making and the estimated time required to respond to each request. Final decisions will be made after review and consultation with IDOE. - Bidders must describe how tests will be administered online/on demand at test sites that provide test takers with reasonable geographic access in Indiana and across the U.S by providing multiple testing sites in Indiana and a minimum of one testing site in each of the other states. Bidders must provide a detailed explanation of all types of software and platforms required of testing sites in Indiana, including any costs or other minimum requirements of host testing sites. The required process to become a host site must be clearly articulated, along with bidder contact information. Method(s) to ensure score compatibility across sites and over time, along with all statistical procedures and formulas used to equate or adjust scores, should be included. - Bidders must describe how they will maintain the security of the test instruments and all related test-secure documents, including but not limited to test specifications, answer keys, and scoring materials. - Bidders must describe how they will be responsible, subject to the approval of the IDOE, for the design of the assessment administration procedures, data collection format, score reporting format, data analysis, and reporting system. This includes the tabulation and reporting of the results of each examination to the candidate no more than 10 business days following the examination date and subsequent reporting of examination results to the candidate’s teacher preparation program and to the IDOE. - Bidders must provide detailed descriptions of how the exams will be scored. The proposal should describe the proposed measurement/analysis model(s) to be used and their rationale(s). Data privacy issues should also be addressed. - Bidders must propose, subject to approval by IDOE, an appeals procedure for examinees who do not agree with the results of the exams. - Bidders must assure the IDOE that for all tests, they will develop and make available study guides, assessment blueprints and links to content standards with alignment mapped, low-cost practice tests, preparation webinars, videos, interactive tutorials, and other appropriate support materials to assist candidates in preparing for and taking the exams. Study guides must contain, at a minimum, preparation tips, the standards to be assessed, and sample test items. Sample screen-shots should also be included. - Bidders must include detailed information about the testing process from the perspective of a test taker. The beginning to end steps must be clearly evident and explained in order for others to “experience” what is like for those taking the test. Screen-shots should be included, along with a description of the testing process (e.g., minimum number of questions required, ability to go back and change an answer, registration process, etc.). A test administration manual or a sample of the instructions given to candidates should also be included. - Bidders must describe how they will provide detailed performance analysis information explained in non-technical language on score reports of unsuccessful candidates in order to assist those candidates to understand their strengths and weaknesses and how to prepare for a retest. - Bidders must specify the fees that will be charged to candidates for each exam and any separate costs for related preparation materials or services. The proposed test fees must be at a reasonable cost to candidates. All fees to be charged to examinees must be approved by the IDOE. - For Option A, bidders must provide a proposed schedule and plan for test program A for prioritizing the review of standards and tests, and for updating tests as they age and as Indiana student standards, Indiana educator standards and SPA and other specialty area standards are revised, or as other appropriate indicators may warrant. For Option B, bidders must provide a proposed schedule and plan for prioritizing the review of SPA and other specialty area standards and tests, and for updating tests as they age and as SPA and other specialty area standards are revised.

3. Account Management and Reports - The account management section must include individual resumes for the personnel who are to be assigned to the project if the respondent is awarded the contract. Bidders must indicate the role or assignment that each individual is to have in this project and the percent of time each staff member will devote to the project. IDOE must be notified and must approve any changes to staff assignments after the contract award and for the duration of the contract period. - Bidders must provide IDOE with a technical report summarizing all processes related to examination registration, administration, scoring and reporting. This report is to be updated annually as changes are made to the testing program and does not have to be made public. - Bidders must include a detailed description of the method proposed to be used to upload test results directly into IDOE’s licensing system. - Bidders must describe the test performance data they will provide to the IDOE and the Indiana Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) to assist them in modifying and aligning their preparation programs to Indiana’s educator standards and SPA standards as necessary. Bidders must ensure that the data listed below is gathered and provided to the IDOE in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the programs. These data include, but are not limited to, the following:

1) Data gathered by EPP

2) Trend data

3) Data by ethnicity and gender

4) Data by program type completed (traditional, alternative)

5) Data gathered by reason for testing (initial instructional license, adding new instructional content area, initial administration or school services license) - Bidders must work with Indiana EPPs and IDOE to provide any data needed to comply with Title 2 federal reporting and IC 20-28-3-1 state reporting at no additional cost to the state or EPPs. - Bidders must assure IDOE that data provided on test performance by EPP program completers will be sufficiently detailed to drive continuous improvement, alignment, and high quality in curriculum and instruction in the EPPs. To this end, testing data must be provided to each EPP annually for each test utilized by its candidates. Data must include overall pass rates and data on candidate performance – for individuals and in the aggregate –by standard and by test. Bidders must develop a secure test performance data system whereby the EPPs can access and download their candidates’ performance data, and the IDOE can access and download candidates’ performance data, in a variety of ways that facilitate and promote in depth analysis. The data access system must be a secure online platform. Bidders must be able to provide platform training and assistance when requested by program representatives or others approved to have access to the system. - Periodic activity reports must be submitted to the IDOE. An annual report will be required regarding the fees collected and the costs of providing the services required. Additional progress reports describing testing program activities must be submitted by the contractor every six months in narrative form, including copies of all documents developed during that six-month period. These reports must be submitted electronically to IDOE. An annual technical report that documents all activities conducted by the contractor for the testing program in the previous year must also be submitted. Bidders’ proposals must contain a general outline of the proposed content of the annual report with attention given to all aspects of test development, administration and reporting. Additional ad-hoc reports may be requested by IDOE during the term of the contract (e.g., reliability reports by subgroup). IDOE reserves the right to determine the exact contents of any report and the method of submission (paper or electronic). Where appropriate, bidders are encouraged to propose effective, cost-efficient alternatives for the activities specified in this RFP. - Bidders must assure the IDOE that they have the capability and will respond to requests for special reports related to any aspect of the testing program (e.g. candidate performance by EPP, content area, pedagogy level, demographics, trends, etc.).

2.4.4 Corporate Capability

The respondent must clearly document the existence of adequate facilities (or procedures for obtaining those facilities) and competent personnel to successfully conduct the tasks called for in this RFP within all specified timelines. Corporate competence may be substantiated by providing credible evidence of past capability.

In addition, bidders must provide evidence of the following:

1. - Past experience developing and administering licensure examinations

2. - Past experience developing and administering other assessments

3. - Major program problems for contracts within the last five years and their resolution

4. - Describe how your organization’s communications or public relations unit will assist the agency with positive messaging and public relations support for the testing program.


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