

1) Give one synonym for “PEACEFUL”

2) Turn the following sentence into the passive voice.

Visitors find peace and joy at the monastery.

3) Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make changes if necessary.

Lindsay is the eldest child. She has to look after the other children.

4) Fill in the gap with a correct preposition.

My friend insisted __________ paying the bill.

5) Give a question for the underlined words.

This dictionary cost fifty dollars ten years ago.

6) Turn the following sentence into reported speech.

The director said: “We are very privileged to have nursed her.”

7) Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make changes if necessary.

She lived for a long time. She had a whisky everyday.

8) Put the following words in the correct order to make a meaningful sentence.

people / homes / old / in / live / nursing

9) Give a question for the underlined words.

She is said to be 115 years old.

10) Complete the following sentence:

If Eva had lived six more days…

11) Give one noun with the same root as BRIGHT (adjective) and one noun with the same root as REPORT (verb).

12)Turn the following sentences into reported speech.

The UFO enthusiast explained: “I’ve never known anything like it.”

The butcher exclaimed: “You can’t get these pies anywhere else in the universe!”

13) Fill in the gap with a correct preposition.

The Martians climbed ___________ the UFO, closed the door, and flew away.

14) Give a question for the underlined words.

People have been seeing strange objects in the sky for centuries.

15) Give a noun with the same root as THINK (verb) and a noun with the same root as BEHAVE (verb).

16) Complete the series with another word of the same semantic group:


17)Turn the following sentence into the active voice.

Children are easily influenced by violent games.

18) Complete the following sentences:

If films were less violent…

Drinking is dangerous for you when…

19) Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make changes if necessary.

He was reading a book. Its characters were zombies.

20) Give a verb with the same root as CONNECTION (noun).

21)Turn the following sentence into reported speech:

Prince Hank said: “I have been considering leaving Germany next year”

22)Turn the following sentence into the passive voice:

We would receive him with open arms.

23) Fill in the gap with a correct adjective:

The patient is too __________ to leave the hospital.

24) Give a question for the underlined words.

Sally went to this school last year.

25) Complete the following sentence:

Mary would look for a place to live in London if…

26) Give an adjective with the same root as HEALTH (noun)

27) Which word does not have the same meaning?


28) Find in the text a word meaning: (0.25 points)

“a danger, something that may have a bad result” (noun)

29) Give one opposite for PUBLIC (adjective).

30) Turn the following sentence into the passive voice:

The international community is not paying enough attention to this issue.

31) Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make changes if necessary:

Domestic violence is a global problem. It must receive more attention from the community.

32). Fill in the gap with a correct preposition:

My cousin is very good _____________ golf but he practises many other sports.

33) Use the words in the boxes to make a meaningful sentence:


34) Give an adjective with the same root as EXCITEMENT(noun).

35) Give one opposite for INCREASE (verb)

36) Turn the following sentence into reported speech:

“He has drunk too much tonight”, Peter said.

37) Turn the following sentence into the active voice:

Tea has been made by his mother.

38) Use the words in the box to make a meaningful sentence.


39) Complete the following sentence:

If he had not drunk so much...

40) Fill in the gap with a correct preposition:

All my family was brought_____ in England.

41) Give an adjective with the same root as CHILD (noun)

42) Join the following sentences using a relative pronoun. Make changes if necessary.

Johnny Depp is starring in Finding Neverland. His portrait of Captain Sparrow is superb.

43) Turn the following sentence into reported speech:

Michael asked her: “Where did you find these trainers?

44) Complete the following sentence:

If Harry were allowed to use magic at home . . .

45) Give a noun with the same root as LOUD (adjective).

46) Turn the following sentence into the passive voice.

You can’t hear anything on a helicopter.

47) Turn the following sentence into reported speech:

Michael wondered: “Why do I do this every day?”

48) Complete the following sentence:

If I had known the truth about Larry . . .

49) Turn the following sentences into reported speech........................................................

“Buy me the paper if you’re going out”, Alice asked her brother.

50) Turn the following sentence into the passive voice:...........................................................................

Many people consider the yellow press dishonest.

51) Join the following sentences using a relative. Make changes if necessary. ...................................

Clark Kent worked for a newspaper. The newspaper was called ‘The Daily Planet’.

52) Give a question for the underlined words: .....................................

The yellow press specializes in scandal and gossip.

53) Complete the series with another word of the same semantic group:


54) Find in the text one opposite for CARELESSLY (adverb)

55) Give an adjective with the same root as HISTORY (noun)

56) Fill in the gap with the correct form of the verb in brackets:

While I (drive)___________ down the road, I came across a big cow.

57) Complete the following conditional sentence:

If all those foreign families hadn’t arrived at Aguaviva, …

58) Turn the following sentence into the passive voice:

You can’t expect my little sister to behave responsibly. .

59) Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make changes if


He has been attending Italian lessons. His family moved to Rome five years ago.

60) Give a noun with the same root as WARN (verb)

61) Give one opposite for LARGE (adjective)

62) Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech:

My aunt said: “Single men should drive slowly if they want to live longer”

63) Give a question for the underlined words:

I’ve been married for twenty years

64) Complete the following sentence:

I would give up smoking if …

65) Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make changes if ncessary.

That man talks a lot. He has more chances to become a politician.

66)  Complete the series with another word of the same semantic group:     


67) Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make changes if necessary.          

          The Government has a good reputation. It has not solved the problem yet.

68) Fill in the gap with a correct form of the verb in brackets.    

He  shouldn't (go) ____________ to that party yesterday


69) Rewrite the sentence without changing its meaning. Begin as indicated. 

    It is quite unlikely that she will pay for the drinks.  It is not..

70) Give a question for the underlined words.                                               

    My friend drank three beers last night


A. Make questions for these answers.

1. In North America, people usually speak English and Spanish.

2. I am going to use Tom´s computer

3. The doctor discovered the dead body two days ago

4. In the class, the teacher was speaking to a little pupil.

5. Susan was going to attend the meeting.

6. The old woman had been living here for fifty years.

B. Turn the sentences into passive voice.

1. The association would give addict people help if they like.

2. Somebody should have called the police after the accident took place.

3. People believe that some prisoners are complaining too much.

4. The Mafia assassinated a lot of people in the summer´s riots.

5. You are going to tidy the little room after lunch.

6. Everybody knows that the English man accused the police of negligence.

C. Turn into active voice

1. He will be given a fine by the judge next week.

2. The ghost ship was discovered ten years ago.

3. The man could have been arrested by the police in the park.

4. The road isn´t used every day.

5. My parents are being shown a new house by the state agent just now.

6. The meeting may be held on the 13th of April.

D. Turn into indirect speech.

1. “What are you doing this for?”, the policeman said.

2. “Don´t drive home from the party if you have drunk alcohol”, her mother said.

3. “I have been working here for seven days”, she said.

4. “Tell me immediately what you have just heard”, he said to her.

5. “I will you give some money if you help me”, she said.

6. “Let´s leave early in the morning; it is going to be a long journey”, he said.

E. Combine the sentences using a relative pronoun or adverb.

1. The report had arrived at 19:00h. It should have been here at 17:00h.

2. Lucy is extremely thin. She considers herself obese when she looks at herself in the mirror.

3. The children watch a lot of TV. They don´t spend time with their parents.

4. Tom was very nervous. His father had been taken to hospital.

5. Paris is said to be the city of the light. I would love to spend a month there.

6. The woman looks serious but polite. My flatmate works for her.

F. Rewrite the sentences using a modal verb.

1. It is not obligatory to bring books for this afternoon´s lessons.

2. I am sure that he is a very intelligent man.

3. It wasn´t right that she didn´t accept the help I was offering her.

4. It is illegal for people to sell anything in the street.

5. My little sister knows how to spell very long words.

6. It is possible that the manager presented the new project yesterday.

G. Gerund or infinitive.

1. Don´t forget …………………………………(call) me up as soon as you arrive home.

2. The teacher made us …………………………………….(learn) the poem by heart.

3. The student will have to apologise for …………………………..……….(behave) so rudely.

4. I am very nervous. I can´t help ……………………………..……….(bite) my nails.

5. She really feels like …………………………………..…..(meet) you again.

6. That guard allowed us ……………………………………..(enter) the computer room yesterday.

7. I have seen Mary …………………………………..………(drive) past my office.

8. It is not illegal ………………………………….……(ride) bikes in this park.

H. Complete with the correct form of the verbs (conditionals)

1. He didn´t listen to me yesterday. If he …………………………………….….. (take) my advice, he …………………………………..(arrive) much earlier.

2. I live near my office. I …………………………………(spend) much travelling to work if I ………………………………………….……(live) farther.

3. They are talking about going to London. If they………………………………………(do) it, I ……………………………………….…………(go) with them.

4. If I ………………………….……..(be) a bit taller, I ………………………………(belong) to the basketball team.

5. If somebody …………………………(tell) her that you were in hospital, She …………………………………………… (visit) you.

6. Look at the road!. If you……………………………..( go) on talking to me, we ……………………………..(have) an accident.

I. Complete with the suitable tense of the verbs in brackets

1. How often ……………………………………………..……….(she visit) you? She ……………………………….(come) every Tuesday. However, she …………………………….……………(not come ) last Tuesday.

2. Tomorrow I ……………………………….………..(not go) to work. I …………………………………..………..(organise) my reports at home all day.

3. After the woman …………………………..………..(leave) the building, someone…………………………………….….. (ask) me some questions about her.

4. What …………………………………………………..(you look) at? ……………………………….……..(you need) anything?.

5. I believe that she ………………………………..(get) the job because she …………………………..…….. (speak) three languages.

6. All the pupils ……………………………………………………...(give) their projects by the end of the week.

7. When we ………………………………………….………(walk) down the stairs, the light ……………………….(go) out.




1- Someone will bring those books.

2- They keep the prisoners in a small room.

3- They chose him yesterday.

4- Someone is selling sweets there.

5- She doesn’t love us.


1- "Stay in bed and don't smoke until you feel better", the doctor told me.

2- "Where did you find my keys yesterday?" I asked her.

3- "Must I buy this book tomorrow?" Tom asked her.

4- “I can’t study now because I have to finish this exercise” , she said.

5- “Did you pay my drink?”, she asked me.


1-The girl is crying. Her mother is ill.

2- My aunt Mary left me all her money. She was my only aunt.

3- I met the footballer. He will play for our team next year.

4- We found a small shop. We could buy bread there.

5- You are the person. My brother is looking for you.


1- If you went to the library, ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………

2- I won’t go to the park unless ..........................................................................................................................................

3- He would have written to you if ………………………………………..........................................................................................

4- If I were you, …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

5- If you are cold, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………….


1- She is looking forward to ............................ on holiday but he can't afford ........................... in a hotel. (go, stay)

2- He didn’t want ............................. me but it's no use ...................... about it. (see, worry)

3- I'm not used to .............................. in the morning but today I'd better ……………… .............. some letters. (work, write)

4- Her mother didn’t let him ……………………. to my party because she was afraid of ………………………. him. (come, lose)

5- I remember ………………………….……. to the beach for the first time and I would love …………………….…… there again. (go, come back)



Fill in the gaps with the suitable simple or perfect modal verbs.

1. During the night of the storm, no one ……………… (sleep) because of the noise of the wind.

2. “What are you going to do next summer?”, “I don´t know, but we …………………(go) to Portugal.

3. You ……………………..(smoke) in hospitals, so if you want a cigarette, you………………..(go) outside.

4. I …………………….(buy) so much food. My friends didn´t come for dinner last night.

5. You…………………….. (put) on your coat. It´s warm today.

6. In my opinion, she……………………. (borrow) money from her parents instead for her friends to open her business last year.

7. She ………………..(win) the lottery because she has just moved to one of the most expensive houses in the town.

Rewrite the sentences using a modal verb

1. I advised you to leave earlier to avoid the traffic jam. …………………………………………………………

2. I was obliged to stay to the end of the lecture. ………………………………………………………….

3. There is no reason for her to talk so loudly. …………………………………………………………..

4. The little girl knows how to play the violin brilliantly. …………………………………………………………..

5. I think that they bought their car in Germany. …………………………………………………………..

Complete with the suitable verb tense

1. Paul an Jack are in the sitting- room. They………… ……….. (listen) to the news and Paul ……………… (look) at a magazine as well.

2. The soldiers ………………. (prepare) to leave when the bomb ……………….(explode).

3. What´s the matter with Paul? -he ………………(lose) his bag. –When ………………….(he/lose) it?.

4. We ………………(talk) about our next holidays for weeks but we ……………….(not decide) where to go yet.

5. After she……………….(have) a glass of water she … ……………. (feel) better.

6. Nuria: …………………(you/have) any plans for weekend? Pedro: Oh yes, I ……………….(go) to a rock concert. I ……………..(buy) the tickets last week.

7. By next Christmas she…………………. (meet) all the people of her new firm.

8. This time next week, we ……………………(revise) another grammar point.

Write questions for each answer.

1. They have been travelling round the world for a year. ………………………………………………………...

2. I got married six months ago. ……………………………………………………………………………………

3. They are going to visit Susan´s mother in a week. ………………………………………………………………

4. He opens his shop at nine o´clock every day. ……………………………………………………………………

5. All of them brought me a present. ……………………………………………………………………………….

Conditional Sentences. Complete with your own word.

1. The doctor will not see you if …………………………………………………….

2. The world would be safer if ……………………………………………………..

3. If we travelled by plane, ………………………………………………………..

4. If they had read the book, …………………………………………………………

5. If you stopped smoking, ………………………………………………………….

Turn into indirect speech.

1. “Jane may move to her new flat tomorrow”, Rachel said. ………………………………………………………………

2. “I´ll help you with your homework, Angela”, Tom said. ……………………………………………………………..

3. How long have you known your teacher?”, he said to her ………………………………………………………………..

4. “Did your sister give you the money last Saturday?, he said …………………………………………………………………

5. “Have a shower immediately”, she said. …………………………………………………………………..

6. “Let´s stay at home today. It´s going to rain”, he said …………………………………………………………………..

7. “Don´t keep all the windows open, Bill”, she said …………………………………………………………………

Put the sentences into the passive voice.

1. Are they painting their bathroom tonight? ……………………………………………………...

2. Placido Domingo is going to sing a beautiful aria tonight. ……………………………………………….

3. They will shoot the new Harry Potter film in Brazil ………………………………………………………...

4. Two different teachers have marked the exams. ………………………………………………………..

5. They comment that a woman has been training the dog. …………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………

6. People say that the manager wrote the report ……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………

Join the sentences with a suitable relative pronoun or Adverb..

1. Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in the Alps. It is between France and Italy. …………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Alfred Hitchcock worked for many years in Hollywood. He was born in Great Britain. …………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. A woman wanted my advice. She wrote to me. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. The man didn´t apologized. His dog bit me yesterday. …………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. The book is about Jazz. I am reading it at the moment. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

6. What´s the name of the town? Your grandmother was born there. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….


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