Bible Scavenger Hunt - Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

Bible Basics: Bible Scavenger Hunt

1. What other names/ titles/ descriptions do you know of for the Bible? ___________________________

2. What translation/ version is your bible? (Look at the cover or inside front pages)

3. How many books are there in the Bible? _____________________

4. How many books in the Old Testament?

5. How many books in the New Testament?

6. What is the first book, and what is the last book of your Bible?

First book: Last book:

7. What is the last book of the Old Testament? the first book of the New Testament?

8. The books of the bible have abbreviations (ie Genesis = Gen), so what are the abbreviations for the following books? (Check the index or contents pages)

• Deuteronomy

• Micah

• John

• Obadiah

• 2nd Chronicles

• Titus

• Jonah

• Philemon

9. What is the seventeenth book of the Old Testament?

• How many chapters does it have?

Part 2: Using your Bible read the following passages to discover the answer.

11. Which people is chapter 49 of Jeremiah written concerning? (Jer 49:1)

12. What does verse 105 of Psalm 119 say about God's word? (Ps 119:105)

13. Who are the two kings in verse 1 of Daniel chapter 1? (Dan 1:1)

14. Who is the Pharisee in John 3:1? (Jn 3:1)

15. Who gets killed in verses 59 and 60 of Acts 7? (Acts 7:59-60) and who looks after the coats? (Acts 7:58 and 8:1)

16. What example are you supposed to set for others in the 1st letter of Timothy 4, verse 12? (1Tm 4:12)

17. What is the vision of in Revelation chapter 21, verse 1? (Rev 21:1)

18. What are the first three words of the Bible? the last verse of the bible?


How to read your bible…

1. Determine the Book ( i.e. Gen = Genesis, Matt = Matthew)

2. The number next to the book is the Chapter you would look up (i.e. Gen 1 – Genesis Chapter 1)

3. The last number or numbers determines the verse(s). (i.e., Gen 1:1-5 = Genesis Chapter 1 verses 1-5)


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