Last Name___________________________ First Name_____________________________ Date__________

All questions are worth 1 point.

Multiple Choice Questions. Choose the letter that best answers or completes the question.

1. The health determinant over which we have least control is________________.

a. diet

b. exercise

c. tobacco use

d. activity level

e. genetic makeup (genome)

2. A goal of Healthy People 2020 is to:

a. Eliminate chronic illness

b. Increase life expectancy beyond 100 years

c. Create social and physical environments that promote health

d. Reduce the amount of profit that the health care providers make

e. Increase the efficiency of the health care system as a whole

3. Which of the following statements regarding psychological health is TRUE?

a. Psychological health is independent of physical health

b. Psychological health is a myth

c. Psychological health is freedom from disorders

d. Psychological health is being normal

e. Psychological health and physical health are intertwined

4. According to Maslow, basic human needs are ranked in the following order as they DECREASE in urgency:

a. physiological needs, safety, being loved, maintaining self-esteem, self-actualization

b. safety, physiological needs, being loved, maintaining self-esteem, self-actualization

c. safety, physiological needs, maintaining self-esteem, self-actualization

d. self-actualization, physiological needs, safety, maintaining self-esteem, being loved

5. Wellness is a term that involves,

a. Eating well and exercising

b. Possessing a set of guiding beliefs, principles or values

c. Having a high level of self-esteem

d. Protecting yourself against hazards such as UV radiation in sunlight

e. All of the above

6. If you were born in the 1900s your life expectancy would be approximately________ years old.

a. 30 b. 50 c. 60 d. 70 e. 80

7. After the 1900’s,

a. Infectious disease became the main source of adult death in the U.S.

b. Chronic disease became the main source of adult death in the U.S.

c. A reduction in antibiotic use led to a reduction in chronic disease

d. Vaccines as well as antibiotic use led to an increase in infectious disease

e. C and D

8. The ability to form and maintain meaningful relationships are components of _____________ wellness.

a. physical b. intellectual c. spiritual d. social e. environmental

9. The six dimensions of wellness:

a. Affect health independently of each other

b. Seldom influence one another

c. Demonstrate the separateness of mind and body

d. Interact continuously

e. B and C only

10. Appropriately disposing of electronic waste like batteries and computers is most closely associated with_______________ wellness.

a. emotional

b. environmental

c. physical

d. intellectual

e. social

11. Which of the following is a chronic disease?

a. An STD infection like HIV

b. Tuberculosis

c. Diabetes

d. The flu

e. All of the above are chronic diseases

12. Being self-actualized is characterized by:

a. Passivity

b. Good work habits

c. Good physical health

d. Realism

e. None of the above

13. The development of trust or mistrust begins in

a. infancy

b. early childhood

c. adolescence

d. early adulthood\

e. late adulthood

14. The stages of Erik Erikson’s model of psychological development are experienced _____________.

a. Beginning in the teen years

b. Sequentially

c. Randomly

d. Simultaneously

e. None of the above

15. A 10-year-old girl learning about her capabilities in the classroom and on the playground would be in Erikson’s stage of:

a. industry vs. inferiority

b. identity vs. identity confusion

c. autonomy vs. shame

d. integrity vs. despair

e. none of the above

16. A condition that causes the sufferer to fear future threats, pushing out all other rational thoughts, is called:

a. obsessive compulsive disorder

b. generalized anxiety disorder

c. panic disorder

d. simple phobia

e. none of the above

17. An example of a compulsion is:

a. the impulse to hurt a family member

b. anxiety about contracting HIV infection from a sneeze

c. uncontrollable worry about an accident

d. constant and repetitive hand washing

e. c and d

18. Which of the following is a characteristic of depression?

a. loss of pleasure in doing formerly pleasurable things

b. autonomy

c. obsession with exercise

d. increased social interaction

e. sudden lightening of one’s mood

19. Though ________ attempt suicide more often, ________ succeed more often.

a. African Americans; Caucasian Americans

b. adults; teenagers

c. women; men

d. Latino Americans; Asian Americans

e. None of the above

20. Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder,

a. include reexperiencing the trauma in dreams and intrusive memories

b. include seeking out anything associated with the trauma

c. will often decrease in intensity, but will never go away

d. are exactly the same as symptoms of depression

e. A and B


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