
The Infant and Toddler Curriculum is based on the developmental milestone the students should be having during their time of growth. Though not all children grow at the same pace due to various circumstances teachers should be aware of the following developments and milestones to find ways to help their students through their time in our care. Please review the Curriculum and use it as a guide to help you and your students grow. The Curriculum can be flexible and adjusted to the needs of the class or individual student.

Content Support Material

• Monthly theme of Topic * Infant Lesson Plan Template

• Weekly themes of Topic * Toddler Lesson Plan Template

• Activities to foster those topics * 0-12 Planning Tool

• Developmental milestones of various ages/stages * 12-24 Planning Tool

Including but not limited to motor (both fine/gross), * Sign_Language.pdf

cognitive, social emotional, Language. * Sensory Activities for Infants & Toddlers

• Activities in various areas including but not limited to

sensory, language, music and movement and art

• Tips for best practices

• Kaplan STEM Activities and Important Dates.

|August Thematic Unit |Young Infants 0-8 mos. |Mobile infants 8-18 mos. |Toddlers 18-36 mos. |

|Monthly Theme/Topic: |Motor: |Motor: |Motor: |

|Building Self Awareness and Relationship |1-2 mos. Retains hold of object/rattle |5 mos. Pushes up on extended arms | |

|Home base: |1-2mos. Brings hand towards center of body when laying |5mos. Pulls to sitting with no head lag |Gross: |

|Finding ways to always be there for the child while |on back |8-9 mos. Crawls forward on belly |8-9 mos. Crawls forward on belly |

|he/she explores. Such as scaffolding, giving hugs or |5 mos. Pushes up on extended arms |8-9 mos. Assumes hand and knee position |8-9 mos. Assumes hand and knee position |

|hand for support and encouragement often. |5 mos. Pulls to sitting with no head lag | |12-16 mos. walks alone |

|Build Confidence: | |Cognitive: |13-16 mos. pull toys behind him while walking |

|Show children how important they are and delight them|Cognitive: |4-7 mos. Peek a boo |Fine: |

|on their own exploration discoveries and |0-1mos. Responds to voice i.e. turn to wiggle reacts |4-7 mos. Looks for family member or pet when named. |14-16mos. Scribbles spontaneously |

|accomplishments. |2-3mos. Watches face intently |8-9 mos. Looks at correct picture when image is named | |

|Activities of self- awareness: |4-7 mos. Peek a boo |8-10 mos. Explores object in various ways (shaking, |Cognitive: |

|Have child engage in mirror play |4-7 mos. Looks for family member or pet when named |banging, throwing, dropping) |8-9 mos. Looks at correct picture when image is named |

|Place rattle/toy in front of infant/ toddler for them| | |8-10 mos. Explores object in various (shaking, banging, |

|to try and grasp |Language: |Language: |throwing, dropping) |

|Activities to Building relationships: |1-2 mos. Makes sucking sounds |4-7 mos. Laughs and squeals out loud |13-15mos. finds objects even when hidden under 2-3 covers |

|Work with parents on maintaining a consistency from |2-3mos. Smiles at the sound of voice |4-7 mos. distinguish emotions by tone of voice. |15-20mos. will listen to short story books with pictures |

|home and school (child will gain trust of teacher) |4-7 mos. Laughs and squeals out loud |7-8 mos. Babbles “dada” “mama” |Language: |

|Have one on one with child throughout day such as |4-7 mos. Distinguishes emotions by tone of voice. |7-9 mos. Says “no” with meaning. |7-8mos. Babbles “dada” “mama” |

|feeding, reading books, singing and naptime. |Social emotional: |Social emotional: |7-9 mos. Babbles with inflection |

|Use self talk where you allow time for child to know |1-3 mos. makes eye contact |4-7 mos. enjoys social play |13-15mos. Says “no” with meaning |

|what you are doing such as in diaper changing, |1-3 mos. Begins to smile |5-7 mos. Interest in mirror |13-15 mos. Follows simple one step instructions |

|naptime etc. |4-7mos.enjoys social play |8-12 shy or anxious with strangers |Social emotional: |

|Tips for best practices: |5-7 mos. Interest in mirror |8-12 cries when mother /father leaves |8-12 shy or anxious with strangers. |

|Observe students daily | | |8-12 cries when mother/father leaves |

|Follow the child's lead | | |18-24 mos. Imitates behavior of others |

|Have one on one time daily | | |20-24 increasingly enthusiastic about company or other |

|Rotate toys, props and material | | |children |

|Put things on low shelves | | | |

|Sensory: |Art: |Music and Movement: |Language: |

|Use material that allows them to be aware of their |focus on color red paint in a Ziploc bag on floor, |prepare a lot of songs one on one |Work basic signs for please, more, finish, thank you. |

|surroundings such as hanging mobiles in the changing |painting for the older ones even crayons (jumbo |peek a boo through scarves. |Read picture books |

|table/cribs, use pattern on crib sheets or throughout|crayons) |Rotating music heard throughout the day. Slow, fast, |Use easy communication during arrival time so students have |

|room and textures object |hand or footprint arts |upbeat, calm. |easy drop off. |

|Kaplan STEM Activities: |Holiday and Events: |

|ITT=Bubbles Children of all ages love to watch bubbles fly through the air, some catch, pop, stomp on them, |Early Release days before school (cleaning / preparation days before school) |

|and even blow them. |School Wide Training Days |

|TT= Counting: use as many opportunities as possible to count with the children. How many steps does it take? |Meet and greet the Teacher Day August 16th |

|how many friends are here today? how many birds can you see? |First day of School |

|TT=measure your friends in blocks: have children lay flat on the ground and stack blocks alongside them. | |

| | |

|Sign Language: | |

|Mas | |

|Terminamos / Acabo | |

|Dormir | |

|Cambio | |

|September Thematic Unit |Young Infants 0-8 mos. |Mobile infants 8-18 mos. |Toddlers 18-36 mos. |

|Monthly Theme/Topic: |Motor: |Motor: |Motor: |

|Strengthening Self Awareness and Relationship |• 3mos. raises head and cheek when lying on stomach. | | |

|• Safe: |• 3mos. Supports upper body with arms when lying on |Gross motor |Gross: |

|Finding ways to always ensure the safety of the |stomach. |• 5/6 mos. Sits with support of his/her hands |• 8-10mos. Gets to sitting position without assistance |

|students both inside and out. Reassuring safety to |• 5/6 mos. Sits with support of his/her hands |• 6/8 mos. Sits unsupported for short periods |• 8-10mos. Pulls self-up to standing position. |

|child. Example: letting him/she know they are ok. |• 6/8 mos. Sits unsupported for short periods |8-10mos. Gets to sitting position without assistance |12-15 mos. Carries large toy or several toys while walking |

|•Strengthening Confidence: Allowing children to | |8-10mos. Pulls self-up to standing position. |16-18mos Begins to run stiffly |

|explore freely with teacher scaffolding. Encouraging | | | |

|with positive guidance and motivation. |Cognitive: |Fine motor: |Fine motor: |

| |• 2 mos. Follows moving objects. |7-10mos.uses pincer grasps (grasp using thumb and index|7-10mos.uses pincer grasps (grasp using thumb and index |

|Activities of strengthening self- awareness: |• 3mos Recognizes familiar objects and people at a |finger) |finger) |

|• Have child engage in mirror play |distance |8-12 mos. Bangs one to two inches cubes together. |8-12 mos. Bangs one to two inches cubes together. |

|• Place rattle/toy in front of infant/ toddler for |• 4-7 mos. Explores with hands and mouth | |12-18mos. Turns over container to pour out contents |

|them to try and grasp |• 4-7 mos. Tracks moving objects with ease. | | |

| | |Cognitive: |Cognitive: |

|Playing one on one game with teacher | |• 4-7 mos. Explores with hands and mouth |9-12mos. Enjoys looking at pictures in books. |

|This little piggy on child’s toe. |Language: |• 4-7 mos. Tracks moving objects with ease. |9-12mos. Imitates gestures. |

| |• 3mos. Cooing noises; vocal play begins |9-12mos. Enjoys looking at pictures in books. |• 15-24 mos. Identifies one body part |

| |• 1-3 mos. Attends to sound |9-12mos. Imitates gestures. |20-24 mos. Begins to sort shapes and colors. |

| |• 4-6 Responds to sound by making sounds | |Language: |

| |• 4-7 mos. Responds to spoken “bye bye” by waving |Language: |8-10mos. Says “mama” and “dada” for specific person |

|Activities to strengthening relationships: |Social emotional: |4-6 Responds to sound by making sounds |9-12mos. Responds to no by briefly stopping activity and |

|• Work with parents on maintaining a consistency from|• 2-3 mos. Enjoys playing with other people and may cry| |noticing adult. |

|home and school (child will gain trust of teacher) |when playing stops |4-7 mos. Responds to spoken “bye bye” by waving |15-18 mos. Says several single words. |

|• Have one on one with child throughout day such as |• 2-3 mos. Becomes more communicative and expressive |8-10mos. Says “mama” and “dada” for specific person |18-24mos. Recognizes names of familiar people, objects and |

|feeding, reading a book, singing and also naptime. |with face and body. |9-12mos. Responds to no by briefly stopping activity |body parts. |

| |• 6mos. Can calm down with ½ hour when upset. |and noticing adult. | |

|Singing Buenos dais with peers / teacher names. |• 4-7mos. Responds to other people’s expression of | |Social emotional: |

|Tummy time as a class/ small group. |emotion |Social emotional: |10-12mos.Enjoys imitating people in their play. |

| | |6mos. Can calm down with ½ hour when upset. |8-12mos. Show specific preferences for certain people and |

|Tips for best practices: | |4-7mos. Responds to other people’s expression of |toys. |

|• Observe students daily | |emotion |18-24mos. Demonstrates increasing independence. |

|• Follow the child’s lead | |10-12mos.Enjoys imitating people in their play. |18-24mos. Begins to show defiant behavior. |

|• Have one on one time daily | |8-12mos. Show specific preferences for certain people | |

|• Rotate toys, props | |and toys. |Self help skills: |

|and material | | | |

|Allow tummy time with peer and teacher. | |Self-help skill: |8-12 mos. Finger feeds him/her-self. |

|Sing morning greeting even for Infants. | |8-12mos. Finger feeds him/her- self. |13-18mos. Starts to feed self with spoon, with some spilling |

|Slow down the pace and follow infants lead while | | |18-24 mos. Likes to play with food when eating. |

|doing observation. | | | |

|Sensory: |Art: |Music and Movement: |Language: |

|Work textures sense of touch through feet or hands. |• texture objects |• sing songs only use cd player during specific times |• Describe what child is doing when they are doing it. |

| |Paint with color purple |such as nap |Use signs for more, milk, banana, please and thank you. |

| |Ripping paper | | |

|Kaplan STEM Activities: |Holiday and Events: |

|T=shadow sketch: let the children take their favorite toy outside during outdoor playtime let them use |Hispanic Heritage Month |

|sidewalk chalk to trace and outline the shadow. |Grandparents Day September 13th |

|T=Light and Color: Gather several different flashlights cover them each with a different shade of tissue |Mexico Independence Day Sept. 16th |

|paper secure with a rubber band and look at the color that shines. |Labor Day Sept 6- Holiday. No classes |

|TT=Shapes in Our World: There are shapes all around us. Think about objects that the children see daily and |Ice cream social Sept. 8th |

|talk about their shapes start with the basic shapes circle, square, and triangle. |First Day of Fall September 22 |

| | |

|Sign Language: | |

|Ayuda | |

|Jugar | |

|Comer | |

|Leche | |

| | |

| | |

|October Thematic Unit |Young Infants 0-8 mos. |Mobile infants 8-18 mos. |Toddlers 18-36 mos. |

|Monthly Theme/Topic: |Motor: |Motor: |Motor: |

|Learning and adapting to Daily routines |2-3mos. Stretches legs out when lying on stomach on | | |

| |back. |Gross: |Gross: |

|•Learning Daily routines: |2-3mos. Opens and shuts hands |6-7 mos. Supports whole weight on legs. |• 9mos. Creeps on hands and knees |

|Finding ways to set a routine with Infants. This can |6-7 mos. Supports whole weight on legs. |6mos. Grasps feet |• 9-10 mos. Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on |

|be both a child directed routine, or a Teacher |6mos. Grasps feet |9mos. Creeps on hands and knees |stomach.) |

|directed routine such as daily feeding, naptime, | |9-10 mos. Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying|18-24 mos. Walks into ball |

|tummy time, one on one and more. |Cognitive: |on stomach.) |16-24 mos. Climbs onto and down from furniture. |

| |3mos. Starts using hands and eyes in coordination | | |

|•Adapting to Daily Routines: Allowing children to |6-7 mos. Finds partially hidden objects. |Fine motor: |Fine motor: |

|explore and adapt to new routines. This includes |5-6 mos. Grasps objects dangling in front of him/her | |• 9-12 mos. Pokes with index fingers |

|setting up a normal nap routine for all the students |5-7 mos. Looks for fallen toys. |9-12 mos. Pokes with index fingers |• 10-12mos. Puts objects into container |

|at the same time. Learning and adapting to new ways | |10-12mos. Puts objects into container |20-24mos.Builds tower of four or more. |

|of doing things. Such as from cribs to cots for the | | | |

|older, bottle fed to food fed etc. |Language: | |Cognitive: |

| |1-3mos. Startles to loud noise. |Cognitive: |• 9-12mos. Engages in simple games of Peek a Boo, Pat-a- |

|Activities of learning routine: |4-6mos. Uses voice to express joy and displeasure |• 5-6 mos. Grasps objects dangling in front of him/her |cake, or rolling ball to another |

|• follow babies/toddlers lead |5-6 mos. Localizes or turns toward sounds. |• 5-7 mos. Looks for fallen toys. |• 10-12 mos. Finds hidden objects easily. |

|• allows child to choose toy of play. |5-7 mos. Syllable repetition begins |9-12mos. Engages in simple games of Peek a Boo, Pat-a- |20-24 mos. Begins make believe play |

|Make Transition from home and school easy (add family| |cake, or rolling ball to another | |

|photos, label things of pictures and names.) | |10-12 mos. Finds hidden objects easily. | |

|Activities of adapting routine: | | |Language: |

|• Work with parents on maintaining a consistency from|Social emotional: |Language: |• 9-14 mos. Responds to simple verbal requests, such as “give|

|home and school (child will gain trust of teachers |8-12mos. Shy or anxious with strangers. |• 5-6 mos. Localizes or turns toward sounds. |me” |

|with a set routine of arrival and departure.) |8-12mos cries when mother or father leave. |• 5-7 mos. Syllable repetition begins |• 12mos. Makes simple gestures such as shaking head for “no” |

|• Have one on one with child throughout day such as | |9-14 mos. Responds to simple verbal requests, such as |18-24mos. Points to object or picture when it’s named for |

|feeding, reading a book, singing and naptime. Do | |“give me” |them |

|daily routine to adapt Infants/toddlers | |12mos. Makes simple gestures such as shaking head for |16-18 mos. Repeats words overheard in conversation. |

| | |“no” | |

|Allowing older students to adjust to new routine | | |Social emotional: |

|preparing them for the next class up. | |Social emotional: |10-12 mos. Enjoys imitating people in his play |

| | |8-12 shy or anxious with strangers |8-12mos. Shows specific preferences for certain people and |

|Tips for best practices: | |8-12 cries when mother /father leaves |toys. |

|• Observe students during routine/changes of routine.| |10-12 mos. Enjoys imitating people in his play |Episodes of separation anxiety increase toward midyear, then |

|How they respond or act. Write it down on anecdotal | |8-12mos. Shows specific preferences for certain people |fade. |

|notes. | |and toys. | |

|• Follow the child’s lead in activities. | | | |

|• Have one on one time daily. | | | |

|• Rotate toys, props and material | | | |

|Sensory: |Art: |Music and Movement: |Language: |

|Discuss and provide sounds |• review orange with sensory painting Ziploc bags on |•Respect quiet times for children |• use Picture Books with words to learn in Spanish. Including|

|Make wind chimes. |floor. |Action and movement songs with teacher assistance or |books about animals |

| | |not. |Learning signs about basic animals such as cat, dog, fish |

| |• textured paper object on such as brown roll, bubble |Yoga positions |etc. |

| |wrap etc. | | |

| |Large butcher paper and jumbo crayons | | |

| | |

|November Thematic Unit |Young Infants 0-8 mos. |Mobile infants 8-18 mos. |Toddlers 18-36 mos. |

|Monthly Theme/Topic: |Motor: |Motor: |Motor: |

|Language Development and Early Literacy “Let’s Talk” |3mos. Pushes down on his legs when his feet are placed | | |

| |on firm surface. |Gross: |Gross: |

|• Language Development: |3mos. Occasionally rolls from stomach to back |6-7mos. Transfers objects from hand to hand |10-13 mos. Walks holding on to furniture |

|Language development comes in all forms. Teachers |6-7mos. Transfers objects from hand to hand |6mos. Uses raking grasp (not pincer grasp) |11-13mos. Stands momentarily without support. |

|Can find forms of language the student uses such as a|6mos. Uses raking grasp (not pincer grasp) |10-13 mos. Walks holding on to furniture |18-24 mos. Walks up and down stairs holding on to support. |

|variety of cries, babbling or cooing, sign language | |11-13mos. Stands momentarily without support. |Fine: |

|and verbal communication. (How can you help expand |Cognitive: | |10-12 mos. Takes objects out of container |

|their form of language.) |8-9mos. Looks at correct picture when image is named. |Fine: |10-12mos. Tries to imitate scribbling. |

| |8-10mos Explores objects in many different ways |10-12 mos. Takes objects out of container |20-24 mos. Builds tower of four blocks or more. |

|•Early Literacy: |(shaking, banging, throwing, dropping) |10-12mos. Tries to imitate scribbling. |21-24mos. Completes simple knobbed wooden puzzles of 3-4 |

|Providing and promote a wide range of literacy | | |pieces. |

|material at a young age will help the development in |Language: |Cognitive: |Cognitive: |

|children. Providing books, paper and writing utensils|7-8mos. Babbles “dada” and “mama” |8-9 mos. Looks at correct picture when image is named |9-12mos. Engages in simple games of Peek a Boo, Pat-a- cake, |

|and including a print rich environment. |7-9 mos. Babbles with inflection |8-10 mos. Explores object in various ways (shaking, |or rolling ball to another |

| |8-10mos. Says “dada” and “mama” for specific person. |banging, throwing, dropping) |10-12 mos. Finds hidden objects easily. |

|Activities of Language Development: | |9-12mos. Engages in simple games of Peek a Boo, Pat-a- |20-24 mos. Begins to sort shapes and colors |

|• Have child engage in circle time with a wide range | |cake, or rolling ball to another |20-24 mos. Begins make believe play |

|of Spanish vocabulary each day. | |10-12 mos. Finds hidden objects easily. |Language: |

|• parallel talking to children as they are | |Language: |9-14 mos. Responds to simple verbal requests, such as “give |

|interacting with peers/teachers and doing certain |Social emotional: |7-8 mos. Babbles “dada” “mama” |me” |

|activities |8-12 mos. Shy or anxious with strangers |7-9 mos. Says “no” with meaning. |12 mos. Makes simple gestures such as shaking head for “no” |

|Activities of Early Literacy: |8-12 mos. Cries when mother or father leaves. |9-14 mos. Responds to simple verbal requests, such as |16-18 mos. Repeats words overheard in conversations. |

|• Provide a print rich environment labeling toys, | |“give me” |18-24mos. Uses two-words sentences. |

|centers, multicultural and antibias pictures, etc. |Special Project: Thanksgiving |12 mos. Makes simple gestures such as shaking head for | |

|• Provide a wide range variety of books. |Infants A: Matted Art |“no” | |

|Offer students a wide range of writing utensils. |[pic] |12mos. Uses exclamation such as “oh oh” “uh oh” |Social emotional: |

| |Infants B: Matted Art | |8-12 mos. Prefers mother and /or regular care provider over |

|Tips for best practices: |[pic] |Social emotional: |all others. |

| | |8-12 mos. shy or anxious with strangers |10-12mos.Repeats sounds or gestures for attention |

|• Listen and talk to students. |Toddlers A: Laminated Turkey Placemat |8-12 mos. cries when mother /father leaves |18-24 mos. Imitates behavior of others |

|• Responds to child’s gestures, body posture and |[pic] |8-12 mos. Prefers mother and /or regular care provider |20-24 increasingly enthusiastic about company or other |

|social/communication skills. | |over all others. |children |

|• Have one on one time daily | |10-12mos.Repeats sounds or gestures for attention | |

|• Rotate literacy material. | | |Self help: |

| | |Self help: |18-24 mos. Can drink from open cup with some spilling |

| |Toddlers B: Laminated Placemat |8-12 mos. Finger feeds himself | |

| |[pic] |9-12mos. Extends arm or leg to help when being dressed | |

|Sensory: |Art: |Music and Movement: |Language: |

|Read board books with a lot of textures. |• focus on color brown paint in a Ziploc bag on floor, |• sing and chant to students (wait for response) |• Teacher made books with pictures and vocabulary |

|Watching and feeling bubbles (allow them to fall on |coloring with brown jumbo crayons |• record students’ engagement to music and movement. |• use pictures as visual vocabulary cards. |

|their arm and leg. | |• musical instruments |• read a wide range of books. |

|Ripped paper hiding letter blocks older students |• holding touching and tearing paper | | |

| | | | |

| |Feel sticky contact paper. | | |

|Kaplan STEM Activities: |Holiday and Events: |

|T= How many toddlers: Obtain the largest box you can find. Predict how many toddlers can stand inside the box|Altar del Día de los Muertos November 2 |

|comfortably. Then see if you can fit more toddlers in the box if they are sitting down or if they are |Thanksgiving Dinner in individual class with small presentation-Nov 19th |

|standing up. |Thanksgiving Holiday school closed November 25th and 26th |

|TT= In, Out, Under, and on Top: Take a medium sized box and an object that will fit comfortably inside the |Parent Teacher Conferences on November |

|box. Put the object in the four different positions. Describe each position as you are doing it. Have fun |Turkey in disguise |

|with it. The children will think that you are trying to hide it and enjoy it. |Stone soup activity week |

| | |

|Sign Language: | |

|Gato | |

|Compartir | |

|Pan | |

|Bola | |

|December Thematic Unit |Young Infants 0-8 mos. |Mobile infants 8-18 mos. |Toddlers 18-36 mos. |

|Sensory: |Art: |Music and Movement: |Language: |

|Touching and feeling different textures. |• focus on color green using paint, crayons (jumbo |• using other toys and material to make music and |• teach signs for hurt, no, yes, stop, more etc. |

|Massaging hands and feet. |crayons) or various material. |sounds |• Read winter picture books |

|Use texture bags with a wide range of material. |• hand or footprint arts |• rido o silencio game activity with teachers |• Provide parents with resources on baby massages. |

| |Water painting |• can you hear it activity (covering ears to sounds) | |

| |Mash Potato (box kind to look like snow) sensory. | | |

|Kaplan STEM Activities: |Holiday and Events: |

|ITT= Color Mixing: Add water into a basin or bowl. Talk with the children about how clear the water is. Add |Brown Santa |

|in 5-7 drops of blue food coloring and mix it around. Talk with the children about how the water changed |Holiday Concert |

|color. Talk with the kids about how you can mix colors together to make other colors. Now mix in equal drops |Classroom Holiday Party /Santa Visit |

|of yellow food coloring. Mix again by combining yellow food coloring with the blue and it makes green. |School closed for Winter Break December 24 |

|TT= Go for a walk either outside or indoors. Choose one color and see how many objects you can find that is |Special Project: Navidad |

|that color. For young children it is easiest to start with a simple color such as red, blue or green. if you |Infants A: Handprints Infants B: Footprints Ornaments |

|can collect some of the objects to bring inside or back to the classroom to look at together is ideal. |[pic] [pic] |

|TT=Senses Walk: Take the children on a sensory walk outdoor. Talk with the children about their five senses |Toddlers A: Christmas tree Card Toddlers B: Christmas tree Card |

|(sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste) and how they are going to use their senses on the walk. |& Xmas Ornament & Xmas Ornament |

|Sign Language: |[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] |

|Por Favor | |

|Gracias | |

|Manzana | |

|Abrazo | |

|January Thematic Unit |Young Infants 0-8 mos. |Mobile infants 8-18 mos. |Toddlers 18-36 mos. |

|Monthly Theme/Topic: |Motor: |Motor: |Motor: |

|Cognitive Development: Imitation, Curiosity, |1-2 mos. Retains hold of object/rattle |5 mos. Pushes up on extended arms | |

|Discovery: |1-2mos. Brings hand towards center of body when laying |5mos. Pulls to sitting with no head lag |Gross: |

|• Imitation: |on back |8-9 mos. Crawls forward on belly |8-9 mos. Crawls forward on belly |

|Allowing child to imitate actions of what they see. |5 mos. Pushes up on extended arms |8-9 mos. Assumes hand and knee position |8-9 mos. Assumes hand and knee position |

|Including not limited to activities being done in |5 mos. Pulls to sitting with no head lag | |12-16 mos. walks alone |

|front of child (teacher can be the role model) Child | | |13-16 mos. pull toys behind him while walking |

|will follow actions. |Cognitive: |Cognitive: | |

|Curiosity: Allow child to use curiosity to learn or |0-1mos. Responds to voice i.e. turn to wiggle reacts |4-7 mos. Peek a boo |Fine: |

|explore as he/ she can. This can include in play, |2-3mos. Watches face intently |4-7 mos. Looks for family member or pet when named. |14-16mos. Scribbles spontaneously |

|during one on one, or even during eating or etc. |4-7 mos. Peek a boo |8-9 mos. Looks at correct picture when image is named | |

|•Discovery: Allow and provide the children with ample|4-7 mos. Looks for family member or pet when named |8-10 mos. Explores object in various ways (shaking, |Cognitive: |

|time to explore and discover freely with teacher | |banging, throwing, dropping) |8-9 mos. Looks at correct picture when image is named |

|scaffolding and observing. |Language: | |8-10 mos. Explores object in various (shaking, banging, |

| |1-2 mos. Makes sucking sounds |Language: |throwing, dropping) |

|Activities of Imitation: |2-3mos. Smiles at the sound of voice |4-7 mos. Laughs and squeals out loud |13-15mos. finds objects even when hidden under 2-3 covers |

|• Have child engage in one on one to mimic and |4-7 mos. Laughs and squeals out loud |4-7 mos. distinguish emotions by tone of voice. |15-20mos. will listen to short story books with pictures |

|imitate what teacher does. |4-7 mos. Distinguishes emotions by tone of voice. |7-8 mos. Babbles “dada” “mama” |Language: |

|• peek a boo | |7-9 mos. Says “no” with meaning. |7-8mos. Babbles “dada” “mama” |

|Clapping hands activity |Social emotional: |Social emotional: |7-9 mos. Babbles with inflection |

| |1-3 mos. makes eye contact |4-7 mos. enjoys social play |13-15mos. Says “no” with meaning |

|Activities of Curiosity: |1-3 mos. Begins to smile |5-7 mos. Interest in mirror |13-15 mos. Follows simple one step instructions |

|• put toys in containers allowing children to take |4-7mos.enjoys social play |8-12 shy or anxious with strangers |Social emotional: |

|out and put back in. |5-7 mos. Interest in mirror |8-12 cries when mother /father leaves |8-12 shy or anxious with strangers. |

|• Allowing child to face eyes to objects to be | | |8-12 cries when mother/father leaves |

|curios. | | |18-24 mos. Imitates behavior of others |

|Observe how students use toys or material. Where do | | |20-24 increasingly enthusiastic about company or other |

|they place them? In their mouth, in a box, inside | | |children |

|another toy etc. | | | |

| | | | |

|Activities of Discovery: | | | |

|Allow children to explore toys and material | | | |

|throughout the class discovering new ways to use | | | |

|them. | | | |

|Discovering through sensory bags or sensory bottles. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Tips for best practices: | | | |

|• Observe students during times of imitation, | | | |

|curiosity and exploration. | | | |

|• rotate material to work imitation, curiosity and | | | |

|discovery such as magnifying glass, sensory items, | | | |

|etc. | | | |

|• provide teacher made materials for the kids to | | | |

|explore. | | | |

|Sensory: |Art: |Music and Movement: |Language: |

|Use material that allows them to discover and explore|• focus on color blue color using paint in a Ziploc bag|• Listen to silent, quiet, and loud noises. |• practice greetings by saying hi and bye. |

|throughout the day both inside and out. |on floor, painting for the older ones even crayons |• make teacher made musical instruments. |Use opposite words. Such as inside/ outside, on/off, |

| |(jumbo crayons) |• rotate musical instruments |big/small etc. |

|Make safe see through shaker toys this |• Rotate colors of crayons |Use scarves dance movements. |Play patty cake |

|Kaplan STEM Activities: |Holiday and Events: |

|T=Color Stacker: Using different build materials such as blocks, Legos, plastic cups with several colors. The|January 1st -School Closed (Happy New Year/Winter Break) |

|children will enjoy hands-on practice as they build their skills matching colors, stacking, patterning, and |January 3-School Closed-Staff in service |

|counting. |January 4-Classes Resume |

| |January 17-MLK-School Closed-Staff in service |

|T=Ramps: Create ramps and send down all sorts of things that go! You can also introduce things that do not |January 27-Happy 100 Days! |

|roll and see what happens! Grab some cardboard and toy cars, balls, and blocks. | |

| | |

|Sign Language: | |

|Arriba | |

|Silencio | |

|Perro | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|February Thematic Unit |Young Infants 0-8 mos. |Mobile infants 8-18 mos. |Toddlers 18-36 mos. |

|Monthly Theme/Topic: |Motor: |Motor: |Motor: |

|Sensory Motor Development: |1-2 mos. Retains hold of object/rattle | | |

|Exploration, Discovery |1-2mos. Brings hand towards center of body when laying |Gross motor |Gross: |

|• Exploration through five senses: |on back |• 5/6 mos. Sits with support of his/her hands |• 8-10mos. Gets to sitting position without assistance |

|Finding ways to promote children’s exploration |5 mos. Pushes up on extended arms |• 6/8 mos. Sits unsupported for short periods |• 8-10mos. Pulls self-up to standing position. |

|through five senses. Such as offering the children |5 mos. Pulls to sitting with no head lag |8-10mos. Gets to sitting position without assistance |12-15 mos. Carries large toy or several toys while walking. |

|texture sensory bags, smelly containers with various | |8-10mos. Pulls self-up to standing position. |16-18mos Begins to run stiffly |

|scents, trying new foods the parents provide. |Cognitive: | | |

|•Discovering through the five senses: Allowing |0-1mos. Responds to voice i.e. turn to wiggle reacts |Fine motor: |Fine motor: |

|children ample time to show what they have discovered|2-3mos. Watches face intently |7-10mos.uses pincer grasps (grasp using thumb and index|7-10mos.uses pincer grasps (grasp using thumb and index |

|during using their five senses of exploration. |4-7 mos. Peek a boo |finger) |finger) |

|Observe their reactions to activities, allow them |4-7 mos. Looks for family member or pet when named |8-12 mos. Bangs one to two-inch cubes together. |8-12 mos. Bangs one to two-inch cubes together. |

|time to express themselves through cries, gestures, | | |12-18mos. Turns over container to pour out contents |

|body language and through sign language and verbal |Language: | | |

|communication. |1-2 mos. Makes sucking sounds |Cognitive: |Cognitive: |

| |2-3mos. Smiles at the sound of voice |• 4-7 mos. Explores with hands and mouth |9-12mos. Enjoys looking at pictures in books. |

|Activities of Sensory motor Development: |4-7 mos. Laughs and squeals out loud |• 4-7 mos. Tracks moving objects with ease. |9-12mos. Imitates gestures. |

|• allowing students time to look at themselves |4-7 mos. Distinguishes emotions by tone of voice. |9-12mos. Enjoys looking at pictures in books. |• 15-24 mos. Identifies one body part |

|through the mirror. | |9-12mos. Imitates gestures. |20-24 mos. Begins to sort shapes and colors. |

|• providing children time to explore and discovery |Social emotional: | |Language: |

|sensory activities using fine and gross motor skill |1-3 mos. makes eye contact |Language: |8-10mos. Says “mama” and “dada” for specific person |

|using their hands /arms, feet/ legs. |1-3 mos. Begins to smile |4-6 Responds to sound by making sounds |9-12mos. Responds to no by briefly stopping activity and |

|Open and fill empty egg cartons. |4-7mos.enjoys social play | |noticing adult. |

|Tissue box sensory and exploration |5-7 mos. Interest in mirror |4-7 mos. Responds to spoken “bye bye” by waving |15-18 mos. Says several single words. |

| | |8-10mos. Says “mama” and “dada” for specific person |18-24mos. Recognizes names of familiar people, objects and |

|Tips for best practices: | |9-12mos. Responds to no by briefly stopping activity |body parts. |

|• plan for child to use sensory and motor skills | |and noticing adult. | |

|• provide resources to parents of sensory motor | | |Social emotional: |

|development activities including engaging parents in | |Social emotional: |10-12mos.Enjoys imitating people in their play. |

|the activities. | |6mos. Can calm down with ½ hour when upset. |8-12mos. Show specific preferences for certain people and |

|• Have one on one time daily | |4-7mos. Responds to other people’s expression of |toys. |

|• Rotate toys, props and material | |emotion |18-24mos. Demonstrates increasing independence. |

| | |10-12mos.Enjoys imitating people in their play. |18-24mos. Begins to show defiant behavior. |

| | |8-12mos. Show specific preferences for certain people | |

| | |and toys. |Self-help skills: |

| | | |8-12 mos. Finger feeds him/herself. |

| | | |13-18mos. Starts to feed self with spoon, with some spilling |

| | |Self help skill: |18-24 mos. Likes to play with food when eating. |

| | |8-12mos. Finger feeds him/herself. | |

|Sensory: |Art: |Music and Movement: |Language: |

|Use items that help develop their sensory and motor |• focus on color red/pink paint in a Ziploc bag on |• introduce new finger plays/puppet shows |• learn signs for textures. |

|skills |floor, painting for the older ones even crayons (jumbo |Sway with streamers or scarfs from one way to another. |• Read books with textures |

|Hang Satin streamers |crayons) | |• turning pages of book properly, continue pointing at |

|Use texture material throughout the class. |• hand or footprint arts | |pictures in books and naming. |

|Kaplan STEM Activities: |Holiday and Events: |

|ITT= Watch Me Grow! Start using a height or growth chart to measure the children's height. Measure at the |Chinese New Year Feb. 11th |

|beginning of the year, mid -year, and lastly, at the end of the year. Show the children how much they have |Dental Health week |

|grown since the last time they were measured. In the early years it is amazing how fast they grow. |Valentine’s Day/ Class Party-Feb. 14th |

|TT=Tunnel Fun: Collect as many large cardboard boxes as you can find. Secure them together to make a large |President Day School Closed/ Staff in-service Day Monday February 21st |

|and long tunnel. The children will enjoy crawling through and maybe even crawling backwards through the |Engineer Week |

|tunnel. Children can also practice rolling a ball through the tunnel. | |

| | |

|Sign Language: | |

|Frio | |

|Bien | |

|Beso | |

|Cerrado | |

| | |

| | |

|March Thematic Unit |Young Infants 0-8 mos. |Mobile infants 8-18 mos. |Toddlers 18-36 mos. |

|Monthly Theme/Topic: |Motor: |Motor: |Motor: |

|Noticing Nature a sense of Wonder |2-3mos. Stretches legs out when lying on stomach on | | |

|• Helping students notice nature: |back. |Gross: |Gross: |

|Finding ways to provide students with an experience |2-3mos. Opens and shuts hands |6-7 mos. Supports whole weight on legs. |• 9mos. Creeps on hands and knees |

|of noticing nature. Providing outside objects inside |6-7 mos. Supports whole weight on legs. |6mos. Grasps feet |• 9-10 mos. Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on |

|for those whom are younger and for those who are |6mos. Grasps feet |9mos. Creeps on hands and knees |stomach.) |

|older to have plenty of outdoor play to experience | |9-10 mos. Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying|18-24 mos. Walks into ball |

|Nature on hand. |Cognitive: |on stomach.) |16-24 mos. Climbs onto and down from furniture. |

| |3mos. Starts using hands and eyes in coordination | | |

|Activities for Noticing Nature: |6-7 mos. Finds partially hidden objects. |Fine motor: |Fine motor: |

|• Nature sensory bottle |5-6 mos. Grasps objects dangling in front of him/her | |• 9-12 mos. Pokes with index fingers |

|• post images of nature throughout the class. |5-7 mos. Looks for fallen toys. |9-12 mos. Pokes with index fingers |• 10-12mos. Puts objects into container |

|allow child to feel nature in between hands and feet.| |10-12mos. Puts objects into container |20-24mos.Builds tower of four or more. |

| |Language: | | |

|Tips for best practices: |1-3mos. Startles to loud noise. |Cognitive: |Cognitive: |

|• Observe students daily to find ways to help |4-6mos. Uses voice to express joy and displeasure |• 5-6 mos. Grasps objects dangling in front of him/her |• 9-12mos. Engages in simple games of Peek a Boo, Pat-a- |

|students develop in certain areas and skills |5-6 mos. Localizes or turns toward sounds. |• 5-7 mos. Looks for fallen toys. |cake, or rolling ball to another |

|• Follow the child's lead |5-7 mos. Syllable repetition begins |9-12mos. Engages in simple games of Peek a Boo, Pat-a- |• 10-12 mos. Finds hidden objects easily. |

|• Have one on one time daily | |cake, or rolling ball to another |20-24 mos. Begins make believe play |

|• Rotate toys, props and material | |10-12 mos. Finds hidden objects easily. | |

| | | | |

| | | |Language: |

|Special Project: Primavera / Pascua |Social emotional: |Language: |• 9-14 mos. Responds to simple verbal requests, such as “give|

|Infants A: Handprint kite |8-12mos. Shy or anxious with strangers. |• 5-6 mos. Localizes or turns toward sounds. |me” |

|[pic] |8-12mos cries when mother or father leave. |• 5-7 mos. Syllable repetition begins |• 12mos. Makes simple gestures such as shaking head for “no” |

|Infants B: Footprint blossom | |9-14 mos. Responds to simple verbal requests, such as |18-24mos. Points to object or picture when it’s named for |

|[pic] | |“give me” |them |

|Toddlers A: Foot/handprint craft art | |12mos. Makes simple gestures such as shaking head for |16-18 mos. Repeats words overheard in conversation. |

|[pic] | |“no” | |

|Toddlers B: Hand Clay Pot | | |Social emotional: |

|[pic] | |Social emotional: |10-12 mos. Enjoys imitating people in his play |

| | |8-12 shy or anxious with strangers |8-12mos. Shows specific preferences for certain people and |

| | |8-12 cries when mother /father leaves |toys. |

| | |10-12 mos. Enjoys imitating people in his play |Episodes of separation anxiety increase toward midyear, then |

| | |8-12mos. Shows specific preferences for certain people |fade. |

| | |and toys. | |

|Sensory: |Art: |Music and Movement: |Language: |

|Hang pictures at child's eye level. |• catching bubbles |• practice jumping, hoping and skipping to different |• use giant story books |

|Post images of color, shape and numbers. |• hand or footprint arts with the color green. |music. |• select stories about bodies and growing. |

|Visit outside for exploration/ can you see what I |shamrock/clover art with hands |• use scarves with movement. |• Pick stories relevant to children's lives |

|see. |finger painting | |work on signs for body parts. |

| |Holiday and Events: |

| |Parent Read aloud Week |

| |Let’s plant Our Garden |

| |Lady bug release |

| |Spirit Week |

| |Dr. Seuss Read Aloud America |

| |Parent Appreciation week |

| |Spring Break |

| |St. Patrick’s Day |

|April Thematic Unit |Young Infants 0-8 mos. |Mobile infants 8-18 mos. |Toddlers 18-36 mos. |

|Monthly Theme/Topic: |Motor: |Motor: |Motor: |

|Music and Movement/ things that move |3mos. Pushes down on his legs when his feet are placed | | |

| |on firm surface. |Gross: |Gross: |

|• Music and Movement: |3mos. Occasionally rolls from stomach to back |6-7mos. Transfers objects from hand to hand |• 9mos. Creeps on hands and knees |

|Teachers will find ways to use music to find ways to |6-7mos. Transfers objects from hand to hand |6mos. Uses raking grasp (not pincer grasp) |• 9-10 mos. Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on |

|encourage yoga, dance and various other movements. |6mos. Uses raking grasp (not pincer grasp) |10-13 mos. Walks holding on to furniture |stomach.) |

|Also creating music instruments as a class. | |11-13mos. Stands momentarily without support. |18-24 mos. Walks into ball |

| |Cognitive: | |16-24 mos. Climbs onto and down from furniture. |

|•Things that Move: Allowing the children to learn |8-9mos. Looks at correct picture when image is named. |Fine: | |

|about and explore objects around them that can and |8-10mos Explores objects in many different ways |10-12 mos. Takes objects out of container |Fine motor: |

|cannot move. As well as learning cause and effect. |(shaking, banging, throwing, dropping) |10-12mos. Tries to imitate scribbling. |• 9-12 mos. Pokes with index fingers |

|example: if I do this it will do this. | | |• 10-12mos. Puts objects into container |

| |Language: |Cognitive: |20-24mos.Builds tower of four or more. |

|Activities of music and movement: |7-8mos. Babules “dada” and “mama” |8-9 mos. Looks at correct picture when image is named | |

|• action movement songs |7-9 mes. Bable with inflection |8-10 mos. Explores object in various ways (shaking, |Cognitive: |

| |8-10mos. Says “dada” and “mama” for specific person. |banging, throwing, dropping) |• 9-12mos. Engages in simple games of Peek a Boo, Pat-a- |

|• Place rattle/toy in front of infant/ toddler for | |9-12mos. Engages in simple games of Peek a Boo, Pat-a- |cake, or rolling ball to another |

|them to try and grasp and shake. | |cake, or rolling ball to another |• 10-12 mos. Finds hidden objects easily. |

|play songs that make the students move and dance | |10-12 mos. Finds hidden objects easily. |20-24 mos. Begins make believe play |

|allot. | |Language: | |

| | |7-8 mos. Babbles “dada” “mama” | |

|do yoga positions. |Social emotional: |7-9 mos. Says “no” with meaning. |Language: |

|Activities of things that move: |8-12 mos. Shy or anxious with strangers |9-14 mos. Responds to simple verbal requests, such as |• 9-14 mos. Responds to simple verbal requests, such as “give|

|• Play with a pull toy allowing it to follow you. |8-12 mos. Cries when mother or father leaves. |“give me” |me” |

|• have a day to show objects that move including | |12 mos. Makes simple gestures such as shaking head for |• 12mos. Makes simple gestures such as shaking head for “no” |

|demonstrating how they move. | |“no” |18-24mos. Points to object or picture when it’s named for |

|build with soft or cardboard boxes and watch them | |12mos. Uses exclamation such as “oh oh” “uh oh” |them |

|fall | | |16-18 mos. Repeats words overheard in conversation. |

|playing roll, a ball. | |Social emotional: | |

| | |8-12 mos. shy or anxious with strangers |Social emotional: |

|Tips for best practices: | |8-12 mos. cries when mother /father leaves |10-12 mos. Enjoys imitating people in his play |

|• Acknowledge children's development achievements | |8-12 mos. Prefers mother and /or regular care provider |8-12mos. Shows specific preferences for certain people and |

|• Follow the child's lead | |over all others. |toys. |

|• Have one on one time daily | |10-12mos.Repeats sounds or gestures for attention |Episodes of separation anxiety increase toward midyear, then |

|• maintain physical eye contact and verbal | | |fade. |

|communication with every few minutes. | |Self help: | |

| | |8-12 mos. Finger feeds himself | |

| | |9-12mos. Extends arm or leg to help when being dressed | |

|Sensory: |Art: |Music and Movement: |Language: |

|Shake toys that make noise, ring bells, tambourine |• focus on color yellow paint in a Ziploc bag on floor,|• shake your body to the music |• sing transition songs to familiar tunes. |

|etc. |painting or finger painting for the older ones even |• set out musical instruments various kinds |• show pictures of instruments and vocabulary |

| |crayons (jumbo crayons) |• use a wide range of music genres |• use signs for music, dance, walk etc. |

| |• oval shapes | | |

| |crayons taped to vehicle to move from side to side. | | |

|Kaplan STEM Activities: |Holiday and Events: |

|ITT= Let's sing a song: Children's songs with phrases that repeat are great for STEM Learning. Sing some of |Egg Hunt /Party |

|the children's favorite songs with them. Incorporate dancing and movement when able. |Good Friday/School closed April 15th |

|ITT= Shake, Shake, Shake: Fill empty plastic water bottle with various objects that make noise. Permanently |NAEYC Week of the Young Child April 11th -15th ,2021 |

|glue the cap on the top of the bottle, so the children are unable to open it. Infants love to roll the bottle|Parent/Teacher Conference |

|on the floor. They will enjoy hearing the exciting and different noises the bottles make. Toddlers and twos | |

|like to roll and shake the bottles while keeping rhythm to their favorite song. | |

|ITT=Ball play: Take a couple of different types of balls outside. Football, basketball, soccer ball, bouncy | |

|ball, textured ball, etc. Let the children explore the balls. Talk about how the different balls feel. Talk | |

|about which is the heaviest and the lightest. Which ball bounces the highest? Which ball rolls the farthest? | |

| | |

|Sign Language: | |

|Review | |

|May Thematic Unit |Young Infants 0-8 mos. |Mobile infants 8-18 mos. |Toddlers 18-36 mos. |

|Monthly Theme/Topic: |Motor: |Motor: |Motor: |

|Creative Development- expressing Ideas and feelings. |Review developmental miles stones for individual |Review developmental miles stones for individual |Review developmental miles stones for individual children. |

|• Developing Creative expression and feelings: |children. |children. | |

|Finding ways for the students to express themselves | | | |

|through arts and crafts using a wide range of | | | |

|material. |Cognitive: |Cognitive: | |

| |Review developmental miles stones for individual |Review developmental miles stones for individual |Cognitive: |

| |children. |children. |Review developmental miles stones for individual children. |

|Tips for best practices: | | | |

|• repeat favorite songs and books | | |Language: |

|• Review and Repeat Activities. | |Language: |Review developmental miles stones for individual children. |

|• Have one on one time daily | |Review developmental miles stones for individual | |

|• Rotate toys and material preparing for summer. | |children. | |

| |Language: | |Social emotional: |

| |Review developmental miles stones for individual | |Review developmental miles stones for individual children. |

| |children. | | |

| | |Social emotional: | |

| | |Review developmental miles stones for individual | |

| |Social emotional: |children. | |

| |Review developmental miles stones for individual | | |

| |children. | | |

|Sensory: |Art: |Music and Movement: |Language: |

|Use material that allows them to be aware of their |• focus on color red paint in a Ziploc bag on floor, |• prepare a lot of songs one on one |• Work basic signs for please, more, finish, thank you. |

|surroundings such as hanging mobiles in the changing |painting for the older ones even crayons (jumbo |• peek a boo through scarves. |• Read picture books |

|table/cribs, use pattern on crib sheets or throughout|crayons) |• Rotating music heard throughout the day. Slow, fast, |• Use easy communication during arrival time so students have|

|room and textures objects |• hand or footprint arts |upbeat, calm. |easy drop off. |

|Kaplan STEM Activities: |Holiday and Events: |

|T=Iceberg Melting: let the children predict how ice will melt the fastest. Does ice melt faster in an empty |May 13 early release at 4pm for Westlake |

|cup? In warm water? In cold water? Set out three cups. Once cup with only ice. One cup with ice and warm |May 13 early release at 4pm for Central |

|water. One cup with ice and cold water. Find out which cup the ice melts the fastest! Chart the results. |May 30 Holiday Memorial Day Closed |

|TT=Color changing Flower: Take three clear plastic cups. Fill them about halfway with water. Choose one color|May 27 Last Day of School |

|of food coloring. Add about 5-7 drops in one cup. Choose another color and add the same amount into another |Parent Teacher Conferences |

|cup. Continue for the third cup. ADD at least one white carnation, daisy, or another white flower into each | |

|cup. Each day watch the color grow up into the flower turning the white flower into a beautiful color. |Special Project – Mother’s Day |

|T=Nature Rubbings: Go on an outdoor walk with the children and collect various types of leaves and other flat|Infants A & B: Picture Tiles |

|nature items. Place the items on the table. Lay a piece of white paper over the items. Let the children hold |[pic] |

|down the paper gently with one hand and use a crayon to lightly color over the paper. They could also hold |Toddlers A & B: Flowerpot with Picture |

|their paper up to the trunk or roots of a tree to create a unique design. |[pic] |

| | |

|Sign Language: | |

|Review | |

|June |

|Special Project – Father’s Day |

|Infants: Siguiendo los paso de papi |

|[pic] |

|Toddlers: Tarjeta para Papa |

|[pic] |

|July |

|School Readiness Goals |

|Approaches to Learning |Language and Literacy & Language and Communication |

|IT-ATL Goal 1. Children will manage feelings, emotions, actions, and behavior with support of familiar |IT-LC Goal 1. Children will attend to, understand, respond to, and learn through communication and language |

|adults. This includes: uses various strategies to help manage strong emotions, such as turning head away, |experiences, including communication systems such as sign language. This includes shows recognition of |

|thumb sucking, covering eyes or ears, seeking support from a familiar adult, or removing oneself from the |words, phrases, and simple sentences; participates in conversations in ways that show understanding by |

|situation; looks to others for help in coping with strong feelings and emotions; begins to manage and adjust|following comments or suggestions with actions or behavior. |

|actions and behavior with the guidance of familiar adults using words or signs such as “Stop” or “No” during|IT-LC Goal 2. Children will use non-verbal communication and increasingly oral language or a communication |

|conflict with a peer instead of hitting; alerts adults when they are hungry or tired. |system (e.g., sign language) to express needs and wants and engage others. This includes: combines words or |

|IT-ATL Goal 2. Children will attend, persist, and demonstrate flexibility in learning, making discoveries, |signs from one or more languages into phrases and sentences to communicate needs, wants, or ideas, such as |

|and solving problems. This includes: chooses to join in activities or pays attention to tasks and activities|“More milk,” “I want juice,” “Mas leche,” or “Quiero juice”; children who are dual language learners may |

|that are self-initiated; continues efforts to finish a challenging activity or task with support of an |combine their two languages or switch between them; participates in simple conversations with others that |

|adult; modifies actions or behavior in social situations, daily routines, and problem solving, such as |are maintained by back-and forth exchanges of ideas or information. |

|playing quietly when asked or adjusting to changes in schedule. |IT-LC Goal 3. Children will understand and use an increasing number of words to communicate and engage in |

| |conversation with others. This includes: shows understanding of the meaning of common words used in daily |

|IT-ATL Goal 3. Children will demonstrate emerging initiative, interest, and curiosity in interactions with |activities; attends to new words used in conversation with others; understands most positional words, such |

|others and exploration of objects and people in the environment. This includes demonstrates initiative by |as on, under, up, or down; shows rapid growth in number of words or signs used in conversation with others; |

|making choices or expressing preferences; attempts challenging tasks with or without adult help; shows |demonstrates a vocabulary of at least 300 words in home language; asks questions about the meaning of new |

|eagerness to try new things. |words. |

|IT-ATL Goal 4. Children will increasingly show creativity and imagination in play, learning, and |IT-LC Goal 4. Children will attend to, repeat, and use some rhymes and refrains from stories and songs. This|

|interactions with others. This includes combines objects or materials in new and unexpected ways; shows |includes says or repeats culturally and linguistically familiar rhymes, phrases, or refrains from songs or |

|delight in creating something new; uses imagination to explore possible uses of objects and materials; |stories; retells familiar stories using props. |

|engages in pretend or make-believe play with other children. |IT-LC Goal 5. Children will engage with books for stories and information. This includes: asks to have |

| |several favorite books read over and over; holds book, turns pages, and pretends to read; uses pictures as a|

| |guide to talk about a story that has been read; asks or answers questions about what is happening in a book |

| |or story; identifies the feelings of characters in a book or story. |

| |IT-LC Goal 6. Children will make written marks and use them to represent objects or actions. This includes |

| |draws pictures using scribbles and talks with others about what they have made; draws straight lines or |

| |curved lines; makes letter-like marks or scribbles on paper. |

|Social-Emotional Development |Cognitive |

|IT-SE Goal 1. Children will engage in positive interactions through secure relationships with consistent, |IT-C Goal 1. Children will actively explore their environment to discover what objects and people do, how |

|responsive adults. This includes turns to familiar adults for protection, comfort, and getting needs met; |things work, and how to make things happen. This includes: learns about characteristics of people and |

|engages in and may initiate behaviors that build relationships with familiar adults. |properties and uses of objects through the senses and active exploration; makes simple predictions about |

| |what will happen next, such as in a story or in everyday routines; notices who is missing from a familiar |

|IT-SE Goal 2. Children will develop personal and playful relationships with other children. This includes: |group, such as family at dinner or children in a playgroup; looks in several different places for a toy that|

|shows increasing interest in interacting with other children; shows preference for particular playmates, |was played with a few days before. |

|such as greeting friends by name; joins in play with other children by sometimes taking turns or doing joint|IT-C Goal 2. Children will use a variety of strategies to solve problems, including reasoning and planning |

|activities with a common goal, such as building block structures with others or pretending to eat together. |ahead. This includes: uses a variety of strategies to solve problems, such as trial and error, simple tools,|

| |or asking someone to help; uses problem-solving and experimenting to figure out solutions to everyday |

|IT-SE Goal 3. Children will begin to manage emotions and to understand and express emotions. This includes: |problems, including in social situations, such as when two children who both want to fit into a small car |

|expresses a variety of emotions and modifies their expression according to the reactions of familiar adults,|agree to take turns. IT-C Goal 3. Children will use beginning math concepts during daily |

|based on the child’s cultural background; expresses a range of emotions, including surprise, guilt, |routines and experiences, including sense of number and quantity, spatial awareness, and classification. |

|embarrassment, or pride, based on increasing awareness of their effects on others; shows understanding of |This includes: counts small number of objects (2–3), sometimes counting the same object twice or using |

|some emotional expressions of others by labeling the emotions, asking questions about them, or responding in|numbers out of order; identifies “more” or “less” with a small number of items without needing to count |

|appropriate non-verbal ways. |them; uses fingers to show how old they are; predicts or anticipates how things move through space, or fit |

| |together or inside other things, such as putting smaller objects into a small box and larger objects into a |

|IT-SE Goal 4. Children will begin to develop a sense of identity and a sense of belonging to a family and a |large box; sorts toys or other objects by color, shape or size; orders some objects by size. |

|group of peers. This includes: shows awareness of own thoughts, feelings, and preferences as well as those |IT-C Goal 4. Children will use imitation and symbolic thinking to increase understanding of concepts, |

|of others; uses different words or signs to refer to self and others; identifies self as a member of a |environment, daily experiences, and home culture. This includes seeks to involve others in pretend or |

|family; points to or names self and other familiar people, such as in photos or pictures. |make-believe play; looks for props to use when telling or making up a story; uses pretend play to try out |

| |solutions to everyday problems, such as ways to respond to stressful situations. |

|Objectives for Development & Learning |

|Birth through Kindergarten |

|Social-Emotional |Mathematics |

|Regulates own emotions and behaviors |Uses number concepts and operations |

|Manages feelings |Counts |

|Follows limits and expectations |Quantifies |

|Takes care of own needs appropriately |Connects numerals with their quantities |

|Establishes and sustains positive relationships |Explores and describes spatial relationships and shapes |

|Forms relationships with adults |Understands spatial relationships |

|Responds to emotional cues |Understands shapes |

|Interacts with peers |Compares and measures |

|Makes friends |Demonstrates knowledge of patterns |

|Participates cooperatively and constructively in | |

|group situations | |

|Balances needs and rights of self and others | |

|Solves social problems | |

|Physical |Science and Technology |

|Demonstrates traveling skills |Uses scientific inquiry skills |

|Demonstrates balancing skills |Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of living things |

|Demonstrates gross-motor manipulative skills |Demonstrates knowledge of the physical properties of objects and materials |

|Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination |Uses tools and other technology to perform tasks |

|Uses fingers and hands | |

|Uses writing and drawing tools | |

| | |

| |Social Studies |

| |Demonstrates knowledge about self |

| |Shows basic understanding of people and they live |

| |Explores change related to familiar people or places |

| |Demonstrates simple geographic knowledge |

|Language |Arts |

|Listens to and understands increasingly complex language |Explores the visual arts |

|Comprehends language |Explores musical concepts and expression |

|Follows directions | |

|Uses language to express thoughts and needs | |

|Uses an expanding expressive vocabulary | |

|Speaks clearly | |

|Uses conventional grammar | |

|Tells about another time or place | |

|Uses appropriate conversational and other communication skills | |

|Engages in conversations | |

|Uses social rules of language | |

|Cognitive | |

|Demonstrates positive | |

|Attends and engages | |

|Persists | |

|Solves problems | |

|Shows curiosity and motivation | |

|Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinking | |

|Remember and connects experiences | |

|Recognizes and recalls | |

|Makes connections | |

|Uses classification skills | |

|Uses symbols and images to represent something not present | |

|Thinks symbolically | |

|Engages in sociodramatic play | |

|Literacy | |

|Demonstrates phonological awareness | |

|Notices and discriminates rhyme | |

|Notices and discriminates alliteration | |

|Notices and discriminates smaller and smaller units of sound | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet | |

|Identifies and names letters | |

|Uses letters-sound knowledge | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of prints and its uses | |

|Uses and appreciates books | |

|Uses print concepts | |

|Comprehends and responds to books and other texts | |

|Interacts during read-aloud and books conversations | |

|Uses emergent reading skills | |

|Retells stories | |

|Demonstrates emergent writing skills | |

|Writes name | |

|Writes to convey meaning | |


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