
Chapter 16: Digestive System (Practice Test)Before you start, turn to page 388 and review the review questions.Ingested food undergoes three kinds of processing in the body. All cells perform metabolism, but _______________ and __________________ are performed by the digestive systemThe ________________ layer of the wall of the GI tract produces peristalsis The ___________________ layer of the wall of the GI react contains blood vessels and nerves____________________ is the innermost layer of the wall of the GI tract ____________________ is the outermost layer of the wall of the GI tractThe ______________ and _________________ prevent material form entering the nasal cavity above the mouth when food is swallowed The three main parts of the tooth are _________________________________________The names of the three pairs of salivary glands are the ________________________________________________________________________The tube connecting the pharynx and the stomach is the _________________________Thee three divisions of the stomach are the ___________________________________The three divisions of the small intestine are the ________________________________The tiny, fingerlike projections covering the plicae of the small intestine are called _____The lymphatic vessel in the villi is called the _________________________________The common bile duct is formed by the union of the ________________ from the liver and the ______________________ from the gallbladderThe part of the large intestine between the ascending and descending colon is the ________________The part of the large intestine between the descending colon and the rectum is called the _______________________The two most prominent extension of the peritoneum are the ____________________The process by which digested nutrients are moved from the digestive system to the circulating fluids is called ________________________________Match This enzyme is made in the pancreas and digests lipidThis enzyme is made in the small intestine and digests proteinThis gland produces bileThis is the final end product of protein digestionBile has this effect on lipid dropletsThis enzyme is made in an inactive form in the pancreas and digests protein This is the final end product of carbohydrate digestionThis is one of the final end products of lipid digestionThis enzyme is made in both the salivary gland and the pancreas and digests starchThis enzyme is made in the stomach in an inaction form and digests proteinThis hormone stimulates the contraction of the gallbladderThis duct connects the gallbladder to the common bile duct ___ emulsification___ amylase___ pepsin___ cholecystokinin___ peptidase___ cystic___ trypsin___ simple sugars___ amino acids___ liver___ lipase___ glycerol The organs of the digestive system form an irregularly shaped called the alimentary canal, or the _________________________________The churning of food in the stomach is an example of the _________________ digestive process of food________________________ breakdown occurs when digestive enzymes act on food as it passes through the digestive tractWaste material resulting from the digestive process is known as ___________________The process of ingested food being broken down into simpler nutrients is known as ___________________________After the digestive processes have altered the physical and chemical composition of ingested food, the resulting nutrients are ready for the process of __________________The digestive tract extends from the __________________ to the __________________The inside or hollow space within the alimentary canal is called the ______________________The inside layer of the digestive tract is the ________________________The connective tissue layer that lies beneath the lining of the digestive tract is the _______________________________The muscularis contracts and moves food through the gastrointestinal tract by a process known as ______________________________The outermost covering of the digestive tube is the ___________________________The loops of the digestive tract are anchored to the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity by the _________________________Match Main organ Accessory organ___ mouth___ parotids___ liver ___ stomach ___ cecum___ esophagus___ rectum___ pharynx___ appendix___ teeth___ gallbladder___ pancreasWhich one of the following is NOT part of the roof of the mouth?Uvula Palatine bonesMaxillary bonesSoft palateAll of the above are part of the roof of the mouthA thin membrane called the _________ attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouthFiliform FungiformFrenulumRootThe first baby tooth, on an average, appears at age:2 months1 year3 months1 month6 months The portion of the tooth that is covered with enamel is the:Pulp cavityNeck RootCrownNone of the aboveThe wall of the pulp cavity is surrounded by:EnamelDentinCementumConnective tissueBlood and lymphatic vessels A general term for mild, localized inflammation of the gums is:PeriodontitisDental cariesGingivitis Deciduitis The leading cause of tooth loss among adults is:Dental cariesGingivitisPoor dietPeriodontitisWhich of the following teeth begin the process of mastication?CuspidsBicuspidsTricuspidsIncisorsWhich one of the following will NOT significantly reduce caries?Good dental health practicesRegular flossing Regular and thorough brushingEating a carrot or stick of celery instead of brushingThe ducts of the ______________ glands open into the floor of the mouthSublingual SubmandibularParotidCarotidThe volume of saliva secreted per day is about:One-half pintOne pintOne literOne gallonSerous-type saliva, produced by serous-type secretory cells contains the digestive enzymeAmylaseLipasePepsinSucraseMolars or tricuspids are used during mastication to:GrindPierceTear CutAnother name for the third molar is:Central incisorWisdom toothCanineLateral incisorAfter food has been chewed, it is formed into a small rounded mass called a:MoatChymeBolusProtease The _____________________ is a tube-like structure that functions as part of both respiratory and digestive systems. It connects the mouth with the _______________________. The esophagus serves as a passageway for movement of food from the pharynx to the _____________________. Food enters the stomach by passing through the muscular _________________________ at the end of the esophagus. Contraction of the stomach mixes the food thoroughly with the gastric juices and breaks it down into a semisolid mixture called _____________________. The three divisions of the stomach are the _________________,________________, and _______________________. Food is held in stomach by the _______________ ______________ muscle long enough for partial digestion to occur. After food has been in the stomach for some time, the chyme will enter the ___________________.Match EsophagusChymePeristalsisRugaeTriple therapy Greater curvatureHiatal herniaAntacidAcid indigestionLesser curvature___ stomach folds___ upper right border of stomach___ condition that may result in backward movement or reflux of stomach contents into the lower portion of the esophagus ___ 10-inch passageway___ drug used to treat GERD___ semisolid mixture of stomach contents___ muscle contractions of the digestive system ___ used to heal ulcers and prevent recurrences___ heartburn___ lower left border of stomach Which one is NOT part of the small intestine?JejunumIleumCecumDuodenumWhich one of the following structures does NOT increase the surface area of the intestine for absorption?PlicaeRugaeMicrovilliVilliThe union of the cystic duct and hepatic duct forms the:Common bile ductMajor duodenal papillaMinor duodenal papillaPancreatic ductObstruction of the __________________ will lead to jaundiceHepatic ductPancreatic ductCystic ductNone of the aboveEach villus in the intestine contains a lymphatic vessel, or _________________, that serves to absorb lipid or fat materials from the chymePlica LactealVillaMicrovilliThe middle third of the duodenum contains the:IsletsFundusBodyRugaeMajor duodenal papillaMost gastric and duodenal ulcers result from infection with the bacterium:BiaxinMetronidazolePrilosecHelicobacter pyloriThe liver is an:EnzymeEndocrine organEndocrine glandExocrine glandFats in chyme stimulate the secretion of the hormone:LipaseCholecystokininProteaseAmylaseThe largest gland in the body is the:PituitaryThyroidLiverThymusBacteria in the large intestine are responsible for the synthesis of vitamin E needed for normal blood clottingTrueFalseVilli in the large intestine absorb salts and waterTrueFalseIf waste products pass rapidly through the large intestine, constipation resultsTrueFalseThe ileocecal valve opens into the sigmoid colonTrueFalseThe splenic flexure is the bend between the ascending colon and the transverse colonTrueFalseThe splenic colon is the S-shaped segment that terminates in the rectumTrueFalseThe appendix serves as a “breeding ground” for nonpathogenic intestinal bacteriaTrueFalseDuring movement through the large intestine, material that escapes digestion in the small intestine is acted on by intestinal microbiome, or “flora”TrueFalseThe visceral layer of the peritoneum lines the abdominal cavityTrueFalseThe greater momentum is shaped like a fan and serves to anchor the small intestine to the posterior abdominal wallTrueFalse Which one of the following substances does not contain any enzymes?SalivaBileGastric juicePancreatic juiceIntestinal juiceWhich one of the following is a simple sugar?MaltoseSucroseLactoseGlucoseStarchCane sugar is the same as:MaltoseLactoseSucroseGlucoseNone of the aboveMost of the digestion of carbohydrates takes place in the:Mouth StomachSmall intestineLarge intestineFats are broken down into:Amino acidsSimple sugarsFatty acidsDisaccharidesThe principle structure of the digestive system is an irregular tube, open at both ends, that is called the:Alimentary canalOral cavityColonEsophagusWhich of the following is NOT a layer of the digestive tract?MucosaMuscularisLumenSerosaWhich of the following is NOT a main organ of the digestive system?LiverStomachCecumColonWhich of the following types of teeth have a cutting function during mastication CaninesIncisorsPremolarsMolarsWhich of the following is an accurate description of the salivary glands?There are four pairs of salivary glandsSalivary amylase begins the chemical digestion of carbohydratesThey are located within the digestive tubeThe submandibular glands are the ones involved when people have the mumps The act of swallowing moves a mass of food called a _________ from the mouth to the stomachDentinBolusChymeFrenulumStomach muscle contractions result in:RugaePeristalsisPlicaeNone of the aboveThe stomach sphincter that keeps food from reentering the esophagus when the stomach contracts is known as the:Hiatal PyloricCardiacFundusMost of the chemical digestion occurs in the:StomachLiverDuodenumJejunumThe pancreas:Is both an endocrine and an exocrine gland?Contains enzymes that digest proteins and fats onlyContains an acid substance that elevates the pH of the gastric juiceNone of the above Undigested and unabsorbed food materials enter the large intestine after passing through a spincterlike structure called the _____________________________________The subdivision of the large intestine in the order in which food material or feces passes through them are cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, _______________________, rectum, and anal canalThe vermiform appendix is directly attached to the _________________________The ________________________ is an extension between the parietal and visceral layers of the peritoneum and is shaped like a giant, pleated fanChewing, swallowing, peristalsis, and defection are the main processes of _______________________________The end products of carbohydrate digestion are ___________________The end products of protein digestion are ___________________The end products of fat digestion are ________________ & ______________________The process by which molecules of amino acids, glucose, fatty acids, and glycerol go from the inside of the intestines into the circulating fluids of the body is known as ___________________________Three intestinal enzymes, __________________,__________________, and ____________________, digest disaccharides by changing them into monosaccharides ................

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