Infection Control - Cengage

Faculty Teaching Guide for Introduction to Dental Assisting

Module - Infection Control

Faculty Teaching Guide for Introduction to Dental Assisting

Module - Infection Control

Review of Previous Module

Review topics from the previous module to confirm understanding prior to presenting new material.

Module Overview

The study of microorganisms, their associated diseases, and the rules and regulations designed to provide a safe workplace is the focus of this module. Introduction to dental vocabulary and the analysis of the structure of dental terms will further develop understanding of terminology related to the dental sciences.

The Big Picture


This module utilizes the following learner resources:


Dental Assisting, A Comprehensive Approach, 2nd edition, by Donna J. Phinney and Judy Halstead. Delmar Learning, 2004. ISBN 1-4018-3480-9.

Safety Standards and Infection Control for Dental Assistants, by Ellen Dietz. Delmar Learning, 2002. ISBN 0-7668-2659-7.

Dental Terminology, by Charline M. Dofka, Delmar Learning, 2000. ISBN 0-8273-9068-8.

Workbook: Workbook to Accompany Dental Assisting, A Comprehensive Approach, 2nd edition, by Donna J. Phinney and Judy Halstead, prepared by Karen L. Waide, Delmar Learning, 2004. ISBN 1-4018-3483-3.

Instructor’s Manuals:

Instructor’s Manual to Accompany Delmar’s Dental Assisting, A Comprehensive Approach, 2nd edition, by Donna J. Phinney and Judy Halstead. Delmar Learning, 2004. ISBN 1-4018-3482-5.

Instructor’s Manual to Accompany Dental Terminology, by Charline M. Dofka, Delmar Learning, 2000. ISBN 0-8273-9069-6.

Audiotape to Accompany Dental Terminology: Delmar Learning.

Delmar’s Dental Assisting Video Series: Delmar Learning. ISBN 0-7668-1031-3.

Electronic CD-ROM: Delmar’s Dental Assisting Interactive Skills and Procedures CD-ROM, Betty Finkbeiner, Donna Phinney, Judy Halstead. ISBN 1-4018-3485-X.

Faculty CD-ROM: The faculty CD-ROM includes this Faculty Guide and the PowerPoint Presentation for Introduction to Dental Assisting.

Additional Resources

Electronic Classroom Manager to Accompany Delamr’s Dental Assisting, A Comprehensive Approach, 2nd edition, by Donna J. Phinney and Judy Halstead. Delmar Learning, 2004. ISBN: 1-4018-3484-1.

Section 1: Microbiology

Section Overview

This section introduces the learner to microorganisms and diseases of concern to the dental assistant. An appreciation for how the body fights disease and routes of exposure in the dental environment is addressed.

Outline of Section

Part A: Microorganisms

Part B: Diseases Found in Dentistry

Learning Objectives and Competencies

These learning activities directly address the Learning Objectives and Competencies

as stated.


1. Define the Key Terms.

2. List the characteristics of viruses.


3. Identify characteristics of bacteria.

4. Define diseases of major concern to the dental assistant.

5. Explain how the body fights disease.

6. Discuss different immunities and routes of microorganism exposure.

Learning Activities

These learning activities directly address the Learning Objectives and Competencies as stated.

[Insert Homework Assignment icon] Key Term Glossary (Parts A-B, Objectives 1-4)

[Insert In-Class Activity icon] Viewing a Microorganism (Part A, Objective 2)

[Insert Homework Assignment icon] Textbook and Workbook Assignment (Part A, All Objectives)

[Insert Homework Assignment icon] End of Chapter Activities (Part A, All Objectives)

[Insert In-Class Activity icon] Homework Review (Part B, All Objectives)

[Insert Homework Assignment icon] Regulations Research (Section 2, Part A, Objective 8)

[Insert Homework Assignment icon] Post Test (Part B, All Objectives)

Part A: Microorganisms


We are surrounded by organisms so small they can only be seen with a microscope.

Some are beneficial to us, such as those that help in baking bread and making cheese.

Others are pathogenic: capable of causing disease. This section describes different

characteristics of bacteria and viruses, and how the body defenses fight the infections

they may cause.

Initial Questions and Activities

1. What are antibiotics meant to do?

Most people think antibiotics will help get rid of a cold or flu, both of which are caused by viruses. Make sure that learners understand that only bacterial infections are killed by antibiotics. Antibiotic medications do nothing to deter a virus.

1. Who of you have had the opportunity to view microorganisms through a microscope? What did you see?

There will be a variety of answers depending on learners’ previous experience. Encourage learners to share with the class their experiences. Inform learners that at the end of this Part each of them will be given an opportunity to view microorganisms through a microscope.

|Key Concepts |References and Activities |Slides |

|Introduction to Module | |Slides 1-2 |

|Introduction to Section 1 | |Slide 3 |

|Key Terms |[Insert Home Ass icon] Key Term Glossary |Slides 4-5 |

|Microorganisms |Chapter ____, pp. ____ (Phinney & Halstead) |Slides 6-9 |

| |Chapter ____, pp. ____ (Dietz) | |

| |[Insert In-Class Activity icon] Viewing a Microorganism | |

| |[Insert Home Ass icon] Textbook and Workbook Assignment | |

| |[Insert Home Ass icon] End of Chapter Activities | |

[ ] Group Activities [ ] Homework [ ] Individual Activity [ ] Internet Activity [ ] In-Class Discussion [ ] In-Class Act [ ] Evaluation

[Insert In-Class Act icon] In-Class Activities

❑ Viewing a Microorganism (Part A, Objective 2). Goal: To have learners become more familiar with how bacteria look under a microscope. With the equipment and slides provided, demonstrate how to view the slides through the microscope then give each learner an opportunity to view the microscopic slides. After the activity, have the learners discuss what they saw. Were they surprised by how it looked? What did they learn by viewing bacteria under a microscope?

[Insert In-Class Dis Ques icon] In-Class Discussion

1. Why is it important for dental personnel to be immunized against Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is a virus that is primarily transmitted through contaminated needles. HBV could be passed onto dental personnel through an accidental needle-stick or a scratch from a contaminated instrument. OSHA standards require employers to offer Hepatitis B immunization to all employees to safeguard them from the risks of possible exposure.

[Insert Home Ass icon] Homework Assignments

Key Term Glossary. Learners will define key terms listed in the PowerPoint presentation. They are to enter this glossary on disk, in a dedicated notebook or in a designated part of a notebook. They are expected to augment information from text or lecture with other resources including any available in the school or public libraries or on the Internet and will be graded at the end of the module on completeness and presentation.

Textbook and Workbook Assignment. Learners are to read Chapter ____ (Phinney and Halsead) as well as Chapter ____ (Dietz). Learners are to complete the workbook Chapter ____ questions. Learners should be prepared to review these in class.

End of Chapter Activities. Have learners complete the Case Study, Review Questions and Critical Thinking Questions in Chapter ____ (Phinney & Halstead).

Presentation Tools

Note: If you change Objectives or Assignments, don’t forget to change the slides accordingly.

|Slide 1 |[Insert IDA 2-1] |Power Point Presentation for Introduction to Dental Assisting |

| |IDA = Introduction to Dental Assisting. |Module: Infection Control |

| |2 = Module called “Infection Control” The second |Prior to introducing this module. Ask learners if any questions remain from |

| |number indicates the slide number. |the previous module. If questions remain review the material as needed. |

| | |Introduce this module. |

|Slide 2 |[Insert IDA 2-2] |Module: Infection Control |

| | |Introduce the sections and each part. |

|Slide 3 |[Insert IDA 2-3] |Section 1: Microbiology |

| | |Discuss each objective in detail. Learners need to know what they will be |

| | |learning and why. Try to relate it back to their careers as dental assistants.|

|Slide 4 |[Insert IDA 2-4] |Key Terms |

| | |Review each key term and discuss. |

|Slide 5 |[Insert IDA 2-5] |Key Terms (cont.) |

| | |Review each key term and discuss. |

| | |Homework Assignment: Stop here and go over the Key Term Glossary assignment. |

|Slide 6 |[Insert IDA 2-6] |Part A: Microorganisms |

| | |Introduce the two main groups of microorganisms. |

| | |Inform learners that the mouth has ideal conditions for bacteria colony |

| | |growth. |

|Slide 7 |[Insert IDA 2-7] |Bacteria |

| | |Discuss the different characteristics of bacteria. |

| | |Describe the differences between aerobic, anaerobic, and facultative anaerobic|

| | |bacteria. |

| | |Direct learners to the Figures in Chapter ___ (Phinney & Halstead) that |

| | |demonstrate the different shapes of bacteria. |

| | |Address the different types of diseases caused by bacteria. |

| | |Point out to learners that sporulating and tubuculosis bacteria are especially|

| | |difficult to kill. Tuberculosis is extremely virulent: destructive and |

| | |contagious. TB is easily spread by airborne particles when an infected person|

| | |coughs, or contact with saliva through cross-contamination during dental |

| | |treatment. Inform learners that protective devices used to protect both the |

| | |patient and the dental assistant will be discussed later in this module. |

|Slide 8 |[Insert IDA 2-8] |Protozoa |

| | |Discuss the characteristics and shapes of protozoa. |

| | |Address the different diseases caused by protozoa. |

|Slide 9 |[Insert IDA 2-9] |Other Microorganisms |

| | |Describe the characteristics of rickettsiae, yeasts and molds, and viruses and|

| | |some diseases each one can cause. |

| | |In-Class Activity: Stop here for the Viewing a Microorganism activity. |

| | |Homework Assignment: Stop here to assign and discuss the homework. |

Part B: Diseases Found in Dentistry


Dental healthcare personnel must be aware of diseases they may encounter during patient contact. By understanding how these diseases are transmitted and the possible routes of exposure during dental procedures, the dental assistant can help prevent infection.

Initial Questions and Activities

1. What type of microorganism causes the common cold and influenza?

Colds and the flu are caused by viruses.

2. How are these viruses spread to others?

Colds are spread through the air, contact with contaminated objects, such as a door knob or telephone, or even by hand-to-hand contact. The flu is spread through aerborne droplets such as a person coughing or sneezing, or even talking. We should cover our mouth and nose when we cough or sneeze, and teach our children to do the same. Just washing our hands helps prevent these illnesses.

|Key Concepts |References and Activities |Slides |

|Diseases of Concern in the Dental Environment |Chapter ____, pp. ____ (Phinney & Halstead) |Slides 10-11 |

| |Chapter ____, pp. ____ (Dietz) | |

| |[Insert In-Class Activity icon] Homework Review | |

|Ways the Body Fights Disease |Chapter ____, p. ____ (Phinney & Halstead) |Slide 12 |

| |Chapter ____, pp. ____ (Dietz) | |

|Routes of Microoganism Exposure |Chapter ____, pp. ____ (Phinney & Halstead) |Slide 13 |

|Assessment Questions |[Insert Homework Ass icon] Regulations Research |Slide 14 |

| |[Insert Homework Ass icon] Post Test | |

[ ] Group Activities [ ] Homework [ ] Individual Activity [ ] Internet Activity [ ] In-Class Discussion [ ] In-Class Activity [ ] Evaluation

[Insert In-Class Act icon] In-Class Activities

❑ Homework Review (Part B, All Objectives). Goal: To access learners’ comprehension of the material. Review the Chapter ___ workbook assignment questions and the Case Study, Review and Critical Thinking Questions that learners completed as homework. Assess the learners understanding and review material as needed.

[Insert In-Class Dis Ques icon] In-Class Discussion

1. How is HIV transmitted?

Learners have “heard” much erroneous information on this topic and will now be considered educated healthcare workers. They must understand the facts on this subject. The human immunodeficiency virus is only spread from infected blood or semen to another susceptible person. It is not spread through casual kissing, sharing eating utensils, toilet seats, mosquito bites, or any of the other ways uniformed persons talk about. Persons with AIDS are more susceptible to catching a cold or flu virus from us, and becoming extremely sick, than we are from acquiring the disease from them.

[Insert Home Ass icon] Homework Assignments

Regulations Research. Divide the class into six different groups. This homework assignment is in preparation for the material that will be presented in Section 2, Part A. Give each group an agency that establishes guidelines for infection control in the dental office. The six agencies are: ADA, CDC, OSHA, FDA, EPA, OSAP. Tell each group that they should conduct research regarding their agency. The research should include the standards and recommendations established by the agency for a dental practice. Each group should document their research and prepare to present their information to the class as a group. Their research will be graded on completeness and group participation.

Post Test. Have learners complete the post test in Chapter ____ (Dietz). Learners should be prepared to discuss their answers in class.

Ideas for learners struggling with this material …

❑ Attending to Lecture. Question what you read. The more you question, the more you will concentrate on the meaning and the more you will learn. Try to determine if you agree or disagree with the information.

Ideas for learners who are ahead and want to learn more …

❑ Web Research. Have learners go to the website and research the latest information on HBV and to be prepared to discuss their discoveries in class.

Presentation Tools

Note: If you change Objectives or Assignments, don’t forget to change the slides accordingly.

|Slide 10 |[Insert IDA 2-10] |Part B: Diseases found in Dentistry |

| | |Review Part A. |

| | |In-Class Activity: Stop here for the Homework Review activity. Make sure that any|

| | |remaining questions are answered. |

| | |Introduce Part B. |

| | |Go through each disease on the slide. Most people don’t |

| | |realize there are two types of herpes. Explain both types. |

|Slide 11 |[Insert IDA 2-11] |Risks for Acquiring Hepatitis B, HIV, and AIDS |

| | |Address how learners can be exposed to contaminated blood or body fluid. |

| | |Insure learners know that unprotected sex can be contract from: heterosexual, |

| | |bisexual, or homosexual – male or female. Also explain that the Hepatitis B virus|

| | |can be transmitted through sexual contact just as HIV can, and that HBV is much |

| | |more common. |

|Slide 12 |[Insert IDA 2-12] |Ways the Body Fights Disease |

| | |Discuss how intact skin keeps bacteria from entering our systems, and that we |

| | |sneeze or cough to expel particles. Address how white blood cells swallow up |

| | |pathogens and create pus. |

| | |Explain that inflammation is an increased blood supply to the injured area in |

| | |order to fight off pathogens. |

| | |Explain that antibodies produce immunity against foreign substances and pathogens|

| | |that stimulate antibodies are called antigens. |

| | |Point out that we are born with a natural immunity and an acquired immunity is |

| | |developed by our body as a result of exposure to a pathogen. |

|Slide 13 |[Insert IDA 2-13] |Exposure to Microorganisms in the Dental Environment |

| | |Discuss each example of exposure presented on the slide. |

| | |Question: What other examples can you think of where exposure may occur? |

|Slide 14 |[Insert IDA 2-14] |Assessment Questions |

| | |Short Activity: Stop here and have learners answer the questions on the slide. |

| | |Review material as needed to enhance understanding. |

| | |Homework Assignment: Stop here to assign and discuss the homework. |

Section 2: Infection Control

Section Overview

Dental assistants must recognize the importance of their position in preventing disease transmission. Regulations and recommendations exist to clarify how to perform dental assistant duties in a cautious and consistent manner. This section explains how to ensure proper infection control measures are followed, as well as the safe use of hazardous materials.

Outline of Section

Part A: Regulations

Part B: Disease Prevention and Safety

Learning Objectives and Competencies

These learning activities directly address the Learning Objectives and Competencies as stated.


7. Define the Key Terms.

8. Identify the various agencies responsible for regulations and recommendations for infection control in the

dental environment.

9. Understand the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard.


10. Identify how to use various sterilizers.

11. Compare disinfection and sterilization.

12. Explain the use of material safety data sheets (MSDS).


13. Demonstrate proper protocol prior to and after seating the patient.

14. Demonstrate safe disposal of sharps.

Learning Activities

These learning activities directly address the Learning Objectives and Competencies as stated.

[Insert Homework Assignment icon] Key Term Glossary (Part A, Objectives 7-9)

[Insert In-Class Activity icon] Regulations Research Presentations (Part A, Objective 8)

[Insert Homework Assignment icon] Textbook and Workbook Assignment (Parts A-B, All Objectives)

[Insert In-Class Activity icon] Video 3: Infection Control Techniques (Part B, Objectives 13 and 14)

[Insert In-Class Activity icon] Handwashing Competency Assessment (Part B, Objectives 13 and 14)

[Insert In-Class Activity icon] Field Trip to Medical/Dental Facility (Part B, Objectives 9-11)

Part A: Regulations


Dental assistants must be thoroughly familiar with the mandatory requirements for all dental healthcare personnel as well as the government agencies establishing such guidelines. Infection control is serious business and there are no shortcuts in aseptic technique if dental assistants are to assure a pathogen free environment for the dental patient and the dental team.

Initial Question and Activities

1. How many learners have heard of OSHA and what does it stand for?

Some learners may have experienced OSHA requirements from their employment. Using a visual presentation board, write the initials OSHA vertically, and then one-at-a time, fill in the rest of Occupational Health and Safety Administration. Then explain that OSHA mandates how employers protect their employees, and in a dental office, how the dentist is responsible to ensure his employees follow certain guidelines.

|Key Concepts |References and Activities |Slides |

|Introduction to Section 2 | |Slides 15-16 |

|Key Terms |Chapters ____, pp. ____(Phinney & Halstead) |Slides 17-18 |

| |[Insert Homeword Ass icon] Key Term Glossary | |

|Regulations |Chapter ____, pp. ____(Phinney & Halstead) |Slides 19-21 |

| |[Insert In-Class Activity icon] Regulations Research | |

| |Presentations | |

| |[Insert Home Ass icon] Textbook and Workbook Assignment | |

[ ] Group Activities [ ] Homework [ ] Individual Activity [ ] Internet Activity [ ] In-Class Discussion [ ] In-Class Activity [ ] Evaluation

[Insert In-Class Act icon] In-Class Activities

❑ Regulations Research Presentations (Part A, Objective 8). Goal: For learners to gain a better understanding regarding the different agencies involved in establishing guidelines for infection control in the dental office. Have each group come to the front of the class and present their findings regarding the government agency they researched. Learners should inform the class where their source(s) of information were found. Time should be given to each group for questions and answers.

[Insert In-Class Dis Ques icon] In-Class Discussion

1. Why should we not use the sterilization area as a staff lounge or a place to eat and drink?

Discuss how disease transmission should be minimized by not having these activities in the same location as dirty instruments. There is a possibility of cross-contamination from airborne particles. Even the dirty and clean instrument areas should ideally be separate.

2. Why do you think the dental assistant needs to plan ahead and only set out what is needed for the procedure,

and avoid having too many extra materials on the tray, or not having enough items prepared?

By planning ahead the dental assistant will avoid opening drawers, cupboards, or containers which may become contaminated with the patient’s saliva. These areas will then need to be disinfected when cleaning the patient treatment area following the procedure. Dispensing individually packaged materials and discarding leftover material at completion of the procedure also prevents possible cross-contamination.

[Insert Home Ass icon] Homework Assignments

Key Term Glossary. Learners will define key terms listed in the PowerPoint presentation. They are to enter this glossary on disk, in a dedicated notebook or in a designated part of a notebook. They are expected to augment information from text or lecture with other resources including any available in the school or public libraries or on the Internet and will be graded at the end of the module on completeness and presentation.

Textbook and Workbook Assignment. Have learners read Chapter ____ (Phinney & Halstead) and Chapter ____ (Dietz). Have learners complete the questions in Chapter ____ of the workbook.

Ideas for learners struggling with this material …

❑ Concept Tune-Up: When reading your textbook, try paraphrasing each chunk of information in your own words. Then go back and review each section.

Ideas for learners who are ahead and want to learn more …

❑ Statistical Research: Ask learners to research the latest statistics on Tuberculosis and to present their findings in class.

Presentation Tools

Note: If you change Objectives or Assignments, don’t forget to change the slides accordingly.

|Slide 15 |[Insert IDA 2-15] |Section 2: Infection Control |

| | |Discuss each objective in detail. Learners need to know what they will be |

| | |learning and why. Relate it back to their careers as dental assistants. |

|Slide 16 |[Insert IDA 2-16] |Section 2: Infection Control |

| | |Continue to discuss each objective in detail. |

|Slide 17 |[Insert IDA 2-17] |Key Terms |

| | |Review each key term and discuss the importance of knowing the definition of |

| | |each. |

|Slide 18 |[Insert IDA 2-18] |Key Terms (cont.) |

| | |Continue to review each key term and discuss. |

| | |Homework Assignment: Stop here and review the Key Terms Glossary homework |

| | |assignment. Make sure learners understand the importance of learning each term|

| | |and acquiring new vocabulary. |

|Slide |[Insert IDA 2-19] |Part A: Regulations |

|19 | |Discuss the different requirements regarding training. Explain that training |

| | |must be conducted within 10 days of initial employment, when job tasks change,|

| | |and annually. Point out that since dentists are required to keep records for |

| | |30 years, they will be selective with whom they hire. Emphasize the importance|

| | |for all procedures to be done in the same manner, all the time, to avoid |

| | |cross-contamination. Make sure it is clear regarding the differences between |

| | |what is required by government agencies vs. recommendations by other groups, |

| | |organizations, or individuals. |

|Slide 20 |[Insert IDA 2-20] |Regulations (cont.) |

| | |In-Class Activity: Stop here for the Regulations Research Presentations. As |

| | |each agency is shown on the slide. Have the group responsible for researching |

| | |that agency come up to the front and present their material. |

| | |Ensure learners understand that these agencies are protecting our health, not |

| | |just creating rules for us to follow. Dental assistants need to be familiar |

| | |with all these agencies and associations. Remind them that all are on their |

| | |terminology list. |

|Slide 21 |[Insert IDA 2-21] |Regulations (cont.) |

| | |Have the learners refer to the exposure determination categories in Chapter |

| | |____ (Phinney and Halstead). |

| | |Describe how gloves, mask, eyewear, and over-clothing protect dental |

| | |healthcare providers. Specify the differences between engineering controls |

| | |(what we use to do our job), workpractice controls (how we do our job), and |

| | |housekeeping controls (how we clean up after patient treatment). |

| | |Reiterate that OSHA mandates that all of us understand the Bloodborne |

| | |Pathogens Standard. Refer learners to Chapter _____ p.____ (Phinney and |

| | |Halstead). |

| | |Homework Assignment: Stop here to assign and discuss the homework assignments.|

Part B: Disease Prevention and Safety


The job of a dental assistant is to properly prepare the patient, perform patient treatment, and cleanup following patient care. This section clarifies the use of personal protective equipment, engineering, and workpractice controls. Hazardous chemical safety, disposal of sharps, and what to do if an exposure incident occurs is also explained.

Initial Questions and Activities

1. Why is washing hands the most basic step in infection control?

Clean hands are the basis for preventing infectious disease

transmission and is not a substitute for wearing gloves. Hands must

be washed prior to, and after removing gloves. Due to constant

handwashing dental healthcare providers need to be sure to use moisturizers and to keep their hands free from cracks or cuts. Any cuts should be covered with a bandage.

|Key Concepts |References and Activities |Slides |

|Cross Contamination and Routes of Microbial |Chapter ____, p. ____ (Phinney & Halstead) |Slide 22 |

|Transmission |Chapter ____, p. ____ (Dietz) | |

|Infection Control in the Dental Office |Chapter ____, pp. ____ (Phinney & Halstead) |Slides 23-35 |

| |Chapter ____, pp. ____ (Dietz) | |

|Management of Hazardous Materials |Chapter ____, pp. ____ (Phinney & Halstead) |Slide 36 |

|Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens |Chapter ____, pp. ____ (Phinney & Halstead) |Slide 37 |

|Keeping the Work Site Clean |Chapter ____, p. ____ (Phinney & Halstead) |Slide 38 |

|Hazardous Chemicals |Chapter ____, pp. ____ (Phinney & Halstead) |Slides 39-40 |

|Assessment Questions |[Insert In-Class Activity icon] Video 3: Infection Control |Slide 41 |

| |Techniques | |

| |[Insert In-Class Activity icon] Handwashing Competency Assessment | |

| |[Insert Home Ass icon] Textbook and Workbook Assignment | |

| |[Insert In-Class Activity icon] Field Trip to Medical/Dental | |

| |Facility | |

[ ] Group Activities [ ] Homework [ ] Individual Activity [ ] Internet Activity [ ] In-Class Discussion [ ] In-Class Activity [ ] Evaluation

[Insert In-Class Act icon] In-Class Activities

❑ Video 3: Infection Control Techniques (Part B, Objectives 13 and 14). Goal: To prepare learners for performing each task that will be required in the hands-on activities. Learners will watch how to perform proper hand washing, don personal protective equipment, prepare a dental treatment room, how to clean and disinfect the room following treatment, to use an ultrasonic cleaner, and to sterilize the instruments.

❑ Handwashing Competency Assessment (Part B, Objectives 13 and 14). Goal: To bring theory to actual hands-on practice. Have learners complete Skills Competency Sheets for Handwashing, Preparing the Dental Treatment Room, Completion of Dental Treatment, Final Treatment Room Disinfecting and Cleaning, and Treatment of Contaminated Tray in the Sterilization Center found in the Workbook in Chapter ____, pp. ____ (Phinney and Halstead).

❑ Field Trip to Medical/Dental Facility (Part B, Objectives 9-11). Goal: For learners to see how sterilization techniques are employed in a medical/dental facility. As a class activity, the instructor should arrange for the class to go to a large clinic or hospital with a central sterilization area. Learners should be able to witness waste management and how instruments are pre-cleaned and sterilized utilizing the proper PPE. Learners should also be given the opportunity to see various types of sterilizers as well as monitoring logs.

[Insert In-Class Dis Ques icon] In-Class Discussion

1. What is the difference between disinfection and sterilization?

Disinfection kills most pathogens, but does not destroy spores or resistant viruses. Sterilization is the process by which all forms of life are destroyed.

2. What should you do if you find a tear in your glove?

You should remove the glove; wash hands with soap and water, dry hands, then re-glove before returning to patient treatment. Be sure to let your doctor know if you see a tear in his or her glove also.

[Insert Home Ass icon] Homework Assignments

Textbook and Workbook Assignment. Learners are to read Chapter ____(Phinney and Halsead) as well as Chapters ____ (Dietz). Learners are to complete the workbook Chapter ____ questions. Learners should be prepared to review these in class.

End of Chapter Activities. Have learners complete the Case Study, Review Questions and Critical Thinking Questions in Chapter ____ (Phinney & Halstead).

Post Test. Have learners complete the Post Test questions in Chapter ____ (Dietz).

Ideas for learners struggling with this material …

❑ Read Out Loud: Recite the information you are trying to remember. Saying the words out loud uses a different part of the brain and should help recollection of material.

Ideas for learners who are ahead and want to learn more …

❑ Create an MSD Sheet: Have learners create a material safety data sheet for any cleaning solution or chemical available. They will need to read manufacturer labels in order to understand as much detail about the product as possible and will probably not find enough detail for a thorough MSDS, but will appreciate hazard warning labels. Ensure learners at least find the product name, manufacturer, emergency first aid procedures, and phone number.

Presentation Tools

Note: If you change Objectives or Assignments, don’t forget to change the slides accordingly.

|Slide 22 |[Insert IDA 2-22] |Part B: Disease Prevention and Safety |

| | |Review Part A. Make sure that any remaining questions are answered. |

| | |Short Activity: Stop here and review the homework. Answer questions and review |

| | |material as needed. |

| | |Introduce Part B |

|Slide 23 |[Insert IDA 2-23] |Infection Control for the DA |

| | |Question: As a health care individual/dental assistant why is particularly |

| | |important for you to be healthy? What does it mean to be healthy? |

| | |Address the importance of health and the elements that help an individual stay |

| | |healthy mentally and physically. |

|Slide 24 |[Insert IDA 2-24] |Infection Control in the Dental Office |

| | |Explain the need for immunizations, acquiring and updating the patient’s medical |

| | |history, and handwashing with an anti-microbial soap. |

| | |Refer learners to the Handwashing Procedure in Chapter ____, p. ____ (Phinney & |

| | |Halstead) this can also be found in Chapter ____, p. ___ (Dietz). Remind them |

| | |that if they turn off water valves with newly cleaned hands, they will be |

| | |re-contaminating them and that they should use paper towels to turn off faucets, |

| | |or use a foot controlled device. |

| | |Inform learners that they will be given an opportunity to practice the |

| | |handwashing procedure later in class. |

|Slide 25 |[Insert IDA 2-25] |Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) |

| | |Discuss how important personal protective equipment is and that they will get |

| | |used to wearing these barriers. |

| | |Address the different types of protective eyewear that the dental team members |

| | |must wear during specific procedures. |

| | |Note to Instructor: As each type of PPE is discussed, if possible, have available|

| | |examples of these items to pass around to the class. Ask a volunteer to come up |

| | |to the front to model each piece of clothing. |

|Slide 26 |[Insert IDA 2-26] |Personal Protective Equipment PPE (cont.) |

| | |Explain the difference between latex and vinyl gloves. |

| | |Address how some individuals may latex-sensitive leading to the use of vinyl |

| | |gloves. |

| | |Demonstrate how gloves should be placed on the hands. Show what a correct fit |

| | |looks like vs. an incorrect fit. Discuss the importance of using new gloves for |

| | |each patient. |

|Slide 27 |[Insert IDA 2-27] |Personal Protective Equipment PPE (cont.) |

| | |Address the different types of face masks used in dentistry. |

| | |Demonstrate how to put a face mask on and the proper placement on the face. |

|Slide 28 |[Insert IDA 2-28] |Personal Protective Equipment PPE (cont.) |

| | |Discuss the different types of protective clothing worn by the dental team |

| | |members. |

| | |As when discussing the other PPEs encourage new volunteers to come to the front |

| | |of the class to be the demonstrator of the different types of personal protective|

| | |equipment. Make this part of the lecture fun! Place the treatment gown on |

| | |incorrectly on the volunteer and ask the class what doesn’t work. |

|Slide 29 |[Insert IDA 2-29] |Personal Protective Equipment PPE (cont.) |

| | |Short Activity: Stop here and have the learners get up and go to the lab area. In|

| | |the lab area have the learners look at the dental treatment room equipment and |

| | |the barriers that have been placed on the different equipment. |

| | |Address the importance of these barriers. |

|Slide 30 |[Insert IDA 2-30] |Disinfection |

| | |Define and discuss each disinfection level according to the EPA rating. |

|Slide 31 |[Insert IDA 2-31] |Chemical Disinfectants |

| | |Discuss the universally accepted technique to cleaning and disinfecting surfaces.|

| | | |

| | |Address each of the different types of disinfectant and their advantages and |

| | |disadvantages. |

|Slide 32 |[Insert IDA 2-32] |Pre-sterilization Cleaning |

| | |Discuss what the purpose is and how pre-cleaning is done. |

| | |Address the use of an ultrasonic cleaning unit. |

|Slide 33 |[Insert IDA 2-33] |Sterilization Methods |

| | |Discuss the different sterilization methods and why each method might be chosen. |

| | |Refer learners to the Figures in the text as needed for a visual of the different|

| | |types of sterilizers. |

| | |Point out the importance of monitoring sterilization equipment to ensure proper |

| | |function. |

| | |Discuss that biological monitors are the most ideal method for ensuring |

| | |sterilization. |

|Slide 34 |[Insert IDA 2-34] |Infection Control Techniques |

| | |Address the different types of techniques and aids for infection control. |

|Slide 35 |[Insert IDA 2-35] |Routine Asepsis Protocol |

| | |Discuss the importance of routine procedures being followed to ensure asepsis. |

| | |All areas including the radiography room, radiography equipment and dental |

| | |laboratory should be routinely disinfected. |

| | |Discuss the importance of the dental assistant periodically sitting in the |

| | |patient treatment chair, for a different view, to be certain no areas are being |

| | |missed during cleaning. |

| | |Address the concerns regarding the growth of biofilms in the dental unit |

| | |waterlines. Point out the recommendation by ADA, CDC, and regarding flushing |

| | |waterlines. |

|Slide 36 |[Insert IDA 2-36] |Management of Hazardous Materials |

| | |Review OSHA’s Bloodborne/Hazardous Materials Standards. Emphasize the importance |

| | |of dental assistants understanding the complete standard and how compliance is |

| | |achieved. |

| | |Explain OSHA’s definition of occupational exposure. |

| | |Discuss the different types of equipment provided by the dental office to help |

| | |protect employees in the workplace. |

| | |When discussing each item show a splashguard, point out the eyewash station in |

| | |the dental lab, demonstrate the use of a sharps container. |

| | |Inform learners that states have regulatory agencies similar to OSHA that may |

| | |exceed or equal OSHA standards. Point out the strictest standard must be adhered |

| | |to. |

|Slide 37 |[Insert IDA 2-37] |Steps in Reporting Exposure to Occupational Bloodborne Pathogens |

| | |Address the Figure in the text that outlines the steps in reporting an |

| | |occupational exposure. |

| | |Discuss the importance of each step and the time considerations. |

|Slide 38 |[Insert IDA 2-38] |Cleaning the Work Site |

| | |Explain the importance of maintaining a clean and sanitary work environment. |

| | |Address the use of a written schedule for cleaning and address the role of the |

| | |dental assistant in this area. |

|Slide 39 |[Insert IDA 2-39] |Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) |

| | |Discuss OSHA’s requirements regarding the training of employees about the risks |

| | |of hazardous chemicals and the proper safety precautions required when handling |

| | |them. |

| | |Point out that training must occur within 30 days of employment. |

| | |Short Activity: Introduce learners to the contents of an MSDS sheet by stopping |

| | |here and having learners refer to the book containing the MSDS sheets for the |

| | |dental department at the school. |

| | |Explain the color and number method established by the National Fire Protection |

| | |Association. |

|Slide 40 |[Insert IDA 2-40] |Chemical Warning Labels |

| | |Discuss how chemical warning labels use the National Fire Protection |

| | |Association’s color and number method to warn employees of hazards. |

| | |Discuss the responsibilities of both the manufacture and employer when it comes |

| | |to hazard materials. |

| | |Address how all MSDS should have the emergency first aid information highlighted,|

| | |in case of such an emergency. |

|Slide 41 |[Insert IDA 2-41] |Assessment Questions |

| | |Short Activity: Ask the group to answer these questions to assess their |

| | |comprehension of the material recently presented. Review any material that does |

| | |not seem clear. |

| | |In-Class Activity: Stop here to show the Infection Control Video. After |

| | |discussion, have learners complete the Handwashing Competency Assessment |

| | |activity. |

| | |Homework: Assign and discuss the homework assignments. |

| | |In-Class Activity: Stop here and have learners go on the Field Trip. |

Section 3: Dental Terminology

Section Overview

This section presents a comprehensive study of dental terminology. Learners will become accustomed to vocabulary as it specifically relates to the dental sciences. The rules and conventions used in the formation, pronunciation, pluralization, and the meanings of words will be addressed.

Outline of Section

Part A: Dental Terminology

Learning Objectives and Competencies

These learning activities directly address the Learning Objectives and Competencies as stated.


15. State the definitions of dental words.


16. Recognize terminology related to the dental sciences.

17. Understand terminology pronunciation.


18. Apply dental terminology building skills.

19. Analyze the structure of dental terms.

Learning Activities

These learning activities directly address the Learning Objectives and Competencies as stated.

[Insert In-Class Activity icon] Muddiest Point (Part A, All Objectives for the Module)

[Insert Homework Assignment icon] Dental Terminology Audio Tape (Part A, All Objectives)

[Insert Homework Assignment icon] Review Exercises (Part A, All Objectives)

Part A: Dental Terminology


Much of our western languages are derived from Greek and Latin origins. This is especially so when it comes to medical and dental terminology. Even the word part “ology” means “the study of.” The combining of word parts placed together form a combined meaning. Knowing the basic word parts and their usage helps us decipher the definitions of these words as they become integrated into our everyday language. The importance of understanding dental vocabulary, its proper pronunciation, and use is emphasized.

Initial Questions and Activities

1. Where should the MSDS for acid etch be filed?

This is a question for comprehension and retention of information attained in the last module. Learners should know that the true name for etchant material is phosphoric acid etch and we should file the MSDS in three places; under P-for phosphoric, A-for acid, as well as E-for etch, so in an emergency we can find it easily.

|Key Concepts |References and Activities |Slides |

|Introduction to Section | |Slide 42 |

|Dental Words |Chapter ____, pp. ____ (Dofka) |Slide 43 |

|Combining Forms and Pluralizing |Chapter ____, pp. ____ (Dofka) |Slides 44-45 |

|Summary of Module |[Insert In-Class Activity icon] Muddiest Point |Slide 46 |

| |[Insert Homework Assignment icon] Dental Terminology Audio Tape | |

| |[Insert Home Ass icon] Review Exercises | |

[ ] Group Activities [ ] Homework [ ] Individual Activity [ ] Internet Activity [ ] In-Class Discussion [ ] In-Class Activity [ ] Evaluation

[Insert In-Class Act icon] In-Class Activities

❑ Muddiest Point (Part A, All Objectives for the Module). Goal: To access learners understanding of the material covered in this module. On a piece of paper, have learners write their top or top 3 muddiest points of this module. Give about 5 minutes. Instructor should then collect these and review each area as needed.

[Insert In-Class Dis Ques icon] In-Class Discussion

1. What type of sterilization equipment was used at the field trip facility?

Discuss the dirty side/clean side concept and whether the sterilizers used

were dry heat, chemiclave, or autoclave and what type of pre-soak or

ultrasonic unit was utilized. Explain the monitoring log and remind learners how waste management was handled at the site.

[Insert Home Ass icon] Homework Assignments

Dental Terminology Audio Tape. Have learners listen to the audio cassette tape to help with the correct pronunciation of words.

Review Exercises. Instruct learners to complete the review exercises at the end of each chapter and to be prepared for chapter tests. Answers to the review exercises and the chapter tests are in the Instructor’s Manual.

Ideas for learners struggling with this material …

❑ Practice, Practice. The amount of retention will be directly affected by the learners’ amount of practice during studying. Emphasize retention and application. After learners demonstrate desired performance, they should be urged to practice and maintain the correct performance often through more practice.

Ideas for learners who are ahead and want to learn more …

❑ Taking a New Perspective on Linguistics. Those interested in knowing more about the origins of language should open the front of Webster’s Dictionary and read the preface. Lexicography and how a dictionary breaks down major elements of words can be found in the front of any dictionary. A language label indicates from which culture the word originated.

Presentation Tools

Note: If you change Objectives or Assignments, don’t forget to change the slides accordingly.

|Slide 42 |[Insert IDA 2-42] |Section 3: Dental Terminology |

| | |Discuss each objective for this section in detail. Learners need to know what |

| | |they will be learning and why. Try to relate it back to their careers as |

| | |dental assistants. |

|Slide 43 |[Insert IDA 2-43] |Dental Words |

| | |Explain the difference between acronyms, homonyms, and eponyms. |

| | |Analyze the structure of dental words and explain the prefix, root word, and |

| | |suffix. |

| | |Short Activity: Place examples on the board and have learners find each |

| | |division of the word. |

|Slide 44 |[Insert IDA 2-44] |Combining Forms |

| | |Discuss how when a root word is connected with other elements it may use a |

| | |combining vowel, of which the most common is the letter “o.” |

| | |Provide examples to further understanding. |

|Slide 45 |[Insert IDA 2-45] |Guidelines for Plural Forms |

| | |Explain how plural forms of words are determined by the language rules from |

| | |which the word originated. Since most of dental terminology came from Greek |

| | |and Latin origins, pluralizing these words is interesting. |

| | |Discuss the basic rules for changing word endings. |

|Slide 46 |[Insert IDA 2-46] |Summary of Module |

| | |Remind learners of the importance of understanding Universal Precautions and |

| | |performing their jobs in a safe manner. Discuss the significance of acquiring|

| | |new vocabulary and how much they have learned already. |

| | |In-Class Activity: Stop here for the Muddiest Point activity. |

| | |Homework: Stop here to assign and discuss the homework assignment. |



Part A: Microorganisms

Part B: Diseases found in Dentistry

Part A: Regulations

Part B: Disease Prevention and Safety

Section 1:


Section 2:

Infection Control


Introduction to Dental Assisting


Infection Control

Teaching Tip

Adult learners tend to prefer self directed learning over being told every step to take in the learning process. Ask learners at times what additional information or topics they would like to include in their studies and then make every attempt to meet these requests in some fashion during the course.

Teaching Tip

Explain each activity that learners have to look forward to. If time is an issue, pick the activities you will do in class carefully. Try to address each learning objective with a learning activity. Remember that learners learn best by what they do more than what they hear in lecture.

Teaching Tip

Learning results from stimulation of the senses. In some learners, one sense is used more than others to learn or recall information. Instructors should present materials that stimulate as many senses as possible in order to increase their chances of teaching success.

The Adult Learner…

is afraid of criticism and loss of self-esteem, and appreciates instructors who know their subject and present it well. They learn best when they have some control over their learning and learn best when ready to learn. They know what goal they wan to attain and must see a reason for learning something new.

Teaching Tip

Teaching Tip

If a learner doesn’t recognize the need for information, or has been offended or intimidated, the instructor’s efforts to assist the learner will be in vain. The instructor must establish rapport with learners and prepare them for learning; this provides motivation.

Reinforcement is a very necessary part of the teaching / learning process. Positive reinforcement is normally used when teaching new skills. As the name implies, positive reinforcement reinforces “good” or positive behavior.

Teaching Tip

Learners must retain information from class in order to benefit from learning. The instructor’s job is not finished until they have assisted the learner in retaining the information. In order for learners to retain information taught, they must see meaning and purpose for it.

Teaching Tip

Continue to remind learners about the learning objectives. This is often forgotten once the section introduction is over. Go back to the learning objectives, check off those that have been achieved, and discuss obstacles. This will reinforce why learners are there and that they are making progress.

Part A: Dental Terminology

Section 3:

Dental Terminology

Teaching Tip

Adult learners like to see how their learning is related to their long-term goals. Learners need to know that being aware of legal issues in healthcare practice is one of the most important aspects of a profession. It can sometimes mean the difference between keeping and losing one’s job.

Teaching Tip

Instructors must remember that learning occurs within each individual as a continual process throughout life. Learners learn at different speeds, so it is natural for some to be anxious or nervous when faced with a learning situation. Positive reinforcement by the instructor can enhance learning.

The Adult Learner….

needs to see the relevance and immediate application of learning to their jobs, personal goals, or needs. They need to be shown respect and treated as adult. Remember, learners have many responsibilities that they must balance against the demands of their coursework.


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