27305002159002730500215900Pride | Dignity | ExcellenceEnglish I Syllabus, 2020–2021Ms. Fedd and Mr. Smith Google Classroom Codes: 1st Period: 6xvcobn; 2nd Period: qnnlwm5; 3rd Period: gtqaqdl; 5th Period: gi45swsOffice Hours via Zoom: 3:25 PM – 4:05 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and FridaysCourse OverviewUsing the 3DE instructional model, this course equips students with the knowledge and skills to be analytical readers and writers who can transfer and apply what they learn in the classroom to real-life problems and scenarios. 3DE students will develop the following competencies in this English course that will prepare them for college, careers, and community engagement: 1) Creativity & Innovation 2)Cultural Agility 3)Self-Direction 4) Effective Collaboration 5) Engaging Communication and 6) Critical and Analytical Thinking. As the first English course of the high school curriculum, this course also aims to provide a solid foundation in the habits of mind and academic rigor necessary to be successful in the other English courses, with the goal of ensuring that all students are college and career ready. To this end, students will 1) engage in regular practice with complex texts and their academic language 2) read, write, and speak grounded in evidence from texts, both literary and informational 3) build knowledge through content-rich nonfiction. This English course, grounded in text-based discussion and writing, also seeks to provide relevant and meaningful learning experiences that enable students to become productive members of their community and government with the ability to use writing as an agent of positive change.Course Goals & ObjectivesStudents willwrite effectively and confidently about a variety of subjects and demonstrate an awareness of form, audience, topic, and purpose;read carefully, evaluate, and use primary and secondary sources by synthesizing material from texts both in discussion and in their own compositions;write, give and receive feedback, and revise essays to enhance ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions, and presentation; form and express critical opinions about informational texts and literature through class discussion, group and independent assignments, essays, journal writing, projects, and exams;use text-based evidence to support opinions and ideas;develop writing and critical thinking skills through the writing-intensive focus of the classroom;hone their speaking and listening skills to effectively communicate their own ideas and to respond to others’.The goals and objectives of this course align with the Maryland College and Career Readiness Standards, which can be found here. Reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills are a part of every course curriculum. Coursework and tests will be used to assess student mastery of the standards.Classroom Expectations and ValuesAll synchronous (live) class sessions will be held on Zoom—a link will be posted daily in Google Classroom. To ensure your success, we ask that you adhere to the following expectations and values when participating in virtual Zoom classes, which are a snapshot of the values of Douglass High School: TimeBe present, engaged, and on-timeCommunityThink about others, not just yourselfContinuous ImprovementEveryday, be a little bit better than you were the day beforeCommunicationValue the voice of everyone.Attendance in synchronous (live) class is mandatory. If you have a legitimate reason for not attending, please contact Ms. Fedd by text or email as soon as you know that you will not be there. (Contact information is below.)Like all teachers at Frederick Douglass High School, we expect students to conform to the Baltimore City Public Schools Code of Conduct.Technology, Apps, and Websites NeededYou will need a chromebook, laptop, or a cell phone to access our live class sessions and to complete your work via Google Classroom and occasionally other outside sites and apps. NOTE: It will be MUCH easier to participate in virtual instruction if you have a chromebook or laptop, especially when completing assignments online.If you are using your phone, you will need to download the following apps:Google Classroom (or sign in on your computer at classroom.)—see class codes aboveGoogle DocsZoom (All live classes will happen on Zoom—the live class link will be posted daily.)You will need to download the Remind app onto your phone even if you are using a laptop and enter the code for your class period:1st Period: To join the class, send a text to 81010. Text the following: @c4e8bh2nd Period: To join the class, send a text to 81010. Text the following: @73fd233rd Period: To join the class, send a text to 81010. Text the following: @gckadk5th Period: To join the class, send a text to 81010. Text the following: @a9e679cLOGGING IN:You will sign into Zoom and Google the same way you sign into Infinite Campus:UsernamePasswordstudentID@the password that you used in 8th gradeIf you are unable to sign in with the password above, please contact Ms. Fedd to reset your password.Course UnitsUnitCore TextsIdentityPersepolis by Marjane SatrapiDreams and AspirationsA Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine HansberryJustice and InjusticeTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper LeeEnvironment vs Personal ResponsibilityThe Other Wes Moore by Wes MooreGrading PolicyAssessments Summative (20%): projects, tests, quizzes, and culminating task essays, district provided mid-quarter and end-of-quarter assessments Formative (50%): quizzes, 10-day assessments, formative writing tasks, focus writing tasks70%Classwork20%Participation10%Reassessment Students may demonstrate improved content mastery within the course of a grading term. With the teacher’s agreement, a student may take an assessment or complete an assignment that covers the same content that was covered in a prior assessment or assignment, or the student may revise writing task responses. The new grade can replace the previous grade. The specific questions must be changed from the prior assessment, and the reassessment must occur in the same quarter, prior to the midterm or final examination—reassessment to replace a grade cannot occur beyond the end of a grading term. All students must attend a minimum of three (3) coach class sessions prior to reassessment to ensure that the student’s understanding of the content has improved since the initial assessment.GradesYou are able to view your assignment scores on Google Classroom (along with written feedback) and can monitor your grades on Infinite Campus. If you have questions about your grades, feedback, or progress, please visit during office hours to ask questions. We will not discuss grades during class or during lunch. If you are unable to come during office hours, please contact Ms. Fedd to make an appointment for another time.AssignmentsInstructions and DeadlinesWhen you receive an assignment, please read the directions thoroughly. It is your responsibility to pay attention to the due date and to plan your time accordingly. We may not remind you every day when an assignment is due—you should get or create a calendar and use it to organize your time. (You have access to Google Calendar through your City Schools account if you don’t want to use a paper calendar.) Late work will be accepted for one week beyond the original due date, but students will be penalized one half of a letter grade per day late. No late work will be accepted after 7 calendar days following the original due date without a valid explanation for lateness and teacher approval. Students who are absent with a valid excuse verified by the attendance monitor or by the teachers will be allowed to make up missed work. Students must turn in assignments within seven (7) school days after they are provided by the teacher following an absence. The time allowed for makeup work may be extended on a case-by-case basis for extenuating circumstances, as determined by the teacher. Format for Written WorkFinal drafts of all papers should be typed, double spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman with 1-inch margins on all sides. Failure to type your work may result in a lowered grade unless approved by me ahead of time. Please include a heading with your name, our names (Ms. Mitchell and Mr. Brown), the date, and the assignment name. All rough drafts and in-class work may be hand-written in blue or black pen on notebook paper and submitted by texting or emailing a picture of the page(s). Please make sure ALL assignments are labeled with your name and the name of the assignment, at minimum.Coach Class / Office HoursWe will be available for coach class via Zoom on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons between 3:25 PM and 4:05 PM. Other times may be available by appointment. Contact InformationMs. FeddMr. SmithEmail: ................

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