
Mr. Markey Chemistry

North Valleys High School


1-775-677-5499 Ext: 6527

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this course is to introduce you to the broad field of chemistry and everything it has to offer you as a student, a human being and eventually a career seeker. This course is not just about chemistry, it is a course that teaches you how to THINK!

Throughout the course of the year, we will be discussing topics on Matter, Energy, Acids and Bases, Atomic Structure, the Periodic Table, Molecular Bonding, as well as Laboratory Skills and Safety.

KEEP IN MIND!!! This is will not just be a course in science. We will be working on ALL of your skills (ENGLISH, HISTORY and MATH!!)

STUDENTS: Students are expected to arrive in class on time and be in their seats by the start of each period. Tardiness without a valid excuse or pass will not be tolerated!!! ALL students will be prepared for class by having the following materials with them every time they enter the classroom. EVERYDAY YOU SHOULD HAVE WITH YOU….

Scientific Calculator (must have exponent, log and square root functions)



3 ring binder (AT LEAST 2 inch rings)

Handy-Dandy (periodic table / cheatsheet)

2 folders with pockets (hole punchable to be kept in binder)

- Folder 1: all returned tests, quizzes..anything with a grade on it

- Folder2: work in progress, work to be turned in…

Lab Notebook: Spiral Notebook 2 subject minimum (for chemistry only)

Writing Utensils (Pens / Pencils)

Completed homework assignments

*** IF YOU NOT TO COME TO CLASS RPEPARED ON A REGULAR BASIS, YOU WILL BE DEALT WITH ACCORDINGLY (staying after class, after school, extra assignments, parental conference)

CELL PHONES: As part of North Valleys policy on cell phones. Cell phones are not to be used or seen in the classroom. Cell phones are not to be used as calculators. Please turn your cell phone off prior to entering the classroom. If your cell phone rings it will be confiscated and taken to the SSO office (first offense). If your cell phone is confiscated a second time, it will be held in the SSO office and will only be returned to a parent or Guardian.

*NOTE TO PARENT / GUARDIAN ABOUT CELL PHONES: if you need to reach your child, call the office and they will call my classroom directly.

GRADING: grading is done a cumulative points system (non-weighted). Grades and progress can be viewed on Infinite Campus. IC is updated on a regular basis. Please be patient if it’s not always up to the exact date. If there is ever a disagreement with Infinite Campus, please do hesitate to contact me. Grades will be based on:

Quizzes: (25%) a short quiz will be given at the beginning of every week. (Monday or Tuesday depending upon schedule). If a student misses a quiz, it is their responsibility to make it up by the end of that week.

Homework: (5%) Students will be assigned textbook reading and questions that will be checked at the start of each class, as well as activity packets and handouts. If the homework is not complete at the beginning of class it will count as a zero (unless an absence is involved).

Activities / Demo’s/ Labs: (20%) Throughout the course, I will be doing several demonstrations in front of the class. Students will also be doing small-scale labs or “activities”. Students will be responsible for filling out a Demo / Activity sheet on their observation and work.

Tests: (35%)Test will be given at the end of every 1 to 4 chapters. Students will have at least 1 full week of notification prior to test.

Final Exam: (15%) Final exam will be cumulative, covering everything topic we have previously covered.

PLEASE!!!!! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me or come in for help. I am available after school everyday until 3pm and beyond.Or contact me via email at: Tmarkey@

If a student fails to show comprehension on a topic (failing to get 70% on a test) they will be encouraged to come in for tutoring and a retest until they demonstrate comprehension. Chemistry is a course that requires them to grasp one concept before we can move to the next one. If a student fails the test on Atomic Structure they will not be able to grasp Nomenclature and Formulas. If a student is doing what they should be doing they will not have a test lower then 70% because if they do we will work until it is improved. This will require support from the parents as it may involve staying late after school a few times. The ultimate goal is for students to learn the material and skills. Grades can be checked on Infinite Campus at anytime.

With tests and quizzes being such a large part of the grade all tests and quizzes will have one redo attempt allowed. This redo must be earned by coming in and reviewing the original test or quiz prior to the retake. Also students will have 2 weeks to retake any test. Quizzes may be retaken up to the date of the unit test.

Assignments/ Make-up Work

Assignments are due the class period after they are assigned unless otherwise noted.

Make-up work will be accepted according to school and district policy. Make-up work is not late work if you are not here the day it is assigned you obviously could not do it. If you are absent on a day that an assignment was due then it is going to be due the day you return. If you miss class you have two options on how to get the work you missed. 1) Ask a friend and hope they wrote the assignment down or remember it. 2) You can ask me before or after class not during class time.

Late work will NOT be taken. Late labs for 70% credit will be taken up to one week later. Make up work is not late work.


What you can expect from me:

- Prepared and on time

- Respect

- Fairness

- Communication of classroom objectives

- Available for extra help

What I expect from you:

- Be prepared

- Be on time

- Be respectful of ALL members in the class. There are others in class trying to learn. If you become a hindrance to their ability to learn, you will be removed from the room.

- Be respectful of all equipment within the classroom.

- Remain in your seats until I have dismissed you.

If you decide NOT to follow the rules of classroom conduct:

1st offense- Verbal Warning

2nd offense-Stay after class

3rd offense- Parental / SSO Notification

4th offense- Meeting with parents and administration


I ________________________ have read the above statement / syllabus and understand

( student )

what is expected of me in Mr. Markey’s class throughout the 2013-2014 school year. I agree to adhere to the rules and regulations of the classroom and realize they are necessary for me to pass this course.

I ___________________have read the statement / syllabus and have discussed it with my

(parent / guardian)

child. I am aware of what is expected in your classroom and realize that it is necessary to comply with the above statement in order for them to pass this course.

Parent / Guardian E-MAIL Address:

Parent Guardian Phone:

Note to parents: Please feel free to contact me at anytime with any questions about this syllabus / contract or any other questions / concerns throughout the school year. Together I know we can make the most out of your child’s 2013-2014 school year here at North Valleys High School.


1-775-677-5499 Ext: 6527


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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