UNIT 3 - cabarrus.k12.nc.us


Chapter 1: Definition of Sports Injury

▪ Acute Injury -

▪ Chronic Injury -

▪ Critical Force -

▪ Overuse Injuries

o In the tendons it occurs when the work load from exercise exceeds the ability of the musculotendonous tissue to recover

o Common sites

▪ 1.

▪ 2.

▪ 3.

▪ Most injuries occur during an ______________________ contraction; during deceleration

▪ Catastrophic injuries -

▪ Injury Classification

o Sprain -

▪ 1st degree -

▪ 2nd degree -

▪ 3rd degree -

o Strain -

▪ 1st degree -

▪ 2nd degree -

▪ 3rd degree -

o Contusion

▪ Results from _______________________

▪ Characteristics

▪ Myositis ossificans

• Can develop if not treated properly

o Fracture

▪ Closed –

▪ Open –

▪ Stress fracture –

▪ Salter Harris Fracture

• Happens mostly in adolescents

• Fracture of the _________________________

• Classification

o I -

o II -

o III -

o IV -

o V -

o Dislocation

▪ Subluxation -

▪ Luxation -

▪ Most common sites

Chapter 8 – The Injury Process

▪ Connective Tissue

o Ligaments

o Retinaculum

o Joint capsule

o Bone

o Cartilage

o Fascia

o Tendons

▪ Eccentric contraction –

▪ A tendon can withstand stress of _____________________lb/in2

▪ Mechanical forces of injury

o Types

▪ Tensile

▪ Compressive

▪ Shear

o Ligaments and tendons ______________ tensile force

o Bone _____________ compressive force

o Critical force –

▪ Inflammatory process

o Normal signs & symptoms

o Acute Inflammatory Phase

▪ Initially when an injury occurs you have ____________________

▪ A few minutes after injury you have __________________

▪ Sudden increase of blood flow in interstitial space - ________________________

▪ Chemical Mediators present

• Histamine –

• Hageman factor (XIIa) –

• Bradykinin -

• Chemotaxis -

• Neutrophils (WBC) –

• By the way of ________________________, leukocytes dispose damaged cells

• Macrophage (WBC) –

• Arachidonic acid –

▪ Acute inflammatory phase lasts _________ days

o Healing Phase

o Regeneration Phase

▪ Fibroblast –

▪ Angiogenesis –

▪ Scar tissue…….. good or bad?????

▪ Pain & Injury

o Pain –

o Pain response is triggered because of altered homeostasis – results in _____________________________________________

o Pain due to external force – impulse is __________ because it travels on the nociceptive C fibers

o Nociceptive C fibers –

▪ Slower because the diameter is smaller and have little myelination

▪ Myelination –

o Afferent messages are “ranked” when sent to CNS

o Those with highest velocity are 1st

o This is based on the _______________________

o Pain –

▪ Interventions

o Cryotherapy

▪ If done initially, may reduce ________________________ therefore reducing _________________


• R

• I

• C

• E

▪ Use an elastic wrap for compression, moving distal to proximal

▪ Use for 48-120 hours after injury THEN begin heat

o Thermotherapy

▪ Can _____________ metabolic activity

▪ Why not use heat initially?

o Pharmacologic agents

▪ Steroids –



• (-) effects – decrease collagen formation therefore decreasing overall strength

▪ NSAIDs –

▪ Analgesics –

▪ Antipyretic –

▪ Why do rehab?



o 4 Phases

▪ Phase 1

• PROM to reestablish normal ROM

▪ Phase 2


▪ Phase 3


▪ Phase 4


• Resistance added to continue to increase strength


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