Pt. Identifier Male Foley Catheter Insertion Protocol

[Pages:1]Male Foley Catheter Insertion Protocol

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Pt. Identifier


Lidocaine 2% Jelly (UroJet) for instillation into urethra x1

Nursing Care:

1. Explain the procedure and prep the patient's penis.

2. Do not lubricate the catheter with the KY jelly in the catheter kit.

3. Instill the entire contents of the Urojet into the urethra. Immediately gently squeeze the head of the penis to avoid the jelly "leaking out". The Lidocaine jelly in the UroJet lubricates the urethra and makes catheterization much easier with a higher probability of successful catheter placement.

4. If a Urojet is not available, use the 10cc syringe KY jelly in the catheter tray to lubricate the urethra and open the sphincter, immediately inserting the catheter,

5. Begin to insert the catheter as usual and insert it all the way to the "Y" junction. If you cannot insert it all the way to the "Y" junction, even if you get urine, DO NOT inflate the balloon. You probably do not have the balloon in the bladder and if you inflate it at this point, you may damage the prostate or urethra.

6. There will be times that the jelly fills the catheter and obstructs the flow of urine from the bladder. Press on the patient's abdomen and wait for urine to start flowing. If the patient is in urinary retention this should occur within a minute. In order to decrease UTIs do not disconnect the drainage tubing from the foley catheter.

7. Inflate the balloon while watching the patient. If the patient indicates discomfort while you are inflating the balloon, STOP the inflation immediately. If you are able to inflate the balloon without discomfort, very gently and slowly retract the catheter until the balloon is seated in the bladder neck.

Orig:11/10 Revised: 2/11, 3/13; 2/15



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