AP US History Class Presentations/Discussions: Tuesday, 1/24

Populism & Progressive Presentations

Populists (1890s)

|Populism/People's Party, Mary E. Lease, William Jennings Bryan, Omaha |

|Platform, "Free Silver", "Solid South" |

Progressives (1890-1920)

|Social Reform |African American rights |

|YMCA, settlement houses, Jane Addams, Social Gospel movement, |Jim Crow laws, Booker T. Washington, Ida B. Wells, W.E.B. DuBois, Plessy |

|Margaret Sanger, eugenics |v. Ferguson, NAACP |

|Labor Reform |Environmental conservation |

|child labor reform, Keating Owen Act of 1916, Muller v. Oregon, |John Muir, conservation vs. preservation, Gifford Pinchot, National Parks|

|Samuel Gompers, Eugene Debs |system, Hetch Hetchy Dam |

|Women’s Rights |Reform of government |

|suffrage, Alice Paul, Carrie Chapman Catt, 19th Amendment |Robert LaFollette, Hiram Johnson, recall, initiative, 17th Amendment |

|Economic Reform |

|Louis Brandeis, Ida Tarbell, Sherman Anti-Trust Act, Clayton |

|Anti-Trust Act, Federal Trade Commission |

Meet with your group to take notes on your assigned reform topic. Each member of the group should have their own notes. Be prepared to present the following information with your group, and be prepared for a class discussion comparing these movements.

▪ Main goals/overview of the movement:

o What is/are the main issue(s)/problem(s) that is trying to be solved or reformed by this movement?

o Who were the most significant leaders of the movement? What were their ideas and how were they influential? Focus on the people listed in each group and where their ideas are similar and different. Even though they may have championed the same cause, they may have suggested different strategies. Be able to explain the difference.

o What were the successes and failures of your movement? (Be specific re: laws, etc.)

o Explain significance: How does your progressive reform movement reflect the values of America during that era?

o Connection to Today: What connections can you make between this movement and problems/solutions of similar issues in the United States or the world today?


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