
Swine fluSwine flu can affect both pigs and humans. It is a respiratory disease that results from an influenza A virus. The influenza A variant subtype H1N1 is commonly the cause of swine flu in humans. It has similar genetic features to the H1N1 subtype of?influenza?virus that causes influenza in pigs.Other main subtypes known to occur and cause influenza in pigs include?H1N2 and H3N2. There have been infections in humans with these two variant subtypes as well.In 2009, the H1N1 variant became widespread in humans for the first time. Since 2009, the H1N1 virus has become?one of the common viruses that circulate?each flu season. Many people now have some immunity to the virus. As a result, experts are now less concerned about this type of swine flu than they were in 2009. 026606500Investigators decided the 2009 so-called "swine flu" strain, first seen in Mexico, should be termed novel H1N1 flu since it was mainly found infecting people and exhibits two main surface antigens, H1 (hemagglutinin type 1) and N1 (neuraminidase type1). The eight RNA strands from novel H1N1 flu have one strand derived from human flu?strains, two from avian (bird) strains, and five from swine strains.SymptomsA person can help prevent the spread of swine flu by washing their hands regularly with soap and water.The symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of regular flu.They include:body acheschillscoughheadachesore throatfevertirednessvomiting and? HYPERLINK "" diarrhea, less commonlyIn severe cases, there may be respiratory failure and death, but this is rare. Most people’s symptoms are relatively mild.However, young children, older people, pregnant women, and those with a compromised immune system may?have a higher risk.CausesDoctors now consider H1N1 to be a flu strain that can occur in people and spread alongside seasonal flu viruses. A person can catch it if they are in close contact with someone who has H1N1.People who work with swine may have a risk of contracting new types of flu or other diseases from animals. These are known as?zoonotic diseases.Risk factorsSome people have a higher risk of flu, including H1N1, or having severe symptoms or complications.These individuals?include:people aged over 65 yearschildren under 5 yearspeople with conditions, such as diabetes, HIV, or cancerpregnant womenpeople with chronic lung disease, such as asthmapeople with chronic heart disease, such as heart failureanyone with a compromised immune systemchildren with neurologic conditionsDiagnosisIf a doctor suspects that a person may have H1N1 or another type of flu, they may recommend a?test?to confirm the diagnosis.The rapid influenza diagnostic test can help identify swine flu. However, this test can vary in effectiveness and may show a negative result when a certain influenza virus strain is present.More accurate tests are available in specialist laboratories.Most people do not need more than a rapid flu test, as treatment will be the same, regardless of the test outcome.VaccineScientists developed?a vaccine?to protect humans from H1N1 after the 2009 outbreak. Since then, protection against H1N1 has become part of the regular seasonal flu shot.Every year, experts try to predict which flu virus strains are likely to circulate during the flu season, which usually peaks in winter. They prepare vaccines according to the types that are most likely to occur. If experts predict that a certain strain of H1N1 could cause a pandemic,?health authorities?will recommend including a change to this component in the annual flu shot.TheCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend an annual flu shot for everyone aged?6 months or older, barring certain rare exceptions. A doctor can advise on individual needs.TreatmentMost people recover from H1N1 without extensive medical intervention.In some cases, however, a doctor may prescribe an?antiviral medication. The most used are zanamivir (Relenza) and oseltamivir (Tamiflu), both of which are also used to prevent or reduce influenza A and B symptoms.?These drugs can shorten the duration of symptoms and reduce their severity.People may need these drugs urgently if they:have severe symptoms or complicationsare in the hospitalhave a high risk of complicationsTop of FormBottom of FormSteps for managing swine flu symptoms and preventing further infection include:using over-the-counter remedieswashing hands regularly with soap and watergetting plenty of sleepexercising oftenmanaging?stressdrinking liquidseating a balanced dietavoiding being close to someone with flu symptomsnot touching surfaces that may have the virusAnyone who has flu should stay home from work or school while symptoms last.PreventionIf a person has flu, the following tips can help prevent further spread:Limit your contact with other people.Do not go to work or school while experiencing flu symptoms.Cover the mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. If no tissue is handy, cover the mouth and nose with your hand or crooked arm.Put your used tissues in a trash can.Wash your hands and face regularly.Keep all surfaces that you touch clean.Follow all doctors’ instructions.The annual flu shot can offer protection from various types of flu.Those whose work or lifestyle brings them into contact with swine and other animals?should:follow all health and safety precautions when handling animalsensure that swine have their relevant vaccinationscall a vet if an animal appears sickavoid contact with pigs if they or other animals appear ill ................

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