The candidates are expected to give a nonverbal communication which would be appropriate in each of the situations given and explain the contribution of the signal to effective communication.

1 mark for mentioning the non-verbal

2 marks for the explanation


a) Candidates should explain the directions of communication

i) Vertical communication involves the flow of information from managers to those below or from subordinates to those above

ii) Grapevine is the informal flow of information in the organization arising from unofficial sources like rumours

iii) Horizontal communication involves the flow of information among members of staff holding similar positions but in different departments for example Customer Services Manager and the Training Manager.

iv) Gate keeping is when an individual prevents another one from relaying information to a senior person for example a secretary/personal assist can block members of staff from meeting the manager.

b) Candidates are expected to give any two advantages and any two disadvantages of the telephone


i. It provides instant feedback

ii. It is a direct medium of communication

iii. It allows people to exchange ideas


i. It does not provide a record of the agreement

ii. The receiver might be disturbed by the call

iii. Can be affected by technical faults


The candidates are expected to write a letter

i. Format 2 marks

ii. Content 8 marks

iii. Language 5 marks

Total: 15 Marks


The candidates are expected to write a short formal report

Format 3 marks

Content 7 marks

Language 5 marks

Total: 15 Marks



(a) An interview is a form of oral communication between two parties one of whom has a preconceived and serious purpose both of whom have to speak and listen from time to time.

2. marks

b) Candidates are expected to give any four types of interviews and give the purpose e.g

iv. Recruitment/employment interview

v. Disciplinary interview

vi. Information gathering interview

vii. Exit interview

viii. Grievance interview

c. i Avoiding eyes contact

ii.Stammering, fidgeting


• Greeting him/her with a friendly tone of voice

• Engaging him/her in a general conversation

• Encouraging the interviewee to relax


• The interviewer might be biased towards a particular candidate

• When the interview is not properly prepared for the interview

• Lack of good interviewing skills


a) i. An agenda is a list of items to be discussed at a meeting. 2 marks


• The agenda gives a picture of the items to be discussed at the meeting

• The members prepare for the meeting gathering the necessary information

• It helps the secretary when writing the minutes

b) Notice of a meeting

All members of the funding raising committee are invited to a meeting to be held on(day and date) in (venue) from(time) hrs.


1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the last meeting

3. Matters arising from the previous minutes

4. Fund raising raffle draw Proposer Mr Chipungu Seconder Mrs Ng’oma

5. To receive a report preparations for the function

6. To receive the treasurer’s report

7. Any other business

8. Date of the next meeting

12 marks

c) Uses of minutes of a meeting

• They provide a record of what was agreed

• They are used as a basis for any action arising from the meeting

• They provide future reference

Any 2 for 2 marks


Candidates are expected to write a memo in which they give the advantages and disadvatanges of each method of funding the purchase.

Format 3 marks

Content 10 marks

Language 7marks


The candidates are required to write an essay in which they explain how the bank uses ICT

Content 12 marks

Language 8marks


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