ELA Unit of Study

ELA Units of Study

Third grade 2015-2016

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|Reading Comprehension |

|Unit 1 Launching Reading Fundamentals |Unit 3 Informational Text |Unit 4- Exploring Poetry |Unit 4- Exploring Poetry |

|4 weeks |3 weeks |1 week |1 week |

|The students will: |RL. 10.1: |RL.12.2 - Identify crafted text structures such |RL.4.2 Read grade level prose and poetry orally |

|RL. 5.1: Ask and answer literal and inferential |Use paragraph-level context to determine the |as a collection of photographs or poetry texts, |with accuracy and appropriate rate, expression, |

|questions to determine meaning; refer explicitly|meaning of words and phrases. Context Clues |texts with a series of short memoirs, an |intonation, and phrasing on successive reading. |

|to the text to support inferences and |RL. 12.1 |inanimate voice text, and a framing question |fluency |

|conclusions. |Identify text structures of various genres using|text. text structure | |

|RL. 6.1 Determine the theme by recalling key |the terms paragraph, chapter, scene, and stanza;|RI.4.2 - Read grade-level prose and poetry | |

|details that support the theme. |describe how each part transitions. |orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, |Guided Reading to be implemented throughout the |

|RL8.1 Use text evidence to: |RI.6.1 |expression, intonation, and phrasing on |year |

|a. describe characters’ traits, motivations, and|Summarize multi-paragraph texts using key |successive readings fluency |RL.3.1 Identify and know the meaning of the most|

|feelings and explain how their actions |details to support the central idea. Summarize |RL.9.1 - Identify and explain how the author |common prefixes and derivational suffixes. |

|contribute to the development of the plot; and |and Main Idea |uses idioms, metaphor, or personification to |RL.3.2 Students are expected to build upon and |

|b. explain the influence of cultural and |RI. 8.1 |shape meaning and style. Figurative Language |continue applying previous learning. |

|historical context on characters, setting, and |Explain how the author uses words and phrases to| |RL.3.3 Students are expected to build upon and |

|plot development. |inform, explain, or describe. | |continue applying previous learning. |

|RI 5.1 Ask and answer literal and inferential |RI. 8.2 |Unit 2-Literary Texts |RL.3.4 Students are expected to build upon and|

|questions to determine meaning; refer explicitly|Use knowledge of appendices, timelines, maps, |3 weeks |continue applying previous learning. |

|to the text to support inferences and |and charts to locate information and gain |RL.9.2 Explain how the author’s choice of words,|RL.3.5 Students are expected to build upon and|

|conclusions. |meaning; explain how these features contribute |illustration, and conventions combine to create |continue applying previous learning. |

|RI. 6.1 Summarize multi-paragraph texts using |to a text. |mood, contribute to meaning, and emphasize |RL.3.6 Read grade-appropriate irregularly |

|key details to support the central idea. |RI. 9.1 |aspects of a character or setting. mood |spelled words. |

|RI 8.2 Use knowledge of appendices, timelines, |Use paragraph-level context to determine the |R.L.5.1 Ask and answer literal and inferential | |

|maps, and charts to locate information and gain |meaning of words and phrases. |questions to determine meaning refer explicitly |RL.4.1 Students are expected to build upon and |

|meaning; explain how these features contribute |RI. 9.2 |to the text to support inferences and |continue applying previous learning. |

|to a text. |Determine the meaning of a word when an affix is|conclusions infer |RL.4.2 Read grade-level prose and poetry orally |

|RL. 3.1 Identify and know the meaning of the |added to a base word. Affix (Word Meaning) |RL. 10.5 Consult print and multimedia resources |with accuracy, appropriate rate, expression, |

|most common prefixes and derivational suffixes. |RI. 9.3 |to find the pronunciation and determine or |intonation, and phrasing on successive readings.|

|C 1.4 Engage in focused conversations about |Students are expected to build upon and continue|clarify the precise meaning of key words or |RL.4.3 Students are expected to build upon and |

|grade appropriate topics and texts; build on |applying previous learning. Grade 2 Use a base |phrases. |continue applying previous learning. |

|ideas of others to clarify thinking and express |word to determine the meaning of an unknown word|RL 10.6 acquire and use general academic and | |

|new thoughts. |with the same base. |domain- specific words and phrases that signal |RI.3.1 Identify and know the meaning of the most|

|RI 6.1 Summarize multi-paragraph texts using key| |spatial and temporal relationships: demonstrate |common prefixes and derivational suffixes. |

|details to support central idea. |RI. 10.1 |an understanding of nuances |RI.3.2 Students are expected to build upon and |

|C 2.2 Report on a topic or text, tell a story, |State the author’s purpose; distinguish one’s | |continue applying previous learning. |

|or recount an experience with appropriate facts |own perspective from that of the author. |Unit 3 Informational Text |RI.3.3 Students are expected to build upon and |

|and relevant, descriptive details. |Author’s Purpose |3 weeks |continue applying previous learning. |

|C 2.3 This indicator does not begin until Grade |RI. 12.1 |RI5.1 Ask and answer literal and inferential |RI.3.4 Students are expected to build upon and |

|6. Grade 6: Quote or paraphrase the data and |Engage in whole and small group reading with |questions to determine meaning refer explicitly |continue applying previous learning. |

|conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism |purpose and understanding. |to the text to support inferences and |RI.3.5 Students are expected to build upon and |

|and providing basic bibliographic information |RI. 12.2 |conclusions infer |continue applying previous learning. |

|for sources. |Read independently for sustained periods of |RL10.1 Use paragraph-level context to determine |RI.3.6 Read grade-appropriate irregularly |

|L 4.1 When writing: |time. |the meaning of words and phrases. |spelled words. |

|a. show knowledge of the function of nouns, |RI. 11.2 |dictionary/reference skills | |

|pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs; |Identify problem and solution, description, and |RL10.2 Determine the meaning of a word when an | |

|b. form and use regular and irregular plural |question and answer structures to locate |affix is added to a base word. | |

|nouns; use abstract nouns; |information and gain meaning. Text Structure |dictionary/reference skills | |

|c. form and use regular and irregular verbs; | |RL10.5 Consult print and multimedia resources to| |

|d. form and use the simple verb tenses; |Unit 4- Exploring Poetry |find the pronunciation and determine or clarify | |

|e. ensure subject-verb and pronoun antecedent |2 weeks |the precise meaning of key words or phrases. | |

|agreement; |The student will: |dictionary/reference skills | |

|f. form and use comparative and superlative |RL. 9.1 |RL11.1 Explain the differences between first and| |

|adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them |Identify and explain how the author uses |third person point of view. | |

|depending on what is to be modified; |metaphor, imagery, personification, hyperbole, |RL11.2 compare and contrast the reader’s point | |

|g. form and use prepositional phrases; |and style to shape meaning, Figurative |of view that of the narrator or a character. | |

|h. use coordinating and subordinating |Language | | |

|conjunctions; and |RI. 4.2 |RI10.1 State the author’s purpose; distinguish | |

|i. produce simple, compound, and complex |Read grade-level prose and poetry orally with |one’s own perspective from that of the author. | |

|sentences. |accuracy, appropriate rate, expression, |author’s purpose/ compare and contrast | |

|RL 10.1 Use paragraph-level context to determine|intonation, and phrasing on successive readings.|RI11.1 Identify problem and solution description| |

|the meaning of words and phrases. |Fluency |and question and answer structures to locate | |

|RL 10.2 Determine the meaning of a word when an | |information and gain meaning. | |

|affix is added to a base word. | |RI6.1 Summarize multi- paragraph texts using key| |

| |Unit 2-Literary Texts |detail to support the central idea. summarize | |

| |4 weeks |RI7 .1compare and contrast diverse texts on the | |

| |3-RL.9.1 - Identify and explain how the author |same topic; idea, or concept. research | |

| |uses idioms, metaphor, or personification to | | |

|Unit 2-Literary Texts |shape meaning and style. Figurative Language | | |

|3 weeks |3-RL.7.2 - Compare and contrast how an author | | |

|RL8.1a Use text evidence to: |uses characters to develop theme and plot in | | |

|a. describe characters’ traits, motivations, and|different texts within a series. Compare and | | |

|feelings and explain how their actions |Contrast | | |

|contribute to the development of the plot; |3-RL.11.1 - Explain the differences between | | |

|Story Elements |first and third person points of view. Point of | | |

|RL. 7.1 Explain how illustrations contribute to |View | | |

|create mood or emphasize aspects of character or|3-RL.9.2 - Explain how the author’s choice of | | |

|setting. Mood |words, illustrations, and conventions combine to| | |

|RL. 13.1 |create mood, contribute to meaning, and | | |

|Engage in whole and small group reading with |emphasize aspects of a character or setting. | | |

|purpose and understanding. |Mood (word choice) | | |

|RL. 13.2 |3-RI.5.1 - Ask and answer literal and | | |

|Read independently for sustained periods of time|inferential questions to determine meaning; | | |

|to build stamina. |refer explicitly to the text to support | | |

|RL.13.3 |inferences and conclusions. infer | | |

|Read and respond according to task and purpose |3-RL.12.1 - Identify text structures of various | | |

|to become self-directed, critical readers and |genres using the terms paragraph, chapter, | | |

|thinkers. |scene, and stanza; describe how each part | | |

|RL.12.1 |transitions. | | |

|Identify text structures of various genres using|3RL.13.1-13.1 Engage in whole and small group | | |

|the terms paragraph, chapter, scene, and stanza;|reading with purpose and understanding. | | |

|describe how each part transitions. Genre |13.2 Read independently for sustained periods of| | |

|RL.10.2 |time to build stamina. | | |

|Use paragraph-level context to determine the |13.3 Read and respond according to task and | | |

|meaning of words and phrases. Word Meaning |purpose to become self-directed, critical | | |

|RI. 5.2 |readers and thinkers. | | |

|Students are expected to build upon and continue| | | |

|applying previous learning. Grade 2 Make | | | |

|predictions before and during reading; confirm |Unit 3 Informational Text | | |

|or modify thinking. Predictions |4 weeks | | |

| |3-RL 12.2 Identify crafted text structures such | | |

| |as a collection of photographs or poetry texts, | | |

| |texts with a series of short memoirs, an | | |

| |inanimate voice text, and a framing question | | |

| |text. | | |

| |3-RI.8.1 - Explain how the author uses words and| | |

| |phrases to inform, explain, or describe. | | |

| |8.2 Use knowledge of appendices, timelines, | | |

| |maps, and charts to locate information and gain | | |

| |meaning; explain how these features contribute | | |

| |to a text.(maps, charts, timelines, author’s | | |

| |craft) | | |

| |3-RI.6.1 - Summarize multi-paragraph texts using| | |

| |key details to support the central idea. | | |

| |(summarize and main idea) | | |

| |3-RI.10.1 - State the author’s purpose; | | |

| |distinguish one’s own perspective from that of | | |

| |the author. (author’s purpose) | | |

| |3-RI.11.1 - Identify problem and solution, | | |

| |description, and question and answer structures | | |

| |to locate information and gain meaning. | | |

| |3-RI.12.3 Read and respond according to task and| | |

| |purpose to become self-directed, critical | | |

| |readers and thinkers. | | |


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