Writing an Informational Text Using Multiple Sources 4th Grade

[Pages:60]Writing an Informational Text Using Multiple Sources

4th Grade

Created for the Reading Writing Project 2016-17 by Tara Greene, Alicia Kurtz, and Becky Hamilton Appoquinimink School District

Unit Overview

This fourth grade unit teaches ELA skills through a science texts. Students first learn to make inferences and support them with text evidence. Next, they categorize information from a science text as either "what" happened or "why" it happened. Students then read a second text and compare its information to the first. Finally, they learn specific formatting and organizational strategies and write an informational article using information from both texts. Following the instructional portion of the unit, students independently read two texts and view an informational video about hurricane technology and use the three sources to write an informational text about improvements in hurricane technology.

1 Delaware Department of Education Reading/Writing Project 2016 Lesson plan format adapted from Learning-Focused Strategies. Thompson, M., Thompson, J. (2008)

Table of Contents

Planning Chart 1, standards, questions, and depth of knowledge for Performance Task.................................3 Planning Chart 2, standards, learning targets, learning progressions, and formative assessments ................. 5 Performance Task...............................................................................................................................................9 Performance Task Directions for students.......................................................................................................11 Performance Task Article Template ................................................................................................................. 13 Performance Task Exemplar - High .................................................................................................................. 14 Performance Task Exemplar ? Mid-Level.........................................................................................................16 Performance Task Exemplar ? Mid-Level.........................................................................................................17 Performance Task Exemplar ? Special Education ............................................................................................ 18 Performance Task Exemplar ? Low .................................................................................................................. 19 Scope and Sequence ........................................................................................................................................ 20 Lesson 1, Supporting Inferences with Two Lies and a Truth............................................................................22 Lesson 2, What and Why? ................................................................................................................................ 26 Lesson 3, Fossils: Across Two Texts..................................................................................................................28 Appendix A, Frayer Model graphic organizer .......................................................................................... 30 Appendix B, Phineas and Ferb inference task cards................................................................................. 32 Appendix C, "Uncovering Clues to the Past" text .................................................................................... 37 Appendix D, Making Inferences graphic organizer .................................................................................. 42 Appendix E, Notetaking sheet................................................................................................................ 43 Appendix F, What and Why task cards ................................................................................................... 44 Appendix G, Exit ticket for Lesson 2 ....................................................................................................... 47 Appendix H, "Face to Fossil" text ........................................................................................................... 48 Appendix I, Inquiry Chart ...................................................................................................................... 56 Appendix J, Article Template for student writing .................................................................................... 57 Text Complexity Analysis, "Uncovering Clues to the Past" ....................................................................... 58 Text Complexity Analysis, "Face to Fossil" .............................................................................................. 59

2 Delaware Department of Education Reading/Writing Project 2016 Lesson plan format adapted from Learning-Focused Strategies. Thompson, M., Thompson, J. (2008)


School: Silver Lake Elementary School



Question 1:


The technology explained in source 1 and source 2 is used to predict different aspects of a hurricane. Using information from both sources, explain how the purposes of these types of technology are different.

Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.


Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigations of different aspects of a topic.


Know [Which

concepts/skills will

Do [What is the

DoK students need to know question/full write asking

in order to complete the

students to do?]

questions/full write?]

Choosing relevant Incorporate evidence

text evidence

from two sources

Making inferences Infer purposes of

based on text


Identify relevant

Compare purposes of



Take notes

Support responses

How to refer to

with evidence



Focus research


around a topic that Take Notes

is provided.

List sources


Gather a variety of

information about a

research topic.

Recall relevant

information from

experiences or gather

relevant information from

print and digital sources;

take notes and categorize

information, and provide

a list of sources.

Question 2:


Choosing relevant Draw conclusion

text evidence

based on evidence

Using evidence from all Explain events,

Drawing conclusions Evaluate evidence to

three sources, why is procedures, ideas, or

based on evidence


the information

concepts in a historical,

Identify relevant

gathered from the

scientific, or technical


advanced technology text, including what

Take notes

important to the public? happened and why, based

How to refer to

on specific information in the text.



Focus research

importance Explain an idea based

on specific textual information Categorize information


around a topic that Take Notes

is provided.

List sources

Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through

Gather a variety of information about a research topic.

investigations of different

aspects of a topic.

3 Delaware Department of Education Reading/Writing Project 2016 Lesson plan format adapted from Learning-Focused Strategies. Thompson, M., Thompson, J. (2008)


Recall relevant

information from

experiences or gather

relevant information from

print and digital sources;

take notes and categorize

information, and provide

a list of sources.

Question 3:


Making inferences Identify relevant text

based on text


Using the article,

Refer to details and


Make inferences

"Drones will be put to examples in a text when

Choosing relevant

based on evidence

work this hurricane

explaining what the text

season" complete the says explicitly and when


chart with information drawing inferences from

from the text.

the text.

text evidence

Refer to details and examples in explanations

Full Write:


How are advances in technology helping to predict and warn about potentially dangerous hurricanes?

Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly

Format of a

Write a newsletter


Format using text

Purpose of various

features to guide

text features


Difference between Develop the topic

information and

with details,


information, and

3 Structure of a


concluding section Provide a concluding

Vocabulary specific

statement related to

to hurricanes and

the information



Use domain-specific

vocabulary to explain

the topic

4 Delaware Department of Education Reading/Writing Project 2016 Lesson plan format adapted from Learning-Focused Strategies. Thompson, M., Thompson, J. (2008)


School: Silver Lake Elementary School

Standard: RI.4.9 Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.


Learning Progressions

Formative Assessment Strategies

Identify information from two texts on the same topic

Comparison table graphic organizer

Checklist/Sort where students

match information from one of the

Identify the most important points from two texts for a given purpose

texts to the source(s) that it came from.

Identify the key/supporting details from two texts for a given purpose

Lesson Link; RI.4.1, RI.4.3, RI.4.9 & W.4.2- (Resources only):




Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably

Integrate information by graphically representing the most important points presented by two texts on the same topic

Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably



Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4

topic or subject area.


Learning Progressions

Formative Assessment Strategies

Identify context clues to Know the types of context clue

support determination Use text structure to identify context

of meaning

clues for targeted words

Student responses with post-its

Lesson Idea Link: g/content/supporting-inferences-twolies-and-truth

Use context clues to

determine the meaning Use context clues to determine the

of academic and

meaning of words

domain-specific words

Frayer model

5 Delaware Department of Education Reading/Writing Project 2016 Lesson plan format adapted from Learning-Focused Strategies. Thompson, M., Thompson, J. (2008)

Standard: RI.4.3

Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text.


Learning Progressions

Formative Assessment Strategies

Explain events, ideas, or concepts in a scientific or technical text, including what happened and why

Explain how ideas, events, steps are connected

Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text.

Graphic organizer

Use specific evidence from the text to support explanations of events, ideas, or concepts.

Use specific information to explain what and why key events, ideas, procedures, events happened



Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences

from the text.


Learning Progressions

Formative Assessment Strategies

Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly

Use the combination of explicitly stated information, background knowledge, and connections to the text to answer questions

Use paraphrasing to appropriately reference text rather than copying verbatim

Explain what the text says by making reference to details and examples (evidence) from the text

Student responses with post-its

Lesson Idea Link: content/supportinginferences-two-lies-and-truth

Make inferences about author's decisions

and content by making reference to

Refer to details and

details and examples (evidence) from the

examples in a text when


drawing inferences from the Refer to details and examples in a text


when explaining what the text says

explicitly and when drawing inferences

from the text.

6 Delaware Department of Education Reading/Writing Project 2016 Lesson plan format adapted from Learning-Focused Strategies. Thompson, M., Thompson, J. (2008)

Standard: W.4.2 Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly


Learning Progressions

Formative Assessment Strategies

Introduce a topic and group related information in paragraphs or sections; include formatting

Identify a topic List information related to the topic Organize and group related information

together Identify & demonstrate an appropriate

writing format Write a beginning statement that

introduces topic and presents information Organize sentences into paragraphs Add formatting where appropriate

(heading, bold print, italics, etc.)

Complete the "Organizing Your Essay" graphic organizer to group related information in sections.

Choose a source to research facts,

definitions and details about the topic

Identify information from the source

Develop the topic with facts, Differentiate between relevant and

definitions, concrete details,

irrelevant reasons

quotations, or other

Construct sentences from researched

information and examples

information that support the topic

related to the topic.

Quote information from the source

Develop the topic with information

gathered from sources

IAB Brief Write #4

Link ideas within categories of information using words and phrases (e.g., another, for example, also, because).

Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.

Provide examples that connect to the


Use linking words and phrases to connect

topic and ideas ( another, also, and, but)

Use linking words and phrases to connect topic and ideas and categorize information

Use linking/ transition words and phrases

Thumbs Up/Thumbs down (highlighting strategy using linking words chart.)

to connect ideas within categories

Link ideas within categories of information

using words and phrases (e.g. another, for

example, also, because)

Identify vocabulary specific to the topic

Use specific relevant vocabulary to inform

or explain topic

Frayer model using domain

Use vivid verbs and precise nouns to

specific vocabulary (4)

inform or explain topic

Teacher observation on

Use precise language and domain-specific

highlighting strategy using

vocabulary to inform about or explain the

domain specific vocabulary.


7 Delaware Department of Education Reading/Writing Project 2016 Lesson plan format adapted from Learning-Focused Strategies. Thompson, M., Thompson, J. (2008)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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