NSQHS Standard 6 Communicating for Safety - Queensland Health

嚜燒SQHS Standard 6 Communicating for Safety

Definitions sheet 每 Edition 2

Communicating for Safety Audit Tools Definitions

The following definitions and examples apply to the Communicating for Safety Audit Tools:


Clinical handover is defined as the transfer of professional responsibility and accountability for

some or all aspects of care for a patient, or group of patients, to another person or professional

group on a temporary or permanent basis. Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health

Care. National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards. 2nd edition (2017).


Clinical handover is done in two stages:


Stage 1 is away from the bedside and is setting the scene 每 The stage 1 meeting is intended

to be a short snapshot of patient care. This meeting also provides a chance for confidential

patient information to be discussed, which would not otherwise be discussed at the bedside.

This stage of handover should be brief and take no longer than 10 minutes.


Stage 2 occurs at the bedside.


Handover Summary Sheet is a briefing that promotes situation awareness and contains sensitive

information, e.g. test results, psychiatric issues, communicable diseases, NFR orders, social/family

issues etc.


Bedside Safety Scan involves call bell in reach, equipment functioning, mobility aids in reach, check

lines/tubes, review med chart, review bedside chart, etc.


Identification Bands


Surgical Safety Checklist


Perioperative Patient Record


Procedure Informed Consent Form

For Queensland Health staff, please go to QHEPS for further information on communicating for safety.

NSQHS Standards Edition 2 Version 1.0

Standard 6 Communicating for Safety 每 Definitions

1. Identification Bands (as per the Queensland Bedside Audit (QBA))

Patient Identification (ID) Band

Wristbands containing patient information have been the standard method of identifying patients in

hospitals for many years. Patient ID bands are a critical tool to prevent errors associated with mismatching

patients and their care. The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care has developed

specifications for a standard national patient identification band. The specifications set out standards for

the useability, content and colour of patient identification bands in Australia.

Single White ID Band

Single Red ID Band - to identify

a known allergy or other known


NSQHS Standards Edition 2 Version 1.0

Standard 6 Communicating for Safety 每 Definitions


Core Identifiers (Unit Record

Number (URN), Name and

Date of Birth (DOB)) written

in black text on a white


Further information can be found on The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care


NSQHS Standards Edition 2 Version 1.0

Standard 6 Communicating for Safety 每 Definitions


2. Surgical Safety Checklist

The tools incorporate key questions to audit patient identification in the surgical safety checklist, as

highlighted below.

For Queensland Health staff, please go to QHEPS for further information on the Surgical Safety

Checklist and the 3C*s.

NSQHS Standards Edition 2 Version 1.0

Standard 6 Communicating for Safety 每 Definitions


3. Perioperative Patient Record

The tools incorporate key questions to audit patient identification in the perioperative patient record, as

highlighted below.

For Queensland Health staff, please go to QHEPS for further information on the Perioperative Patient

Record Pathway.

NSQHS Standards Edition 2 Version 1.0

Standard 6 Communicating for Safety 每 Definitions



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