T sql create function table parameter


T sql create function table parameter

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use SQL Server table-valued function including inline table-valued function and multi-statement valued functions.What is a table-valued function in SQL ServerA table-valued function is a user-defined function that returns data of a table type. The return type of a table-valued function is a table, therefore, you can use the table-valued function just like you would use a table.Creating a table-

valued functionThe following statement example creates a table-valued function that returns a list of products including product name, model year and the list price for a specific model year:CREATE FUNCTION udfProductInYear ( @model_year INT ) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN SELECT product_name, model_year, list_price FROM production.products WHERE model_year = @model_year; Code language: SQL (Structured

Query Language) (sql)The syntax is similar to the one that creates a user-defined function.The RETURNS TABLE specifies that the function will return a table. As you can see, there is no BEGIN...END statement. The statement simply queries data from the production.products table.The udfProductInYear function accepts one parameter named @model_year of type INT. It returns the products whose model years equal @model_year

parameter.Once the table-valued function is created, you can find it under Programmability > Functions > Table-valued Functions as shown in the following picture:The function above returns the result set of a single SELECT statement, therefore, it is also known as an inline table-valued function.Executing a table-valued functionTo execute a table-valued function, you use it in the FROM clause of the SELECT statement:SELECT *

FROM udfProductInYear(2017); Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)In this example, we selected the products whose model year is 2017.You can also specify which columns to be returned from the table-valued function as follows:SELECT product_name, list_price FROM udfProductInYear(2018); Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)Here is the partial output:Modifying a table-valued functionTo

modify a table-valued function, you use the ALTER instead of CREATE keyword. The rest of the script is the same.For example, the following statement modifies the udfProductInYear by changing the existing parameter and adding one more parameter:ALTER FUNCTION udfProductInYear ( @start_year INT, @end_year INT ) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN SELECT product_name, model_year, list_price FROM production.products

WHERE model_year BETWEEN @start_year AND @end_year Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)The udfProductInYear function now returns products whose model year between a starting year and an ending year.The following statement calls the udfProductInYear function to get the products whose model years are between 2017 and 2018:SELECT product_name, model_year, list_price FROM

udfProductInYear(2017,2018) ORDER BY product_name; Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)Here is the partial output:Multi-statement table-valued functions (MSTVF)A multi-statement table-valued function or MSTVF is a table-valued function that returns the result of multiple statements.The multi-statement-table-valued function is very useful because you can execute multiple queries within the function and

aggregate results into the returned table.To define a multi-statement table-valued function, you use a table variable as the return value. Inside the function, you execute one or more queries and insert data into this table variable.The following udfContacts() function combines staffs and customers into a single contact list:CREATE FUNCTION udfContacts() RETURNS @contacts TABLE ( first_name VARCHAR(50), last_name

VARCHAR(50), email VARCHAR(255), phone VARCHAR(25), contact_type VARCHAR(20) ) AS BEGIN INSERT INTO @contacts SELECT first_name, last_name, email, phone, 'Staff' FROM sales.staffs; INSERT INTO @contacts SELECT first_name, last_name, email, phone, 'Customer' FROM sales.customers; RETURN; END; Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)The following statement illustrates how to

execute a multi-statement table-valued function udfContacts:SELECT * FROM udfContacts(); Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)Output:When to use table-valued functionsWe typically use table-valued functions as parameterized views. In comparison with stored procedures, the table-valued functions are more flexible because we can use them wherever tables are used.In this tutorial, you have learned about

SQL Server table-valued function including inline table-valued functions and multi-statement table-valued functions. In this article series, we will find basics and common usage scenarios about the inline table-valued functions and we will also be consolidating your learnings with practical examples. At first, we will briefly look for an answer to the "Why should we use functions in the SQL Server?" question. In the SQL Server database

development process, functions allow us to wrap up the codes in a single database executable database object. In other words, functions allow applying the encapsulation idea to T-SQL codes. So, a written function can be reused multiple times. In this way, we don't spend time writing the same code over and over again and as a result, we can reduce the repetition of code. Additionally, the SQL Server function usage helps to degrade

the code clutter. Description The simple definition of the table-valued function (TVF) can be made such like that; a user-defined function that returns a table data type and also it can accept parameters. TVFs can be used after the FROM clause in the SELECT statements so that we can use them just like a table in the queries.The first thing that comes to our mind is that, what is the main difference between the view (Views are virtual

database objects that retrieve data from one or more tables) and TVF? The views do not allow parameterized usage this is the essential difference between views and TVFs. In the following sections, we will reinforce these theoretical pieces of information with practical examples from easy to the difficult. The TVFs can be categorized into two types. These are inline and multi-statement table-valued functions. In this article, we

particularly focus on the inline one. You can direct to this article, SQL Server built-in functions and user-defined scalar functions, to gain knowledge about built-in functions and user-defined scalar functions in SQL Server. Note: All the examples of this article will be used on the Adventureworks sample database and queries formatted in the ApexSQL Online SQL formatter. Creating an inline table-valued function (iTVF) The iTVF has not

included BEGIN/END block in their syntax and the SELECT statement is the output of this type of functions and this is the finest detail of the iTVF. The following T-SQL statement creates a very basic iTVF and the output of this function will be the Product table. CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udfGetProductList](@SafetyStockLevel SMALLINT(SELECT Product.ProductID, WHERE SafetyStockLevel >= @SafetyStockLevel) Now, we will

tackle the code line by line. CREATE Function udfGetProductList(@SafetyStockLevel SMALLINT) The above code part specifies the name of the function and parameters name and data types of the function. Particularly, for our function, we specify only one parameter which is named @SafetyStockLevel and its data type is SMALLINT. The above code part specifies that the function will return a table. (SELECT Product.ProductID,

WHERE SafetyStockLevel >= @SafetyStockLevel) The above code part returns data like ProductId, Name, and ProductNumber from the Product table for which the value in the column SafetyStockLevel is equal or greater than the value passed in the function's parameter. We can find out the udfGetProductList function under the Programmability folder in SQL Server Management Studio. As you can see in the above image, SSMS

also shows the parameters information of the iTVF. Executing an inline table-valued function Through the following query, we can execute the TVF. We should mark one thing again that the resultset of the function will be changed according to @SafetyStockLevel parameter. FROM dbo.udfGetProductList( 100 ) In the above case, we passed the @SafetyStockLevel as 100 and the udfGetProductList function returned a resultset

according to this parameter. In the below example, we will add a WHERE clause to query so that we can apply to filter the output of the function. FROM dbo.udfGetProductList( 100 )WHERE Name LIKE 'Chainring%' In the following example, we will use the JOIN clause with the udfGetProductList function. SELECT PUdfList.ProductNumber, PUdfList.Name, PCost.StandardCostFROM dbo.udfGetProductList( 100 ) AS PUdfList

Production.ProductCostHistory AS PCost ON PUdfList.ProductId = PCost.ProductIDWHERE PUdfList.ProductId = 717 In the above case, we joined the ProductCostHistory table and udfGetProductList and added the StandartCost column to the resultset from ProductCostHistory table. Usage of the default parameter We learned that the inline table-valued functions accept parameters and these parameters must be passed to the

functions in order to execute them. However, we can declare default parameter values for iTVFs. If we want to execute a function with a default value, we should set a default value and we can set this value to the function with the help of the DEFAULT keyword. In the following example, we will alter the udfGetProductList function and declare a new parameter with a default value. In this way, we do not need to give any value to the

parameter. Solely, we will pass the DEFAULT keyword instead of the parameter value. ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[udfGetProductList](@SafetyStockLevel SMALLINT , @MFlag BIT=0(SELECT Product.ProductID, WHERE SafetyStockLevel >= @SafetyStockLevel In the above usage scenario, we added a new parameter to udfGetProductList function whose name is @MFlag and this parameter default value is specified as 0. Now let's

learn how to execute the udfGetProductList function with the default parameter. The following query shows this usage method: FROM dbo.udfGetProductList( 100, DEFAULT ) How to pass multiple parameters into an Inline table-valued function In some cases, we need to pass multiple parameter values to iTVFs. Assume that the development team wants to pass multiple values in one parameter into the designed function. To perform

a usage scenario like this, we must create a user-defined table type because through these types we gain an ability to declare table-valued parameters. Table-valued parameters allow sending multiple values to functions. Creating a user-defined table type: CREATE TYPE ProductNumberList AS TABLE Adding the table-valued to udfGetProductList function with READONLY statement: ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[udfGetProductList]


@SafetyStockLevel SMALLINT, @MFlag BIT= 0, @ProductList ProductNumberList READONLY)(SELECT Product.ProductID, Product.Name, Product.ProductNumber WHERE SafetyStockLevel >= @SafetyStockLevel AND Product.ProductNumber IN Declare a variable as a table-valued parameter and populate it with multiple parameter values. Execute the function. DECLARE @TempProductList AS

ProductNumberListINSERT INTO @TempProductListVALUES( 'EC-R098' ), ( 'EC-T209' )SELECT * FROM [dbo].[udfGetProductList](100,1,@TempProductList) Conclusion In this article, we explored why we should use functions in SQL Server and then learned the usage scenarios of the inline table-valued functions (iTVF). These types of functions make our database development process easier and modular and also, they help to

avoid re-write the same code again.

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